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Bücher von Ripley

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  • von Ripley
    21,00 €

    Ripley's Believe It or Not! transports readers of all ages to a world beyond imagination - where truth is stranger than fiction!Every turn of the page reveals all-new and all-true stories from around the globe - an artist who paints with cow poop, a disappearing waterfall, whales that hunt with bubbles, and hundreds more. Packed with astounding facts, hair-raising stories and stunning photography, this all-new edition of Ripley's is every curious reader's ticket to the extraordinary. No Christmas is complete without it.

  • von Ripley
    21,00 €

    Ripley's Believe It or Not! will amaze and astound children and adults alike with thousands of strange stories, unusual feats and hair-raising oddities from around the world.Bursting with thousands of extraordinary facts and accompanied by lists, stunning photography, infographics, and the science behind some of the weirdest stories, Ripley's Believe It or Not! will entertain, inform and flabbergast you with stories of people who are pushing the boundaries. This year's annual takes the reading experience to the next level with mini games, interactive video content, quizzes, secrets to be unlocked and many more innovative features. No Christmas is complete without it.

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