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Bücher von Richard Rose

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  • von Richard Rose
    39,00 €

    Richard Rose's memoir vividly describes first-hand experience of the transformation of politics in Europe and the United States since 1940. He has been teargassed in Chicago, seen walls go up in Belfast and come down in Berlin. The author's education in the streets and in the corridors of political power give a unique perspective on discrimination by race, religion and class, and the world in which political scientists live today. Rose has distilled a 500-page book into a three-minute Oval Office explanation to George W Bush of why America's intervention in Iraq was a disaster. He gives practical advice to political scientists about how to make words into concepts and communicate what you know to others inside and outside universities. The book's photographs show memorials to the dead, and living evidence of how election forecasting has changed since Delphi. Using skills developed since teaching himself to type at the age of eight, Rose describes his 20 years of working in newspapers, radio and television before publishing his first book. Since then he has combined social science methodology, along with the methodologies of comparative drama and the applied arts, to write many innovative books. This is the latest.

  • von Richard Rose
    23,00 €

    Black Cat Sunrise is a novel about the indescribable terrors of war as well as about the war fighting man's position within- and obligation to- humanity, relative to the eternal battle of the sexes; illustrated by the manifestation of an utterly psychotic expression of the truly divine feminine.

  • von Richard Rose
    39,90 €

    Der praktische Einstieg mit über 100 praxisnahen Rezepten mit konkreten Aufgaben aus dem Arbeitsalltag mit Lösung und Diskussion sowohl ein praktisches Begleitbuch für den Einstieg in Flutter und Dart als auch ein nützliches Nachschlagewerk für den täglichen Einsatz inkl. topaktuellen Themen wie Cloud und Gaming Lernen Sie die Grundlagen der App-Entwicklung mit Flutter und Dart kennen, um Cross-Platform-Apps zu erstellen, die den modernen Anforderungen einer Cloud-gesteuerten Welt gerecht werden. Flutter ist ideal für die Frontend-Entwicklung und hilft Ihnen, plattformübergreifende Anwendungen für die Betriebssysteme Android, iOS, Linux, macOS, Windows und Google Fuchsia zu entwickeln. Das Dart-SDK bietet nativen Zugriff auf Lösungen von Drittanbietern, einschließlich APIs, Datenbanken und Authentifizierung. Zusammen bilden Flutter und Dart eine optimale Lösung für die Entwicklung von plattformübergreifenden Anwendungen. Die Rezepte in diesem Kochbuch zeigen Ihnen anhand von konkreten, praxisnahen und unterhaltsamen Beispielen, wie Sie diese starke Kombination erfolgreich einsetzen - egal ob Sie gerade erst in die Entwicklung mit Flutter einsteigen oder schnell etwas nachschlagen wollen. Aus dem Inhalt: Effektiven Dart-Code mithilfe von Variablen und Datenstrukturen schreiben Anwendungen mit Widgets und Datenverarbeitung erstellen Lösungen von verschiedenen Cloud-Anbietern mit Flutter integrieren Daten über APIs mit Google Cloud Serverless verwalten Mit Firebase-Lösungen wie der Cloud-Firestore-Datenbank arbeiten Webanwendungen, die mit mobilen und Desktop-Plattformen funktionieren, erstellen

  • von Richard Rose
    100,00 - 101,00 €

  • - Brexit and Beyond
    von Richard Rose
    78,00 - 79,00 €

    This book explains how citizens are using referendums to challenge decisions taken by the European Union. The book uses Brexit - the British referendum in which a majority voted for the UK leaving the European Union - as the leading example of a conflict between national voters and the EU.

  • von Richard Rose
    17,00 €

    DIMINUTIVE NARRATIVEA novelist takes a stab at short stories. And then he stabs at them again. And again. And again. Stabbing and stabbing. Absolutely murdering the short stories. Over and over. Stabbing and stabbing and stabbing. Until the short stories are dead, and dead, and dead again.Short Fiction for Short Attention Spans.

  • von Richard Rose
    24,00 €

    Unsung hero of covert operations- Porter Rose- returns home to wage another secret war. This time against the citizenry; on behalf of the shadow government. While waging a private war against himself, and everybody around himself, too. While seducing the love of his life, among others. While avenging his best friend''s murder. While disposing of his enemies. Set against the backdrop of ''The City of Roses,'' a city that is perfectly alive with mayhem, destruction, and death; Rose City Catastrophe explores the outer limits of chaos.It isn''t murder if it is legal.

