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Bücher von Ravindra Pratap Singh

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  • von Ravindra Pratap Singh
    61,00 €

    Este libro pone de relieve la evolución y los nuevos retos a los que se enfrentan actualmente la ciencia de los nanomateriales, la nanoingeniería y la nanotecnología, con sus aplicaciones y desarrollo en los campos biológico y biomédico.Las nanopartículas metálicas que ya han encontrado numerosas aplicaciones en la ciencia y la tecnología pueden obtenerse de distintas formas. En el estudio inicial incluido en Nanopartículas metálicas: Propiedades, Síntesis y Aplicaciones, se exponen varios factores que afectan a la morfología de las nanopartículas metálicas.Se dan detalles de diferentes síntesis de materiales a nanoescala y nanoestructurados, su procesamiento, caracterización y aplicaciones, y se consideran las mejoras que pueden introducirse en los materiales nanoestructurados con sus diferentes aplicaciones biomédicas. El libro también cubre brevemente los diferentes nanomateriales basados en metales, sus propiedades, síntesis, caracterizaciones y sus potenciales aplicaciones biomédicas. Será especialmente útil para fines de lectura e investigación, sobre todo para estudiantes de ciencias, biotecnología e ingeniería en el mundo académico, así como para investigadores industriales.

  • von Ravindra Pratap Singh
    79,90 €

    Dieses Buch beleuchtet die Entwicklung und die neuen Herausforderungen, denen sich die Wissenschaft der Nanomaterialien, die Nanotechnologie und das Nanoengineering derzeit gegenübersehen, sowie deren Anwendungen und Entwicklung im biologischen und biomedizinischen Bereich.Metallische Nanopartikel, die bereits zahlreiche Anwendungen in Wissenschaft und Technik gefunden haben, können auf unterschiedliche Weise gewonnen werden. In der einleitenden Studie in Metal Nanoparticles: Eigenschaften, Synthese und Anwendungen" werden mehrere Faktoren beschrieben, die die Morphologie von Metallnanopartikeln beeinflussen.Es werden Einzelheiten zu verschiedenen nanoskaligen und nanostrukturierten Materialien, deren Synthese, Verarbeitung, Charakterisierung und Anwendungen beschrieben und Verbesserungen bei nanostrukturierten Materialien mit ihren verschiedenen biomedizinischen Anwendungen betrachtet. Das Buch befasst sich auch kurz mit den Eigenschaften, der Synthese und der Charakterisierung verschiedener Nanomaterialien auf Metallbasis sowie mit deren potenziellen biomedizinischen Anwendungen. Es ist besonders nützlich für die Lektüre und für Forschungszwecke, vor allem für Studenten der Naturwissenschaften, der Biotechnologie und des Ingenieurwesens an Hochschulen sowie für Forscher in der Industrie.

  • von Ravindra Pratap Singh
    61,00 €

    Este livro destaca a evolução e os novos desafios que a ciência dos nanomateriais, a nanoengenharia e a nanotecnologia enfrentam atualmente, com as suas aplicações e desenvolvimento nos domínios biológico e biomédico.As nanopartículas metálicas que já encontraram numerosas aplicações na ciência e na tecnologia podem ser obtidas de diferentes formas. No estudo de abertura incluído em Nanopartículas metálicas: Propriedades, Síntese e Aplicações, são apresentados vários factores que afectam a morfologia das nanopartículas metálicas.Apresenta pormenores sobre a síntese, processamento, caraterização e aplicações de diferentes materiais à escala nanométrica e nanoestruturados e considera as melhorias que podem ser introduzidas nos materiais nanoestruturados com as suas diferentes aplicações biomédicas. O livro também aborda brevemente as propriedades, a síntese, a caraterização e as potenciais aplicações biomédicas de diferentes nanomateriais à base de metais. O livro será particularmente útil para fins de leitura e investigação, especialmente para estudantes de ciências, biotecnologia e engenharia no meio académico, bem como para investigadores industriais.

  • von Ravindra Pratap Singh
    61,00 €

    Ce livre met en lumière l'évolution de la science des nanomatériaux, de la nanoingénierie et de la nanotechnologie, ainsi que les nouveaux défis auxquels elles sont actuellement confrontées, avec leurs applications et leur développement dans les domaines biologique et biomédical.Les nanoparticules métalliques qui ont déjà trouvé de nombreuses applications en science et en technologie peuvent être obtenues de différentes manières. Dans l'étude préliminaire incluse dans Metal Nanoparticles : Properties, Synthesis and Applications, plusieurs facteurs affectant la morphologie des nanoparticules métalliques.Elle donne des détails sur la synthèse, le traitement, la caractérisation et les applications de différents matériaux nanométriques et nanostructurés, et examine les améliorations qui peuvent être apportées aux matériaux nanostructurés dans le cadre de leurs différentes applications biomédicales. Le livre couvre également brièvement les propriétés, la synthèse, la caractérisation et les applications biomédicales potentielles des différents nanomatériaux à base de métaux. Il sera particulièrement utile pour la lecture et la recherche, notamment pour les étudiants en sciences, en biotechnologie et en ingénierie, ainsi que pour les chercheurs industriels.

  • von Ravindra Pratap Singh
    191,00 €

    This book entails detailed information on the utilization of nanobiosensor as an effective technology for the effective detection, monitoring, and management of environmental contaminations to ensure its sustainability and humanity's well-being. The higher level of anthropogenic action has been identified as a threat to humankind's existence due to the higher level of xenobiotic and toxic substances that could interrupt the normal ecosystem. This has prompted numerous agencies both locally and internationally that could play a significant role in environmental pollution mitigation. The application of nanobiosensor has been identified as a sustainable technique that could be applied to ensure proper detection and identification of several environmental contaminants.  Nanomaterial's possible applications created an innovative domain called nanomaterials based biosensors machinery as one of nanotechnology's ultimate sub-divisions. The application of nanomaterials based biosensors machinery and their advancements could be applied globally to resolve numerous environmental sectors' challenges to guarantee the environment's quality and safety.The book will be an excellent collection of reviews based on contemporary research and developments on nanomaterials utilization and applications in environmental monitoring along with their prospects. The book will attempt to give a comprehensive idea of nanomaterial concepts for nanobiosensors applications in an environmental context to help students, researchers, and professionals/practitioners recognize nanomaterials' significance in the environmental domain. The book will also help understand and address the environmental sectors' complications via nanomaterials' utilization and applications. Hence, this book will serve as a textbook and will help students, professionals/practitioners, scientists, researchers, and academicians in various research domains.

  • von Ravindra Pratap Singh
    61,00 €

    This book highlights the evolution of, and novel challenges currently facing, nanomaterials science, nanoengineering, and nanotechnology, with their applications and development in the biological and biomedical fields. Metal nanoparticles that have already found numerous applications in science and technology may be obtained in different ways. In the opening study included in Metal Nanoparticles: Properties, Synthesis and Applications, several factors affecting metal nanoparticle morphology. It gives details of different nanoscale and nanostructured materials syntheses, processing, characterization, applications, and considers improvements that can be made in nanostructured materials with their different biomedical applications. The book also briefly covers the different metal based nanomaterials properties, synthesis, characterizations and their potential biomedical applications. It will be particularly useful for reading and research purposes, especially for science, biotechnology and engineering students in academics as well as for industrial researchers.

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