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Bücher von Rosalind Noonan

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  • von Lisa Jackson, Rosalind Noonan & Nancy Bush
    9,99 €

    Die drei amerikanischen Bestseller-Autorinnen Lisa Jackson, Nancy Bush und Rosalind Noonan bündeln ihre Kräfte in "Greed - Tödliche Gier", einem hochspannenden Thriller, in dem ein psychopathischer Killer Jagd auf eine ganze Familie macht.Prairie Creek, Wyoming, USA: Vor zwanzig Jahren vernichtete ein Feuer das Anwesen der Dillinger-Familie, kostete Judd Dillinger das Leben und ließ seine Freundin für immer verkrüppelt zurück. Man beschuldigte damals einen Serien-Brandstifter, der zu jener Zeit sein Unwesen trieb. Doch heute geschehen erneut ominöse Dinge in Prairie Creek ...Ira Dillinger, Patriarch der Familie, hat seine Kinder zu seiner bevorstehenden Hochzeit nach Hause beordert. Sein ältester Sohn ebenso wie dessen Geschwister sind keine großen Fans der Braut, die es in ihren Augen nur auf den Familien-Reichtum abgesehen hat. Doch sie scheinen nicht die einzigen zu sein, denen die anstehende Hochzeit ein Dorn im Auge ist. Erst wird die rituell gehäutete Leiche eines Kojoten auf der Dillinger-Ranch gefunden, dann brennt die Kirche ab, in der die Hochzeit stattfinden soll. Aus der Asche geborgen wird ein bizarr entstellter Leichnam ..."Greed - Tödliche Gier" ist der Auftakt einer Thriller-Reihe, die ein Gemeinschaftswerk von Lisa Jackson, ihrer Schwester Nancy Bush und der befreundeten Rosalind Noonan ist. Schauplatz der Thriller-Reihe wird Wyoming sein.

  • von Rosalind Noonan
    24,00 €

    Twelve years ago, Glory abandoned her two daughters-four-year-old Ruby and baby Aurora-at a fire station, running off to a man who promised love and protection. Though the refuge she hoped for turned out to be a sham, she believes Ruby and Aurora are better off without her. But Glory has since given birth to another daughter, who's clamoring for a life beyond their close-knit, tightly controlled world. Sixteen-year-old Ruby loves her adoptive parents, but she hasn't forgotten Glory. Now that she has her driver's license, Ruby sets out in search of her birth mother. What she finds is a ramshackle house of castaway women, referred to as "sisters," ruled over by a charismatic bully who monitors their every move. Glory would take ten-year-old Luna away in a heartbeat if they had somewhere to go. On good days, the girl is confined to the fenced-in yard; on bad days, she's sent to the dusty attic as punishment. When Ruby makes contact, Glory seizes on a chance for escape. Ruby is desperate to help, but how much does she owe to family she barely knows-and how can she fix someone else's life when she has so little power over her own? Praise for Rosalind Noonan's Domestic Secrets "This suspenseful read is Noonan at her best. Fans will be eager to get their hands on her latest, and it doesn't disappoint." -Booklist "Noonan delivers another page-turning thriller whose deeply flawed characters draw you into a web of family secrets." -Kirkus Reviews "Recommended for readers wanting stories of dysfunctional families, scandal, and violence that involve entire communities." -Library Journal

  • von Rosalind Noonan
    27,00 €

  • von Rosalind Noonan
    24,00 €

  • von Rosalind Noonan
    25,00 €

    In this emotionally charged and riveting novel from the author of One September Morning and In a Heartbeat, one woman is torn between loyalty to her family''s ways and to her most profound convictions...The daughter of a career cop, Bernadette Sullivan grew up with blue uniforms hanging in the laundry room and cops laughing around the dinner table. Her brothers joined New York''s finest, her sister married a cop, and Bernie is an assistant District Attorney. Collaring criminals, putting them away--it''s what they do. And though lately Bernie feels a growing desire for a family of her own, she''s never questioned her choices. Then a shooter targets a local coffee shop, and tragedy strikes the Sullivan family. Anger follows grief--and Bernie realizes that her father''s idea of retribution is very different from her own. All her life, she''s inhabited a clear-cut world of right and wrong, of morality and corruption. As Bernie struggles to protect the people she loves, she must also decide what it means to see justice served. And in her darkest hour, she will find out just what it means to be her father''s daughter. Praise for Rosalind Noonan''s One September Morning"Reminiscent of Jodi Picoult''s kind of''s a keeper!" --Lisa Jackson, New York Times bestselling author"Written with great insight... Noonan delivers a fast-paced, character-driven tale with a touch of mystery." -- Publishers Weekly"Noonan creates a unique thriller...a novel that focuses on the toll war takes on returning soldiers and civilians whose loved ones won''t be coming home." --Booklist

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