  • von Richard Rose
    22,00 €

  • - Part One: A New World Order
    von Richard Rose
    20,00 - 37,00 €

  • von Richard Rose & Ian McAllister
    85,00 €

    What determines the loyalties of voters? The factors identified by social scientists range from a politician's last-minute television appeal to the social class of the voter's parents. But which of the many influences are most important electorally? For the first time The Loyalties of Voters offers a convincing answer, firmly based on an analysis of three decades of electoral behaviour.

  • - The Changing Views of Russians
    von Richard Rose, Neil Munro & William Mishler
    37,00 - 96,00 €

    To survive, all forms of government require popular support, whether voluntary or involuntary. Following the collapse of the Soviet system, Russia's rulers took steps toward democracy, yet under Vladimir Putin Russia has become increasingly undemocratic. This book uses a unique source of evidence, eighteen surveys of Russian public opinion from the first month of the new regime in 1992 up to 2009, to track the changing views of Russians. Clearly presented and sophisticated figures and tables show how political support has increased because of a sense of resignation that is even stronger than the unstable benefits of exporting oil and gas. Whilst comparative analyses of surveys on other continents show that Russia's elite is not alone in being able to mobilize popular support for an undemocratic regime, Russia provides an outstanding caution that popular support can grow when governors reject democracy and create an undemocratic regime.

  • - Russia's Challenge to Vladimir Putin
    von Richard Rose & Neil Munro
    39,00 - 135,00 €

    Russians want both free elections and order, but order - a sense of predictability in everyday life and the rule of law - has been in short supply. This is the challenge that Russia presents to Vladimir Putin. This 2002 book is about Russia's attempt to achieve democratization backwards, holding elections without having created a modern state. It examines the multiplication of parties that do not hold the Kremlin accountable; the success of Vladimir Putin in offering a 'third way' alternative to the Communist Party and the Yeltsin family; the president's big but vague election mandate; the popular appeal and limits of Putin's coalition; and what the Russian people make of the combination of free elections and disorderly government. Russia is evaluated from the point of view of ordinary Russians, using clear figures and tables drawn from the rich resources of a decade of New Russia Barometer surveys of public opinion.

  • von Richard Rose
    17,00 €

    While researching family history for his semibiographical opera Monte and Pinky, Richmond-based poet and songwriter Richard Rose came face to face with the fact of his ancestors' involvement in the local slave trade. As a social and environmental activist, Rose became determined to explore and come to terms with the many consequences of the injustices in which his family took part.A story in verse, Coming Around is the companion piece to Monte and Pinky, following the life anddescendants of a slave named Simon Abouette and of the Ouillechaud family, who purchase him to work on their sugar plantation in the early 1800s. Interspersed with heartbreaking lyric pieces based on historical anecdotes from across the South, Coming Around is the culmination of one man's effort to heal the hurts of the past through humility, understanding, and acceptance.

  • von Richard Rose
    44,00 €

    This book explains why the role of corruption varies greatly between public services, between people, between national systems of governance, and between measures of corruption. When public officials do not act as bureaucrats delivering services by the book, people can try to get them by hook or by crook.

  • - A Guide on Organization and Order
    von Richard (University of Northampton UK) Rose
    15,00 €

  • von Richard Rose & Neil Munro
    64,00 €

    The abrupt transformation of one-party Communist regimes into political systems holding competitive elections challenges theories of democracy by evolution.

  • von Richard Rose
    76,00 €

    Describes not only presidents but also how they connect - or fail to connect - with Washington and the world. Blending process with politics and policy, this book presents a treatment of the presidency and its place in the broader American system.

  • - A Guide to Learning Across Time and Space
    von Richard Rose
    74,00 €

    Introduces readers to a novel way of thinking about the familiar problems of public policy. This title sets out the crucial questions that must be asked in order to draw logical and empirically sound conclusions from observing experiences in the past, or in other places.

  • von Richard Rose
    31,00 €

    Originally published in 1985, this book provided comprehensive information on the nature and status of public employment in six western nations - Britain, America, France, Germany, Italy and Sweden. Beginning with a generalised account of public employment and its significance, the text moves through each of the six nations, devoting chapters to all of them.

  • von Richard Rose
    208,00 €

    Since the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, elections without choice have been replaced by free and fair elections in Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Russia. This reference provides the basic information about elections in these new democracies.

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