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Bücher von Rhys Ford

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  • von Rhys Ford
    25,00 €

    Suite d'Absinthe of MaliceSerie Sinners Tome 6 Miki St John croyait que les fins heureuses n'existaient que dans les contes de fees jusqu'a ce que sa vie prenne quelques virages inattendus... et desormais il a trouve la sienne.Son meilleur ami, Damien, est de retour d'entre les morts, et leur nouveau groupe, Crossroads Gin, grimpe en fleche dans les charts. Miki peut compter sur un compagnon solide et affectueux nomme Kane Morgan - un inspecteur de la police de San Francisco, dote d'une grande famille irlandaise qui le considere comme l'un des leurs - et son chien Mec se tient a ses cotes.Helas, quelqu'un essaye de le tuer.De vieilles loyautes et d'anciennes rancunes emergent du sombre et mysterieux passe de Chinatown. Miki lutte pour faire face a l'abandon de sa mere decedee, aux secrets et au meurtre brutal de cette derniere, alors qu'il est traque par un meurtrier enigmatique qui pourrait avoir des liens avec elle.L'affaire atterrit entre les mains de Kane. Miki et lui sont entraines dans un jeu mortel du chat et de la souris. Quand Miki est force d'affronter ses demons personnels et les horreurs de son enfance, une seule chose est certaine : la rock star et son flic sont determines a se battre pour leur avenir et a survivre aux demons menacants du passe de Miki.

  • - Cofanetto 1 Libri 1-3: Cofanetto 1 Libri 1-3
    von Rhys Ford
    31,00 €

  • von Rhys Ford, Bru Baker & Jenn Moffatt
    26,00 €

  • von Rhys Ford
    18,00 €

    La chose la plus difficile a faire pour un rebelle n'est pas de se battre pour une cause, mais de se battre pour lui-meme.La vie prend un malin plaisir poignarder Gus Scott dans le dos lorsqu'il s'y attend le moins. Aprs avoir pass des annes fuir son pass, son prsent et le sombre avenir que lui avait prdit les assistantes sociales, le karma lui fournit la seule chose laquelle il ne pourra - ne voudra - jamais tourner le dos : un fils n d'une nuit passe avec une femme quelques annes auparavant aprs une rupture dvastatrice.Retourner San Francisco et au 415 Ink, le salon de tatouage familial, lui a fourni un abri idal pour combattre ses dmons personnels et se reconstruire jusqu' ce que le pompier qui l'avait bris revienne dans sa vie.Pour Rey Montenegro, le tatoueur Gus Scott tait une rcompense insaisissable, un prix tincelant qu'il n'avait pas eu la force de retenir. Mettre un terme sa relation avec le tatoueur versatile avait t douloureux, mais Gus n'avait pas voulu de la vie de famille dont lui rvait, le laissant avec une me meurtrie.Lorsque la vie et le monde de Gus commencent s'effondrer, Rey l'aide rassembler les morceaux, et Gus se demande si l'histoire d'amour ternel laquelle aspire Rey peut vraiment exister.

  • von Rhys Ford
    17,00 €

  • von Rhys Ford
    17,00 €

  • von Rhys Ford
    18,00 €

  • von Rhys Ford
    21,00 €

  • von Rhys Ford
    18,00 €

  • von Rhys Ford
    18,00 €

  • von Rhys Ford
    18,00 €

  • von Rhys Ford
    18,00 €

    Murder and Mayhem: Book TwoWhoever said blood was thicker than water never stood in a pool of it.Retiring from stealing priceless treasures seemed like a surefire way for Rook Stevens to stay on the right side of the law. The only cop in his life should have been his probably-boyfriend, Los Angeles Detective Dante Montoya, but that's not how life-his life-is turning out. Instead, Rook ends up not only standing in a puddle of his cousin Harold's blood but also being accused of Harold's murder and sleeping with Harold's wife.For Dante, loving the former thief means his once-normal life is now a sea of chaos, especially since Rook seems incapable of staying out of trouble-or keeping trouble from following him home. When Rook is tagged as a murder suspect by a narrow-focused West LA detective, Dante steps in to pull his lover out of the quagmire Rook's landed in.When the complicated investigation twists around on them, the dead begin to stack up, forcing the lovers to work together. Time isn't on their side, and if they don't find the killer before another murder, Dante will be visiting Rook in his prison cell-or at his grave.

  • von Rhys Ford
    18,00 €

    415 Ink: Book OneThe hardest thing a rebel can do isn't standing up for something-it's standing up for himself.Life takes delight in stabbing Gus Scott in the back when he least expects it. After Gus spends years running from his past, present, and the dismal future every social worker predicted for him, karma delivers the one thing Gus could never-would never-turn his back on: a son from a one-night stand he'd had after a devastating breakup a few years ago.Returning to San Francisco and to 415 Ink, his family's tattoo shop, gave him the perfect shelter to battle his personal demons and get himself together until the firefighter who'd broken him walked back into Gus's life.For Rey Montenegro, tattoo artist Gus Scott was an elusive brass ring, a glittering prize he hadn't the strength or flexibility to hold on to. Severing his relationship with the mercurial tattoo artist hurt, but Gus hadn't wanted the kind of domestic life Rey craved, leaving Rey with an aching chasm in his soul.When Gus's life and world starts to unravel, Rey helps him pick up the pieces, and Gus wonders if that forever Rey wants is more than just a dream.

