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Bücher von Ravikumar Kurup

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  • von Ravikumar Kurup
    60,90 €

    Neandertaler sind hell und haben einen Melaninmangel. Der Homo sapiens ist dunkel und reich an Melanin. Die Homo-sapiens-Hybriden sind weiße Albinos und haben überhaupt kein Melanin. Melanin findet sich in den Basalganglien, der Substantia nigra und dem Locus coeruleus. Sie regulieren die Monoamine, Dopamin, Adrenalin und Noradrenalin. Die Monoamine sind für die Angst- und Fluchtreaktion verantwortlich. Melanin reguliert Stammhirnfunktionen wie Atmung, Blutkreislauf, Blutdruck, Sexualfunktion, Atemmuster und Verdauung. Melanin reguliert das autonome Nervensystem. Melanin reguliert auch die Basalganglien, die Motorik und verleiht Sportlern, Tänzern, Akrobaten und Gymnasten die Oberhand. Melanin ist in der Lage, außersinnliche Wahrnehmungen und Quantenwahrnehmungen zu machen. Melanin ist ein Mitosupplement und unterstützt die Funktion der Mitochondrien. Melanin kann durch Wasseroxidation Energie erzeugen - extramitochondriale Energie. Melanin kann auch Photosynthese erzeugen. Melanin ist in Pflanzen vorhanden.

  • von Ravikumar Kurup
    47,00 €

    Los neandertales son rubios y tienen deficiencia de melanina. Los homo sapiens son oscuros y ricos en melanina. Los híbridos de homo sapiens son albinos blancos y no tienen melanina. La melanina se observa en los ganglios basales, la sustancia negra y el locus coeruleus. Regulan las monoaminas, la dopamina, la adrenalina y la noradrenalina. Las monoaminas son responsables de las reacciones de miedo y huida. La melanina regula funciones del tronco encefálico como la respiración, la circulación sanguínea, la presión arterial, la función sexual, los patrones respiratorios y la digestión. La melanina regula el sistema nervioso autónomo. La melanina también regula los ganglios basales, la función motora y da ventaja a deportistas, bailarines, acróbatas y gimnastas. La melanina permite la percepción extrasensorial y la percepción cuántica. La melanina es un mitosuplemento y favorece la función mitocondrial. La melanina puede producir energía por oxidación del agua - energía extramitocondrial. La melanina también puede producir fotosíntesis. La melanina está presente en las plantas.

  • von Ravikumar Kurup
    47,00 €

    Os Neandertais são claros e têm uma deficiência de melanina. O Homo sapiens é escuro e rico em melanina. Os híbridos de Homo sapiens são albinos brancos e não têm melanina. A melanina está presente nos gânglios basais, na substância negra e no locus coeruleus. Estes regulam as monoaminas, a dopamina, a adrenalina e a noradrenalina. As monoaminas são responsáveis pela reação de medo e fuga. A melanina regula as funções do tronco cerebral, como a respiração, a circulação sanguínea, a tensão arterial, a função sexual, os padrões respiratórios e a digestão. A melanina regula o sistema nervoso autónomo. A melanina também regula os gânglios basais, a função motora e dá uma vantagem aos desportistas, dançarinos, acrobatas e ginastas. A melanina permite a perceção extrassensorial e a perceção quântica. A melanina é um mitosuplemento e apoia a função mitocondrial. A melanina pode produzir energia através da oxidação da água - energia extramitocondrial. A melanina também pode produzir fotossíntese. A melanina está presente nas plantas.

