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Bücher von Ruth Ann Nordin

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  • von Ruth Ann Nordin
    21,00 €

    Miss Lydia Hamilton is desperate. She needs to secure a marriage to a wealthy gentleman, and she needs to do it fast. Enlisting the help of two brothers, she kidnaps the unwitting Lord Quinton. Under ordinary circumstances, she would never force a gentleman to marry her, but these aren't ordinary circumstances. Her family needs money. And fast. Guy Milton, the Earl of Quinton, is not happy. It's extremely bad luck to be kidnapped, especially in the middle of the night while he is supposed to be sound asleep in his bed. Now doom is imminent. His kidnappers are going to kill him. He just knows it. But instead of killing him, he is forced to marry Lydia. While one would think this would come as a welcome relief, such isn't the case. Marriage under force at midnight to a lady with two redheaded brothers means bad luck. To make matters worse, after the wedding, they hurry him off to a country estate full of so much bad luck that he's sure this is where he'll die. When Lydia decided to kidnap Lord Quinton, she thought her biggest problem would be convincing him to get her with child. She didn't think she'd have to convince him that he'll live long enough to survive the task. This is a romantic comedy with a superstitious hero, a heroine who needs money, and an estate with a classic gothic feel to it.

  • von Ruth Ann Nordin
    21,00 €

    When Mr. Byron Tumilson was hired to protect Lady Eleanor from the person who is trying to kill her, the last thing he expected was to play the role of her suitor. But, as it turns out, that's exactly what her father, the Duke of Dormondton, requires him to do. Her father wants her to have a successful first Season, and no one has shown any interest in her. He is convinced that if Byron pretends to be in love with her, then she'll attract real suitors.So Byron is stuck attending boring balls and lavish dinner parties under the guise of being a wealthy gentleman. As if that isn't painful enough, he needs to find a way to make this wallflower of a lady into someone gentlemen will actually desire. At least, that's what he most wants until Lady Eleanor pretties herself up and learns how to flirt. Then he starts to realize he's fallen in love with her, and that's the worst thing a nobody like him could do with a fine noble lady.

  • von Ruth Ann Nordin
    20,00 €

    Lady Rachel, the sister of the very wealthy and highly esteemed Duke of Creighton, has entered her first Season with great anticipation. She loves wearing beautiful gowns. She loves talking to her friends. She loves going to balls and meeting gentlemen. This is going to be the most wonderful time of her life. When she starts receiving missives from a secret admirer, it turns out the Season is even better than she imagined. What lady, after all, can resist the appeal of a mysterious stranger expressing his deep and abiding love in her? She sets out to enlist the help of an unlikely ally to find out who her secret admirer is. She knows it's not appropriate to be discussing such personal information with the butler, but he is the only one she trusts to not tell anyone. Little does she realize the very one she's confiding in is the very one she's looking for. And there's no way he's telling her the truth since her brother, and the rest of London, would never approve the match.

  • von Ruth Ann Nordin
    21,00 €

    Natalie Harper has just married the man of her dreams. All of her life, she has wanted a husband who would be kind, gentle, and handsome. She wanted a companion she could share her life with. Mark Larson fulfills all of those dreams. And she couldn't be happier.However, Mark is also wealthy. The money doesn't mean anything to Natalie. She's just happy to be loved by him, but she soon discovers that his wealth comes with some unexpected problems. She grew up on a farm with very little to her name. No one cared about how people drank tea, how well they danced, or how much education they had. They didn't judge people based on any of those things. In Mark's world, though, she's expected to follow certain etiquette rules she didn't even know existed. And the women in her new social circle aren't the least bit shy about letting her know she doesn't meet up to their standards. Yes, she married Mark because she loved him, but she's quickly learning there's more to marriage than love. A lot more. And she's not sure she has what it takes to make it work.

