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Bücher von Richard Davis

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  • von Richard Davis
    31,00 €

    W ramach projektu zbadano wp¿yw cech kulturowych w ¿rodowisku ESP, bardziej w¿äciwie rozumianym jako angielski dla celów medycznych. Podej¿cie EMP jest stosowane w tym badaniu jako nacisk na nauczanie j¿zyka angielskiego piel¿gniarek oraz na to, jak nauczanie to powinno obejmowä kulturowe i pragmatyczne umiej¿tno¿ci interakcji, a nie tylko s¿ownictwo techniczne. Piel¿gniarki na Tajwanie rzadko przechodz¿ szkolenie w zakresie ró¿nych odmian j¿zyka angielskiego, z którymi mog¿ si¿ spotkä, i mog¿ nie zdawä sobie sprawy, ¿e mog¿ zastosowä wi¿cej ni¿ jedn¿ strategi¿ w przedstawianiu pacjentom pró¿b lub wskazówek. To badanie dotyczy¿o piel¿gniarstwa angielskiego. Ucz¿c odpowiednich kulturowych i pragmatycznych sposobów radzenia sobie z pro¿bami i instrukcjami, badacz miä nadziej¿ pomóc piel¿gniarkom w zmniejszeniu l¿ku mi¿dzykulturowego.

  • von Richard Davis
    18,00 €

    The stories in this book are about life and death and all the strange and wonderful stuff that goes on in-between. Some are memoirs, some are about the day to day occurrences of life with dogs, and some are just plain 'out there!'. They all have one thing in common: You won't forget them.The engaging stories are accompanied by illustrations of Schipperkes by Illustrator Amy Curran.A must for every human that loves their four legged friends.

  • von Richard Davis
    32,00 €

    The purpose of The Unpredictable is to share personal and biographical stories and illustrations from my own experiences as well as others whose lives have been impacted by epilepsy or disorders.Through the written word and the stroke of a brush, the old saying, A picture paints a thousand words accurately portrays the special people that have been highlighted in the pages of this book.At the completion of this book, my thoughts went back to what inspired me to write and paint about seizures and living with epilepsy. It was my desire to make a living as an artist and settle down in a country home with my family, living the life of an artist with a canvas and brush. However I have learned through the years that our plans are often contrary to what God has in store for us. Living with epilepsy has brought challenges and storms in life that have changed the course and direction of my life.In this book, the experiences of life with art and epilepsy are put into paintings that I have visualized from this disease. My desire is to educate those unfamiliar with epilepsy, encourage the ones living with this disease, comfort the loved ones who support and assist those living with seizures, and open the eyes of doctors who are educated about seizures but have never experienced the challenges faced in living with a seizure disorder.

  • von Richard Davis
    35,00 €

    Richard Davis turns his attention to the important issue of 'responsibility' - on both the government's part and that of the users. While government wrestles with how to cut the cost of services, he shows that government can provide responsible and sustainable services significantly more cheaply by focusing on what is of 'value' ...

  • von Richard Davis
    86,00 €

    A Beginning Singer's Guide is a vocal pedagogy with four practical uses. First, it can be used as a collateral text for studio voice lessons. The teacher can conserve time by assigning relevant reading in the book instead of making lengthy expositions during the lesson. Second, it can be used as a primary text for undergraduate vocal pedagogy classes. Many schools offer a vocal pedagogy class whose enrollment includes singers and future choral conductors. A special chapter for the future choral conductor containing methods and other aids should meet the need for an all-in-one text for this class. Third, it can be used as a practical guide for new voice teachers. A special chapter containing methods for new voice teachers and studio administration will be very useful to the new teacher of voice. Fourth, the book explores subjects not usually covered in music pedagogy books, such as notes on working with a pianist, improving memory, common acting terms, subtexting, and methods for alleviating performance anxiety. These important, yet often disregarded areas, further complement a singer's talent and skill. The author does not espouse any particular 'method' of singing; instead, he applies a universal, scientific approach with the firm belief that singing can be enhanced through further musical knowledge. The sequence of the book follows the natural sequence of learning to sing. The book is rounded out with line art of the vocal mechanism, musical examples, tables outlining the musculature of singing, practical forms, information for the beginning teacher, and a bibliography.

  • - The U.S. Supreme Court and the Media
    von Richard Davis
    37,00 - 110,00 €

    Justices and Journalists examines whether justices are becoming more publicity-conscious and why that might be happening. The book discusses the motives of justices 'going public' and details their recent increased number of television and print interviews and amount of press coverage of their speeches. The book describes the interactions justices have with the journalists who cover them. These interactions typically are not discussed publicly by justices or journalists. The book explains why justices care about press and public relations, how they employ external strategies to affect press portrayals of themselves and their institution, and how and why journalists participate in that interaction. Drawing on the papers of Supreme Court justices in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the book examines these interactions over the history of the Court. It includes a content analysis of print and broadcast media coverage of Supreme Court justices covering a 40-year period from 1968 to 2007.

  • - Typology, chronology, context and use
    von Richard Davis
    163,00 €

    Basal-looped spearheads were prevalent in the British Isles during the later part of the Middle Bronze Age. Their main period of use covered the Taunton and Penard industrial phases in Britain, and the contemporary Bishopsland phase in Ireland, dating to around 1300-1000 BC. Distribution also extended to the northwestern area of Continental Europe. The diagnostic attribute of these spearheads is the loops at the base of the blade, either incorporated within the blade, or projecting below it. Ireland is likely to have been the place of origin of the category, with manufacturing taking place in Ireland, Britain and on the Continent. 551 basal-looped spearheads are included in the study's catalogue. 54% of these come from Britain, 32% from Ireland and 14% from the Continent. A typology is developed for the category, sorting them into eight main types and establishing the chronological sequence of these types. Recovery contexts are weighted to watery locations at 80% of the total, supporting the interpretation that much of the deposition was purposeful, and represented a form of votive offering. The condition of the spearheads is analyzed, from which it can be concluded that at least two thirds had been used in some form of combat. An experimental programme was undertaken with replicas which were combat tested at the Royal Armouries, Leeds. The programme demonstrated the versatility of the basal-looped spearhead, and its overall superiority to the rapier, the main contemporary sidearm. The basal-looped spearhead may therefore be considered the primary weapon of its time in the British Isles, with use in warfare and on ceremonial occasions. Its supremacy began to be eclipsed during the Penard phase with the introduction of the early flange-hilted swords from the Continent.

  • von Richard Davis & David A. Sutton
    19,00 €

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