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Bücher von Richa Yadav

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  • von Richa Yadav
    21,00 €

    Looking to Relax and De-Stress? Discover Our Mindful Activity Book for AdultsIn the midst of our busy lives, finding a moment to unwind and de-stress can be a challenge. Whether you're working from home or spending long hours staring at screens, it's essential to take a break and give your mind a refreshing pause. Introducing our specially designed activity book for adults, crafted to increase mindfulness and provide relief from stress, anxiety, and loneliness.Inside this engaging activity book, you'll find a variety of stimulating exercises to captivate your attention and improve your overall well-being. This activity book is your gateway to a world of distraction from daily chores and a pathway to relaxation. Each page offers a different activity to keep your brain engaged and relieve stress, with solutions conveniently provided at the end. It's not only a solo endeavour but can also be a fantastic group activity, perfect for time-based competitions and family fun, promoting brain health and fostering connections.This Activity Book consists ofMandela coloringInsane sudoku MazesAbstract coloringWord searchNational costume coloringHard Killer sudokuZodiac sign doodlingVintage picture coloringCryptogramsFeel free to switch between activities, allowing yourself to recharge if you feel stuck or need a change. Challenge your friends, colleagues, and loved ones to complete activities within a set time, adding a touch of friendly competition to the mix. And with its convenient A-4 size, you can easily carry this booklet anywhere, whether it's to work or on holiday, ensuring relaxation is always within reach.Our activity book intentionally incorporates varied sizes and page directions to enhance mindfulness and keep your mind engaged throughout the journey. Moreover, it's an ideal companion for group and individual settings such as retirement homes, nursing homes, and dementia care homes, providing an enjoyable and therapeutic experience for all.Don't wait any longer. Treat yourself to a well-deserved break from the demands of daily life. Experience the benefits of mindfulness and stress relief by purchasing your own copy of this mindful activity book today.

  • von Richa Yadav
    23,00 €

    Are you looking to enhance your child's language skills and reading comprehension?Look no further than our expertly crafted Spelling Practice workbook! Our workbook is filled with high-utility tier-two academic vocabulary words that are essential to literacy and academic success.These words are not commonly used in conversation but frequently appear across various content areas, giving your child an advantage in their studies. Our workbook includes engaging and fun activities like word scrambles, sentence formation, and crossword puzzles that are designed to help children practice and master these important words in various ways. Our comprehensive approach also includes reading comprehension exercises, story writing prompts, and more, ensuring that children understand the vocabulary words they are learning and improving their language skills.As a secondary school teacher with a specialization in special education, I have noticed that students struggle with reading comprehension and remembering spelling, affecting their confidence. They hesitate to discuss their anxiety about tests and exams due to fear of spelling. Our workbook not only helps children build language skills but also helps them build confidence in their abilities, preparing them for tests and competitions. With 120 carefully chosen words and eight to nine unique practice exercises for each word, our workbook is an invaluable tool for any child looking to improve their language skills and excel in their academic pursuits.This workbook contains the following:Rewriting wordsFinding Meanings, Synonyms and AntonymsFind letters from mixed alphabets.Unscramble words.Sentence formationFill in -the banksReading comprehensionCrossword puzzleWordsearch puzzleMatching words into the shapesFinding synonyms and antonymsUnderlining words, synonyms, and antonyms in the passageStory writing120 words, 8 to 9 unique practice exercisesInvest in your child's future and order our "Spelling Practice workbook" today!

