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Bücher von Rev. Peter Pryce

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  • von Rev. Peter Pryce
    94,00 €

    The revelations on this subject of "Church" in this book: HOW TO EXAMINE PASTORS: WHAT IS THE CHURCH AND WHY DOES IT MATTER?, have been deep, especially, its educational simplicity in showing, according to the Word of God, what a Church is and should be, the specific teachings that people can and should expect from a Church, the specific activities and behaviors that people can and should expect from Church Leaders!Quite simply, this is a Pastoral Verification Book that anyone who can read and write should acquire, and use it this way:1. Check all the Pastors whether they are truly called by God Almighty or by Satan!2. You simply have to read this book, and then,3. Hear your Pastor's teaching and preaching, and then,4. Compare his teachings to what I have exposed here in this book, and then,5. Decide for yourself whether your Pastor is strictly following the LORD Jesus Christ in the Holy Bible, or, whether he gets his doctrines from Satan!If the answer is, yes, then, stay with your Pastor! If the answer is, no, then, leave immediately before your church becomes a death trap to you because of your ignorance and stupidity to follow a Cult Leader Pastor without verifying his/her teachings in the Holy Bible as the wise Bereans did and became saved!I have done the Pastoral Verification Work for you already in this Book, by showing you all the concepts and doctrines that he should be preaching to you, so, just read it and apply it to your Pastor, in order to know whether it was God who called him, or Satan!Isaiah 8:20 (KJV) To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.The LORD Jesus Christ be with your spirit. The LORD Jesus Christ give you understanding as you read this book.God bless you!Rev. Prof. PETER PRYCE,DSEF, BA, MA, B.Soc.Sc Pol Sci, IBA, PhDA Scribe of the Law of the God of Heaven

  • von Rev. Peter Pryce
    101,00 €

    Dear Readers of the Holy Bible:1. When I read the Book of Jeremiah, how am I supposed to understand it?2. How does the Book relate to me today, and what lessons am I to take away from it?3. There are 640 study topics in the Book of Jeremiah, which translate to some 640 hours of Bible lessons.4. Some of the lessons in Jeremiah that relate to you today center on the decadence in all the churches: the rottenness, the fraud, the thievery, the deceptions, the robbery, the lying, the fornications and adulteries, the false doctrines, and the occultic practices in the churches, all of which the LORD God Almighty blames on the Church Leaders! There is no evil deed in a nation that did not originate and spread forth from Pastors, Bishops, Church Leaders, and the Clergy! Jeremiah 50:6 (KJV), Jeremiah 23:15 (KJV).5. Therefore, the doctrine of Clergy Peer Control is the most stupid proposal that the most foolish and the worst educated men ever put on the table!6. The LORD God says it very plainly in the Holy Bible that congregations are being devoured by errant evil Pastors and incompetent uneducated Clergy, so, if God Almighty Himself has told you who the evil doers are and who the lions are, then, how deep is your stupidity as a Government to relinquish the control and oversight of the sheep to the very lions who devour them? Jeremiah 50:7 (KJV).7. Solution?8. Find out from this Book!+ + + + + + +Rev. Prof. PETER PRYCE,DSEF, BA, MA, B.Soc.Sc Pol Sci, IBA, PhDA Scribe of the Law of the God of Heaven

  • von Rev. Peter Pryce
    142,00 €

    Dear Readers of the Holy Bible:1. Each day, every human being makes several decisions!2. The only reason why you go to school from two to sixteen years is because, every person that is born of a degenerate sinful man and woman is born as a beast, an animal, an empty vessel, knowing nothing, crude, uncultured, uncivilized, brute, raw, unrefined, uneducated, illiterate, unlearned, a fool, an idiot, a stupid infant, a wicked liar, and a transgressor from the womb, says God!3. Now, every human is made up of 3 persons in one body, having a spirit-man that relates to God Almighty (Ecclesiastes 12:7 (KJV)), a soul-man possessing a mind and a seat of knowledge that processes awareness to the Earth and to his environment (Proverbs 19:2 (KJV)), and a flesh-man that is the house in which lives the spirit and the soul (Luke 11:24 (KJV))!4. The worldly education that you receive from age 2 to 16, and the University, is meant to refine you from a beast to a normal human being knowing how to identify knowledge, process knowledge, and use knowledge to coordinate and advance your own life!5. The tragic part of human education is that it caters to ONLY the flesh part of the 3 persons living inside the man/woman!6. Hence, the soul and the spirit persons of the man are left still as brute unrefined uneducated illiterate animals within the man/woman!7. That is why you often hear of extremely exceptionally educated men and women from the best Universities of the world, and yet they are still thieves, they are still liars, they are still full of hatred against Black People, they are still evil and wicked, they are still self-destructive and bold to make laws and policies that destroy the Earth even while they know that they have nowhere else to go after they have destroyed the Earth!8. Solution to humans being their own enemies?9. That is what the LORD God Almighty is revealing in Isaiah 30:1 (KJV)!10. People take counsel from only the flesh education that they have received, but because the flesh is the minority of the three persons, and because the other two majority persons of spirit and soul are still in their animal undeveloped stages, the majority brute beasts, therefore, control the minority educated person and cause him/her to decide and act as beastly as to eventually kill himself/herself!11. The Counsel of God is the Law/Word of God which is the spiritual textbook that is needed to educate the spirit and the soul away from their beastly self-destructive traits!12. When that spiritual textbook is not used to educate the spirit and the soul unto Truth and Righteousness, then well-educated men and women everywhere manufacture evil!13. The textbook of the LORD God must be taught to humans; else humans will destroy themselves on the Earth and then go to Hell in the end!14. When there is no teaching of the Word of God the Holy Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, then there is no God!+ + + + + + +Rev. Prof. PETER PRYCE,DSEF, BA, MA, B.Soc.Sc Pol Sci, IBA, PhDA Scribe of the Law of the God of Heaven

