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Bücher von Ram Bilas Misra

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  • 11% sparen
    von Ram Bilas Misra
    24,00 €

    Prayag es el antiguo nombre sánscrito de Allahabad, una ciudad en el norte de la India, situada en la confluencia de tres ríos: el Ganges, Yamuna y Saraswati, la diosa del aprendizaje. Sant Tulsidas describe este Prayag como Tirthraj (¿Rey de todos los Tirthas¿) en su clásica epopeya Ram Charit Manas. Cuando el sol cruza la línea de Capricornio, todos los Tirthas, santos y otros Rishis visitan el Tirthraj Prayag. La Universidad puede considerarse la segunda universidad más antigua de todo el subcontinente indio. Las tres primeras universidades (de Calcuta, Bombay y Madrás) se establecieron al mismo tiempo en 1857 por un decreto del gobierno británico. Después de tres décadas, toda la jurisdicción norte de la Universidad de Calcuta fue tallada a nombre de la Universidad de Allahabad el 23 de septiembre de 1887. El autor tiene el privilegio de haber enseñado allí durante más de dos décadas. Los docentes eruditos de matemáticas de esta Universidad contribuyeron mucho a su crecimiento académico. Sus nombres y sus textos matemáticos figuran en este reportaje. Algunos de ellos, como el Dr. Gorakh Prasad, el Prof. B.N. Prasad y el Prof. R.S. Mishra se convirtió en figuras legendarias por sus valiosos servicios hacia el sujeto.

  • 11% sparen
  • 11% sparen
    von Ram Bilas Misra
    24,00 €

    Astrologia zawsze by¿a fascynuj¿cym tematem dla ludzko¿ci, a Kosmos zawsze pozostawä wielk¿ tajemnic¿, mimo ¿e by¿ szeroko badany przez naukowców. Urodzi¿em si¿ w tradycyjnej rodzinie Vaishnavite w Indiach i od dzieci¿stwa równie¿ jestem zmotywowany do tego tematu. Nawi¿zuj¿c kontakt z panem Yogendar Nath Dixitem, nauczycielem matematyki w Allahabadzie (Indie) z g¿¿bok¿ znajomo¿ci¿ astrologii indyjskiej, w 1963 r. nauczy¿em si¿ od niego wielu ciekawszych cech tego przedmiotu podczas mojej d¿ugiej wspó¿pracy z nim. W pädzierniku 1995 roku zostäem zmuszony do wyg¿oszenia wyk¿adu na "Mi¿dzynarodowej Konferencji na temat Zintegrowanych Systemów Medycznych" zorganizowanej przez jej organizatorów na Hinduskim Uniwersytecie Banaras w Varanasi (Indie), wybräem ten temat i przygotowäem wyk¿ad (w j¿zyku angielskim) z nale¿ytymi konsultacjami z wieloma badaczami tego tematu. Varanasi jest znane od wieków tak¿e dla swoich badaczy w dziedzinie astrologii. Dzi¿ki mojemu wieloletniemu do¿wiadczeniu w szkoleniu matematycznym, staräem si¿ w skrócie przedstawi¿ tutaj ró¿ne aspekty astrologii (ze szczególnym uwzgl¿dnieniem astrologii indyjskiej).

  • 11% sparen
    von Ram Bilas Misra
    24,00 €

  • 11% sparen
    von Ram Bilas Misra
    24,00 €

  • 11% sparen
    von Ram Bilas Misra
    24,00 €

  • 11% sparen
  • 11% sparen
    von Ram Bilas Misra
    24,00 €

  • 11% sparen
    von Ram Bilas Misra
    24,00 €

  • 11% sparen
    von Ram Bilas Misra
    24,00 €

  • 11% sparen
    von Ram Bilas Misra
    24,00 €

    Prayag to staro¿ytna sanskrycka nazwa Allahabad - miasta w pó¿nocnych Indiach, po¿o¿onego u zbiegu trzech rzek: Gangesu, Jamuny i Saraswati - Bogini Nauki. Sant Tulsidas opisuje ten Prayag jako Tirthraj (¿Król wszystkich Tirthas¿) w swoim klasycznym eposie Ram Charit Manas. Kiedy s¿o¿ce przekracza lini¿ Kozioro¿ca, wszyscy Tirthas, ¿wi¿ci i inni Riszi odwiedzaj¿ Tirthraj Prayag. Tamtejszy uniwersytet mo¿na uznä za drugi najstarszy uniwersytet na cäym subkontynencie indyjskim. Pierwsze trzy uniwersytety (w Kalkucie, Bombaju i Madrasie) zostäy zäo¿one w tym samym czasie w 1857 roku dekretem rz¿du brytyjskiego. Po trzech dekadach cäa pó¿nocna jurysdykcja Uniwersytetu w Kalkucie zostäa wyrze¿biona w imi¿ Uniwersytetu Allahabad 23 wrze¿nia 1887 roku. Autor ma zaszczyt nauczä tam przez ponad dwie dekady. W rozwoju akademickim bardzo przyczynili si¿ wyksztäceni nauczyciele matematyki na tej uczelni. Ich nazwiska i matematyczne teksty pojawiaj¿ si¿ w tym reportäu. Niektórzy z nich, jak dr Gorakh Prasad, prof. B.N. Prasad i Prof. R.S. Mishra stä si¿ legendarnymi postaciami za ich cenne zas¿ugi dla poddanych

