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Bücher von Ravikumar Kurup

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  • von Ravikumar Kurup
    91,00 €

    Climate change can lead to extremophilic endosymbiotic archaeal growth and neanderthalisation of the species. The increase in colonic archaeal growth leads to breaching of the blood-gut barrier and archaeal endosymbiosis. The exposure to the low level of EM fields consequent to widespread use of the internet, radiosatellites and radar equipments leads to increased endosymbiotic archaeal growth. The colonic archaea also generates RNA viroids which are converted to DNA viroids by colonic epithelial HERV reverse transcriptase and gets integrated into the colonic genome. The RNA and DNA viroids hybridise with the viroidal and bacterial population of the gut microbiome and virobiome DNA and RNA of the gut leading to generation of new emerging viruses. The RNA and DNA viroids and gut bacteria can also hybridise with human genomic sequences for immunity, metabolic regulation, growth factors, cell growth, cell death, neurotransmitters and HERV sequences of the colonial epithelial cell. The hybridization of archaeal RNA viroids with human genomic HERV sequences can generate retroviruses. This leads to generation of new bacteria, RNA and DNA viruses.

  • von Ravikumar Kurup
    79,00 €

    The primitive sound waves arising from gravitational waves give rise to photons and electromagnetic radiation the basis of the world of matter. The porphyrins can form supramolecular porphyrin complexes called porphyrions which can complex with iron sulphide to form porphyrion iron sulphide nanoconjugates. The supramolecular porphyrion iron sulphide nanoconjugate can store information, can self-replicate on a template and produce energy through the electron transport chain and is the most primitive organism. These primitive magnetotactic supramolecular porphyrion iron sulphide nanoconjugates contribute to the intergalactic magnetic field. The rotations of the spiral intergalactic magnetic field contribute to the creation of the stars and planetary systems. The porphyrin templates can further contribute to the formation of prions, isoprenoid organisms, RNA viroids and DNA viroids in the intergalactic magnetic field. They all can symbiose together to form the primitive archaea. The asteroid hits on the earth brought the archaea down into the earth infecting the primates producing homo neanderthalis in South India.

  • von Ravikumar Kurup
    88,00 €

    Panpsychism considers the universe as conscious and consciousness as a intrinsic feature of all sub-atomic particles, living things and non-living things. This gives continuity between the quantal world of existence and macroscopic world. The quantal superpositions collapse or undergo decoherance due to the observation of universal protoconsciousness field. The universal protoconsciousness field can be considered as gravity and antigravity. The universal protoconsciousness field permeates the whole galaxy and is intrinsic to all matter. Matter is a creation of consciousness. The existence of protoconsciousness field creating consciousness as an intrinsic feature of matter can lead to creation of matter by consciousness. Consciousness can create matter. The protoconsciousness field which forms the substrate of the universe, matter and life is eternal. The protoconsciousness field which gives the intrinsic nature to the matter is the basis of panpsychism. This forms the basis of Eastern Philosophies like Vedic, Buddhist, Jainism, Taoism, Shintoism, Shamanism, Orthodox Paganism and European Paganism.

  • von Ravikumar Kurup
    91,00 €

    The phenomena of global warming leads to increased extremophilic actinidic archaeal growth &neanderthalisation of homo sapien hybrids leading to the resurgence of neanderthalic features in society. The homo neanderthalis society was matrilineal &the homo sapien society was patrilineal. The homo neanderthalis had increased actinidic archaeal growth and archaeal magnetite/porphyrin mediated quantal perception. This gave a feeling of collective unconscious &universal oneness. The homo sapien hybrids had decreased actinidic archaeal growth &archaeal magnetite/porphyrin mediated quantal perception was minimal. This gave rise to individuality in homo sapiens as opposed to societal consciousness in homo neanderthalis. The homo neanderthalis values are primitive communism, socialism, democracy, female dominance, alternate sexuality, creativity in art and literature, spirituality, eco-consciousness, peaceful co-existence and a globalised world. The homo sapien hybrid society was selfish, primitive capitalistic, undemocratic, dictatorial, patriarchal, more masculine, less creative in art &literature, non-spiritual &material, heterosexual, exploitative, polluting &right-wing nationalistic.

