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Bücher von Ramiz Daniz

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  • von Ramiz Daniz
    46,00 €

    Hace muchos años que la denominación como "América" del cuarto continente les confunde a unos científicos ¿ ¿si no se hubieran violado los principios de justicia en el proceso de la denominación? Durante esta investigación se ha evidenciado que se ha dado un nombre erróneo al continente descubierto y conocido al público mundial por C. Colón. Porque, toda la ocupación de Vespucio consistía en engañar a su alrededor y los científicos. Él, elaborando sus cartas famosas, usaba los renglones de las cartas de Colón, D. Chanca y P. Caminha escritas en el Nuevo Mundo, se revaló que los dos de sus cuatro viajes eran ficticios, acercándose a Colón se apropiaba de sus secretos y mediante eso le humilló al almirante ante los monarcas, siendo el piloto mayor de Castilla gracias a sus privilegios consolidaba la denominación del cuarto continente como "América", desempeñaba un papel exclusivo en pasar los mapas que se consideraban el documento secreto a los cartógrafos. Denominar el continente en honor a este estafador avisa la victoria del malo.

  • von Ramiz Daniz
    46,00 €

    According to official documents, Ch. Columbus traveled to coasts of the New World for four times - in 1492-1493, 1493-1496, 1498-1500 and 1502-1504 - and thought that he had discovered Asia du-ring all travels. These assumptions may be met in all sources. Besides it, there is another ¿skeptic¿ conception too (since the middle of XVI century). The French physician Jan Fernell, who was interested in astronomy, wrote that, the length of the Earth¿s outline was 39816 km and its radius was 6337 km. It means that, Toscanelli had made a mistake. According to his calculations, the length of the Earth¿s outline was 29000 km.That¿s why, Columbus didn¿t agree with the report of the Floren-tine scientists and used measurement of the greek scientist Eratosthene sand geographical coordinates of the Earth offered by Tusi. Columbus started his travel very decidedly and it didn¿t happen by the accident. He had learned a lot of things after analyzing scientific works of Nasiraddin Tusi including his map. Tusi wrote that, there was a very large land area in the west of the Old World, on the other side of the ocean.

  • von Ramiz Daniz
    46,00 €

    In Portugal Christopher Columbus said that, he will pass the Atlantic Ocean in about 30 days in order to reach the eastern coast of Asia. Van Olmen shared this thought with Juan II after he looked through the Genoese seaman¿s project. It means that, the French seaman¿s expedition travelled in accordance with the transatlantic project prepared by Colum-bus besides the map made by Paolo Toscanelli.Santangel wanted to realize Columbus¿s project as he believed that, it was important for his own future. Besides it, he believed that, new territories would be discovered and he would get a lot of wealth¿Pinelli could get enough profits at the result of Colum-bus¿s expeditions and he was one of the first organizers of the Chamber of Commerce (¿Casa de Contratacion¿) of Spain managing India in 1503¿.Books full of rich historical facts and sensational information will be interesting for scientists all over the world and attract special attention. Discovery of America and Brazil is the most interesting part of the history of geographical discoveries and these books are significant source for deep investigation of mentioned theme.

  • von Ramiz Daniz
    46,00 €

    I can write a lot about this compilation letter and add plenty of facts. I want to note again that, 32-page letters, which traveled through whole Europe, are copies of other letters and diaries. Vespucci thought that, the diary of Columbus would never be published as it was a secret document, and so, everybody would think that, really, he was a discoverer of the southern continent.Amerigo Vespucci¿s letters were published as a brochure with the title ¿Mundus Novis¿. All these processes were in favor of the Florentine accountant even after his death and he began to be known as the traveler, who discovered the New World. The Spanish officials, who worked against Columbus, had a significant role in this result. The material including rich historical facts and some facts, which aren¿t noted in any scientific source, will certainly attract interest of the world¿s scientists and this discovery will have special significance. Very likely, the work will be discussed in Portugal, Spain and countries of the continent of America, the discovery of Brazil will be analyzed differently and some corrections will be made in the world¿s encyclopedia at the result of the objective decision.

  • von Ramiz Daniz
    46,00 €

    Admiral Piri Reis made an atlas in 1528 and included this map in that atlas by fixing the date as 1513. Afterwards it turned out that, mentioned historical material was copied from ancient manu-scripts kept in the library of Constantinople.According to historical sources, Piri Reis often visited that library in order to analyze ancient documents and maps. Mentioned map could attract attention of Turkish scientists for its exactness. It was almost the first map, which described outlines of America. Besides it, the sensational material included outlines of North America and Antarctica. It was made 21 years after the first travel of Columbus. But the Genoese admiral hadn¿t visited the continent besides eastern coasts of Panama, Nicaragua and Honduras. Antarctica was discovered after more than 300 years by Fadday Bellingshausen and Mikhail Lazarev (1820).The American secretary of state Henry Stimson also was interested in this investigation. He thought that, ¿Columbus¿s map¿ could be in Turkey. He ordered the ambassador of USA in Turkey to start researches in order to find mentioned map.