  • von Ram Bilas Misra
    26,90 €

    Prayag ist der alte Sanskrit-Name von Allahabad - einer Stadt in Nordindien, die am Zusammenfluss von drei Flüssen liegt: dem Ganges, Yamuna und Saraswati - der Göttin des Lernens. Sant Tulsidas beschreibt diesen Prayag in seinem klassischen Epos Ram Charit Manas als Tirthraj (¿König aller Tirthas¿). Wenn die Sonne die Linie des Steinbocks überquert, besuchen alle Tirthas, Heiligen und andere Rishis den Tirthraj Prayag. Die dortige Universität kann als zweitälteste Universität des gesamten indischen Subkontinents angesehen werden. Die ersten drei Universitäten (von Kalkutta, Bombay und Madras) wurden gleichzeitig 1857 durch ein Dekret der britischen Regierung gegründet. Nach drei Jahrzehnten wurde am 23. September 1887 die gesamte nördliche Gerichtsbarkeit der Universität von Kalkutta im Namen der Universität von Allahabad herausgearbeitet. Der Autor hat das Privileg, dort mehr als zwei Jahrzehnte lang unterrichtet zu haben. An dieser Universität gelernte Mathematiklehrer haben viel zu ihrem akademischen Wachstum beigetragen. Ihre Namen und ihre mathematischen Texte finden sich in dieser Reportage. Einige von ihnen wie Dr. Gorakh Prasad, Prof. B.N. Prasad und Prof. R.S. Mishra wurde zu legendären Figuren für ihre wertvollen Dienste für das Subjekt

  • 11% sparen
    von Ram Bilas Misra
    24,00 €

  • 11% sparen
  • 11% sparen
    von Ram Bilas Misra
    24,00 €

  • 11% sparen
    von Ram Bilas Misra
    87,00 €

  • 11% sparen
  • 11% sparen
    von Ram Bilas Misra
    113,00 €

  • 10% sparen
    von Ram Bilas Misra
    150,00 €

    The present book is the third issue of a series explaining various terms and concepts in Mathematics. Introducing the topics in concise form of definitions, main results, theorems and examples, it may serve as a reference book. The topics arranged in alphabetical order starting from Algebra (Classical) and covering up to Geometry (3-dimensional Coordinate) were included in the first volume. Further topics from Differential Geometry up to Jacobians have been included in volume 2. The present volume includes the topics from Laplace Transform up to Special Functions.The subject matter is presented here in nineteen chapters of which the first one lists few results referred to in the later discussion. The next eighteen chapters cover the material on main topics of Laplace Transform, Inverse Laplace Transform, their Applications to Differential Equations, Linear Algebra, Linear Programming, Matrix Theory, Metric Spaces, Number System, Number Theory, Numerical Analysis, Operations Research, Power Series and Expansion of Functions, Quadratic Forms, Riemannian Geometry, Sequences and Series, Series Solutions of ODEs, Set Theory and Special Functions.For more details, please visit

  • 10% sparen
    von Ram Bilas Misra
    150,00 €

    The present book is the second issue of a series explaining various terms and concepts in Mathematics. Introducing the topics in concise form of definitions, main results, theorems and examples, it may serve as a reference book. The topics arranged in alphabetical order starting from Algebra (Classical) and covering up to Geometry (3-dimensional Coordinate) were included in the first volume. Further topics from Differential Geometry up to Jacobians are included in the present volume.The subject matter is presented here in sixteen chapters of which the first one lists few results referred to in the later discussion. The next five chapters cover the material on main topics of Differential Geometry such as Curves in Space, Envelopes and Ruled surfaces, Curvature of surfaces, Gauss and Mainardi-Codazzi equations, Special curves on a surface. All of these chapters in D.G. are supplemented with number of unsolved problems with necessary hints. Finite Geometry is discussed in Chapter 7, while Chapter 8 deals with the Historical development of Euclidean geometry. The next four chapters deal with the Plane, Solid, Spherical and Transformation geometries. Improper integrals, Evaluation of Improper integrals with limits and Uniform convergence of Improper integrals is taken up in Chapters 13-15. The last chapter deals with Jacobians and their properties.For more details, please visit