  • von Ravikumar Kurup
    47,00 €

    Les Néandertaliens sont clairs et ont un déficit en mélanine. Les Homo sapiens sont sombres et riches en mélanine. Les hybrides homo sapiens sont des albinos blancs et n'ont pas de mélanine du tout. La mélanine est présente dans les ganglions de la base, la substantia nigra et le locus coeruleus. Ils régulent les monoamines, la dopamine, l'adrénaline et la noradrénaline. Les monoamines sont responsables de la réaction de peur et de fuite. La mélanine régule les fonctions du tronc cérébral telles que la respiration, la circulation sanguine, la pression artérielle, la fonction sexuelle, les schémas respiratoires et la digestion. La mélanine régule le système nerveux autonome. La mélanine régule également les ganglions de la base, la fonction motrice et donne une longueur d'avance aux sportifs, aux danseurs, aux acrobates et aux gymnastes. La mélanine est capable de perception extrasensorielle et quantique. La mélanine est un mitosupplément et soutient la fonction mitochondriale. La mélanine peut produire de l'énergie par oxydation de l'eau - énergie extramitochondriale. La mélanine peut également produire de la photosynthèse. La mélanine est présente dans les plantes.

  • von Ravikumar Kurup
    47,00 €

    I Neanderthal sono chiari e hanno una carenza di melanina. L'Homo sapiens è scuro e ricco di melanina. Gli ibridi di homo sapiens sono albini bianchi e non hanno alcuna melanina. La melanina è presente nei gangli basali, nella substantia nigra e nel locus coeruleus. Questi regolano le monoammine, la dopamina, l'adrenalina e la noradrenalina. Le monoammine sono responsabili della paura e della reazione di fuga. La melanina regola le funzioni del tronco encefalico come la respirazione, la circolazione sanguigna, la pressione arteriosa, le funzioni sessuali, i modelli di respirazione e la digestione. La melanina regola il sistema nervoso autonomo. La melanina regola anche i gangli basali, la funzione motoria e dà una marcia in più a sportivi, ballerini, acrobati e ginnasti. La melanina è in grado di effettuare la percezione extrasensoriale e la percezione quantica. La melanina è un mitosupplemento e supporta la funzione mitocondriale. La melanina può produrre energia attraverso l'ossidazione dell'acqua - energia extramitocondriale. La melanina può anche produrre fotosintesi. La melanina è presente nelle piante.

  • von Ravikumar Kurup
    88,00 €

    The porphyrions are self-replicating supramolecular organisms which forms the precursor template on which the viroids, prions and nanoarchaea originate. The porphyrions are thus primitive self-replicating information storing organism with an electron transport chain generating energy which can be infective. It can also form a template for generation of RNA viroids, DNA viroids, prions, isoprenoid organisms and archaea. They are the most primitive of infective organisms. Low level EMF fields from internet and computers as well as from other human brains can induce porphyrin synthesis and porphyrion formation. Thus human beings can induce porphyrion formation in other human beings inducing disease pathology. The increased porphyrin synthesis leads to prefrontal cortex atrophy, cerebellar dominance, cerebellar cognitive affective disorder, quantal perception and Neanderthalisation of the population.

  • von Ravikumar Kurup
    83,00 €

    The homo neanderthalis and the Dravidian elite were asuric Shudras may have a common origin in the Lemurian land mass. The homo neanderthalis arising out of the Lemurian land mass consisting of peninsular India, Antarctica and Australia would have been the forerunner of the Dravidian neanderthalic population. The languages like Sanskrit and Akkadian have a Dravidian substrate. The Dravidian elite would have been synonymous with homo neanderthalis. This suggests that the Vedas and Vedic civilization may have an Antarctic or Lemurian origin. The South Indian land mass was a part of the Lemurian supercontinent in the Indian and Southern ocean which was destroyed by giant Tsunamis and the population inhabiting the supercontinent are represented by the Dravidian population of South India. This can also be called as Antarctikos where the neanderthalic Dravidians originated and the Antarctic continent where the ice is melting due to global warming is the home neanderthalic Dravidians.