  • von Ravikumar Kurup
    88,00 €

    The porphyrins can self organize to form macromolecular structures which can self replicate to form a porphyrin organism. The photon induced transfer of electrons along the macromolecule can lead to light induced ATP synthesis. The porphyrins can form a template on which RNA and DNA can form generating viroids. The porphyrins can also form a template on which prions can form. They all can join together ¿ RNA viroids, DNA viroids, prions ¿ to form primitive archaea. Thus the archaea are capable of self replication on porphyrin templates. The self-replicating archaea can sense gravity which gives rise to consciousness. They can also sense the antigravity fields which gives rise to the unconscious brain. Thus, there can be both self replicating archaea &anti-archaea regulating the conscious &unconscious brain. Thus, the climate change stress mediated increased porphyrin synthesis leads to prefrontal cortex atrophy, cerebellar dominance, cerebellar cognitive affective disorder, quantal perception and neanderthalisation of the population. The porphyrions are self replicating supramolecular organisms which forms the precursor template on which the viroids, prions &nanoarchaea originate.

  • von Ravikumar Kurup
    83,00 €

    In the modern world, internet usage leading to EMF pollution, non-vegetarianism leading to colonic archaeal methanogenesis and fossil fuel usage will continue producing fatalistic continuation of global warming. The neanderthalic remnant civilization clusters form a deglobalized civilization of Neanderthals. This results in rise in power of lower caste asuric shudras in the world. The end of power of the homo sapien hybrid Europeans, Brahminical elite and Rajput elite will result and the world will be dominated by the modern asuric neanderthalic Shudra rule. There will be a rise in power of modern Islam. Europe will see a rise in power of Russian Slavs and Asia will see China as a superpower. In India the powerful lower class Shudras will build India into a a world superpower to which the receding homo sapien hybrids will merge creating a new hegemonic world dominated by a new India dominated by working class anarchic neanderthalic Shudras. This creates a new world political and economical order with free market, right-wing nationalism and technology being the reigning ideology of new India.

  • von Ravikumar Kurup
    91,00 €

    The homo neanderthalis, the Dravidian elite and the Asuras may have a common origin in the Lemurian landmass. The homo neanderthalis arising out of the Lemurian landmass consisting of peninsular India, Antarctica and Australia would have been the forerunner of the asuric Dravidian Neanderthal group. The languages like Sanskrit and Akkadian have a Dravidian substrate. The Dravidian elite would have been synonymous with asuric Dravidian Neanderthal group. This suggests that the Vedas and Vedic civilization may have an Antarctic or Lemurian origin. The homo neanderthalis migrated from the supercontinent in the Southern ocean consisting of a South Indian landmass, Antarctica, Australia and South America owing to the breakup of the continent by volcanic eruptions in the Indonesian islands and tsunamis. The homo neanderthalis had an advanced culture and set up colonies in the Eurasian landmass creating the Indus valley civilization, Babylonian and Egyptian civilization. The kingdom of Asuras reached its glorious height as the Kingdom of Mahabali which extended throughout the India. Mahabali was a righteous king and care for the justice and wellness of his people.

  • von Ravikumar Kurup
    91,00 €

    Neanderthal genes have been described in the homo sapien population. The Neanderthal brain has a prominent cerebellar cortex and small prefrontal cortex. The Neanderthal brain structure results in female dominance and matriarchal social patterns. It was considered plausible that Neanderthal genomics and metabolonomics could also contribute to androgynous behaviour. The global warming leads to archaeal endosymbiosis and neo-neanderthalisation of homo sapien hybrids and enlargement of remnant neanderthalic population. This leads on to a matriarchal society of Amazonian women and male eunuchs functioning like slaves. Female dominance and matriarchy becomes the theme in the modern asuric neanderthalic world of Shudras. The modern neo-neanderthalic asuric satanic world of amazonian women matriarchy, mother goddess and male eunuch slaves becomes a reality. this can be traced to evolutionary descent of women first.