  • von Ruth Ann Nordin
    21,00 €

    When Ted and Megan board the Amtrak, the last thing they expect is to be thrown back into the past. As if that isn't bad enough, the people insist that they marry at once! But Ted and Megan don't even know each other, and despite their protests, the preacher announces them man and wife.This romantic comedy takes a light-hearted look at time travel and the joy of finding unexpected love.

  • von Ruth Ann Nordin
    20,00 €

    Jim Griffin is in trouble. The moment he arrives in Omaha looking for a place to stay, Patricia and Erin Larson have decided he will marry one of them. And the longer he's a guest in their home, the louder those wedding bells are ringing!Their father isn't as excited by the prospect of an upcoming marriage as they are, and he does everything he can to discourage Jim from getting too close to them. Meanwhile, their mother has other plans and is more than happy to look for ways to get him to spend time with each of them.This cute and sweet romantic comedy takes a look at an overwhelmed bachelor who is at the mercy of two sisters who are determined to get a husband.

  • von Ruth Ann Nordin
    21,00 €

    From the moment Mark Tanner sees Lexie Rogers, he knows she's destined to be his wife. There is only one problem: her fiancé. Mark knows she's better off with him, but can he convince her of that before it's too late?Lexie's mother has planned out her life for her. Living in the shadow of the older sister who never pleased her mother, it's up to Lexie to be the daughter her sister never was. And now that includes marrying the man her mother selected for her. Then Mark comes along and turns her world upside down. Will she throw caution to the wind and run away with him? Or will she make the biggest mistake of her life and stay with her fiancé?

  • von Ruth Ann Nordin
    25,00 €

    Kate Tanner is getting more than she bargained for in this "woman disguised as a man" romance. Fleeing from her parents' killers, she disguises herself as Billy Ingram and leaves the big city Virginia life to work on a remote farm out in the middle of nowhere, North Dakota where the handsome, but aloof, Chad Walker hires her as a farmhand. Everything is going fine until Chad discovers she's a woman. She quickly makes up the excuse that "Billy's" sister, Kate, decided to come by for a visit. That's when things really get interesting. Lacy Montgomery is in love with "Billy". Among the laughter and constant costume changes, Kate might discover that the most unlikely place for love is the perfect place after all.

  • von Ruth Ann Nordin
    19,98 €

    Adrienne Dayton flees from an arranged marriage to a man who doesn't love her. In fact, she is convinced that no man will sincerely love her. So when she ends up in a small town with a group of men wanting to be with her, she seeks escape from their advances.However, Trevor Lewis is intrigued by her and wonders what it will take to win her heart. When she offers to show him what romance is, he turns the tables on her. He'll be the one to romance her...until she agrees to marry him.

  • von Ruth Ann Nordin
    21,00 €

    In Eye of the Beholder, Mary Larson left Maine for a new life in Nebraska, a new life that almost ended at the train station if not for Dave Larson. Six years later in To Have and To Hold, Mary's journey continues. All her dreams for marriage and children have come true, and she couldn't be happier, until a fateful accident erases her memory...Now she has to adjust to life as the wife of Dave Larson and mother to Isaac and Rachel. When news of her father's impending death comes from Maine, Dave suggests they travel to her hometown in an effort to help her recover her memories.

  • von Ruth Ann Nordin
    21,00 €

    "A hardworking gentleman of 26 years old, 6 feet, owner of a small cabin who lives off the land desires marriage. Lady must be between 18-25 years, have a loving disposition, and be willing to mother a baby boy. Though comforts will be few, would like a happy marriage." Mail Order Bride Ad Written by Allen Grover on March 20, 1878It wasn't until September that Al's bride came to the Black Hills of the South Dakota Territory. He expected Hazel McPherson. But he got Sadie Miller.Before Hazel died in Omaha, she told Sadie to take her place as Al's mail-order bride. Under ordinary circumstances, Sadie would never pretend to be another woman. But in this case, it was her only chance of escaping the prison that had become her life.And there was no way she could tell anyone the truth. No. Her secret would stay with her to the grave, especially from the one man she was beginning to love.

