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Bücher von Robert J. Shiller

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  • - How Stories Go Viral and Drive Major Economic Events
    von Robert J. Shiller
    19,98 €

  • - Revised and Expanded Third Edition
    von Robert J. Shiller
    23,00 €

    Why the irrational exuberance of investors hasn't disappeared since the financial crisisIn this revised, updated, and expanded edition of his New York Times bestseller, Nobel Prize-winning economist Robert Shiller, who warned of both the tech and housing bubbles, cautions that signs of irrational exuberance among investors have only increased since the 2008-9 financial crisis. With high stock and bond prices and the rising cost of housing, the post-subprime boom may well turn out to be another illustration of Shiller's influential argument that psychologically driven volatility is an inherent characteristic of all asset markets. In other words, Irrational Exuberance is as relevant as ever. Previous editions covered the stock and housing markets-and famously predicted their crashes. This edition expands its coverage to include the bond market, so that the book now addresses all of the major investment markets. It also includes updated data throughout, as well as Shiller's 2013 Nobel Prize lecture, which places the book in broader context. In addition to diagnosing the causes of asset bubbles, Irrational Exuberance recommends urgent policy changes to lessen their likelihood and severity-and suggests ways that individuals can decrease their risk before the next bubble bursts. No one whose future depends on a retirement account, a house, or other investments can afford not to read this book.

  • - How Human Psychology Drives the Economy, and Why It Matters for Global Capitalism
    von Robert J. Shiller & George A. Akerlof
    19,00 €

    The global financial crisis has made it painfully clear that powerful psychological forces are imperiling the wealth of nations today. From blind faith in ever-rising housing prices to plummeting confidence in capital markets, "e;animal spirits"e; are driving financial events worldwide. In this book, acclaimed economists George Akerlof and Robert Shiller challenge the economic wisdom that got us into this mess, and put forward a bold new vision that will transform economics and restore prosperity. Akerlof and Shiller reassert the necessity of an active government role in economic policymaking by recovering the idea of animal spirits, a term John Maynard Keynes used to describe the gloom and despondence that led to the Great Depression and the changing psychology that accompanied recovery. Like Keynes, Akerlof and Shiller know that managing these animal spirits requires the steady hand of government--simply allowing markets to work won't do it. In rebuilding the case for a more robust, behaviorally informed Keynesianism, they detail the most pervasive effects of animal spirits in contemporary economic life--such as confidence, fear, bad faith, corruption, a concern for fairness, and the stories we tell ourselves about our economic fortunes--and show how Reaganomics, Thatcherism, and the rational expectations revolution failed to account for them. Animal Spirits offers a road map for reversing the financial misfortunes besetting us today. Read it and learn how leaders can channel animal spirits--the powerful forces of human psychology that are afoot in the world economy today. In a new preface, they describe why our economic troubles may linger for some time--unless we are prepared to take further, decisive action.

  • von Robert J. Shiller
    12,90 €

    Er sagte die Technologieblase präzise voraus und vor der Immobilienblase 2007/2008 warnte er ebenfalls frühzeitig. 2015 analysierte Wirtschafts-Nobelpreisträger Robert Shiller die Situation an den Finanzmärkten - und warnte erneut. Mit seiner Theorie des "Irrationalen Überschwangs" zeigt Shiller, dass Euphorie seitens der Akteure die Märkte auf unhaltbare und gefährliche Niveaus treiben kann. Shiller bezieht in der dritten, aktualisierten und erweiterten Auflage von "Irrationaler Überschwang" erstmals auch den Anleihemarkt ein und gibt Empfehlungen, was die Anleger und die Politik im Licht der Situation an den Finanzmärkten tun sollten. Diese Auflage gibt es nun auch als preisgünstige Taschenbuchausgabe. Ein zeitloser Klassiker, mit dem Sie für die nächste Finanzblase gewappnet sind!

  • von Robert J. Shiller
    29,99 €

    "Tech-Aktien steigen immer!" "Immobilien­preise fallen nie!" Stimmt das wirklich? Ob wahr oder nicht, solche Narrative, oder einfacher gesagt Geschichten, beeinflussen das Verhalten von Menschen und somit auch die Wirtschaft massiv.Wie entstehen Narrative? Wie gehen sie viral, wie gewinnen sie an Einfluss, wann verlieren sie diesen wieder? Welche Auswirkungen haben sie? Und, last, but not least: Wie lassen sich mit ihnen ökonomische Zusammenhänge und Entwicklungen besser verstehen und vorhersagen? Diese Fragen untersucht Wirtschafts-Nobelpreisträger Robert J. Shiller in seinem vielleicht wichtigsten Buch.

  • - The Economics of Manipulation and Deception
    von Robert J. Shiller & George A. Akerlof
    20,00 €

    Why the free-market system encourages so much trickery even as it creates so much goodEver since Adam Smith, the central teaching of economics has been that free markets provide us with material well-being, as if by an invisible hand. In Phishing for Phools, Nobel Prize-winning economists George Akerlof and Robert Shiller deliver a fundamental challenge to this insight, arguing that markets harm as well as help us. As long as there is profit to be made, sellers will systematically exploit our psychological weaknesses and our ignorance through manipulation and deception. Rather than being essentially benign and always creating the greater good, markets are inherently filled with tricks and traps and will "e;phish"e; us as "e;phools."e;Phishing for Phools therefore strikes a radically new direction in economics, based on the intuitive idea that markets both give and take away. Akerlof and Shiller bring this idea to life through dozens of stories that show how phishing affects everyone, in almost every walk of life. We spend our money up to the limit, and then worry about how to pay the next month's bills. The financial system soars, then crashes. We are attracted, more than we know, by advertising. Our political system is distorted by money. We pay too much for gym memberships, cars, houses, and credit cards. Drug companies ingeniously market pharmaceuticals that do us little good, and sometimes are downright dangerous.Phishing for Phools explores the central role of manipulation and deception in fascinating detail in each of these areas and many more. It thereby explains a paradox: why, at a time when we are better off than ever before in history, all too many of us are leading lives of quiet desperation. At the same time, the book tells stories of individuals who have stood against economic trickery-and how it can be reduced through greater knowledge, reform, and regulation.

  • - Risk in the 21st Century
    von Robert J. Shiller
    48,00 €

    In his best-selling Irrational Exuberance, Robert Shiller cautioned that society's obsession with the stock market was fueling the volatility that has since made a roller coaster of the financial system. Less noted was Shiller's admonition that our infatuation with the stock market distracts us from more durable economic prospects. These lie in the hidden potential of real assets, such as income from our livelihoods and homes. But these ''ordinary riches,'' so fundamental to our well-being, are increasingly exposed to the pervasive risks of a rapidly changing global economy. This compelling and important new book presents a fresh vision for hedging risk and securing our economic future. Shiller describes six fundamental ideas for using modern information technology and advanced financial theory to temper basic risks that have been ignored by risk management institutions--risks to the value of our jobs and our homes, to the vitality of our communities, and to the very stability of national economies. Informed by a comprehensive risk information database, this new financial order would include global markets for trading risks and exploiting myriad new financial opportunities, from inequality insurance to intergenerational social security. Just as developments in insuring risks to life, health, and catastrophe have given us a quality of life unimaginable a century ago, so Shiller's plan for securing crucial assets promises to substantially enrich our condition. Once again providing an enormous service, Shiller gives us a powerful means to convert our ordinary riches into a level of economic security, equity, and growth never before seen. And once again, what Robert Shiller says should be read and heeded by anyone with a stake in the economy.

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