  • von Rhys Ford
    18,98 €

    Welcome to Dim Sum Asylum: a San Francisco where it's a ho-hum kind of case when a cop has to chase down an enchanted two-foot-tall shrine god statue with an impressive Fu Manchu mustache that's running around Chinatown, trolling sex magic and chaos in its wake.Senior Inspector Roku MacCormick of the Chinatown Arcane Crimes Division faces a pile of challenges far beyond his human-faerie heritage, snarling dragons guarding C-Town's multiple gates, and exploding noodle factories. After a case goes sideways, Roku is saddled with Trent Leonard, a new partner he can't trust, to add to the crime syndicate family he doesn't want and a spell-casting serial killer he desperately needs to find.While Roku would rather stay home with Bob the Cat and whiskey himself to sleep, he puts on his badge and gun every day, determined to serve and protect the city he loves. When Chinatown's dark mystical underworld makes his life hell and the case turns deadly, Trent guards Roku's back and, if Trent can be believed, his heart... even if from what Roku can see, Trent is as dangerous as the monsters and criminals they're sworn to bring down.

  • von Rhys Ford
    18,98 €

  • von Rhys Ford
    19,00 €

  • von Rhys Ford
    18,00 €

  • von Rhys Ford
    18,00 €

  • von Rhys Ford
    18,00 €

  • von Rhys Ford
    21,00 €

  • von Rhys Ford
    18,00 €

  • von Rhys Ford
    19,98 €

  • von Rhys Ford
    18,00 €

  • von Rhys Ford
    20,00 €

  • von Rhys Ford
    18,00 €

  • von Rhys Ford
    20,00 €

  • von Rhys Ford
    17,98 €

    How do you save a drowning man when that drowning man is you?Jake Moore's world fits too tightly around him. Every penny he makes as a welder goes to care for his dying father, an abusive, controlling man who's the only family Jake has left. Because of a promise to his dead mother, Jake resists his desire for other men, but it leaves him consumed by darkness.It takes all of Dallas Yates's imagination to see the possibilities in the fatigued art deco building on WeHo's outskirts, but what seals the deal is a shy smile from the handsome metal worker across the street. Their friendship deepens while Dallas peels back the hardened layers strangling Jake's soul. It's easy to love the sweet, artistic man hidden behind Jake's shattered exterior, but Dallas knows Jake needs to first learn to love himself.When Jake's world crumbles, he reaches for Dallas, the man he's learned to lean on. It's only a matter of time before he's left to drift in a life he never wanted to lead and while he wants more, Jake's past haunts him, making him doubt he's worth the love Dallas is so desperate to give him.

  • von Rhys Ford
    18,00 €

    Half Moon Bay: Book TwoAngel Daniels grew up hard, one step ahead of the law and always looking over his shoulder. A grifter's son, he'd learned every con and trick in the book but ached for a normal life. Once out on his own, Angel returns to Half Moon Bay where he once found... and then lost... love.Now, Angel's life is a frantic mess of schedules and chaos. Between running his bakery and raising his troubled eleven-year-old half brother, Roman, Angel has a hectic but happy life. Then West Harris returns to Half Moon Bay and threatens to break Angel all over again by taking away the only home he and Rome ever had.When they were young, Angel taught West how to love and laugh, but when Angel moved on, West locked his heart up and threw away the key. Older and hardened, West returns to Half Moon Bay and finds himself face-to-face with the man he'd lost. Now West is torn between killing Angel or holding him tight.But rekindling their passionate relationship is jeopardized as someone wants one or both of them dead, and as the terrifying danger mounts, neither man knows if the menace will bring them together or forever tear them apart.

  • von Rhys Ford
    18,00 €

    Meurtre et complications, tome 1Seuls les cadavres ne parlent pas.Cambrioleur rform, Rook Stevens a jadis vol d'innombrables objets de valeur inestimable, mais jamais il n'avait encore t accus de meurtre - jusqu' aujourd'hui. Dj surpris de dcouvrir une de ses anciennes complices Potter's Field, sa boutique ddie aux collectionneurs et fans du cinma, Rook l'est encore plus de constater qu'elle a t assassine.L'inspecteur Dante Montoya pensait ne jamais revoir Rook Stevens - surtout aprs une douteuse affaire de falsification de preuve commise par son ancien partenaire pour piger le voleur. Aussi, quand il intercepte un suspect couvert de sang fuyant la scne d'un crime, est-il choqu de reconnatre celui qu'il avait tant voulu mettre en prison quelques annes plus tt. Et comme autrefois, Rook Stevens lui enflamme le sang.Rook, malgr son attirance inexplicable pour l'inspecteur cubano-mexicain qui vient de l'arrter, est dtermin se disculper. Malheureusement, les cadavres ne cessent de s'accumuler autour de lui. Quand sa vie est menace, Rook est oblig d'accepter l'aide d'un flic qu'il n'aurait jamais cru capable de croire son innocence : Dante, le seul homme qu'il ait dans la peau.

  • von Rhys Ford
    22,00 €

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