  • von Rev. Peter Pryce
    90,00 €

    We present this Book - SPIRITUAL SUPERIORITY OF THE BLACK MAN - in which we reveal certain Truths about Black People that the LORD God Almighty has embedded and revealed to me in the Holy Scriptures, most especially in the Book of Acts: in defense of the SPIRITUAL SUPERIORITY OF THE BLACK MAN! Here are sacred spiritual Truths of Heaven that have hitherto been hidden from the world.This is a most valuable study and reference material for all Black People on the Promised Land/Continent of Alkebu-lan (Africa) and in the Diaspora. The spiritual knowledge in this Book is the Sword that cuts asunder the shackles of mental, spiritual, and physical bondage of Racism and Black hatred that white people all over the world have used to hold down, to subjugate, to belittle, to exploit, to kill, to exterminate, and to pillage Black People's natural resources in Africa for centuries unend!As a result of the fact that white people originated, devised, and perfected Black hatred of Racism all over the world, Black People have often asked themselves where is God Almighty in all this genocide against Black People, especially when white people, white governments, and white churches perfected the lie that Black People were destined to be slaves, were cursed by God, and had no God until white men brought the Gospel of Jesus Christ to them in Africa! That was a lie!Today, in this Book, I bring you the answer to the questions of: Where is God in the life of Black People? What is the position of the Black Man in the spiritual hierarchy of the realms? What is the spiritual position of the Black Man vis-à-vis all white people?Today, in this Book, you hear hidden Truths from the mouth of God Almighty, from the Holy Spirit, and from the Lord Jesus Christ, in the Book of Acts, that: The Black Man, the Black Woman, according to the Holy Bible the Word of God, is superior to all white people, both spiritually and biologically! Certainly, the Holy Bible is the History Book of Black People!

  • von Rev. Peter Pryce
    74,00 €

    As a Pastor, when people come to you for Marriage Counseling, do you use human good marriage experiences to counsel them? That is wrong! God Almighty established the 1st Marriage Institution and it belongs to God Almighty! Therefore, use ONLY the Words of the Owner of Marriage to counsel men and women in marriages!Marriage Counseling Textbook for Ministers Vol. 1 - Research from Genesis to Revelation - is a most valuable study and reference material for the Spiritual Bible Training of Ministers, specifically for Marriage Counseling, so that the Man of God should be well equipped and adequately furnished to respond to all spiritual questions regarding Christian marriage between man and woman! Every married man and woman should get this book! Every Minister of Christ who counsels men and women in marriage and into marriage should get this book and begin to speak with authority on Christian Marriage between man and woman!

  • von Rev. Peter Pryce
    77,00 €

    The Bible University (WWW.THEBIBLEUNIVERSITY.ORG) offers the following Degree Programs at the following levels of academic and spiritual education: 1. Certificate in Theology (CT) (for just one topic or two) - 1 month.2. Diploma in Theology (DT) is a self-paced one-year diploma program of purely Bible Study, Bible Translation, and Bible Interpretation.3. Bachelor of Theology (BT) - 2-year degree program to complete 22 self-selected Books of the Holy Bible.4. Master of Theology (MT) - 2-year degree program to complete 44 self-selected Books of the Holy Bible.5. Doctor of Theology (Th.D.) - 4-year degree program to complete all 66 Books of the Holy Bible.6. Diploma in Chaplaincy Training Program for Pastors.7. Diploma in Church Financial Management Training Program for Pastors.8. Diploma in General Counseling Training Program for Pastors.9. Diploma in Marriage Counseling Training Program for Pastors.10. Diploma in Sermon Preparation for Ministers of the Gospel.11. Preparation of Bible Topics for Christian Conference and award of Conference Certificates to Participants.The Complete Bible Curriculum series are useful for detailed and prolonged Bible Study over several years. It is useful for developing Bible Q and A discussions, for seminars, for topics to preach and to teach, for Sunday School Teaching, for weekly Bible Study, for Radio and TV Bible discussions on Faith, for academic and intellectual research in the University Departments of Religion and Theology, and for acquiring the correct Scripture teachings and understanding as your Ticket to Heaven! This Christian Theological Research Textbook will benefit:1. Already established Ministers who are still teaching the Word of God.2. Newly ordained church Ministers who are seeking Pastoral Training in sermon preparation.3. Theological Scholars who are researching theological questions in the Holy Scriptures.4. Bible Students What is the spiritual information that is hidden behind each of the 150 chapters in The Book of Psalms? There are 1,785 study topics of complete teachings in Complete Bible Curriculum Vol. 6 - The Book of Psalms for University research, Spiritual Training for Ministers, and Christians. We shall continue the Teachings of the Books of the Bible in Vol. 7.

  • von Rev. Peter Pryce
    45,00 €

  • von Rev. Peter Pryce
    282,00 €

  • von Rev. Peter Pryce
    77,00 €

  • von Rev. Peter Pryce
    156,00 €

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