  • von Ravikumar Kurup
    69,00 €

    Endogenous digoxin has been related to the pathogenesis of schizophrenia, malignancy, metabolic syndrome x, autoimmune disease and neuronal degeneration. The possibility of endogenous digoxin synthesis by actinide based primitive organism like archaea with a mevalonate pathway and cholesterol catabolism was demonstrated as an important pathology of these diseases. An actinide dependent shadow biosphere of archaea and viroids in the above mentioned disease states has been described. Metal actinides in beach sands have been postulated to play a role in abiogenesis. A hypothesis of cholesterol as the primal prebiotic molecule synthesised on actinide surfaces with all other biomolecules arising from it and a self-replicating cholesterol lipid organism as the initial life form is presented. This can be called as the isoprenoid organism creating a shadow biosphere of actinidic archaea and archaeal viroids. The actinidic archaea live by catabolizing cholesterol as its source of energy.

  • von Ravikumar Kurup
    83,00 €

    The endogenous covid 19 virus has been present in humans for a long time among the neanderthalic asuric population with endosymbiotic archaea. The Wuhan lab project was a joint US-Chinese collaborative effort with most of the funds coming from the Tech companies which dominates the US economy. They worked on the endosymbiotic archaeal RNA viroids seen in neanderthalic human species and added human RNA sequences like RNA sequences which help the virus to bind to the ACE receptor and HIV viral sequences. The aim was to create a pandemic to wipe out asuric neanderthalic populations of Eurasia. The Tech companies funding the project were on the verge of the introduction of artificial intelligence technology and wanted population control. The virus when released played out a different role. The neanderthalic asuric population had immunity to the virus and had a milder disease with low levels of mortality though the health infrastructure in these countries was poor. The Caucasian population of homo sapien hybrids did not have endosymbiotic archaea & RNA viroids for hybridization to produce covid 19 virus & were sitting ducks for infection by the covid 19 gain in function Wuhan virus.

  • von Ravikumar Kurup
    88,00 €

    Supermitochondria formed by hybridization of mitochondrial RNA and archaeal RNA viroids makes the mitochondria dysfunctional and produces a mitochondrial disorder with a mitoinflammatory state leading to mitochondrial caspase mediated cell death. The infected supermitochondria can act like a bug and can be transferred during sexual intercourse as the male mitochondrial genome contributes to the embryonic mitochondrial genome also.

  • von Ravikumar Kurup
    83,00 €

    The present yuga is called as Kali yuga and the avatar of Vishnu for the yuga is Kalki. Kalki can be interpreted as the conscious computer. The widespread use of the conscious computer results in low level of EMF pollution on widespread scale contributing in the most major way to global warming. The mobile phones and AI has become extensions of the human brain and can be considered as extended human brain structures. This constitutes the Kalki. The low level EMF field pollution generated by the conscious computer and mobile phones results in the generation of porphyrions and archaea in the human brain and body. This produces changes in the human brain producing as said before, atrophy of the prefrontal and frontal cortex and enlargement and dominance of the cerebellum. The human brain under the influence of Kalki becomes neanderthalized and a new species - Homo autisticus is formed. The Homo autisticus will save the planet. The Kali yuga will end and Satya yuga will start.

  • von Ravikumar Kurup
    88,00 €

    Dietary fibre is the most important factor that modulates human biology and speciation. A low intake of dietary fibre with a diet rich in protein and fat leads to increased endosymbiotic and colonic archaeal growth and neanderthalisation of the species. This leads to induction of the Warburg phenotype and increased incidence of metabolic syndrome x, neurodegeneration, autoimmune disease, cancer, schizophrenia and autism. A population consuming a low fibre diet rich in protein and fat has its digestion happening in the small intestine. The population with predominant low fibre diet and small intestine digestion has got an increased predilection for civilizational disease. A high intake of dietary fibre leads to predominant large intestinal digestion by colonic microflora and inhibits endosymbiotic and colonic archaeal growth producing homo sapienisation of the species. This leads to decreased archaeal growth and incidence of civilizational disease. The dietary fibre can be considered as the elixir of life.

