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Bücher von Rebecca Campbell

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  • von Rebecca Campbell
    24,00 €

    Das Healing Waters Orakel ruft dich auf, dich mit den heiligen Flüssen, Seen, Meeren und Ozeanen, die uns umgeben, zu verbinden und Wasser als unsere wertvollste Ressource zu feiern. Wo Wasser ist, ist Leben; wo Leben ist, ist Wasser. Die Botschaften der Karten laden dich ein, Wasser und alles daraus entstehende Leben als heilig zu betrachten.Die Künstlerin Katie-Louise hat wunderschöne, visionäre Collagen erschaffen; Bestseller-Autorin Rebecca Campbell führt dich im beiliegenden Booklet tief in die mystisch-spirituelle Dimension dieses heiligen Elements ein.¿ Das neue Deck der Bestseller-Autorin Rebecca Campbell ¿ Deutsche Erstausgabe des internationalen Bestsellers¿ Wunderschöne Collagen der erfolgreichen Künstlerin Katie-Louise¿ Einfühlsame Texte im umfangreichen Booklet¿ Inhalt: 44 Orakelkarten, Stülpdeckelschachtel mit Goldprägung und 176-seitiges Booklet

  • von Rebecca Campbell
    22,00 €

  • von Rebecca Campbell
    19,00 €

    An encouraging guidebook to awaken to your potential, connect with the callings of your soul, and light up the world with your presence. This international bestselling book has helped hundreds of thousands of people all over the world to create a life that is in deep alignment with their soul. "Light Is The New Black is an inspiring book with a message that is so needed right now. Rebecca courageously guides us to turn our lights on and follow the daily calls of our soul so we can all light up the world with our authentic spirit." - Sonia Choquette, bestselling author of The Answer is Simple ANSWER THE CALL OF YOUR SOUL AND WORK YOUR LIGHT Your inner light is your soul and it is guiding you every moment of every day. Light Is the New Black is for those who agreed to be here at this time in history to answer the call of their soul and work their light.Rebecca Campbell had her first awakening when she was a teenager, but without anyone to guide her, she ignored her soul's callings and dimmed her light in order to fit in. Then, just before her 30th birthday, the life she had so consciously created began to crumble around her.>In this inspirational book, Rebecca shares her own healing journey, alongside practical tools to help you reconnect with the core of your being, and channelled messages from the Universe. Once you rediscover what you already know at soul level, you can create a life that is in divine alignment, discover your soul gifts, and offer the world something that only you can give. "When I first woke up to the callings of my soul, I lacked the courage, confidence, inner support, and practical tools not just to hear the callings of my soul, but to let them truly lead my life. There were pieces missing, a journey needed to be taken. I called upon the Universe and spiritual teachers to support me. This book is the result of that journey. You can read it in one sitting, one chapter a day, or pick a page at random for an instant hit of guidance. Throughout you will find 'Work Your Light' exercises, mantras, and affirmations. I created these with the intention of guiding you not only to hear the callings of your soul, but to act on them too... I pray that you discover the authentic gift to the world that you already are and choose to serve the world by being You. Follow what lights you up and you will light up the world. So much love, Rebecca x

  • von Rebecca Campbell
    17,99 €

    Tief in unserem Inneren schlummert ein Licht, das strahlen will. Es ist das Gefühl, dass etwas Größeres auf uns wartet, dass wir aus einem bestimmten Grund auf dieser Welt sind. Doch oft fehlt uns der Mut, diesem inneren Ruf zu folgen. Die spirituelle Motivationslehrerin Rebecca Campbell zeigt auf ihre charmante und leichte Art, wie wir das Potenzial entfalten, das in uns verborgen liegt. Ihre Übungen, Mantras und Affirmationen helfen, die innere Stärke zu gewinnen, um den eigenen Weg zu gehen und unsere wahre Berufung zu leben. >

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