  • von Ramiz Daniz
    46,00 €

    Romandak¿ ¿sas hadis¿l¿r 2004-cü il dekabr¿n 26-da ¿ri-Lankada v¿ sonrak¿ m¿rh¿l¿d¿ ¿sveçd¿ c¿r¿yan edir. H¿min gün Hind okean¿nda ¿n dä¿d¿c¿ sunami v¿ dünyada ¿n çox insan t¿lafat¿ il¿ n¿tic¿l¿n¿n (1900 n¿f¿rd¿n çox) qatar q¿zas¿ bä vermi¿di. ¿s¿rin q¿hr¿man¿ isveçli o¿lan Lüdviq v¿ ¿ri-Lankal¿ q¿z Vasanad¿r. Sunami n¿tic¿sind¿ äiql¿rin valideyn-l¿ri faci¿vi ¿¿kild¿ h¿lak olur, özl¿ri is¿ mü¿yy¿n müdd¿t bir-biril¿rind¿n aral¿ dü¿ürl¿r. Zaman¿n böyük faci¿sinin ¿ks olundu¿u ¿s¿rd¿ dä¿d¿c¿ f¿lak¿t, ölüm-dirim mübariz¿si, ä¿r m¿qamda irad¿ni nümayi¿ etdirm¿k, q¿hr¿manl¿q, ¿ücät, dözümlülük, iztirab, k¿d¿r, q¿m-qüss¿, inam, s¿daq¿t, ümidi itirm¿m¿k oxucunu g¿rginlik iç¿risind¿ saxlay¿r. Sonda is¿ b¿zi q¿hr¿manlar¿n h¿min c¿h¿nn¿m odundan sä ç¿xmas¿, oxucuda rahatl¿q yarad¿r. ¿s¿rd¿ dünyan¿n ¿n böyük t¿bii f¿lak¿ti ¿ks olunubdur.Bu faci¿ bütün Hind okean¿ akvatoriyas¿nda yäayan ¿halini b¿rk sars¿tm¿¿ v¿ onlar anlamaq ist¿yirdil¿r ki, n¿y¿ gör¿ bu d¿f¿ki sunami daha güclü, ¿idd¿tli v¿ aman-s¿z olubdur. Geoloq v¿ okean¿ünaslar bunun s¿b¿bini taparaq televiziya kanallar¿ vasit¿si il¿ camaata maraql¿ m¿lumatlar verirdil¿r.

  • von Ramiz Daniz
    77,00 €

    Birinci v¿ ikinci cildl¿rd¿n m¿lumdur ki, M¿rk¿zi Çili sahill¿rin¿ yollanan ekspedisiya i¿tirakç¿lar¿ aborigenl¿rl¿ ged¿n müharib¿d¿ m¿¿lubiyy¿t¿ u¿ray¿rlar. Ekspedisiyan¿n b¿zi üzvl¿ri döyü¿l¿rd¿ h¿lak olur, bir çoxlar¿ is¿ araukan hindular¿na ¿sir dü¿ürl¿r. Müharib¿nin ikinci m¿rh¿l¿sin¿ bälamam¿¿dan ¿vv¿l növb¿ti ekspedisiyan¿n r¿hb¿rliyi q¿rara al¿r ki, ilk növb¿d¿ ¿sir dü¿mü¿ silahdälar¿n¿ ¿sirlikd¿n azad etm¿lidirl¿r. Bu müq¿dd¿s missiyan¿ yerin¿ yetirm¿kd¿n ötrü 16 n¿f¿rd¿n ibar¿t olan k¿¿fiyyat d¿st¿si t¿¿kil olunur v¿ h¿min d¿st¿ f¿rdi üsulda dü¿m¿n¿ qar¿¿ sars¿d¿c¿ z¿rb¿l¿r endir¿r¿k, h¿min missiyan¿n öhd¿sind¿n müv¿ff¿qiyy¿tl¿ g¿l¿ bilir. Bununla da Araukaniyada ged¿n müharib¿nin ikinci m¿rh¿l¿si bälan¿r. ¿span tarixinin mü¿yy¿n bir hiss¿sini ¿hat¿ ed¿n ¿Konkistä, o cüml¿d¿n, indiki Çilinin tarixinin böyük hiss¿sini t¿¿kil ed¿n Araukan müharib¿sinin bir çox detallar¿, h¿min dövrd¿ki siyasi v¿ tarixi ab-hava, Q¿rbi Avropan¿n hege-mon dövl¿tl¿rinin tarixi v¿ziyy¿ti, XVI ¿srin sonuna q¿d¿r ispanlar¿n t¿¿kil etdikl¿ri ¿n yaddaqalan mühüm co¿rafi k¿¿fl¿rd¿n ¿spaniya il¿ Çili il¿ yanä¿ Peru v¿ Ekvadorun maraql¿ olan tarixil¿ m¿hz bu trilogiyan¿n vasit¿sil¿ öyr¿nm¿k olur.