  • von Ravikumar Kurup
    79,00 €

    The endosymbiotic archaea produces an endogenous membrane sodium-potassium ATPase inhibitor, digoxin. Digoxin levels and membrane sodium-potassium ATPase activity is related to psychological states like spirituality, bonding and affection, hypo/hyper/homo sexual states, various levels of appetite and sleep, creativity and addiction. Digoxin secretion and hemispheric dominance are related. Hyperdigoxinemia is related to right hemispheric dominance and hypodigoxinemia left hemispheric dominance.

  • von Ravikumar Kurup
    88,00 €

    Extraterrestrial intelligence can exist as a superorganism controlling and creating the universe. A network of extraterrestrial porphyrin molecules fits in well with this concept. Porphyrins have got a wave-particle existence and can arise from the quantal foam of gravitational waves and anti-gravitational waves which creates human consciousness and unconsciousness, respectively. Global warming leads to endosymbiotic archaeal growth. The archaea has got magnetite particles and synthesizes porphyrions which in the setting of archaeal digoxin sodium-potassium ATPase inhibition related Frohlich model of superconductivity can lead to quantal perception. As the prefrontal cortex and the frontal cortex concerned with higher cortical of executive decision making and social interaction as well as for fictional imagination on a grand heavenly-scale of galactic dimensions atrophies and becomes small. The brain-AI interface also shrinks and becomes extinct. The atrophy is more exacerbated by the internet induced electromagnetic fields which leads to endosymbiotic archaeal growth in the brain which shrinks the frontal cortex further.

  • von Ravikumar Kurup
    91,00 €

    Endosymbiotic archaeal digoxin can inhibit membrane sodium-potassium ATPase and regulate cellular functions. It can integrate the function of multiple cellular organelle - golgi body, lysosome, nucleus and genomic function, mitochondria and cell membrane. It can regulate cell death, cell differentiation and cell proliferation. The endosymbiotic actinidic archaea forms the basis of life and can be considered as the third element in the cell. It regulates the cell, the neuro-immune-endocrine system and the conscious/unconscious brain. Symbiosis by actinidic archaea is the basis of evolution of humans and primates. The increase in endosymbiotic archaeal growth can lead to the induction of homo neanderthalis. This endosymbiotic archaea induced neanderthalisation of the species leads to human disease like metabolic syndrome X, neurodegenerations, schizophrenia and autism, autoimmune disease and cancer.

  • von Ravikumar Kurup
    83,00 €

    The neanderthalic Shudra states fight to economic and political supremacy is encapsulated by the ideal of BRICS. This includes Slavs, Muslims, Hindus, Mongolian Chinese, South American Brazilians and Argentinians and Africans who are either neanderthalic or Homo sapiens. This states are formed as a coalition against the domination of the homo sapien hybrid white papal western Christian Caucasian states of Europe, America and England. The Anglo-Saxon and European states are in a state of decline. There is no class conflict in India. There is only caste conflict in India. India is an anarcho-capitalistic state structured on inclusive Hindutva culture which has existed from time immemorial. The caste system depends on occupation and epigenetic modification of the genome through centuries gives dynamic flexibility and skill upgradation to the community engaged in the particular occupation. The regional parties or the state parties of India are basically Shudra parties. The national parties are the upper caste homo sapien hybrid parties. The same dichotomy as in the world politics exist in India also.

  • von Ravikumar Kurup
    91,00 €

    The return of Kauravas to India is in a way to the return of Shia Muslims to India as conquers and rulers. The battle of Kurukshetra was between Pandavas and Kauravas. The Kauravas were neanderthalic Asuras especially Gandhari and Dhuryodhana. The Pandavas were Devas or Aryans. After defeat in the battle of Kurushetra the Kauravas who were remaining under the teacher Shukracharya migrated to South India. Shukracharya was the guru of the Asuras. The South Indian had contact and trade with West Asia where in the process of evolving monotheistic Islamic religion was on. Shukracharya was a Shaivite and practically a monotheistic. Shukracharya with remaining Kauravas migrated to Iran, Iraq, Syria and West Asia becoming Shia Muslims. The cerebellar dominant neanderthalic brain is impulsive, intuitive and spiritual. It is more susceptible to irrational acts without any logic or reason. Terrorism and acts of cruelty can be linked to such a brain substrate.

