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Bücher von Ramesh Kumar

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  • von Ramesh Kumar
    51,00 €

    Unleash the Power of Node.js for Building Enterprise-Grade, Scalable Server-Side Applications.Book DescriptionUnlock the full potential of Node.js for modern web development with this comprehensive handbook to developing applications and services.The book will cover the fundamentals to advanced techniques, and explore the intricacies of building powerful applications. You will master Express server creation, develop RESTful APIs with efficient routing, and dive into MongoDB for seamless data persistence.It will uncover the nuances of template engines, middleware, and robust authentication methods. Leverage Socket.IO for real-time capabilities and adeptly handle errors with effective logging. The projects will double as versatile boilerplates for kickstarting your own development endeavors.In the later chapter, you will learn Test-Driven Development with Mocha, gain insights into debugging, and perfect the art of building and deploying Node.js applications.Each example in the book adheres to common best practices, providing valuable insights to help you avoid common pitfalls. Designed as both a learning resource and a reference guide, this book equips you with the knowledge to tackle challenging problems at any stage of development.Table of Contents1. Getting Started with Node.js2. Deep Dive into Node.js3. Introducing Express.js4. Creating REST API and Routing5. Working with MongoDB6. Data Persistence7. Template Engines8. Middleware Functions9. Authentication and Authorization10. Socket.IO11. Handling and Logging Errors12. TDD with Mocha and Chai13. Debugging14. Build and Deployments15. Future Scope Index

  • 18% sparen
    von Ramesh Kumar
    50,00 €

    The deprival and denial from the life, liberty and security of men on the basis of abuses of law and violation of human rights by some women or persons in spite of existence of enforcement system in today¿s changing democratic globalized world by reason of the preconceived human ideational things which are very serious in nature. the history of women exploitation, atrocities, wrongs, violations of human rights and other connected is untold and unexpressed by words and language but on the ground of historical aspects and incidents, in this present time, innocent men must not be criminalized, punished and sentenced by the reasons of occurred historical occurrences further due the historical perspectives as above and other several incidents, human mind has started to build the preconceived ideology to get its predefined consequences against men The preconceived ideology to get its predefined consequences against men and men¿s human rights is not permissible by human rights. The implementation of law is being processed by human on the ground of preconceived ideology to get its predefined consequences against men by reason of it the justice is also being prejudicially affected.

  • 16% sparen
    von Ramesh Kumar
    37,00 €

    ¿Practical Biochemistry for Pharmacy Students" is a guidebook designed to provide a detailed understanding of biochemistry concepts relevant to pharmacy course. Authored by experts in the field, the book offers an in-depth exploration of key topics of biochemistry experiments on enzymes, proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and preparation of buffer solutions. These experiments have been carefully designed to provide students with hands-on experience in performing biochemical assays and analyzing data as per latest syllabus. The book is organized into 12 chapters, each of which covers a specific aspect of biochemistry. One of the unique features of this book is, besides emphasis on practical experiments it also provides the clinical significance of relevant topics. The book is written in a clear and concise style.Overall, "Practical Biochemistry for Pharmacy Students" is an essential resource for any pharmacy student looking to develop a strong foundation in biochemistry. Its practical approach and emphasis on clinical relevance make it a valuable reference for students throughout their pharmacy education and beyond.

  • 16% sparen
    von Ramesh Kumar
    37,00 €

    "Practical Biochemistry for Pharmacy Students" est un guide conçu pour fournir une compréhension détaillée des concepts de biochimie pertinents pour les cours de pharmacie. Rédigé par des experts dans le domaine, le livre propose une exploration approfondie des sujets clés des expériences de biochimie sur les enzymes, les protéines, les hydrates de carbone, les lipides et la préparation de solutions tampons. Ces expériences ont été soigneusement conçues pour fournir aux étudiants une expérience pratique dans la réalisation d'essais biochimiques et l'analyse des données conformément au dernier syllabus. Le livre est organisé en 12 chapitres, chacun couvrant un aspect spécifique de la biochimie. L'une des caractéristiques uniques de ce livre est qu'en plus de mettre l'accent sur les expériences pratiques, il fournit également la signification clinique des sujets pertinents. Le livre est écrit dans un style clair et concis.Dans l'ensemble, "Practical Biochemistry for Pharmacy Students" est une ressource essentielle pour tout étudiant en pharmacie cherchant à développer des bases solides en biochimie. Son approche pratique et l'accent mis sur la pertinence clinique en font une référence précieuse pour les étudiants tout au long de leur formation en pharmacie et au-delà.

