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Bücher von Rohit Shankar Mane

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  • von Rohit Shankar Mane
    54,90 €

    Die Industrialisierung, die Bevölkerungsexplosion und die Verstädterung belasten die derzeit knappen fossilen Brennstoffe, was weltweit zu einer unvermeidlichen "Energiekrise" führt. Natürliche Ressourcen wie Kohle und Erdöl sind begrenzt und werden bald erschöpft sein, was die Wirtschaft jeder Nation beeinflusst und ihre Entwicklung aufhält. Mikrobielle Brennstoffzellen (MFCs), ein Gerät, bei dem Mikroben als Katalysator für den Abbau organischer Stoffe fungieren, um durch die Oxidation einfacher Verbindungen wie Glukose oder komplexer organischer Stoffe im Abwasser Strom zu erzeugen, stellen einen neuen und vielversprechenden Ansatz für die Energieerzeugung dar. Angesichts der weltweit begrenzten Vorräte an fossilen Brennstoffen und deren Auswirkungen auf den Klimawandel hat das Potenzial der MFC-Technologie zur Erzeugung erneuerbarer, kohlenstoffneutraler Energie weltweit großes Interesse geweckt.

  • 16% sparen
    von Rohit Shankar Mane
    46,00 €

    La industrialización, la explosión demográfica y la urbanización suponen una carga para los combustibles fósiles, actualmente reticentes, y provocan una situación inevitable a escala mundial que conduce a la "crisis energética". Los recursos naturales, como el carbón y el petróleo, son limitados y pronto se agotarán, con el consiguiente aumento de la insistencia energética, lo que influirá en la economía de cualquier nación y frenará su desarrollo. Las pilas de combustible microbianas (MFC), un dispositivo en el que los microbios actúan como catalizadores en la degradación de la materia orgánica para generar electricidad mediante la oxidación de compuestos simples como la glucosa o la materia orgánica compleja en las aguas residuales, representan un enfoque nuevo y prometedor para la generación de energía. Dado el limitado suministro mundial de combustibles fósiles y su impacto en el cambio climático, el potencial de la tecnología MFC para crear energía renovable y neutra en carbono ha generado un enorme interés en todo el mundo.

  • 16% sparen
    von Rohit Shankar Mane
    46,00 €

    A industrialização, explosão demográfica e urbanização aplica carga sobre os actuais combustíveis fósseis reticentes, trazendo um estado inevitável a nível global que conduz à "Crise Energética". Os recursos naturais como o carvão e o petróleo são limitados e em breve serão esgotados com o aumento da insistência energética que influenciará a economia de qualquer nação e atrasará o seu desenvolvimento. As células de combustível microbianas (MFCs), um dispositivo em que os micróbios actuam como catalisadores na degradação da matéria orgânica para gerar electricidade através da oxidação de compostos simples como a glucose ou matéria orgânica complexa nas águas residuais, representam uma nova e promissora abordagem para a geração de energia. Dado o limitado fornecimento mundial de combustíveis fósseis e o impacto dos combustíveis fósseis nas alterações climáticas, o potencial da tecnologia dos MFC para criar energia renovável e neutra em carbono tem gerado um tremendo interesse em todo o mundo.

  • 11% sparen
    von Rohit Shankar Mane
    22,00 €

    Industrializaciq, demograficheskij wzryw i urbanizaciq okazywaüt nagruzku na iskopaemoe topliwo, kotoroe w nastoqschee wremq nahoditsq w sostoqnii pokoq, chto w global'nom masshtabe priwodit k "Jenergeticheskomu krizisu". Prirodnye resursy, takie kak ugol' i neft', ogranicheny i skoro budut ischerpany s powysheniem änergeticheskoj nagruzki, chto powliqet na äkonomiku lüboj strany i zaderzhit ee razwitie. Mikrobnye topliwnye älementy (MTJe), ustrojstwa, w kotoryh mikroby wystupaüt w kachestwe katalizatora razlozheniq organicheskih weschestw dlq wyrabotki älektroänergii putem okisleniq prostyh soedinenij, takih kak glükoza, ili slozhnyh organicheskih weschestw w stochnyh wodah, predstawlqüt soboj nowyj i perspektiwnyj podhod dlq wyrabotki älektroänergii. Uchitywaq ogranichennye zapasy iskopaemyh widow topliwa w mire i wliqnie iskopaemyh widow topliwa na izmenenie klimata, potencial tehnologii MFC dlq sozdaniq wozobnowlqemoj, uglerodno-nejtral'noj änergii wyzwal ogromnyj interes wo wsem mire.

  • 16% sparen
    von Rohit Shankar Mane
    46,00 €

    L'industrializzazione, l'esplosione demografica e l'urbanizzazione gravano sull'attuale reticenza dei combustibili fossili, determinando uno stato inevitabile a livello globale che porta alla "crisi energetica". Le risorse naturali come il carbone e il petrolio sono limitate e presto si esauriranno con l'aumento dell'insistenza energetica che influenzerà l'economia di ogni nazione e ne frenerà lo sviluppo. Le celle a combustibile microbiche (MFC), un dispositivo in cui i microbi agiscono come catalizzatori nella degradazione della materia organica per generare elettricità ossidando composti semplici come il glucosio o la materia organica complessa presente nelle acque reflue, rappresentano un approccio nuovo e promettente per la generazione di energia. Data la limitata disponibilità di combustibili fossili e il loro impatto sul cambiamento climatico, il potenziale della tecnologia MFC per la creazione di energia rinnovabile e a zero emissioni di carbonio ha suscitato un enorme interesse in tutto il mondo.

