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Bücher von Ramesh Sharma

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  • 20% sparen
    von Ramesh Sharma
    84,00 €

    Entre as linhas: Um leitor crítico aborda diversos temas da literatura de diferentes países e escritores. Alguns deles são a alienação, a identidade, a morte, a sociedade, a ansiedade, a depressão, o romance, a incomunicação, a loucura, as mulheres, os sonhos, a fuga, a desilusão, a deslocação, o eco-espiritual, a história, o crime, o gander, a luta de classes e o terceiro gander, etc.O volume não tenta agrupá-los em determinadas categorias, uma vez que um único capítulo pode ser lido e compreendido como o intertexto de outros em que os temas se sobrepõem frequentemente.Os capítulos tentam frequentemente ler novas áreas de interesse na literatura em análise. No entanto, por vezes, também se debruçam sobre a sua compreensão convencional, não para a reforçar, mas para a reler e desviar-se dela em busca de novidade.

  • 20% sparen
    von Ramesh Sharma
    84,00 €

    Entre les lignes: Un lecteur critique aborde divers thèmes de la littérature de différents pays et écrivains. Certains d'entre eux sont l'aliénation, l'identité, la mort, la société, l'anxiété, la dépression, la romance, la mauvaise communication, la folie, les femmes, les rêves, l'évasion, la désillusion, le déplacement, l'éco-spirituel, l'histoire, le crime, le jars, la lutte des classes et le troisième jars, etc.Le volume n'essaie pas de les regrouper dans certaines catégories, car un chapitre peut être lu et compris comme l'intertexte d'autres chapitres dont les thèmes se recoupent souvent.Les chapitres tentent souvent de lire de nouveaux domaines d'intérêt dans la littérature étudiée. Cependant, ils se penchent aussi parfois sur leur compréhension conventionnelle, non pas pour la renforcer, mais plutôt pour la relire et s'en écarter à des fins de nouveauté.

  • 20% sparen
    von Ramesh Sharma
    84,00 €

    Tra le righe: Una lettura critica affronta diversi temi della letteratura di diversi paesi e scrittori. Alcuni di essi sono l'alienazione, l'identità, la morte, la società, l'ansia, la depressione, il romanticismo, la cattiva comunicazione, la follia, le donne, i sogni, la fuga, la disillusione, il dislocamento, l'eco-spirituale, la storia, il crimine, il gander, la lotta di classe e il terzo gander, ecc.Il volume non cerca di raggrupparli sotto determinate categorie, poiché un singolo capitolo può essere letto e compreso come intertesto di altri in cui i temi spesso si sovrappongono.I capitoli cercano spesso di leggere nuove aree di interesse nella letteratura in esame. A volte, tuttavia, si guarda anche alla loro comprensione convenzionale, non per rafforzarla, ma piuttosto per rileggerla e discostarsene in cerca di novità.

  • 20% sparen
    von Ramesh Sharma
    84,00 €

    Entre líneas: Una lectura crítica aborda diversos temas de la literatura de distintos países y escritores. Algunos de ellos son la alienación, la identidad, la muerte, la sociedad, la ansiedad, la depresión, el romance, la incomunicación, la locura, las mujeres, los sueños, la huida, la desilusión, el desplazamiento, lo eco-espiritual, la historia, el crimen, el ganso, la lucha de clases y el tercer ganso, etc.El volumen no intenta agruparlos bajo determinadas categorías, ya que un mismo capítulo puede leerse y entenderse como el intertexto de otros en los que los temas a menudo se solapan.Los capítulos tratan a menudo de leer nuevos ámbitos de interés en la literatura investigada. Sin embargo, a veces también buscan su comprensión convencional no para reforzarla, sino para releerla y desviarse de ella en busca de novedades.

  • 16% sparen
    von Ramesh Sharma
    46,00 €

    Mezhdu strok: Kriticheskoe chtenie ohwatywaet razlichnye temy w literature raznyh stran i pisatelej. Sredi nih - otchuzhdenie, identichnost', smert', obschestwo, trewoga, depressiq, romantika, nedoponimanie, bezumie, zhenschiny, mechty, pobeg, razocharowanie, peremeschenie, äkoduhownost', istoriq, prestuplenie, gander, klassowaq bor'ba, tretij gander i t.d.V sbornike ne delaetsq popytok sgruppirowat' ih po opredelennym kategoriqm, poskol'ku odna glawa mozhet byt' prochitana i ponqta kak intertext drugih, w kotoryh temy chasto peresekaütsq.V glawah chasto delaetsq popytka prochest' nowuü oblast' interesa w issleduemoj literature. Odnako inogda oni obraschaütsq i k tradicionnomu ponimaniü, ne dlq togo, chtoby podkrepit' ego, a dlq togo, chtoby perechitat' i otklonit'sq ot nego w poiskah nowizny.

