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Bücher von Ruth Sparacio

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  • von Ruth Sparacio
    32,00 €

    County court order books contain records of all matters brought before the court while in session. The information contained in these records may not appear elsewhere. The order books typically provide a synopsis of court cases in a relatively organized format.This volume contains records from Richmond County, Virginia, Order Book No. 10, 1732-1739, beginning on page 340 and ending on page 509 for courts held 4 November 1735 through 7 March 1736/7. An every-name and place index adds to the value of this work.

  • von Ruth Sparacio
    29,00 €

    Middlesex County, Virginia Order Book Abstracts, 1710-1712 contains entries from Middlesex County, Virginia Order Book No. 5, 1710-1721 beginning on page 1 and ending on page 101 for courts held 6 March 1710/11 through 13 October 1712. County court order books contain records of all matters brought before the court while in session.The information contained in these records may not appear elsewhere. The order books typically provide a synopsis of court cases in a relatively organized format. Records you may find include appointments of local officials, records of legal disputes such as property disputes, estate disputes, and disputes involving slaves and servants, certificates granted for apprehending runaway servants and delivering letters, and much more. This information is similar to our present day small claims and civil courts. An index to full-names, places and subjects adds to the value of this work.

  • von Ruth Sparacio
    29,00 €

    Middlesex County, Virginia Order Book Abstracts, 1719-1721 contains entries from Middlesex County, Virginia Order Book No. 5, 1710-1721 beginning on page 421 and ending on page 535 for courts held 5 May 1719 through 4 July 1721 and Middlesex County, Virginia Order Book No. 6, 1721-1726 beginning on page 1 and ending on page 22 for courts held 1 August 1721 through 2 February 1721/1722. County court order books contain records of all matters brought before the court while in session.The information contained in these records may not appear elsewhere. The order books typically provide a synopsis of court cases in a relatively organized format. Records you may find include appointments of local officials, records of legal disputes such as property disputes, estate disputes, and disputes involving slaves and servants, certificates granted for apprehending runaway servants and delivering letters, and much more. This information is similar to our present day small claims and civil courts. An index to full-names, places and subjects adds to the value of this work.(2000), 2022, 8¿x11, paper, index, 122 pp

  • von Ruth Sparacio
    30,00 €

    County court order books contain records of all matters brought before the court while in session. The information contained in these records may not appear elsewhere. The order books typically provide a synopsis of court cases in a relatively organized format. Records you may find include appointments of local officials and militia officers, records of legal disputes, appointments of guardians for minors, apprenticeships of minors authorized by overseers of the poor, naturalizations, road orders, and the register of free Negroes.This volume contains entries from Northumberland County, Virginia, Order Book, 1666-1678 beginning on page 199 and ending on page 316 for courts held 25 April 1674 through 22 November 1677. A full-name and place index adds to the value of this work.(1999), 2022, 8¿x11, paper, index, 126 pp.

  • von Ruth Sparacio
    28,00 €

    Deed books typically contain records of land transactions, mortgages, bills of sale, slave manumissions, powers of attorney, and sometimes marriage contracts. Deed books should always be consulted when doing genealogical research.This volume contains entries from King George County Deed Book 6, 1745-1784 beginning on page 285 and ending on page 402 for courts held 6 July 1780 through 23 December 1783, and entries from Deed Book 7, 1785-1793 beginning on page 1 and ending on page 154 for courts held 7 July 1785 through 6 September 1787. A full-name and place index adds to the value of this work.(1994), 2022 8¿x11, paper, index, 124 pp.

  • von Ruth Sparacio
    28,00 €

    Will books are one of the best resources for determining family relationships in genealogy research. This volume contains entries from Essex County Will Book No. 7 (1743-1747), beginning on page 1 and ending on page 322/323 for courts held 17 May 1743 through 19 March 1744. "N.B. Essex County Will Book 1743-1747 contains 533 pages. Pages 324 through 533 will be found in our following book, Will Abstracts of Essex County, Virginia 1745-1747." In addition to the full name of the deceased, these records offer a rich source of names, which may include spouse, children, relatives, witnesses, and/or others. Estate inventories provide a fascinating look at possessions during this time period. An every-name and place index adds to the value of this work.(1991), 2022, 8¿x11, paper, index, 108 pp

  • von Ruth Sparacio
    31,00 €

    Will books are one of the best resources for determining family relationships in genealogy research. This volume contains entries from Lancaster County, Virginia, Inventories and Wills No. 8, 1690-1709, beginning on page 1 and ending on page 139 for courts held 9 April 1690 through 8 June 1709. In addition to the full name of the deceased, these records offer a rich source of names, which may include spouse, children, relatives, witnesses, and/or others. Estate inventories provide a fascinating look at possessions during this time period. An every-name and place index adds to the value of this work.(?), 2022, 8¿x11, paper, index, 140 pp.