  • von Ruth Ann Nordin
    27,00 €

    Julia Milton said good-bye to two men in her life. Ernest who was a part of her safe and familiar world. Then there was Chogan who stirred her passion but came from the Mandan tribe-a man who lived a life foreign to her own. How can she possibly choose between two good men? Will she choose the safe and familiar path or embrace her passions? And what will happen when the loser isn't happy?

  • von Ruth Ann Nordin
    21,00 €

    In the middle of the night, Woape flees from three male Indians who've tormented her. Gary Milton rescues her, and she follows him home. To secure Gary's protection, she marries him. But the Indians haven't given up their pursuit of her.

  • von Ruth Ann Nordin
    18,00 €

    Kevin Edwards stands to inherit one million dollars. The catch? He must get married by Valentine's Day. With only a month to spare, he seeks out the first woman who catches his interest: Tammy. But his best friend, Alexandra (Alex) Dixon, is convinced he's making the biggest mistake of his life. So she decides she will take Tammy's place and be his bride instead. Can she convince him that things will be much better if they become more than friends or will he say "I do" to the wrong woman?

  • von Ruth Ann Nordin
    25,00 €

    In order to receive his inheritance, Jake Mitchell must marry. In order to save her family's farm, Sue Lewis must marry a rich man. So Jake comes up with a plan. Why not strike up a platonic business arrangement where they can marry each other for six months? Then they are free to annul the marriage and go their separate ways.Unfortunately for him, the people he knows are determined to keep them together. Between an army of suitors willing to court Sue before her annulment and the Lewis brothers scheming to show Jake how attractive she is, laughter and love are in the air. And in the end, a confirmed bachelor might discover that an inconvenient marriage may not be so inconvenient after all.

  • von Ruth Ann Nordin
    21,00 €

    Ryan Jackson and Elizabeth Valentine can't stand each other. Unfortunately for them, their parents get along great and decide to play matchmaker in a very unusual way. In order to keep their jobs, they will have to get married and spend four months in a remote Alaskan cabin. They accept the terms but are determined that their parents' ruse will never work...until Ryan changes his mind.

  • von Ruth Ann Nordin
    20,00 €

    "Stop stuttering, Jack. Don't be so clumsy. What's wrong with you?" Over and over, Jack Warren heard such words his entire life from his father and others. When his brother comes across an ad looking for hired hands in Lincoln, Nebraska, Jack jumps at the chance to go. Finally, he'll get to live his life in peace since he'll be far removed from others. What he doesn't count on is the owner's attractive daughter who happens to be available.When the new hired hands arrive at her pa's farm, Maybell is immediately drawn to Jack. Though he wasn't the most graceful of all men to work for her pa, there's a certain charm and sweetness about him that appeals to her. Her pa, however, has other ideas. Certain someone as timid as Jack wouldn't make a good husband, he rejects Jack's suit. Instead, he plans for her to marry his brother, and he'll do everything he can to make that happen.

  • von Ruth Ann Nordin
    21,00 €

    Madeline Thompson, the woman the outlaws were looking for at the beginning of Boaz's Wager (Book 2 in the Montana Collection), has finally arrived in Lewistown, Montana, but no one knew she was coming because she had disguised herself as a man. She was only going to stay in town long enough to get more supplies for her trip to Canada. But then fate intervened with a bullet to her shoulder…and now she's not going anywhere.When Marshal Shane Taft discovers Madeline's true identity, he knows only a desperate woman would take such a big risk in traveling through the wild territory of Montana without a chaperone. That alone prompts him to protect her. Finding out she's recently widowed and is carrying a child prompts him to propose marriage.Madeline's first husband left a lot to be desired. Besides thinking women had nothing worthwhile to contribute but an heir, he was cold toward her. She would say no to the deal Shane is offering, but necessity forces her to marry him. Nothing good can come from being under another man's thumb.That is, of course, unless he happens to be the right man.