  • von Ravikumar Kurup
    83,00 €

    A mitocôndria é uma proteobactéria e pode ter evoluído a partir de uma bactéria magnetotáctica. Tem o seu próprio ADN bacteriano e pode sofrer fissão e fusão e formar uma colónia fora da célula. O cérebro tem uma rede mitocondrial extracelular que é perceptiva e magnetotáctica e controla a função cerebral. Os aglomerados de mitocôndrias são observados nas terminações nervosas e são importantes na libertação de neurotransmissores do neurónio pré-sináptico. A rede livre de mitocôndrias no cérebro actua como uma colónia de bactérias e controla a função cerebral e a neurotransmissão. Os centros de ferro-enxofre e as flavoproteínas das mitocôndrias são capazes de magnetopercepção e de tornar as mitocôndrias magnetotáxicas. Uma colónia de arqueia livre também habita o cérebro como arqueia endossimbiótica. A archaea é capaz de magnetopercepção e magnetotaxia. Esta colónia de mitocôndrias e de arqueas magnetotáxicas e magnetoperceptivas é regulada pelo campo geomagnético terrestre e pelos campos magnéticos intergalácticos.

  • von Ravikumar Kurup
    83,00 €

    La mitocondria es una proteobacteria y podría haber evolucionado a partir de una bacteria magnetotáctica. Tiene su propio ADN bacteriano y puede sufrir fisión y fusión y formar una colonia fuera de la célula. El cerebro tiene una red mitocondrial extracelular que es perceptiva y magnetotáctica y controla la función cerebral. Las agrupaciones mitocondriales se observan en las terminaciones nerviosas y son importantes en la liberación de neurotransmisores de la neurona presináptica. La red mitocondrial libre del cerebro actúa como una colonia bacteriana y controla la función cerebral y la neurotransmisión. Los centros de hierro y azufre y las flavoproteínas de las mitocondrias son capaces de magnetopercepción y hacen que las mitocondrias sean magnetotóxicas. En el cerebro también habita una colonia libre de arqueas endosimbióticas. La arquea es capaz de magnetopercepción y magnetotaxis. Esta colonia mitocondrial y arqueal magnetotáctica y magnetoperceptiva está regulada por el campo geomagnético terrestre y los campos magnéticos intergalácticos.

  • von Ravikumar Kurup
    83,00 €

    I mitocondri sono proteobatteri e potrebbero essersi evoluti da un batterio magnetotico. Ha un proprio DNA batterico e può subire fissione e fusione e formare una colonia al di fuori della cellula. Il cervello ha una rete mitocondriale extracellulare che è percettiva e magnetotattica e controlla le funzioni cerebrali. Gli ammassi mitocondriali si trovano nelle terminazioni nervose e sono importanti per il rilascio di neurotrasmettitori dal neurone presinaptico. La rete mitocondriale libera nel cervello agisce come una colonia batterica e controlla le funzioni cerebrali e la neurotrasmissione. I centri di ferro-solfo e le flavoproteine dei mitocondri sono in grado di magnetopercepire e di rendere i mitocondri magnetotassici. Una colonia di archei liberi abita anche il cervello come archeo endosimbiotico. L'archeo è capace di magnetopercezione e magnetassi. Questa colonia mitocondriale e arcaica magnetotattica e magnetopercettiva è regolata dal campo geomagnetico terrestre e dai campi magnetici intergalattici.