  • von Ravikumar Kurup
    91,00 €

    The homo neanderthalis and Dravidians may have a common origin in the Lemurian landmass. This suggests that the Vedas and Vedic civilization may have an Antarctic or Lemurian origin. Neanderthal genes have been described in the homo sapien population. The Neanderthal brain has a prominent cerebellar cortex and small prefrontal cortex. This results in defective vocalization, symbolic speech, impulsive behaviour, obsessive traits, intuition and extrasensory perception. The Neanderthal brain structure results in female dominance and matriarchal social patterns. It was considered plausible that Neanderthal genomics and metabolonomics could also contribute to androgynous behaviour. Autistic patients tend to have Neanderthal metabolonomics and phenotype. This results in a society of Amazonian women, matriarchy and male eunuchs.

  • von Ravikumar Kurup
    91,00 €

    The growth of endosymbiotic archaea leads to methanogenesis which contributes to only a small amount of global warming. But the archaea are capable of carbon dioxide fixation and take up the function of trees which have been cut down reduced the carbon dioxide levels and temperature levels. The archaea are also capable of ammonia oxidation which also reduces global warming. Thus, the endosymbiotic archaea brings global warming under control as well as changing the human species to an autistic tribe of eunuchs in small clusters who are defrontalized with a cerebellar cognitive affective disorder. This new species in the post-AI world can be called Homo autisticus and a Gandhian-Buddhist civilization of anarchy.

  • von Ravikumar Kurup
    91,00 €

    The oxidative stress& osmotic stress of global warming can induce aldose reductase mediated conversion of glucose to fructose via the enzyme sorbitol dehydrogenase. This also leads to induction of fructokinase, generation of fructose, fructosemia and fructositis. The increased fructose can fructosylate proteins producing antigenic proteins and autoimmune disease. Thus fructosemia can contribute to neurodegeneration, psychiatric disorders like schizophrenia, bipolar mood disorder, autism, ADHD, la tourette¿s &encephalitis lethargica. Fructose can produce ATP depletion and oxidative stress. Oxidative stress can induce NFKB producing chronic inflammation &TNF alpha can produce insulin resistance acting at the level of insulin receptor. The insulin resistance activates the aldose reductase fructokinase system still further which is also further activated by the osmotic and oxidative stress of extremes of climate like global warming. This produces syndrome with anti-glycolytic enzyme anti-basal ganglia antibodies. Neanderthals are impulsive and creatures of emotion dominated by the brain stem structures and cerebellum. Impulsive magical societies can be compared to societies of devil.

  • von Ravikumar Kurup
    91,00 €

    There is a new demographic pattern following post-COVID. The neanderthalic remnant population with archaeal symbiosis expands the rising global warming and low level EMF pollution from the internet. There is rise of Jews, Semitic Muslims, Iranians, North American-Indians, South American-Indians, Australian Aboriginals, Mauries, Shudras, Dalits and tribals of India forming the civilization - post-COVID. The new demography following post-Covid is located around the Southern ocean and the Antarctic continent which becomes habitable due to global warming. The centre of the world ships to the Southern ocean. The Indian ocean and Southern ocean is converted into a Neanderthal lake with resurgence of a neanderthalic civilization on it shows including the Antarctic, a new civilization of autistic deglobalized androgynous matriarchal asuric Neanderthal.