  • 16% sparen
    von Ramesh Kumar
    37,00 €

    "Bioquímica práctica para estudiantes de farmacia" es una guía diseñada para proporcionar una comprensión detallada de los conceptos bioquímicos relevantes para el curso de farmacia. Escrito por expertos en la materia, el libro ofrece una exploración en profundidad de los temas clave de los experimentos bioquímicos sobre enzimas, proteínas, carbohidratos, lípidos y preparación de soluciones tampón. Estos experimentos se han diseñado cuidadosamente para proporcionar a los estudiantes experiencia práctica en la realización de ensayos bioquímicos y en el análisis de datos según el programa de estudios más reciente. El libro está organizado en 12 capítulos, cada uno de los cuales cubre un aspecto específico de la bioquímica. Una de las características únicas de este libro es que, además de hacer hincapié en los experimentos prácticos, también proporciona el significado clínico de los temas relevantes. El libro está escrito en un estilo claro y conciso.En general, "Bioquímica práctica para estudiantes de farmacia" es un recurso esencial para cualquier estudiante de farmacia que desee desarrollar una base sólida en bioquímica. Su enfoque práctico y su énfasis en la relevancia clínica lo convierten en una valiosa referencia para los estudiantes a lo largo de su formación farmacéutica y más allá.

  • 16% sparen
    von Ramesh Kumar
    37,00 €

    "Practical Biochemistry for Pharmacy Students" è una guida pensata per fornire una comprensione dettagliata dei concetti di biochimica rilevanti per il corso di farmacia. Il libro, scritto da esperti del settore, offre un'esplorazione approfondita degli argomenti chiave degli esperimenti di biochimica su enzimi, proteine, carboidrati, lipidi e preparazione di soluzioni tampone. Questi esperimenti sono stati accuratamente progettati per fornire agli studenti un'esperienza pratica nell'esecuzione di saggi biochimici e nell'analisi dei dati secondo i più recenti programmi di studio. Il libro è organizzato in 12 capitoli, ognuno dei quali tratta un aspetto specifico della biochimica. Una delle caratteristiche uniche di questo libro è che, oltre all'enfasi sugli esperimenti pratici, fornisce anche il significato clinico degli argomenti rilevanti. Il libro è scritto in uno stile chiaro e conciso.Nel complesso, "Practical Biochemistry for Pharmacy Students" è una risorsa essenziale per qualsiasi studente di farmacia che voglia sviluppare una solida base di biochimica. Il suo approccio pratico e l'enfasi sulla rilevanza clinica lo rendono un riferimento prezioso per gli studenti durante il loro percorso formativo in farmacia e oltre.

  • von Ramesh Kumar
    19,00 €

    "Prakticheskaq biohimiq dlq studentow farmacewticheskih wuzow" - äto rukowodstwo, prizwannoe obespechit' detal'noe ponimanie koncepcij biohimii, otnosqschihsq k kursu farmacii. Kniga, napisannaq äxpertami w dannoj oblasti, predlagaet uglublennoe izuchenie klüchewyh tem biohimicheskih äxperimentow s fermentami, belkami, uglewodami, lipidami i prigotowleniem bufernyh rastworow. Jeti äxperimenty byli tschatel'no razrabotany, chtoby predostawit' studentam prakticheskij opyt w prowedenii biohimicheskih analizow i analize dannyh w sootwetstwii s poslednej uchebnoj programmoj. Kniga sostoit iz 12 glaw, kazhdaq iz kotoryh ohwatywaet opredelennyj aspekt biohimii. Odnoj iz unikal'nyh osobennostej ätoj knigi qwlqetsq to, chto pomimo akcenta na prakticheskie äxperimenty w nej takzhe priwoditsq klinicheskoe znachenie sootwetstwuüschih tem. Kniga napisana w qsnom i lakonichnom stile.V celom, "Prakticheskaq biohimiq dlq studentow farmacewticheskih fakul'tetow" - äto neobhodimyj resurs dlq lübogo studenta farmacewticheskogo fakul'teta, zhelaüschego zalozhit' prochnyj fundament w oblasti biohimii. Prakticheskij podhod i akcent na klinicheskuü znachimost' delaüt ee cennym sprawochnikom dlq studentow na protqzhenii wsego obucheniq w apteke i posle ego okonchaniq.