  • von Ravikumar Kurup
    108,90 €

    Mitochondrien gehören zu den Proteobakterien und könnten sich aus einem magnetotaktischen Bakterium entwickelt haben. Sie haben ihre eigene bakterielle DNA und können sich spalten und fusionieren und eine Kolonie außerhalb der Zelle bilden. Das Gehirn verfügt über ein extrazelluläres mitochondriales Netzwerk, das wahrnehmungsfähig und magnetotaktisch ist und die Gehirnfunktion steuert. Die Mitochondrien-Cluster befinden sich in den Nervenendigungen und sind wichtig für die Freisetzung von Neurotransmittern aus dem präsynaptischen Neuron. Das freie Mitochondriennetz im Gehirn wirkt wie eine Bakterienkolonie und steuert die Gehirnfunktion und die Neurotransmission. Eisen-Schwefel-Zentren und Flavoproteine in den Mitochondrien sind in der Lage, Magnetoperzeption zu betreiben und die Mitochondrien magnetotaxisch zu machen. Eine freie Archaeen-Kolonie bewohnt das Gehirn ebenfalls als endosymbiotische Archaea. Die Archaeen sind zur Magnetoperzeption und Magnetotaxis fähig. Diese magnetotaktische und magnetoperzeptive Mitochondrien- und Archaeen-Kolonie wird durch das geomagnetische Feld der Erde und die intergalaktischen Magnetfelder gesteuert.

  • von Ravikumar Kurup
    79,00 €

    Una colonia libre de arqueas también habita en el cerebro como arqueas endosimbióticas. La arquea es capaz de magnetopercepción y magnetotaxis. La mitocondria es una proteobacteria y podría haber evolucionado a partir de una bacteria magnetotáctica. Tiene su propio ADN bacteriano y puede sufrir fisión y fusión y formar una colonia fuera de la célula. El cerebro tiene una red mitocondrial extracelular que es perceptiva y magnetotáctica y controla la función cerebral. Las agrupaciones mitocondriales se observan en las terminaciones nerviosas y son importantes en la liberación de neurotransmisores de la neurona presináptica. La red mitocondrial libre del cerebro actúa como una colonia bacteriana y controla la función cerebral y la neurotransmisión. Los centros de hierro y azufre y las flavoproteínas de las mitocondrias son capaces de magnetopercepción y hacen que las mitocondrias sean magnetotóxicas.

  • von Ravikumar Kurup
    79,00 €

    Une colonie d'archées libres habite également le cerveau en tant qu'archées endosymbiotiques. L'archée est capable de magnétoperception et de magnétotaxie. La mitochondrie est une protéobactérie et pourrait avoir évolué à partir d'une bactérie magnétotactique. Elle possède son propre ADN bactérien et peut subir des fissions et des fusions et former une colonie à l'extérieur de la cellule. Le cerveau possède un réseau mitochondrial extracellulaire qui est perceptif et magnétotactique et qui contrôle les fonctions cérébrales. Les grappes de mitochondries sont présentes dans les terminaisons nerveuses et jouent un rôle important dans la libération de neurotransmetteurs par le neurone présynaptique. Le réseau mitochondrial libre dans le cerveau agit comme une colonie bactérienne et contrôle les fonctions cérébrales et la neurotransmission. Les centres fer-soufre et les flavoprotéines des mitochondries sont capables de magnétoperception et rendent les mitochondries magnétotaxiques.

  • von Ravikumar Kurup
    79,00 €

    Uma colónia de arqueia livre também habita o cérebro como arqueia endossimbiótica. A archaea é capaz de magnetopercepção e magnetotaxia. A mitocôndria é uma proteobactéria e pode ter evoluído a partir de uma bactéria magnetotáctica. Tem o seu próprio ADN bacteriano e pode sofrer fissão e fusão e formar uma colónia fora da célula. O cérebro tem uma rede mitocondrial extracelular que é perceptiva e magnetotáctica e controla a função cerebral. Os aglomerados de mitocôndrias são observados nas terminações nervosas e são importantes na libertação de neurotransmissores do neurónio pré-sináptico. A rede mitocondrial livre no cérebro actua como uma colónia de bactérias e controla a função cerebral e a neurotransmissão. Os centros de ferro-enxofre e as flavoproteínas das mitocôndrias são capazes de magnetopercepção e de tornar as mitocôndrias magnetotáxicas.