  • von Ravikumar Kurup
    79,00 €

    The Homo neanderthalis and Homo sapien species evolved as basically visitations of extraterrestrial intelligence as archaeal and RNA viroidal colonies. The Homo sapien species is extraterrestrial RNA viroidal dominant with RNA viroids integrated into the genomic DNA. The retrovirus would have come down via meteoritic and cometic impacts on to the earth. The retrovirus would have formed in the giant quantal computing porphyrinogenic intergalactic cloud. Retroviruses can infect multicellular organisms producing an infection. The seeding of retroviruses would have led to the killing of homo neanderthalis and remnant homo neanderthalis would have remained in protective enclaves and South India, Iberian Peninsula, Northern Europe and Siberia. The corona virus induced increase in porphyrin synthesis and porphyria has got other major catastrophic consequences. Thus the corona virus can induce an acquired porphyria, form porphyrions which can self-replicate and self-organize and can have porphyrion template induced abiogenetic corona virus replication. The corona virus RNA can get transcribed to DNA using HERV reverse transcriptase and colonize to human genome.

  • von Ravikumar Kurup
    83,00 €

    The brain functions as a quantal computer mediated by porphyrions which have a wave-particle existence. This can lead to the generation of electromagnetic extracorporeal traces of information stored in synaptic pathways of the brain. What has happened, is happening and will happen is preordained and stored as information in the quantal perceptive world. Niyati is the quantal history of the past, present and future stored as a microcosm. This constitutes what is called as fatalism or absolute determinism in which there is no free will. The unfolding of the present depends upon the stored information of the past and the consequences that flow from that manifesting as fixed karma in an absolute deterministic world. Karma is the macroscopic world arising out of quantal superpositions manifested in Niyati. This constitutes the philosophical concepts of Maya and Lila. Lila means the universe is created out of the playful free will of consciousness. Maya means that there is only consciousness and there is a superimposed cosmic illusion. The consciousness is their permeating all things life and non-life creating an illusory expression of the macroscopic world.

  • von Ravikumar Kurup
    91,00 €

    The planet has a future because a syndrome of widespread adult onset autism consequent to the Covid pandemic occurs recurrently over the past 5 years and massive increase in global warming leading to endosymbiotic archaeal growth producing a new human species called Homo neoneanderthalis with quantal perception. As the prefrontal cortex and the frontal cortex concerned with higher cortical of executive decision making and social interaction as well as for fictional imagination on a grand heavenly-scale of galactic dimensions atrophies and becomes small. The brain-AI interface also shrinks and becomes extinct. The atrophy is more exacerbated by the internet induced electromagnetic fields which leads to endosymbiotic archaeal growth in the brain which shrinks the frontal cortex further. The monster needs its doom and the human society becomes reduced to clusters of autistic tribe of eunuchs living in village centres.

  • von Ravikumar Kurup
    83,00 €

    Every particle in the universe is conscious and interacts with a protoconsciousness field akin to gravity which produces gravitational collapse of the quantal superpositions. There is universal protoconsciousness field from which matter and particles get their intrinsic nature. The protoconsciousness field permeates the entire universe and galaxies and observes them into existence. The galaxies and the star systems are conscious and their movements are volitional. The galaxies and star systems which are permeated by the protoconsciousness or gravitational field as well as all other matter can be influenced by the protoconsciousness field creating its intrinsic and fundamental nature. The protoconsciousness field is the only reality and matter is observed and created into existence by the field. This creates the concept of the universal force and structures created by akin to a dissociative identity disorder. The universal force if accessed can modulated the structures created into existence by the act of observation of the protoconsciousness field. The protoconsciousness field creates what is called as collective consciousness.