  • 12% sparen
    von Ram Bilas Misra
    96,00 €

  • 12% sparen
    von Ram Bilas Misra
    132,00 €

    The present book is the fourth issue of a series explaining various terms and concepts in Mathematics and Statistics. Introducing the topics in concise form of definitions, main results, theorems and examples, it may serve as a reference book. The topics arranged in alphabetical order starting from Algebra (Classical) and covering up to Geometry (3-dimensional Coordinate) were included in the first volume. Further topics from Differential Geometry up to Jacobians have been included in volume 2, while volume 3 includes the topics from Laplace Transform up to Special Functions. The present volume deals with the topics from Statics up to Vector Spaces.The subject matter is presented here in fourteen chapters of which the first one lists few results referred to in the later discussion. The next thirteen chapters cover the material on main topics of Statics, Statistical Techniques, Tensors (Cartesian), Tensors in Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates, Theory of Equations, Topological Spaces, Trigonometry (Plain), Vector Algebra, their applications to Geometry, their Derivation and Integration. The last chapter discusses the Vector Spaces in detail.For more details, please visit

  • 10% sparen
    von Ram Bilas Misra
    79,00 €

  • 13% sparen
    - Part 2
    von Ram Bilas Misra
    105,00 €

  • 13% sparen
    - Part 1
    von Ram Bilas Misra
    105,00 €

  • 11% sparen
    von Ram Bilas Misra
    106,00 €

    The book deals with advanced topics of applied mathematics taught in universities and technical institutions. The subject matter is presented in 15 chapters. The first chapter offers the pre-requisites starting from numbers extending up to complex numbers. Vivid topics on group theory, vector algebra and vector calculus are included. The second chapter offers a comprehensive course on ‘ordinary differential equations (ODE)’ needed in the subsequent discussion. Möbius transformations, Laplace transform, inverse Laplace transform, their applications to solve ODEs, Fourier series, Bessel’s and wave equations are dealt in detail while multi-valued functions, diffusion equation, rotation group and non-relativistic scattering are briefly covered. The book is suitable for one year/two semester course for graduate students with 3 hours weekly credits. The presentation is made as lucid as possible based on the author’s long teaching experience of the subject for over 5 decades at different universities worldwide.For more details, please visit

  • 12% sparen
  • 16% sparen
    von Ram Bilas Misra
    41,00 €

    The present book is the first Issue of a Series explaining various mathematical terms and concepts. It introduces the topics, definitions, main results and theorems avoiding proofs of the results. It may serve as a reference book. The first Issue consists of topics in Mathematical Analysis. The remaining ones covering topics of other mathematical disciplines will follow in the sequel. The contents are divided into Sections - numbered chapter wise. The discussion within the Sections is presented in the form of Definitions, Theorems, Notes and Examples. These subtitles within the Sections are numbered in decimal pattern. For instance, the equation number (c.s.e) refers to the eth equation in the sth section of Chapter c. When the number c coincides with the chapter at hand, it is dropped. Adequate references to the previously quoted results are made in the text avoiding their unnecessary repetition. For brevity, some set-theoretic notations and symbols are frequently used, e.g. the symbol ¿ means implies. The logarithm of a number to the exponential base e is denoted by ln. All the Latin mathematical symbols are normally italicized, while their Greek counterparts are in normal fonts.

  • 16% sparen
    von Ram Bilas Misra
    41,00 €

    The book offers a second course on Integral Calculus (of functions of real variables) for Graduate and Engineering students. Convergence (including uniform convergence) of improper integrals and various tests of Abel, Dirichlet and Weierstrass for the same are discussed. Improper integrals of quotient functions of various forms are evaluated. Integrations of continuous functions of 2 variables are discussed in relation with differential and integral properties of parameters in the functions. Eulerian integrals: Beta and Gamma functions, their transformation properties, relations connecting them, reflection and duplication formulae for the Gamma function and Frullani''s integral are given. Double and triple integrals giving volume and areas of surfaces are discussed in the last 3 chapters. Numerous examples are solved illustrating the methods of change of order of integration. Dirichlet''s integrals of 2nd, 3rd and pth orders are evaluated. Transfor- mations of integrals into 2 and 3-dimensional polar coordinates including Dirichlet''s and Liouville''s integrals are given. A short bibliography of the subject and an alphabetical index are added at the end.

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