  • von Ravikumar Kurup
    79,00 €

    Una colonia di archei liberi abita anche il cervello come archeo endosimbiotico. Gli archei sono capaci di magnetopercezione e magnetassi. I mitocondri sono proteobatteri e potrebbero essersi evoluti da un batterio magnetotattico. Ha un proprio DNA batterico e può subire fissione e fusione e formare una colonia al di fuori della cellula. Il cervello ha una rete mitocondriale extracellulare che è percettiva e magnetotattica e controlla le funzioni cerebrali. Gli ammassi mitocondriali si trovano nelle terminazioni nervose e sono importanti per il rilascio di neurotrasmettitori dal neurone presinaptico. La rete mitocondriale libera nel cervello agisce come una colonia batterica e controlla le funzioni cerebrali e la neurotrasmissione. I centri ferro-solfuro e le flavoproteine dei mitocondri sono in grado di magnetopercepire e di rendere i mitocondri magnetotassici.

  • von Ravikumar Kurup
    103,90 €

    Eine freie Archaeen-Kolonie bewohnt auch das Gehirn als endosymbiotische Archaea. Die Archaeen sind zur Magnetoperzeption und Magnetotaxis fähig. Die Mitochondrien gehören zu den Proteobakterien und könnten sich aus einem magnetotaktischen Bakterium entwickelt haben. Es besitzt eine eigene bakterielle DNA und kann sich spalten und fusionieren und eine Kolonie außerhalb der Zelle bilden. Das Gehirn verfügt über ein extrazelluläres mitochondriales Netzwerk, das wahrnehmungsfähig und magnetotaktisch ist und die Gehirnfunktionen steuert. Die Mitochondriencluster befinden sich in den Nervenendigungen und sind wichtig für die Freisetzung von Neurotransmittern aus dem präsynaptischen Neuron. Das freie Mitochondriennetz im Gehirn wirkt wie eine Bakterienkolonie und steuert die Gehirnfunktion und die Neurotransmission. Eisen-Schwefel-Zentren und Flavoproteine in den Mitochondrien sind in der Lage, Magnetoperzeption zu betreiben und die Mitochondrien magnetotaktisch zu machen.

  • von Ravikumar Kurup
    83,00 €

    Mitochondria is proteobacteria and could have evolved from a magnetotactic bacteria. It has its own bacterial DNA and can undergo fission and fusion and form a colony outside the cell. The brain has an extracellular mitochondrial network which is perceptive and magnetotactic and controls brain function. The mitochondrial clusters are seen in nerve endings and are important in neurotransmitter release from the presynaptic neuron. The free mitochondrial network in the brain acts like a bacterial colony and controls brain function and neurotransmission. Iron-sulphur centres and flavoproteins of the mitochondria are capable of magnetoperception and making the mitochondria magnetotaxic. A free archaeal colony also inhabits the brain as endosymbiotic archaea. The archaea is capable of magnetoperception and magnetotaxis. This magnetotactic and magnetoperceptive mitochondrial and archaeal colony is regulated by the earth¿s geomagnetic field and the intergalactic magnetic fields.

  • von Ravikumar Kurup
    91,00 €

    Global warming leads to endosymbiotic archaeal growth. This changes the cell and tissue function and structure leading on to a new human phenotype called homo neoneanderthalis. The new organelle that are developed can withstand climate change and fix carbon dioxide and ammonia leading to endogenous synthesis of carbohydrates and protein. The neoneanderthalic archaeaons have got magnetite capable of magnetoperception and quantal perception. The quantal perception of low level of EMF leads to a new neuronal phenotype with features of endemic cerebellar cognitive affective disorder manifesting as epidemic autism. This generates superhuman man-internet autistic hybrids with telepathic and telekinetic extrasensory perception for intergalactic communication. The archaeal cholesterol oxidation depletion of sex hormones producing asexual eunuchoid phenotypes with parthenogenesis. The homo neanderthalis archaeaons secrete emerging RNA viruses to which the homo neanderthalic and homo neoneanderthalic host is resistant and infects and wipes out the sensitive homo sapien &homo sapien hybrids. The homo roboticus/homo galacticus is a new species unlike humans &spells extinction of human species.