  • 16% sparen
    von Rohit Shankar Mane
    46,00 €

    L'industrialisation, l'explosion démographique et l'urbanisation pèsent sur les combustibles fossiles actuellement réticents, ce qui conduit inévitablement à une "crise de l'énergie" à l'échelle mondiale. Les ressources naturelles telles que le charbon et le pétrole sont limitées et seront bientôt épuisées, ce qui entraînera une hausse de la demande d'énergie qui influencera l'économie de tout pays et freinera son développement. Les piles à combustible microbiennes (MFC), un dispositif dans lequel les microbes agissent comme catalyseurs en dégradant la matière organique pour produire de l'électricité en oxydant des composés simples tels que le glucose ou la matière organique complexe dans les eaux usées, représentent une approche nouvelle et prometteuse pour la production d'énergie. Compte tenu des réserves limitées de combustibles fossiles dans le monde et de l'impact des combustibles fossiles sur le changement climatique, le potentiel de la technologie MFC pour créer de l'énergie renouvelable et neutre en carbone a suscité un intérêt considérable dans le monde entier.

  • von Rohit Shankar Mane
    21,00 €

    How to write a book? In the novel which explains my own experiences & strategies for writing. In this novel, I have correlatively explained how to become a writer? Nowadays, many children, adults, and mature people are writing about their own life and travel experiences, and many more. But still, many people won't write their own experiences because of the absence of self-confidence, self-motivation, writing skills, time management, development of main and side characters in the novel, or bringing up behind and future story of the characters, etc. Therefore, I am here with different strategies and my own experiences to put forward something meaningful on the table for writers or those who want to become a writer. All chapters are written as per my own experience and by taking references from different writers. All these experiences will help somebody to become a skilled writer and I am sure that after reading this book, somebody will become a writer.

  • 16% sparen
    von Rohit Shankar Mane
    46,00 €

  • 16% sparen
    von Rohit Shankar Mane
    46,00 €

  • 16% sparen
    von Rohit Shankar Mane
    46,00 €

  • von Rohit Shankar Mane
    54,90 €

  • 16% sparen
    von Rohit Shankar Mane
    46,00 €

  • von Rohit Shankar Mane
    19,00 €

  • 16% sparen
    von Rohit Shankar Mane
    46,00 €

    Chitinase is the fast developing research area and we believe there is a wide scope for its further development, especially in medical and agricultural areas. in this book, we highlighted different effective aspects of chitinase, which may help readers to understand its efficiency in research and study. We have tried to make this book as comprehensive as possible. Hence, all university students would find a new topic for research and study. We are also sure that not only academicians but also industrialists will take interest in this book.

  • 16% sparen
    von Rohit Shankar Mane
    46,00 €

    Industrialization, population explosion and urbanization applies load on present reticent fossil fuels bringing on an inevitable state globally leading to "Energy Crisis". Natural resources like coal and petroleum are restricted and soon will be exhausted with raising energy insist which will influence any nation's economy and will hold up its development. Microbial fuel cells (MFCs), a device in which microbes act as catalyst in degrading the organic matter to generate electricity by oxidizing simple compounds such as glucose or complex organic matter in wastewater, represent a new and promising approach for generating power. Given the world's limited supply of fossil fuels and fossil fuels' impact on climate change, the potential of MFC technology's to create renewable, carbon-neutral energy has generated tremendous interest around the world.

  • 16% sparen
    von Rohit Shankar Mane
    46,00 €

  • 16% sparen
    von Rohit Shankar Mane
    46,00 €

    W obecnym scenariuszu mamy do czynienia z ró¿nymi pojawiaj¿cymi si¿ chorobami w naszym spo¿ecze¿stwie ze wzgl¿du na zrehabilitowane ¿rodowisko i styl ¿ycia. Kilku naukowców pracuje nad ró¿nymi pojawiaj¿cymi si¿ chorobami, aby zrozumie¿ i wyleczy¿ je przy u¿yciu ró¿nych naturalnych i chemicznych formu¿, jednak nadal wiele obszarów jest nietkni¿tych z powodu s¿abej wiedzy, technik i mitów. Jednym z takich obszarów jest uprawa i produkcja grzybów. W niniejszej ksi¿¿ce omówiono szczegó¿owo podstawy i badania nad grzybami.Ta ksi¿¿ka zostäa przet¿umaczona przy u¿yciu sztucznej inteligencji.

  • 16% sparen
    von Rohit Shankar Mane
    46,00 €

    In the present scenario, we are dealing with different emerging diseases in our society due to the rehabilitated environment and lifestyle. Several researchers are working on the different emerging diseases to understand and cure them by using different natural and chemical formulations however still many areas are untouched due to poor knowledge, techniques, and myths. One such area is Mushroom Cultivation and production. The present book deals in detail about basics and research of mushrooms.

  • 16% sparen
    von Rohit Shankar Mane
    46,00 €

  • 18% sparen
    von Rohit Shankar Mane
    49,00 €

  • 16% sparen
    von Rohit Shankar Mane
    46,00 €

  • 16% sparen
    von Rohit Shankar Mane
    46,00 €

  • 16% sparen
    von Rohit Shankar Mane
    46,00 €

  • von Rohit Shankar Mane
    54,90 €

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