  • von Ramesh Sharma
    104,90 €

    Zwischen den Zeilen: Ein kritisches Lesebuch befasst sich mit verschiedenen Themen der Literatur aus unterschiedlichen Ländern und von verschiedenen Schriftstellern. Einige davon sind Entfremdung, Identität, Tod, Gesellschaft, Angst, Depression, Romantik, Misskommunikation, Wahnsinn, Frauen, Träume, Flucht, Desillusionierung, Vertreibung, Ökospiritualität, Geschichte, Verbrechen, Gier, Klassenkampf und dritte Gier usw.Der Band versucht nicht, sie in bestimmte Kategorien einzuteilen, da ein einzelnes Kapitel als Intertext zu anderen gelesen und verstanden werden kann, in denen sich die Themen oft überschneiden.In den Kapiteln wird oft versucht, neue Interessengebiete in der untersuchten Literatur zu erschließen. Manchmal wird jedoch auch das herkömmliche Verständnis überprüft, nicht um es zu bestätigen, sondern um es neu zu lesen und von ihm abzuweichen, um Neues zu entdecken.

  • 20% sparen
    von Ramesh Sharma
    84,00 €

    Between the Lines: A Critical Reader caters to diverse themes across literature, cut across different countries and writers. Some of them are alienation, identity, death, society, anxiety, depression, romance, miscommunication, madness, women, dreams, escape, disillusionment, displacement, eco-spiritual, history, crime, gander, class struggle and third gander etc.The volume does not try to group them under certain categories, as a single chapter can be read and understood as the intertext of others in which the themes often overlapped.The chapters often try to read a new area of interest in literature under enquiry. However, at times they also look into their conventional understanding not for re-enforcement, rather to re-read and deviate from them for novelty.

  • von Ramesh Sharma
    87,90 €

    Der Band Kritikós: A Reflection on Literature and Culture ist das Ergebnis literarischer Forschungsprojekte von Studenten und Lehrkräften des Fachbereichs Englisch, Fakultät für Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften, Assam Don Bosco Universität, Assam, Indien.Die in diesem Band enthaltenen kritischen Lektüren sind eine Antwort auf verschiedene Themen wie Patriarchat, Absurdität, Traum, menschliche Psychologie, Gewalt, Identität, Umwelt, Sprache, magischer Realismus, Religion und digitale Geisteswissenschaften, die die Literatur in allen Zeiten und auf der ganzen Welt prägen, und eine Neuinterpretation dieser Themen. Dementsprechend werden Texte wie Terrible Matriarchy, The Birthday Party, Of Mice and Men, Paradise, Norwegian Woods, These Hills Called Home, Purple Hibiscus, The Lowland, Kafka in the Shore etc. hier aus dem Blickwinkel neuer kritischer Geister neu bewertet.

  • 19% sparen
    von Ramesh Sharma
    71,00 €

    Le volume Kritikós : A Reflection on Literature and Culture est le résultat de projets de recherche littéraire d'étudiants et d'enseignants du département d'anglais, de l'école des sciences humaines et sociales, de l'université Assam Don Bosco, Assam, Inde.Les lectures critiques incluses dans ce volume sont une réponse et une relecture de thèmes variés tels que le patriarcat, l'absurdité, le rêve, la psychologie humaine, la violence, l'identité, l'environnement, le langage, le réalisme magique, la religion et les sciences humaines numériques qui étayent la littérature à travers le temps et le monde. En conséquence, des textes comme Terrible Matriarchy, The Birthday Party, Of Mice and Men, Paradise, Norwegian Woods, These Hills Called Home, Purple Hibiscus, The Lowland, Kafka in the Shore, etc. ont été réévalués ici à partir de la compréhension de nouveaux esprits critiques.