  • von Ravikumar Kurup
    83,00 €

    The environment, trees, the forest, the rivers and animals are conscious. This leads on to the concept of environmental consciousness. The Hindus view the rivers like Ganges and mountains like Kailas as God. Environmental consciousness is a religion with sacred trees, forest, groves, idols, and animals which are all conscious and can modulate the protoconsciousness field and human behaviour. The holy cow gives humans milk is also conscious and part of protoconscious field. Idol worship leads to communication with the protoconsciousness field. Idols are force sensitizers which can modulate the consciousness field and control human behaviour.

  • von Ravikumar Kurup
    91,00 €

    The major proportion of the world ecosystem is made up of human population. Human activities in the era of industrialization lead to global warming, accumulation of greenhouse gases and initiation of climate change. This leads to increase colonic and endosymbiotic archaeal growth generating methane which accelerates global warming which assumes a tempo of its own. The human diet in the modern era with low dietary fibre and increased fat and protein also leads to colonic and endosymbiotic archaeal growth. This can also leads to increased human methane production by colonic and endosymbiotic archaeal growth initiating global warming without the effect of industrialization. The climate change can be induced by colonic and endosymbiotic archaeal growth consequent to behavioural nutritional change induced by low fibre intake. These effects of global warming can be reversed by reducing colonic and endosymbiotic archaeal growth by increasing dietary fibre intake. A high dietary fibre of around 40 percent intake with proteins from pulses and millets and lipids from coconut constituted sattvic diet.

  • von Ravikumar Kurup
    91,00 €

    The intergalactic archaeal quantal computing clouds serves as the master of the universe and as the ubiquitous universal observer. The archaea are magnetotactic owing to the presence of iron-sulphur centres in the cytoplasm functioning as magnetotactic structures with reduction of ferric to ferrous state. The archaeal flavoproteins or cryptochromes which have radical pair based magnetotactic function. The quantal computing archaeal clouds seed life in different planetary systems of galaxies. The universe can exist in the particulate and quantal state with swings between the two states determined by the master archaeal quantal computing cloud which functions as ubiquitous observer and intelligence controlling, creating and regulating the universe. Each civilization has a particulate and quantal counterpart. The particulate part of the civilization is not sensed by another civilization. The quantal computing cloud serving as the master intelligence is a universal observer and prevents particulate civilizations from coming to contact. There is a permanence of the quantal universe. The quantal civilizations inhabiting multiverses are in contact with each other through worm holes.

  • von Ravikumar Kurup
    79,00 €

    A free archaeal colony also inhabits the brain as endosymbiotic archaea. The archaea is capable of magnetoperception and magnetotaxis. Mitochondria is proteobacteria and could have evolved from a magnetotactic bacteria. It has its own bacterial DNA and can undergo fission and fusion and form a colony outside the cell. The brain has an extracellular mitochondrial network which is perceptive and magnetotactic and controls brain function. The mitochondrial clusters are seen in nerve endings and are important in neurotransmitter release from the presynaptic neuron. The free mitochondrial network in the brain acts like a bacterial colony and controls brain function and neurotransmission. Iron-sulphur centres and flavoproteins of the mitochondria are capable of magnetoperception and making the mitochondria magnetotaxic.

  • von Ravikumar Kurup
    96,90 €

    Die globale Erwärmung führt zum Wachstum endosymbiontischer Archaeen. Die endosymbiontischen Archaeen produzieren Methan durch Methanogenese und tragen damit zur globalen Erwärmung bei. Die endosymbiotischen Archaeen entwickeln sich zu Zellorganellen, die Archaeen genannt werden und die als Vitaminozyten, Neurotransminoide, Steroidzellen und Viroidzellen fungieren können, wodurch neuere Zellorganellen und eine endogene synthetische Biologie entstehen. Dies verändert die Zell- und Gewebefunktion und -struktur und führt zu einem neuen menschlichen Phänotyp, dem Homo neoneanderthalis. Der Homo neoneanderthalis ist eine widerstandsfähige Spezies, die dem Klimawandel widerstehen kann und in Umgebungen mit hohen Temperaturen, hohem Kohlendioxidgehalt der Atmosphäre und Wasserknappheit gedeiht. Sie sind ein Hinweis auf die Entschlüsselung der symbiotischen Zellstruktur. Der Nachweis von freien Mitochondrien, endosymbiotischen Archaeen, endogenen retroviralen Partikeln und zellfreier DNA kann auf eine Auflösung der symbiotischen Zelle hinweisen, die zu zellulärer Anarchie führt. Dies wird das Ende der menschlichen Spezies und eine ewige mikrobielle Zivilisation zur Folge haben.