  • von Richa Yadav
    13,00 €

  • von Richa Yadav
    12,00 €

    ¿Está listo su hijo para escribir?¿Por qué no probar un libro con una combinación de escritura y colorido?Este libro de actividades de escritura a mano está diseñado para pequeñas manos para activar y fortalecer los pequeños músculos de los dedos y mejorar la escritura a mano. La escritura a mano es el producto final de la combinación de diferentes componentes de desempeño ocupacional, como habilidades motoras finas, habilidades motoras visuales y habilidades de coordinación motora. Actualmente, los niños pasan mucho tiempo en dispositivos multimedia como dispositivos móviles, tabletas, computadoras portátiles o computadoras. En lugar de escribir, están tomando atajos como siglas de mensajes de texto y emoticonos.En esta era de sobrecarga de información, los niños están perdiendo sus aspectos creativos de las artes al no usar sus habilidades de coordinación visual-motora y motora. Según lo explicado por los terapeutas ocupacionales, estos componentes básicos del desarrollo creativo solo se conservarán, si se practican. En este libro de actividades, les estamos dando a los niños el dominio de diferentes habilidades, como se mencionó anteriormente de manera gradual. Hemos tenido mucho cuidado en hacer que sea lo más interesante posible para los niños, aceptar este desafío y participar activamente. Esperamos que los padres se sienten con ellos y elogien su esfuerzo y no resalten los errores. Es esencial saber que cada niño es único y progresa a su ritmo. Mantenerlos alerta para que coincidan con los demás reduce su confianza a un nivel inferior y pierden su autoestima. Disfrute los errores con sus hijos y no olvide recompensarlos. Podría dar una palmada en el hombro, dando sus amables comentarios, dibujando estrellas o pegatinas. Esto ayudará a su hijo a hacerlo más y dominará las habilidades anteriores automáticamente. Este libro de actividades debe usarse para estar con niños y no para estar fuera.Es un interesante libro de práctica de escritura a mano para impulsar el progreso de su hijo en cada etapa del aprendizaje.El enfoque de este libro:Nuestro enfoque principal es trabajar en habilidades motoras finas que pueden ayudar a desarrollar una buena escritura en el futuro.Este libro de trabajo está diseñado con diferentes tipos de formas y la combinación de diferentes formas para aumentar la complejidad y el nivel de dificultad.A medida que avanzan, sus células cerebrales comienzan a procesar diseños simples a complejos, formas 2 D.Desarrollar habilidades motoras visuales-perceptivas que ayuden a observar y reconocer la información visual para sincronizarse con las habilidades motoras.Desarrollar la capacidad de resolución de problemas con formas complejas, formas y figuras.Es una combinación de actividades para colorear y aprendizaje activo. Regalo ideal para que los niños mejoren sus habilidades de escritura, pasatiempo para el verano, vacaciones, Navidad y educación en el hogar. Ordenar ahora Para ayudar a los niños a usar su tiempo sabiamente y participar en el aprendizaje activo.

  • von Richa Yadav
    13,00 - 15,00 €

  • von Richa Yadav
    12,00 €

    Il tuo bambino è pronto a scrivere?Perché non provare un libro con una combinazione di scrittura e colorazioneQuesto libro di attività per la scrittura a mano è progettato per le mani piccole per attivare e rafforzare i piccoli muscoli delle dita e migliorare la scrittura a mano. La scrittura a mano è il prodotto finale della combinazione di diversi componenti delle prestazioni professionali come le capacità motorie, le capacità visive-motorie e le capacità di coordinazione motoria. Attualmente, i bambini trascorrono molto tempo su dispositivi multimediali come cellulari, tablet, laptop o computer. Invece di scrivere, stanno prendendo scorciatoie come acronimi di testo ed emoticon.In questa epoca di sovraccarico di informazioni, i bambini stanno perdendo i loro aspetti creativi delle arti non usando le loro capacità di coordinazione visiva-motoria e motoria. Come spiegato dai terapisti occupazionali, questi elementi costitutivi dello sviluppo creativo saranno mantenuti solo se praticati. In questo libro di attività, stiamo dando ai bambini la padronanza di diverse abilità, come detto sopra in modo graduale. Abbiamo preso la massima cura nel rendere il più interessante possibile per i bambini, accettare questa sfida e partecipare attivamente. Ci aspettiamo che i genitori siedano con loro e lodino i loro sforzi e non evidenzino errori. È essenziale sapere che ogni bambino è unico e progredisce al suo ritmo. Tenendoli in punta di piedi per abbinare gli altri spinge la loro fiducia a un livello inferiore e perdono la loro autostima. Goditi gli errori con i tuoi figli e non dimenticare di premiarli. Potrebbe dare una pacca sulla spalla, dando i tuoi gentili commenti, disegnando stelle o adesivi. Questo aiuterà tuo figlio a farlo di più e padroneggerà automaticamente le abilità sopra descritte. Questo libro di attività dovrebbe essere usato per stare con i bambini e non per stare lontano.È un coinvolgente libro di esercizi di scrittura a mano per stimolare i progressi del bambino in ogni fase dell'apprendimento.Il focus di questo libro:¿ Il nostro obiettivo principale è quello di lavorare sulle capacità motorie che possono aiutare a sviluppare una buona calligrafia in futuro.¿ Questa cartella di lavoro è concepita con diversi tipi di forme e la combinazione di forme diverse per aumentare la complessità e il livello di difficoltà.¿ Man mano che progrediscono, le loro cellule cerebrali iniziano a elaborare disegni semplici o complessi, forme 2D.¿ Sviluppare abilità motorie visive percettive che aiutano a osservare e riconoscere le informazioni visive da sincronizzare con le capacità motorie.¿ Sviluppare capacità di risoluzione dei problemi con forme, forme e figure complesse. È una combinazione di attività coloranti e apprendimento attivo. Regalo ideale per i bambini per migliorare le capacità di scrittura, attività di passatempo per l'estate, le vacanze, il Natale e l'home homesing. Ordina adesso Aiutare i bambini a usare saggiamente il loro tempo e impegnarsi con l'apprendimento attivo.

