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Bücher von Ravneet Gill

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  • - Knockout recipes to celebrate the sweeter things in life
    von Ravneet Gill
    18,98 €

    For as long as Ravneet Gill can remember sugar been her friend and constant companion, so it's little wonder that she grew up to become a pastry chef for some of London's most respected food institutions. Rav's first book, The Pastry Chef's Guide laid down the basics, but now she is back - serving more gems to help you build up your baking armory.

  • - The secret to successful baking every time
    von Ravneet Gill
    25,00 €

    This is a book aimed at chefs and home bakers alike who FEAR baking. The message: pastry is easy. This no-nonsense manual is designed to become THE baking reference book on any cookery shelf. Whether you want to make a lighter-than-air birthday cake or flaky breakfast pastries, Ravneet offers just the right advice to make it easy.

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