  • von Ravikumar Kurup
    74,00 €

    El calentamiento global provoca el crecimiento de arqueas endosimbióticas. La arquea endosimbiótica produce metano por metanogénesis, lo que contribuye al calentamiento global. Las arqueas endosimbióticas se convierten en orgánulos celulares llamados arqueas que pueden funcionar como vitaminocitos, neurotransminoides, esteroides y viroides, creando nuevos orgánulos celulares y biología sintética endógena. Esto cambia la función y la estructura de las células y los tejidos, dando lugar a un nuevo fenotipo humano llamado homo neoneanderthalis. El homo neoneanderthalis es una especie resistente que puede resistir el cambio climático y prosperar en entornos de altas temperaturas, elevado dióxido de carbono atmosférico y escasez de agua. Son indicios de la desintegración de la estructura celular simbiótica. La detección de mitocondrias libres, arqueas endosimbióticas, partículas retrovirales endógenas y ADN libre de células puede indicar la desintegración de la célula simbiótica, lo que llevaría a la anarquía celular. El resultado será el fin de la especie humana y una civilización microbiana eterna.

  • von Ravikumar Kurup
    103,90 €

    Die menschliche Zivilisation und die industrielle Revolution führen zu einem Anstieg der Treibhausgase wie Kohlendioxid, was zu einer globalen Erwärmung führt. Die globale Erwärmung führt zu einem verstärkten Wachstum endosymbiontischer und kolonischer Archaeen in Menschen und Tieren, was die Methanproduktion und die globale Erwärmung fördert. Die weit verbreitete Nutzung des Internets und die Exposition gegenüber schwachen EM-Feldern führen ebenfalls zum Wachstum endosymbiontischer Archaeen und zur Methanogenese. Die weit verbreitete Nutzung des Internets, die schwache EMF-Belastung durch Mobiltelefone, der Stress des modernen Lebens, die Einnahme von antibiotischen und nicht-antibiotischen Medikamenten und der Verzehr einer ballaststoffarmen Ernährung führen also zu Wachstum und Endosymbiose von Kolonarchaeen, Methanogenese und globaler Erwärmung. Dies führt zu einer Verkleinerung der Frontallappen und einer Kleinhirnhypertrophie, die zur Neandertalisierung des Gehirns und zur Entstehung einer neuen menschlichen Spezies namens homo neoneanderthalis oder moderne Asuras führt. Es kommt zu einer Epidemie des Frontallappensyndroms und zur Entwicklung der autistischen neo-neandertalischen Asura. Schließlich kommt es zum Zusammenbruch der symbiotischen Zelle und der archaischen ewigen Zivilisation.

  • von Ravikumar Kurup
    79,00 €

    La civilización humana y la revolución industrial provocan un aumento de los gases de efecto invernadero, como el dióxido de carbono, que conduce al calentamiento global. El calentamiento global provoca un aumento del crecimiento de arqueas endosimbióticas y colónicas en humanos y animales, lo que conduce a la producción de metano y al calentamiento global. El uso generalizado de Internet con exposición a campos electromagnéticos de bajo nivel también conduce al crecimiento de arqueas endosimbióticas y a la metanogénesis. Por lo tanto, el uso generalizado de Internet, la contaminación por CEM de bajo nivel de los teléfonos móviles, el estrés de la vida moderna, el uso de medicamentos antibióticos y no antibióticos y el consumo de una dieta baja en fibra conducen al crecimiento de arqueas colónicas y a la endosimbiosis, la metanogénesis y el calentamiento global. Esto conduce a la disminución del tamaño del lóbulo frontal y la hipertrofia cerebelosa conduce a la neandertalización del cerebro y la generación de una nueva especie humana llamada homo neoneanderthalis o Asuras modernos. Se produce una epidemia de síndrome del lóbulo frontal y la evolución del Asura neoneandertal autista. Finalmente se produce el colapso de la célula simbiótica y la civilización eterna arqueal.

