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Bücher von Riel Nason

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  • von Riel Nason
    20,00 €

    Kate the Highland dancer is back in the sequel to Disaster at the Highland Games! This time, Kate is excited to perform her first Highland dance solo in the Christmas ceilidh. But as she waits her turn backstage, Kate's imagination starts to run wild. She pictures every possible mishap in vivid detail, from forgetting her choreography to knocking over the Christmas tree. Can she remember the advice of her dance teacher in time to prevent a Christmas ceilidh catastrophe? Whimsical watercolour illustrations by Nathasha Pilotte complement award-winning author Riel Nason's rhyming verse with a reassuring message for every dance student.

  • von Riel Nason
    19,00 €

    This is the Gaelic translation of Disaster at the Highland Games by award-winning Atlantic Canadian author Riel Nason. Kate loves going to Highland dance class each week and is thrilled when her teacher suggests she compete at the Highland Games for the first time. Kate agrees to practice, but quickly changes her mind when she finds out that dancing at home by herself is not as much fun as dancing with friends in her class. Besides, she figures her dancing is already good enough. Everything will be fine. Or will it?Is fìor thoigh le Ceit a bhith a' dol gu clasaichean dannsa Gàidhealach gach seachdain agus tha i air a dòigh glan nuair a tha an tidsear aice a' moladh dhi feuchainn air farpais aig na Geamannan Gàidhealach airson na ciad uarach. Tha Ceit ag aontachadh gun dèan i deasachadh. Ach tha i ag atharrachadh a h-inntinn gu luath nuair a tha i a' faighinn a-mach nach eil e a leth cho spòrsail a bhith a' dannsa leatha fhèin aig an taigh seach a bhith a' dannsa còmhla ri a caraidean sa chlas. Cuideachd, tha i dhen bheachd gu bheil an dannsa aice math gu leòr mar a tha e. Bidh a h-uile càil ceart gu leòr...saoil nach bi?

  • von Riel Nason
    19,00 €

    Kate loves going to Highland dance class each week and is thrilled when her teacher suggests she compete at the Highland Games for the first time. Kate agrees to practice, but quickly changes her mind when she finds out that dancing at home by herself is not as much fun as dancing with friends in her class. Besides, she figures her dancing is already good enough. Everything will be fine...or will it? A single misstep sets off a hilarious chain of events across the whole Highland Games field in this over-the-top tale. Winner of the Alice Kitts Memorial Award for Excellence in Children's Writing, New Brunswick.

  • von Riel Nason
    13,00 €

    Jedes Kind weiß, dass Gespenster aus weißen Laken bestehen, leicht und luftig, damit sie durch die Nacht düsen können. Doch es gibt ein kleines Gespenst, das dies nicht kann. Denn statt aus einem Laken besteht es aus einer schweren Flickendecke. Wenn es versucht, mit seinen Freunden durch die Lüfte zu fliegen, wird ihm heiß, und manchmal verheddert es sich auch in seinem dicken Stoff. Das kleine Flickengespenst fühlt sich deshalb oft sehr allein. Aber eines Tages ändert sich alles. Das kleine Gespenst beweist besonders viel Mut und erlebt das größte Abenteuer, das ein Gespenst je erlebt hat. Und das alles nur, weil es anders ist als die anderen ...

  • - Easy-Sew Methods, 17 Projects Small to Large
    von Riel Nason
    41,00 €

    Showcase your selvages the edgy way with 17 projects of all sizes! Like the ticket stubs you keep from a fabulous show, each selvage is a souvenir of a fabric you've selected and used.

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