  • von Richa Yadav
    12,00 - 13,00 €

  • von Richa Yadav
    12,00 €

    Votre enfant est-il prêt à écrire?Pourquoi ne pas essayer un livre qui combine la pratique de l'écriture et un livre de coloriage.Ce cahier d'activités d'écriture manuscrite est conçu pour les petites mains afin d'activer et de renforcer les petits muscles des doigts et d'améliorer l'écriture manuscrite. L'écriture manuscrite est le produit final de la combinaison de différents éléments de performance professionnelle tels que la motricité fine, la motricité visuelle et la coordination motrice. Actuellement, les enfants passent beaucoup de temps sur des appareils multimédias comme les mobiles, les tablettes, les ordinateurs portables ou les ordinateurs. Au lieu d'écrire, ils prennent des raccourcis tels que des acronymes et des émoticônes. En cette ère de surcharge d'informations, les enfants perdent leurs aspects créatifs des arts en n'utilisant pas leurs capacités de coordination visuelle-motrice et motrice. Comme l'ont expliqué les ergothérapeutes, ces éléments constitutifs du développement créatif ne seront conservés que s'ils sont pratiqués.Dans ce cahier d'activités, nous donnons aux enfants la maîtrise de différentes compétences, comme mentionné ci-dessus, de manière graduée. Nous avons pris soin de le rendre le plus intéressant possible pour les enfants, d'accepter ce défi et de participer activement. Nous attendons des parents qu'ils s'assoient avec eux et louent leurs efforts et ne soulignent pas les erreurs. Il est essentiel de savoir que chaque enfant est unique et progresse à son rythme. Les garder sur les orteils pour correspondre aux autres pousse leur confiance à un niveau inférieur et ils perdent leur estime de soi. Profitez des erreurs avec vos enfants et n'oubliez pas de les récompenser. Cela pourrait donner une tape sur l'épaule, en donnant vos gentils commentaires, en dessinant des étoiles ou des autocollants. Cela aidera votre enfant à le faire plus et il maîtrisera automatiquement les compétences ci-dessus. Ce cahier d'activités doit être utilisé un temps pour être avec les enfants par rapport à un temps pour être absent.L'objectif de ce livre:Notre objectif principal est de travailler sur la motricité fine qui peut aider à développer une bonne écriture à l'avenir.Ce classeur est conçu avec différents types de formes et la combinaison de différentes formes pour augmenter la complexité et le niveau de difficulté.Au fur et à mesure de leur progression, leurs cellules cérébrales commencent à traiter des conceptions simples à complexes, des formes 2D.Développer des habiletés motrices visuelles-perceptuelles qui aident à observer et à reconnaître l'information visuelle pour se synchroniser avec les habiletés motrices.Développer la capacité de résolution de problèmes avec des formes, des formes et des figures complexes.C'est une combinaison d'activités de coloriage et d'apprentissage actif.Cadeau idéal pour les enfants pour améliorer leurs compétences en écriture, activité de passe-temps pour l'été, les vacances, Noël et l'école à la maison. Commandez maintenant Pour aider les enfants à utiliser leur temps à bon escient cet été et à s'engager dans un apprentissage actif.

  • von Richa Yadav
    32,00 €

    Are you looking for a whole-brain activity book for your children?When we read a story, we imagine the scenes, characterise characters and feel emotions; we use our creative brain (Right cerebrum); when we do any logical thinking and maths puzzles, we use our left cerebrum. This activity book is a unique combination of the story & logical puzzles, which facilitates whole-brain learning in a creative, fun form.This one-in-a-kind book Benefits are:-Improving children's problem-solving & abstract thinking skills and giving them an edge in competitive exams.It sharpens them and helps them understand concepts quickly, especially in maths and logical reasoning.It boosts self-confidence and improves the concentration of children.Promotes logical thinking.Engaging in puzzle activities reduces stress and improves their learning skills.Develop and improve both sides brain's learning.Improves critical thinking.It helps them to prepare for exams and competitions.This is the New edited version - This book included parts 1 and 2 together. If you have bought the old version (part -1), where solutions are not given at the back of the book, you can download solutions from our website; otherwise, you can contact us through email; we will send a digital copy (pdf) of this new version which includes the answers as well.Puzzles move the story forward; the reader needs to solve the puzzles to reach the other stage. Ned and Nancy are trying to find the hidden treasure. To see it, kids must solve some logical and elementary puzzles and use reasoning skills before proceeding. The hints are given with the puzzles to guide children on how to solve them.Your child may try to avoid puzzles initially or try to find the answer key. However, The solutions are given at the end of the book; we encourage you to motivate your children to solve the puzzle first (Children can solve puzzles in a different copy if using the kindle edition). The solutions are for parents to guide their children and check the correct answers. It would be ideal if parents could explain the concepts or techniques and let children use their brains. Order NowAnd Take part in the new concept of learning.

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