  • von Ravikumar Kurup
    88,00 €

    The archaeal digoxin induced EM field of 10-7 oscillations and quantal perceptive fields can generate electromagnetic traces of proteins, nucleic acids and carbohydrates. This EMF traces or co-resonance patterns of simple and complex molecules in the setting of cell oscillations can generate molecular memory in water. The piezoelectric effect induced by digoxin mediated sodium-potassium ATPase inhibition can generate cellular succussion and the molecular electromagnetic traces can get stored in electric dipoles of water. These EMF traces of molecules or co-resonance pattern may form the basis of cell signal transduction. Organ-free mitochondrial network colonies of primates contain information regarding morphogenesis of the organs like the brain, heart, lung, GIT and liver. The archaeal colonies can be integrated with free mitochondrial networks containing stored quantal information about body and organ structure and function and over a period of time the free-mitochondrial networks can infect the archaeal colony and modulate the growth of a new archaeal colony network with a mitochondrial colony component in situ containing information regarding human morphogenesis & organogenesis

  • von Ravikumar Kurup
    69,00 €

    Le vieillissement peut être considéré comme une mitochondriopathie. L'augmentation de la croissance des archées actinidiques au cours du vieillissement. La mitochondrie humaine possède les enzymes du cytochrome P450 nécessaires à la synthèse des stéroïdes. La mitochondrie peut synthétiser la partie aglycone de la digoxine. Les viroïdes ARN archéologiques s'hybridant avec l'ARN mitochondrial peuvent être convertis en ADN mitochondrial par la transcriptase inverse et peuvent faire partie de l'ADN mitochondrial. L'information relative à la synthèse de la partie sucrée est ainsi transférée des archées aux mitochondries. Elles peuvent former des supermitochondries et des superbactéries synthétisant la digoxine. La digoxine mitochondriale peut réguler l'échange sodium-calcium dans la membrane cellulaire et moduler la fonction mitochondriale. Les radicaux libres peuvent produire un stress oxydatif et des dommages entraînant le processus de vieillissement.

  • von Ravikumar Kurup
    69,00 €

    O envelhecimento pode ser considerado como uma mitocondriopatia. O aumento do crescimento de arqueas actinídicas no envelhecimento. A mitocôndria humana possui as enzimas do citocromo P450 necessárias para a síntese de esteróides. A mitocôndria pode sintetizar a parte aglicona da digoxina. Os viroides de ARN das arqueas que hibridizam com o ARN mitocondrial podem ser convertidos em ADN mitocondrial pela transcriptase reversa e podem formar parte do ADN mitocondrial. Isto transfere a informação para a síntese da porção de açúcar das arqueas para as mitocôndrias. Podem formar supermitocôndrias e superbactérias que sintetizam digoxina. A digoxina mitocondrial pode regular a troca sódio-cálcio na membrana celular e modular a função mitocondrial. Os radicais livres podem produzir stress oxidativo e danos que resultam no processo de envelhecimento.

  • von Ravikumar Kurup
    69,00 €

    El envejecimiento puede considerarse una mitocondriopatía. El aumento del crecimiento de arqueas actínicas en el envejecimiento. La mitocondria humana posee las enzimas del citocromo P450 necesarias para la síntesis de esteroides. La mitocondria puede sintetizar la parte aglicona de la digoxina. Los viroides de ARN arqueal que se hibridan con el ARN mitocondrial pueden convertirse en ADN mitocondrial mediante la transcriptasa inversa y formar parte del ADN mitocondrial. Esto transfiere la información para la síntesis de la fracción de azúcar de las arqueas a las mitocondrias. Pueden formar supermitochondria y superbacterias que sintetizan digoxina. La digoxina mitocondrial puede regular el intercambio sodio-calcio en la membrana celular y modular la función mitocondrial. Los radicales libres pueden producir estrés oxidativo y daños que dan lugar al proceso de envejecimiento.

  • von Ravikumar Kurup
    88,00 €

    Organ-free mitochondrial network colonies of primates contain information regarding morphogenesis of the organs like the brain, heart, lung, GIT and liver. The archaeal colonies can be integrated with free mitochondrial networks containing stored quantal information about body and organ structure and function and over a period of time the free-mitochondrial networks can infect the archaeal colony and modulate the growth of a new archaeal colony network with a mitochondrial colony component in situ containing information regarding human morphogenesis. These colonies can eventually evolve into humans in other planets and galaxies. A new human species for other planets and satellites called homo galacticus can be evolved.

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