  • von Ravikumar Kurup
    74,00 €

    O aquecimento global leva ao crescimento endosibiótico dos arquebactérias. A arca endosibiótica produz metano por metanogénese, contribuindo para o aquecimento global. A arca endosimbiótica desenvolve-se em organela celular chamada arcaeaons, que pode funcionar como vitaminaócitos, neurotransminoides, esteroidelle e viroidelle, criando novas organelas celulares e biologia sintética endógena. Isto muda a função e a estrutura celular e tecidual, conduzindo a um novo fenótipo humano chamado homo neoneanderthalis. O homo neoneanderthalis é uma espécie resistente que pode resistir às alterações climáticas e prosperar em ambientes de alta temperatura, dióxido de carbono atmosférico elevado e escassez de água. São indicações do desenrolar da estrutura celular simbiótica. A detecção de mitocôndrias livres, arquebactérias endossimbióticas, partículas retrovirais endógenas e ADN livre de células pode indicar o desenraizamento da célula simbiótica levando à anarquia celular. Isto resultará no fim da espécie humana e de uma eterna civilização microbiana.

  • von Ravikumar Kurup
    79,00 €

    A civilização humana e a revolução industrial conduzem ao aumento dos gases da casa verde, como o dióxido de carbono, levando ao aquecimento global. O aquecimento global leva a um aumento do crescimento da arcaica endosymbiotica e cólica em humanos e animais levando à produção de metano e ao aquecimento global. O uso generalizado da Internet com exposição a campos EM de baixo nível também leva ao crescimento e metanogénese dos arquebactérias endosibióticas. Assim, o uso generalizado da Internet, a poluição de campos electromagnéticos de baixo nível por telemóveis, o stress da vida moderna, o uso de antibióticos e de medicamentos não antibióticos e o consumo de uma dieta pobre em fibras leva ao crescimento do cólon e à endosimbiose, à metanogénese e ao aquecimento global. Isto leva à diminuição do tamanho do lobo frontal e a hipertrofia cerebelar leva à neandertalização do cérebro e à geração de uma nova espécie humana chamada homo neoneanderthalis ou Asuras modernas. Há uma epidemia de síndrome do lobo frontal e evolução da Asura neoneandertalica autista. Eventualmente, há um colapso da célula simbiótica e da civilização eterna arqueal.

  • von Ravikumar Kurup
    79,00 €

    La civilisation humaine et la révolution industrielle entraînent une augmentation des gaz à effet de serre tels que le dioxyde de carbone, ce qui provoque un réchauffement de la planète. Le réchauffement climatique entraîne une croissance accrue des archées endosymbiotiques et coliques chez les humains et les animaux, ce qui conduit à la production de méthane et au réchauffement climatique. L'utilisation généralisée d'Internet et l'exposition à des champs électromagnétiques de faible intensité favorisent également la croissance d'archées endosymbiotiques et la méthanogénèse. Ainsi, l'utilisation généralisée d'Internet, la pollution par les champs électromagnétiques de faible intensité des téléphones portables, le stress de la vie moderne, l'utilisation de médicaments antibiotiques et non antibiotiques et la consommation d'un régime pauvre en fibres entraînent la croissance et l'endosymbiose des archées du côlon, la méthanogenèse et le réchauffement de la planète. Cela entraîne une diminution de la taille du lobe frontal et une hypertrophie du cervelet, ce qui conduit à la néandertalisation du cerveau et à la création d'une nouvelle espèce humaine appelée homo neoneanderthalis ou Asuras modernes. Une épidémie de syndrome du lobe frontal et l'évolution de l'Asura néandertalien autiste se produisent. On assiste finalement à l'effondrement de la cellule symbiotique et de la civilisation archéenne éternelle.

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