  • von Ramesh Kumar
    43,90 €

    "Praktische Biochemie für Pharmaziestudenten" ist ein Leitfaden, der ein detailliertes Verständnis der für das Pharmaziestudium relevanten biochemischen Konzepte vermitteln soll. Das Buch, das von Experten auf diesem Gebiet verfasst wurde, bietet eine eingehende Untersuchung der Schlüsselthemen von biochemischen Experimenten zu Enzymen, Proteinen, Kohlenhydraten, Lipiden und der Herstellung von Pufferlösungen. Diese Experimente wurden sorgfältig konzipiert, um den Studenten praktische Erfahrungen bei der Durchführung biochemischer Tests und der Analyse von Daten gemäß dem aktuellen Lehrplan zu vermitteln. Das Buch ist in 12 Kapitel gegliedert, von denen jedes einen bestimmten Aspekt der Biochemie behandelt. Eines der einzigartigen Merkmale dieses Buches ist, dass es neben dem Schwerpunkt auf praktischen Experimenten auch die klinische Bedeutung relevanter Themen vermittelt. Das Buch ist in einem klaren und prägnanten Stil geschrieben.Insgesamt ist "Praktische Biochemie für Pharmaziestudenten" ein unverzichtbares Hilfsmittel für jeden Pharmaziestudenten, der eine solide Grundlage in Biochemie schaffen möchte. Sein praktischer Ansatz und die Betonung der klinischen Relevanz machen es zu einem wertvollen Nachschlagewerk für Studenten während ihres Pharmaziestudiums und darüber hinaus.

  • 16% sparen
    von Ramesh Kumar
    37,00 €

    "Bioquímica Prática para Estudantes de Farmácia" é um guia concebido para fornecer uma compreensão detalhada dos conceitos de bioquímica relevantes para o curso de farmácia. De autoria de especialistas na área, o livro oferece uma exploração aprofundada de tópicos-chave de experiências bioquímicas sobre enzimas, proteínas, hidratos de carbono, lípidos e preparação de soluções tampão. Estas experiências foram cuidadosamente concebidas para proporcionar aos estudantes uma experiência prática na realização de ensaios bioquímicos e na análise de dados, de acordo com o programa de estudos mais recente. O livro está organizado em 12 capítulos, cada um dos quais cobre um aspecto específico da bioquímica. Uma das características únicas deste livro é que, para além da ênfase em experiências práticas, também fornece o significado clínico de tópicos relevantes. O livro está escrito num estilo claro e conciso.Globalmente, "Bioquímica Prática para Estudantes de Farmácia" é um recurso essencial para qualquer estudante de farmácia que pretenda desenvolver uma base sólida em bioquímica. A sua abordagem prática e a ênfase na relevância clínica tornam-no uma referência valiosa para os estudantes durante e após a sua formação em farmácia.

  • 15% sparen
    von Ramesh Kumar
    34,00 €

    Aim of this book is to summarize the concepts and applications of CNT based DNA biosensors. Biosensors are quick analytical devices and play important roles in daily life especially in biomedical field. DNA biosensors and gene chips are of major interest due to their tremendous promise in biomarker based diagnosis of diseases. Application of nanomaterials has further enhanced the efficiency of these devices.This pocket size, compact book will be helpful for those involved in the research, teaching, learning, and practice of biosensing, based on various nanomaterials in biomedical and clinical applications. It emphasizes on unique properties of CNTs being used in fabrication of DNA biosensors for ultrasensitive biosensing in clinical diagnosis.

  • - Yoga & Ayurveda for all
    von Ramesh Kumar
    24,00 €

    Yoga: Yoga & Ayurveda for all Gullybaba 2017Everything you need to make yoga an integral part of your health and well-being (for Students and Everyone)If you are a student and want to incorporate yoga into your daily routine or ramp up what you're already doing, Yoga: Yoga & Ayurveda for all (Ancient Rarely Known Food Combinations which can change your life, Ayurveda Tips on concentration, focus, & memory power) is the perfect resource! This book features everything you need to improve your concentration, memory power, health and peace of mind with yoga, and includes additional information on, secrets of various food combinations if you apply will get great benefits, meditation, and useful Ayurveda tips to improve concentration, lack of memory, and lack of focus in studies. Designed for all age groups, this book comes enriched with easy to follow exercise regimes and invaluable tips for the students as well as for the parents. Yoga has been shown to have numerous health benefits, ranging from better flexibility and athletic performance to lowered blood pressure and weight loss. For those who want to take control of their health and overall fitness, yoga is the perfect practice. With Yoga: Yoga & Ayurveda for all, you'll have everything you need to get started and become a master of even the toughest yoga poses and techniques, and living life powerfully and living life you love.Key Features:¿ Complete mental and physical health¿ Sure fire remedies to increase concentration and memory power¿ Your health in your hands¿ Success in school¿ How to become a responsible citizen?¿ Read this book and follow it to get various new opportunities in life.¿ ""Remember that a complete healthy person can study more in less time and spend his/her remaining time in other things""Take a deep breath and dive into Yoga: Yoga & Ayurveda for all to find out how you can improve your studies, health and your happiness by incorporating yoga into your daily routine.

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