  • 19% sparen
    von Ramesh Sharma
    71,00 €

    El volumen Kritikós: A Reflection on Literature and Culture es el resultado de proyectos de investigación literaria de estudiantes y profesores del Departamento de Inglés de la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Don Bosco de Assam, Assam, India.Las lecturas críticas incluidas en este volumen responden a, y releen, temas variados como el patriarcado, el absurdo, el sueño, la psicología humana, la violencia, la identidad, el medio ambiente, el lenguaje, el realismo mágico, la religión y las humanidades digitales que sustancian la literatura a través del tiempo y del globo. En consecuencia, textos como Matriarcado terrible, La fiesta de cumpleaños, De ratones y hombres, Paraíso, Bosques de Noruega, Estas colinas llamadas hogar, Hibisco púrpura, Las tierras bajas, Kafka en la orilla, etc., han sido reevaluados aquí desde la comprensión de nuevas mentes críticas.

  • 16% sparen
    von Ramesh Sharma
    37,00 €

    Tom "Kritika: Razmyshleniq o literature i kul'ture - äto rezul'tat literaturnyh issledowanij studentow i prepodawatelej kafedry anglijskogo qzyka Shkoly gumanitarnyh i social'nyh nauk Uniwersiteta Assam Don Bosko, Assam, Indiq.Kriticheskie chteniq, wklüchennye w ätot tom, qwlqütsq otwetom i pereosmysleniem takih raznoobraznyh tem, kak patriarhat, absurd, mechta, psihologiq cheloweka, nasilie, identichnost', okruzhaüschaq sreda, qzyk, magicheskij realizm, religiq i cifrowye gumanitarnye nauki, kotorye obosnowywaüt literaturu wo wse wremena i wo wsem mire. Sootwetstwenno, takie texty, kak "Uzhasnyj matriarhat", "Vecherinka po sluchaü dnq rozhdeniq", "Iz myshej i lüdej", "Raj", "Norwezhskij les", "Jeti holmy nazywaütsq domom", "Purpurnyj gibiskus", "Nizina", "Kafka na beregu" i dr. byli pereosmysleny zdes' s pozicij nowyh kriticheskih umow.

  • 19% sparen
    von Ramesh Sharma
    71,00 €

    Il volume Kritikós: A Reflection on Literature and Culture è il risultato di progetti di ricerca letteraria di studenti e docenti del Dipartimento di Inglese, Scuola di Scienze Umanistiche e Sociali, Assam Don Bosco University, Assam, India.Le letture critiche incluse in questo volume sono una risposta e una rilettura di vari temi come il patriarcato, l'assurdità, il sogno, la psicologia umana, la violenza, l'identità, l'ambiente, il linguaggio, il realismo magico, la religione e le digital humanities che sostengono la letteratura in tutto il tempo e in tutto il mondo. Di conseguenza, testi come Terribile matriarcato, The Birthday Party, Of Mice and Men, Paradise, Norwegian Woods, These Hills Called Home, Purple Hibiscus, The Lowland, Kafka in the Shore ecc. sono stati qui rivalutati dalla comprensione di nuove menti critiche.

  • 19% sparen
    von Ramesh Sharma
    71,00 €

    O volume Kritikós: Uma Reflexão sobre Literatura e Cultura é o resultado de projectos de investigação literária de estudantes e professores do Departamento de Inglês, Escola de Humanidades e Ciências Sociais, Universidade Assam Don Bosco, Assam, Índia.As leituras críticas incluídas neste volume são resposta e releitura de temas variados como patriarcado, absurdo, sonho, psicologia humana, violência, identidade, ambiente, linguagem, realismo mágico, religião e humanidades digitais que substanciam a literatura ao longo do tempo e do globo. Assim, textos como " Terrible Matriarchy", "The Birthday Party", "Of Mice and Men", "Paradise", "Norwegian Woods", "These Hills Called Home", "Purple Hibiscus", "The Lowland", "Kafka in the Shore ", etc., foram aqui reavaliados a partir da compreensão de novas mentes críticas.