  • von Ruth Ann Nordin
    21,00 €

    Rilo An comes from a world where there are no women. What he longs for is a life mate: someone who'll complete him, someone he can love who'll love him back, someone who'll ease the aching loneliness that haunts his life.So he leaves his world, takes on the Earth name Chris West, and makes a payment to Star Systems Unlimited for a life mate. When he bonds with Caitlyn Davis, he thinks life can't get any better. But she was married before, and memories of her deceased husband still linger around her home.

  • von Ruth Ann Nordin
    21,00 €

    When Mitch Grady goes to a saloon to take his wayward brother home, he finds that his brother's horse isn't the only thing being offered in a poker game. Heather Curtiss' brother has bet her as well. Vowing an innocent woman won't be forced to give up her virtue to a disreputable gambler, Mitch joins in the game of poker, and with luck, he wins and frees Heather.Heather sees this as her chance to get away from her brother and appeals to Mitch's kindness to marry her, offering to help him care for two children and his ailing mother. He agrees and they start a life together. But Heather's brother hasn't gone away. And Mitch might find that being with her is going to take more than a poker game.

  • von Ruth Ann Nordin
    21,00 €

    What Boaz Grady wants more than anything else is to have his children living with him. But in order to get them back, he needs to marry a woman who'll be their mother.Eva Connealy left Omaha, Nebraska to be a school teacher. While in Montana, her stagecoach is attacked, and the men decide to sell her. While the men in Lewistown post bids for her, Boaz makes a wager of his own and wins the right to marry her.Despite the shaky beginning, Boaz is sure she'll adjust to her new life as his children's mother. But she wants to be more than a mother. She also wants to be a wife and vows to figure out how to take their marriage of convenience into something much, much more.

  • von Ruth Ann Nordin
    21,00 €

    When Ann Statesman marries Todd Brothers, it's not because she loves him. She marries him because she knows that he will make a good husband. She hopes that given time, her feelings for him will blossom into romantic love. But when her old beau comes back for her, will she still want to stay with Todd...or will she want to go back to her past love?

  • von Ruth Ann Nordin
    21,00 €

    After spending time in Ireland, Kent Ashton has returned to America. It's his chance at a new start, and he's determined to go all the way to California-far away from his past and the list of regrets he's left behind. But while in Omaha, Nebraska, thieves rob him and leave him for dead in an alley. That's when Dave Larson finds him and brings him home so he can recover. As soon as Kent is better, he plans to continue his journey to California.But Dave's daughter, Rose Larson, has other plans. She's bound and determined to make him her husband. Sure, he might protest, claim he's not the right one for her, that she's better off with someone else. But she's not one to give up, and if she has to chase him to get him to the altar, then so be it.

  • von Ruth Ann Nordin
    21,00 €

    After Loving Eliza, John and Eliza adopt a blind boy named Brian who was abandoned by his father. Bid for a Bride is Brian's romance. The story begins in the quiet South Dakota town where Brian lives.Lucy finds out the man she just married already has a wife, and what's worse is that he's trying to sell her to the highest bidder. The preacher intervenes and helps her annul her marriage, but he's aware that Lucy's week with her bigamist husband might have resulted in a pregnancy. To protect her reputation, he asks Brian Evans to marry her. Brian jumps at the chance and proposes to her. Seeing no other option, Lucy agrees. But will Brian have the marriage based on love that he longs for or will he always be Lucy's convenient husband?*Bid for a Bride won the 2012 Global Ebook Award for Historical Romance.

  • von Ruth Ann Nordin
    21,00 €

    Harriett Larson has been in love with Stan Craftsman for years, but he's never paid any attention to her. Instead, his focus has always been on her twin sister. So when Stan proposes to Harriett, she knows it's only because he needs a mother for the little girl he recently adopted. And while her first reaction is to turn him down, she can't bring herself to turn her back on an innocent child who needs her. So it is with reluctance she agrees to marry him. But only on one condition. Theirs will never be anything more than a marriage of convenience. She will not be vulnerable to him ever again. As soon as Stan marries her, he regrets the deal he made. She's not the wallflower he thought her to be. In fact, she's much more appealing than her sister. The problem is, how can he convince her of that so they can turn their marriage of convenience into something much more?

