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Bücher von S H Marpel

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  • von J R Kruze & S H Marpel
    21,00 €

    The adventures of the Ghost Hunters continue - with more exotic locations and hair-raising paranormal adventures than ever before:- A three-part serial which starts by attempting to solve the mystery of a ghost who has been haunting several hundred feet underwater, for 12,000 years or so. And then involves an immortal being who was turned half-human and beaten nearly unconscious. Only to reveal she has a twin sister who she has fought with constantly over the ages - but now has to work with her to regain her own powers and defeat an immortal enemy who has worked out how to exploit the Internet and social media to enslave all of humankind.- Plus, two additional mysteries involving an angel and an immortal goddess who need the human mystery writer John Earl Stark to solve their unsolvable problems...All in short reads that fit into the time you have to read. Delicious mental snacks that will leave you with new ideas to consider long after the entertainment is over. This anthology contains:The Harpy Saga: Sister Mine by S. H. MarpelHarpy Redux by S. H. MarpelThe Case of the Sunken Spirit by S. H. MarpelA Case of Missing Wings by S. H. Marpel & J. R. KruseGaia by S. H. Marpel Excerpt: SHOULD HAVE KNOWN IT was too good to last.If it weren't insulting to the canine species, I'd call that priestess a bitch out loud. Frequently. And I still may.My recent work was to start un-doing many of the various organizations I'd been part of that had been making the governments on this planet unstable. Organized crime and terrorism were umbrella terms that covered most of it.I had no problem being on both sides of that coin when it suited me.People would approach me, wanting something. Bad or good, it was something they needed - for whatever purpose. If I could help them, especially if they were honestly wanting to help others, I'd do it.This chick, though, she was something else. She played the hurt, helpless chick just too well. Wanted to get her powers back that she "lost" while trapped by an evil goddess. Took her forever to undo the spell and now she just wanted to go back to helping people organize their lives better, make more money, get as famous as they wanted, blah, blah, blah.I went along with it, to begin with. Not without my doubts. But she gained my trust after awhile. Helped my straighten out some of my messes.It didn't take long for her to catch me unaware and put a crippling spell on me. One that took away half my powers. Well, on one side of me. Couldn't use that wing. Couldn't walk. Not human, not goddess. Trapped in the world in between, unable to function in either world.Trying to fight her physically just got me bruised and scratched and cut on that side. Because that side was now very human, unclothed, and vulnerable.The fight was fast, brutal, and I was half-unconscious before I knew it. The other half of me was in a red haze. Where this witch had come from, I didn't know. Her language was old, real old. And her powers were based on gods older than my parents, or at least as old.John finally found me. I don't know how. All I knew was hearing his voice as I went in and out of a dark blackness... Get Your Copy Now.

  • von S H Marpel
    18,00 €

  • von R L Saunders, J R Kruze & S H Marpel
    21,00 €

  • von R L Saunders, J R Kruze & S H Marpel
    23,00 €

  • von S H Marpel
    20,00 €

  • von R L Saunders, J R Kruze & S H Marpel
    24,00 €

  • von C C Brower, J R Kruze & S H Marpel
    22,00 €

  • von J R Kruze & S H Marpel
    20,00 €

    When the hamburgers all disappeared, along with the buns I was warming, I thought I was seeing things. But when my spatula went through the cast-iron grill top - I had to let it go out of reflex. No way was I going after it - I'd been burned too many times. It wasn't like I had a choice after that. Because the grill itself dropped out through the bottom of the rolling coach we were cooking out of that summer. I looked up at Ham, my order-taker, partner, and lover - only to see her fall through the floor as well. A look of shock and trying to say something, but frozen in time. Then the coach disappeared, and I fell with it - but only as far as the pavement it used to be parked on. I could see the asphalt beneath my feet at least. Until it turned to some sort of foamy waves lapping on a beach I'd never seen before. Green hard-packed sand. Green water. And a long white line that went down this beach like it was some sort of dual-lane highway... Get Your Copy Now.

  • von S H Marpel
    18,00 €

  • von R L Saunders, C C Brower & S H Marpel
    30,00 €

    A collection of short stories from new voices - the breaking edge cross-currents of mystery, fantasy, science fiction, and romance - from works published between November and December 2018. Worlds new or perhaps re-visited - but only you will know if this is the stuff of dreams - or nightmares. - A ghost haunted by her death, since she only appears each year for a few hours, she has little time to work out how she died, and keep it from happening again. - When the amateur detective becomes haunted, it's up to those he's saved to rescue him from his own worst nightmares. - How do you solve someone's problem when they are haunting themselves? A recurring post-apocalypse scenario that only loops on an immortal being trapped at its center, and able to kill anyone who tries to help her. - A Smart Home who kicks out the owners, reassigns their title, and turns off the lights in the neighborhood - except for the red and green lights that pulse in an ominous, haunted glow. Get Your Copy Now.