  • von Ruth Sparacio
    30,00 €

    This volume contains entries from Richmond City, Virginia, Hustings Deeds No. 1, 1782-1792 beginning on page 1 and ending on page 434-436 for courts held 15 July 1782 through 26 July 1790. Records include deeds, letters of attorney, bonds, etc. A full-name and place index adds to the value of this work.(?), 2022, 8¿x11, paper, index, 134 pp.

  • von Ruth Sparacio
    28,00 €

    Unlike the will books in most Virginia counties, the inventories, estate accounts and estate sales of King George County are not a part of the will book (at least through 1780). The inventories for the years 1721-1744 were found in a separate book. This volume contains entries from King George County, Virginia Deed Book 6, 1745-1784 beginning on page 5 (pages 1-4 are missing) and ending on page 283 for courts held September 6, 1745 through February 7, 1765. These abstracts include inventories, estate accounts and estate sales. In addition to the full name of the deceased and full-names of witnesses, estate inventories provide a fascinating look at possessions during this time period. A full-name index adds to the value of this work.(1994), 2022, 8¿x11, paper, index, 116 pp

  • von Ruth Sparacio
    31,00 €

    This volume contains entries from Lancaster County, Virginia, Deeds &c. No. 9, 1701-1715, beginning on page 206 and ending on page 411 for courts held 3 January 1706 through 31 October 1710.Researching deed books is a must when researching your family history. County deed books contain records of land transactions, bills of sale, powers of attorney, mortgages and leases, slave manumissions, and sometimes marriage contracts. A full-name and place index adds to the value of this work.(?), 2022, 8¿x11, paper, index, 130 pp

  • von Ruth Sparacio
    29,00 €

    Order books contain records of all matters brought before the court when it was in session and may contain important information not found anywhere else. A wide variety of information is found in order books including appointments of county officials and militia officers, records of legal disputes heard before the county court, appointments of guardians, apprenticeships of children by the overseers of the poor, naturalizations, road orders, and registrations of free Negroes. This volume contains entries from Spotsylvania County Order Book 1724-1730. This book is Part III of the 430 pages for Courts held 1 September 1724 through 7 October 1730. Part III covers 6 March 1727/8 through 6 August 1729, beginning on page 220 and ending on page 339. Originally published in 1990. Reprinted 2016.

  • von Ruth Sparacio
    33,00 €

    Order books contain records of all matters brought before the court when it was in session and may contain important information not found anywhere else. A wide variety of information is found in order books including appointments of county officials and militia officers, records of legal disputes heard before the county court, appointments of guardians, apprenticeships of children by the overseers of the poor, naturalizations, road orders, and registrations of free Negroes. This volume contains entries from Prince William County Minute Book 1752-1755; Prince William County Order Book 1753-1755; and Prince William County Order Book 1755-1757, June 25, 1753, through May 27, 1757. Originally published in 1988, reprinted 2016.

  • von Ruth Sparacio
    29,00 €

    Order books contain records of all matters brought before the court when it was in session and may contain important information not found anywhere else. A wide variety of information is found in order books including appointments of county officials and militia officers, records of legal disputes heard before the county court, appointments of guardians, apprenticeships of children by the overseers of the poor, naturalizations, road orders, and registrations of free Negroes. Entries from Spotsylvania County Order Book 1738-1749 beginning on page 504 and ending on page 528 for Courts held April 4, 1749, through September 5, 1749; and from Spotsylvania County Order Book 1749-1755 beginning on page 1 and ending on page 117 for Courts held September 6, 1749 through April 2, 1751. Originally printed in 2000, reprinted 2016.

  • von Ruth Sparacio
    33,00 €

    Order books contain records of all matters brought before the court when it was in session and may contain important information not found anywhere else. A wide variety of information is found in order books including appointments of county officials and militia officers, records of legal disputes heard before the county court, appointments of guardians, apprenticeships of children by the overseers of the poor, naturalizations, road orders, and registrations of free Negroes.This volume contains entries from Essex County Order Book (Part I), 1716-1723, March 19, 1716, through September 16, 1718. Originally published in 1990, reprinted 2016.

  • von Ruth Sparacio
    30,00 €

    This volume contains entries from Richmond City, Virginia, Hustings Deeds No. 1, 1782-1792 beginning on page 436-437 and ending on page 621-622 for courts held 20 July 1790 through 16 May 1792. This volume also contains entries from Richmond City, Virginia, Hustings Deeds No. 2, 1792-1799 beginning on page 1-2 and ending on page 125-126 for courts held 11 June 1792 through 14 January 1794. Records include deeds, letters of attorney, bonds, etc. A full-name and place index adds to the value of this work.(?), 2022, 8¿x11, paper, index, 134 pp

  • von Ruth Sparacio
    28,00 €

    Deed and will books typically contain records of land transactions plus leases, mortgages, bills of sale, slave manumissions, powers of attorney, estate settlements, and more. Deed and will books are a main staple in genealogy research to determine family relationships.This volume contains entries from Essex County Deed and Will Book Part I, 1695-1699, February 10, 1695, through November 22, 1697. Originally published in 1991, reprinted 2016.