  • von Ramiz Daniz
    81,00 €

    ¿s¿r M¿rk¿zi Çili sahill¿rind¿ yäayan araukan hindular¿n¿n ispan konkistadorlar¿na qar¿¿ apard¿qlar¿ azadl¿q müharib¿sind¿n b¿hs edir. ¿span krall¿¿¿ q¿sa müdd¿t ¿rzind¿ Lat¿n Amerikas¿n¿n pay¿na dü¿¿n bütün ¿razil¿ri z¿bt etmi¿, lakin M¿rk¿zi Çili ¿razi-sind¿ yerl¿¿¿n balaça Araukaniya ölk¿sini ¿srl¿r boyu ¿l¿ keçir¿ bilm¿mi¿di. M¿rd v¿ qorxmaz araukanlar 300 il öz azadl¿¿¿ u¿run-da, Avropan¿n bir çox döyü¿ teatrlar¿nda meydan oxuyan ispan ¿sg¿rl¿rin¿ qar¿¿ ölüm-dirim mübariz¿si apararaq, Çili Respublika elan edil¿n¿ q¿d¿r öz müst¿qillikl¿rini qoruyub saxlam¿¿d¿rlar. Tarixi faktlarla z¿ngin olan h¿min hadis¿l¿r ¿sas¿n, ¿spaniyada v¿ Çilid¿, qism¿n is¿ Braziliyada, Argentinada, Peruda v¿ Ekvadorda c¿r¿yan ed¿r¿k, ispan ekspedisiyas¿n¿n n¿y¿ gör¿ m¿¿lub olmas¿n¿n ¿sas s¿b¿bi göst¿rilibdir.

  • von Ramiz Daniz
    46,00 €

    The expedition had to be started in 1493. Probably, preparation works were realized out of the Pyrenean peninsula and in Madeira Islands. As hot days had passed and stormy weathers were characteristic for autumn of those latitudes, this work had to be carried out on the north-western coast of Africa. They had to use other islands in order to prevent risks. From this standpoint, the most convenient geographical location was the location of Green Cape Islands and remote western point of Africa located near the Gulf of Guinea. Portugal, which didn¿t want to declare its regard for the mentioned division, began to declare dissatisfaction after a year and demanded the Pope to move the demarcation line for 270 liq towards the west. Representatives of both kingdoms met with the participation of Alexander VI in Tordesillas in 1494 and the demarcation line was moved for 370 liq away from Azores (for 2200 km towards the west from those islands) according to the next treaty concluded on June 7. According to the treaty of Tordesillas, all territories located in the east of the demarcation line belonged to Portugal, but lands located in the west belonged to Spain.

  • von Ramiz Daniz
    26,90 €

  • von Ramiz Daniz
    41,00 €

    Some scientists wondered for many years: Was it just to name the forth continent ¿Americä? This research proved that, huge territory, discovered by Christopher Columbus, was named wrongly. Because, Amerigo Vespucci deceived people around him, especially scientists. He used letters, written by Columbus, Diego Chanca and Pero Vaz de Caminha in the New World, when wrote his well-known letters, it turned out that, two of his four travels were false, he approached Colum-bus, learned his secrets and disgraced the admiral owing to those secrets, offered to name the forth continent ¿Americä when he was head navigator of Castile, passed maps, which were considered state secret, to the cartographers. It isn¿t just to name the continent in honor of such swindler.

  • von Ramiz Daniz
    24,00 €

    Przez wiele lat denominacja czwartego kontynentu jako "Ameryka" myli¿a niektórych naukowców - czy¿ nie naruszono zasad sprawiedliwo¿ci w procesie denominacyjnym? W trakcie tych badä stäo si¿ jasne, ¿e kontynent odkryty i znany ¿wiatu przez C. Columbusa otrzymä b¿¿dn¿ nazw¿. Poniewä cäe zaj¿cie Vespucci'ego polegäo na oszukiwaniu jego otoczenia i naukowców. Opracowuj¿c swoje s¿ynne listy, u¿y¿ linii liter Kolumba, D. Chanca i P. Caminha napisanych w Nowym ¿wiecie, ujawniono, ¿e dwie z jego czterech podró¿y by¿y fikcyjne, zbli¿aj¿c si¿ do Kolumba zaw¿aszczy¿ swoje tajemnice i przez to upokorzy¿ admiräa przed monarchami, b¿d¿c najwi¿kszym pilotem Kastylii dzi¿ki swoim przywilejom utrwali¿ denominacj¿ czwartego kontynentu jako "Ameryka", odegrä wy¿¿czn¿ rol¿ w przekazywaniu kartografom map, które by¿y uwäane za tajny dokument. Nazwanie kontynentu imieniem tego oszusta sygnalizuje zwyci¿stwo z¿ego faceta.

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