  • 19% sparen
    von Ramesh Sharma
    71,00 €

    The volume Kritikós: A Reflection on Literature and Culture is the outcome of literary research projects of students and teachers of the Department of English, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Assam Don Bosco University, Assam, India.The critical readings included in this volume are response to, and re-reading of, varied themes like patriarchy, absurdity, dream, human psychology, violence, identity, environment, language, magic realism, religion and digital humanities that substantiate literature across the time and globe. Accordingly, texts like Terrible Matriarchy, The Birthday Party, Of Mice and Men, Paradise, Norwegian Woods, These Hills Called Home, Purple Hibiscus, The Lowland, Kafka in the Shore etc. have been re-assessed here from the understanding of new critical minds.

  • 18% sparen
    von Ramesh Sharma
    54,00 €

  • 18% sparen
    von Ramesh Sharma
    54,00 €

  • 18% sparen
    von Ramesh Sharma
    54,00 €

  • 18% sparen
    von Ramesh Sharma
    54,00 €

  • 11% sparen
    von Ramesh Sharma
    22,00 €

  • von Ramesh Sharma
    65,90 €

  • von Ramesh Sharma
    31,00 €

  • 15% sparen
  • 18% sparen
    von Ramesh Sharma
    54,00 €

    This volume, Analytica : Practising Criticism, is a collection of research works. The areas reflected upon and interpreted include some of the highly charged issues of modern world- partition impact, identity crisis, narration and narrative technique, feminism, comparative studies, postcolonial and neo-colonial issues, modern men-women relationship, alienation and existentialism - in the fictions catered around the world, particularly post-independent India, Australia, Canada and Europe. The issues revisited are so discursive, which in fact suggest the representation of the paradoxical complexity of the modern day world, that any attempt to give a thematic unity is self defeating. Therefore, considering the heterogeneity of the writings as an enabling phenomenon, that is considering it as an opportunity to experience the discursive world, the content has been given a shape of disorder. In discursivity, the volume is a happy read.

  • 18% sparen
    von Ramesh Sharma
    56,00 €

    Classical myths serve many purposes.First,they appear real to life. Life is both a fact and fiction. The classical myth has this manifestation in terms of primordial gods and goddess like Uranus, Gaia, Hades, Either and Oceanus besides many others who are both ideas and individuals. Secondly, the same repository of myth has served psychological metaphors until modern period. The ideas developed by Sigmund Freud regarding human psychology and behaviour based on the stories of Electra and Oedipus keep on resonating time and again to understand general human nature. Thirdly, considering the examples drawn by Albert Camus in in the book ¿The Myth of Sisyphus¿and Friedrich Nietzsche in the essay ¿Apollonianism and Dionysianism,¿for instance, from the classical myths to explain certain philosophical insights, it testifies the intellectual potentiality of the stories. It may be also noted that the classical civilization has remained still one of the driving forces behind many other civilizations, the western civilization in particular, primarily because of its mastery over myth creation and the potential of the myths to get circulated and regenerated over the generations.

  • 16% sparen
  • von Krishan L. Duggal
    49,00 €

    This book provides an upto date information on metric, connection and curva- ture symmetries used in geometry and physics. More specifically, we present the characterizations and classifications of Riemannian and Lorentzian manifolds (in particular, the spacetimes of general relativity) admitting metric (i.e., Killing, ho- mothetic and conformal), connection (i.e., affine conformal and projective) and curvature symmetries. Our approach, in this book, has the following outstanding features: (a) It is the first-ever attempt of a comprehensive collection of the works of a very large number of researchers on all the above mentioned symmetries. (b) We have aimed at bringing together the researchers interested in differential geometry and the mathematical physics of general relativity by giving an invariant as well as the index form of the main formulas and results. (c) Attempt has been made to support several main mathematical results by citing physical example(s) as applied to general relativity. (d) Overall the presentation is self contained, fairly accessible and in some special cases supported by an extensive list of cited references. (e) The material covered should stimulate future research on symmetries. Chapters 1 and 2 contain most of the prerequisites for reading the rest of the book. We present the language of semi-Euclidean spaces, manifolds, their tensor calculus; geometry of null curves, non-degenerate and degenerate (light like) hypersurfaces. All this is described in invariant as well as the index form.

  • von Ramesh Sharma
    27,00 €

  • von Ramesh Sharma
    30,00 €

  • von Ramesh Sharma
    19,00 €

  • von Ramesh Sharma & Sanjaya Mishra
    104,00 €

    This text emerges out of the need to share information and knowledge on the research and practices of using multimedia in various educational settings. It discusses issues relating to planning, designing and development of interactive multimedia, offering research data.

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