  • von Ruth Sparacio
    28,00 €

    Deed books typically contain records of land transactions plus leases, mortgages, bills of sale, slave manumissions, and powers of attorney. Deed books are a main staple in genealogy research to determine family relationships. This volume contains entries from Spotsylvania County Deed Book A, 1722-1729 beginning on page 358 and ending on page 431 for Courts held February 4, 1728, through December 2, 1729. Originally printed in 2002, reprinted 2016.

  • von Ruth Sparacio
    29,00 €

    Deed and will books typically contain records of land transactions plus leases, mortgages, bills of sale, slave manumissions, powers of attorney, estate settlements, and more. Deed and will books are a main staple in genealogy research to determine family relationships. This volume contains entries from Essex County Deed Book 25, 1753-1754, pages 334-445 from June 12, 1753, through May 21, 1754; and Will Book 1748-1750, pages 383-430 from December 18, 1750, through March 19, 1750. (2004), 2016.

  • von Ruth Sparacio
    28,00 €

    Deed and will books typically contain records of land transactions plus leases, mortgages, bills of sale, slave manumissions, powers of attorney, estate settlements, and more. Deed and will books are a main staple in genealogy research to determine family relationships.This volume contains entries from Essex County Deed & Will Book 1701-1703, March 10. 1700/1 through March 1703/4. Originally published in 1991, reprinted 2016.

  • von Ruth Sparacio & Sam Sparacio
    30,00 €

    Order books contain records of all matters brought before the court when it was in session and may contain important information not found anywhere else. A wide variety of information is found in order books including appointments of county officials and militia officers, records of legal disputes heard before the county court, appointments of guardians, apprenticeships of children by the overseers of the poor, naturalizations, road orders, and registrations of free Negroes. This volume contains entries from Richmond County Order Book No. 6, beginning on page 255 and ending on page 414 for Courts held December 14, 1714, through March 8, 1715/6. Originally printed in 1997, reprinted 2016.

  • von Ruth Sparacio & Sam Sparacio
    30,00 €

    Ruth and Sam Sparacio have provided detailed abstracts of the records in Essex County, Virginia, deed book 24, 1745-1749 beginning on page 334 and ending on page 447; and Essex County Deed Book No. 25, 1749-1752 beginning on page 1 and ending on page 274. Your genealogy research is not complete until you have looked at deed books.

  • von Ruth Sparacio & Sam Sparacio
    31,00 €

    Ruth and Sam Sparacio have abstracted in great detail the entries from Culpeper County Deed Book S, 1794-1796 beginning on page 276 and ending on page 503, September 25, 1795, through July 18, 1796. Deed books often contain much more information than deeds. You may find mortgages, leases, releases, bills of sale, powers of attorney, slave manumissions, marriage contracts and more. Your genealogy research is not complete without looking at deed books.

  • von Ruth Sparacio
    31,00 €

  • von Ruth Sparacio
    30,00 €

    Will books are one of the best resources for determining family relationships in genealogy research. This volume contains entries from Essex County Will Book No. 5, beginning on page 1 and ending on page 438 for Courts held December 15, 1730, through February 17, 1735. Originally published in 1988, reprinted 2016.

  • von Ruth Sparacio
    31,00 €

    Deed books typically contain records of land transactions plus leases, mortgages, bills of sale, slave manumissions, and powers of attorney. Deed books are a main staple in genealogy research to determine family relationships. This volume contains entries from Richmond County Deed Book No. 6, 1711-1714 beginning on page 194 and ending on page 274 for Courts held January 6, 1713,through September 1, 1714. Pages 53, 54 & 55 of this book have some Marriages of Richmond County for 1709, 1710, 1711, 1712, 1713, 1714, 1715, and 1716. Originally printed in 1993, reprinted 2016.

  • von Ruth Sparacio
    30,00 €

    Order books contain records of all matters brought before the court when it was in session and may contain important information not found anywhere else. A wide variety of information is found in order books including appointments of county officials and militia officers, records of legal disputes heard before the county court, appointments of guardians, apprenticeships of children by the overseers of the poor, naturalizations, road orders, and registrations of free Negroes. This volume contains entries from Orange County Order Book No. 5, 1747-1754 beginning on page 480 and ending on page 537 for Courts held July 27, 1753, through March 29, 1754; and Orange County Order Book No. 6, 1754-1763 beginning on page 1 and ending on page 68 for Courts held April 25, 1754, through November 29, 1754. Originally printed in 1998, reprinted 2016.

  • von Ruth Sparacio
    30,00 €

    Order books contain records of all matters brought before the court when it was in session and may contain important information not found anywhere else. A wide variety of information is found in order books including appointments of county officials and militia officers, records of legal disputes heard before the county court, appointments of guardians, apprenticeships of children by the overseers of the poor, naturalizations, road orders, and registrations of free Negroes. Entries from Spotsylvania County Order Book 1730-1738 beginning on page 274 and ending on page 410 for Courts held February 6, 1733/4 through August 5, 1735. Originally printed in 1991, reprinted 2016.

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