  • von Ruth Ann Nordin
    19,00 €

    Ada Wilcox never thought her brother would answer a mail-order bride ad on her behalf. Worse, he's sold her-sight unseen-to a complete stranger. As she travels to Nebraska, she doesn't know whether to be angry with her brother or scared about the uncertain future looming before her.Pete Kelly never thought he'd marry. Then one day his brother brings him a woman to marry, and the loneliness that plagued him for years in his quiet world is finally at an end. But the gift he was given might be quickly taken away if he doesn't act in time to keep it.

  • von Ruth Ann Nordin
    21,00 €

    Allie Jones is stuck in a small Colorado town with no way to leave. She must either marry the only suitable bachelor or risk being sold to the saloon's owner to be one of the soiled doves. Seeing she has no real choice, she agrees to marry the bachelor. Rumored as being a monster by the people in town, Travis Martin is content to live alone, sheltered in the wooded area of the mountainside. The last thing he expects is a preacher when there's a knock on the door. With great hesitation, he agrees to the marriage. He can't confine such a beautiful young lady to the saloon, but he knows the marriage won't be a happy one for her, not when she could have had someone so much better.So the best thing he can do is keep his distance and leave her alone. She, however, can't help but be intrigued by her new husband. Is he the ugly beast the people in town claim, or is there something beautiful worth loving just beneath the surface?

  • von Ruth Ann Nordin
    21,00 €

    On her wedding day, Patricia Cotter, the widowed Lady of Pruett, signed a contract. She would never look at her husband's face. She would never remove the sheets covering the mirrors. She would never ask her husband about his past.In return for doing these things, she will have a secure place for her unborn child and her worries will be over. She has nothing to lose by agreeing to her husband's terms. Yes, she's heard the rumors about Mr. Stephen Bachman. He was said to have killed his first wife, though there is no proof condemning him of the crime. He is aloof and never leaves his manor. He is practically a prisoner in his own home.But as she gets to know him, she begins to believe her husband isn't the beast everyone's made him out to be. There just might be a gentleman worth loving beneath his hard exterior.

  • von Ruth Ann Nordin
    21,00 €

    Valentine Silverton has enjoyed comfort and luxury his entire life. Then, all at once, the family fortune vanishes, and he's a pauper. The only recourse he has is to find a wealthy heiress. Since there are no suitable prospects in his area, he takes his friend's advice and becomes a mail-order husband.Nelly Larson grew up on a farm, and she loves everything about it. She loves the life so much, in fact, that she got her own homestead. The last thing she wants is to be strapped to one of the men in town who think her place is in the kitchen. She's going to keep her independence, and keeping her independence will require her to avoid marriage at all costs.Nelly's sisters, however, can't believe Nelly will truly be happy if she doesn't get married. Romance, after all, is one of life's most wonderful experiences. When they come upon Valentine's ad, they know he'll be perfect for her. So they take matters into their own hands and answer his ad on Nelly's behalf.

  • von Ruth Ann Nordin
    21,00 €

    When Phoebe Durbin answers a mail-order bride ad, she doesn't realize the groom-to-be didn't post it. Worse, the day she arrives at her destination, she learns he doesn't even want to get married. Having nowhere else to go, she convinces him to give her a chance to prove having a woman cook and clean for him will be the best thing that ever happened to him.Abe Thomas reluctantly agrees to take Phoebe in, though he doubts they will make a good match. They're much too different. While she sees the best in things, he knows the world is much darker than she can ever imagine. No woman in her right mind would be his convenient wife. He's sure when the stagecoach comes back to town, she'll be the first one on it. After all, two people so completely different can't make a good match, can they?

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