  • von S H Marpel
    20,00 €

  • von J R Kruze & S H Marpel
    20,00 €

    The adventures of the Ghost Hunters continue - with more exotic locations and hair-raising paranormal adventures than ever before: - A three-part serial which starts by attempting to solve the mystery of a ghost who has been haunting several hundred feet underwater, for 12,000 years or so. And then involves an immortal being who was turned half-human and beaten nearly unconscious. Only to reveal she has a twin sister who she has fought with constantly over the ages - but now has to work with her to regain her own powers and defeat an immortal enemy who has worked out how to exploit the Internet and social media to enslave all of humankind. - Plus, two additional mysteries involving an angel and an immortal goddess who need the human mystery writer John Earl Stark to solve their unsolvable problems... All in short reads that fit into the time you have to read. Delicious mental snacks that will leave you with new ideas to consider long after the entertainment is over. Get Your Copy Now.

  • von C C Brower, J R Kruze & S H Marpel
    24,00 €

  • - Short Stories From New Voices
    von C C Brower, J R Kruze & S H Marpel
    21,00 €

  • von C C Brower & S H Marpel
    26,00 €

    Sue had been though a world of pain already.Surviving re-entry to this planet in a powerless escape pod. Learning to speak with telepathic canines that had become the dominant sentient beings on Earth. Finding she could shape-shift and cause illusions.She brought the end to a civil war between their pack and those nearby. Peace on Earth - at least this little part.By learning only a tiny bit of the unknown skills she possessed.One warm summer's night, a messenger brought her to meet a greater being than she thought existed. That being told her about a single key datum.All she wanted to do was rescue her family - only 240 thousand miles away - on the moon.And that single key could unlock what she needed most...Get Your Copy Now.

  • von S H Marpel
    16,00 €

    The result of all these civil wars was complete destruction.Maybe we should have taken a hint from all those wars we fought ""over there"" and the footage came back showing entire cities now only towering, shattered icons that stood in piles of rubble.Uninhabited. uninhabitable.Yet this one woman stayed there. This was her new home, she repeated stubbornly. She wasn't leaving. Even though it meant eventual death.If the warring armies didn't come back to fight again, bombing the remains to gravel, she'd eventually just waste away.But that was the way she wanted it. She at least could remember how all this used to be.When it still was a ""land of the brave, home of the free.""Get Your Copy Now.

  • von S H Marpel
    16,00 €

    Time haunted her. It didn't do what it was ""supposed to"" when she was around.It ran forward, backwards, sideways. Sometimes time helped her solve her problems, sometimes it made them worse.For a lovely young woman, you'd think there would be young men lined up to talk to her at any gathering. But she stayed away from them - to protect them from her curse.What would be the good of a comittment like that if the other person was going to age too fast or too slow - or live forever haunted with the thought of a long lost love?Or was this time-problem contagious? Were other people at risk because of her - or could she pass it onto her children?Life wasn't all that safe, just because you could bend time anyway you wanted.Get Your Copy Now.

  • von S H Marpel
    16,00 €

    An old clock tower, with an unsolved death - that the ghost still haunted.Once a year she appeared. Right on the calendar date of her death. Not that she wasn't also seen during the day, some rumors said, but that was a real person. A flesh version.Who was also haunted by the mysterious death.The mystery was who pushed the young woman - or did she simply slip? Why the lights in the upper bell tower - and why three of them? Too many for a single person to carry...For hundreds of years, the clock never moved - frozen at the time of her death, it was said.Yet the bell still tolled once a year. Two minuted before her anniversary - of dying. Get Your Copy Now.

  • von C C Brower & S H Marpel
    16,00 €

    I was Queen of the World. Until I wasn't. One moment I was in chains and bleeding, the next I was fine - but dressed in red.Someone had played a dirty trick on me. They'd dressed me in a red cartoon outfit - like a Queen. But not my usual goth black.And I also couldn't get out of it. Buttons too high on my back. Hoops and petticoats I couldn't reach under to get free of. Someone was going to pay for this.That little Sue Regniald was the last person I'd seen. And here she comes now.Are you kidding me? She's got a baby-blue fluffy dress, white apron, red sash around her middle, a blue ribbon in her blond hair - where have I seen that?NO. We're in Looking-glass Land! Like I said - somebody's going to pay...Get Your Copy Now.

  • von C C Brower & S H Marpel
    16,00 €

    Trapped by a vicious self-appointed Queen, the entire slave population of the moon colony was imprisoned next to fusion drive exhaust ports.When the fusion drives ignited to lift the colony off for the moons of Saturn, they'd all be turned to ash.In all this, some of the imprisoned still held out hope. Because they could hear voices in their minds telling them not to be afraid, that rescue was coming. Their guards outside only heard their Queen's broadcast.The question was whether that unseen rebel rescue could free all these prisoners in time. Thousands of prisoners, hundreds of cells. Dozens of different locations.And now the countdown began - as broadcast through every space in the colony...Get Your Copy Now.

  • von C C Brower & S H Marpel
    20,00 €

    Now that Malia of 'Cagga had her little city under perfect control, she was ready to export her efficiency plans to the rest of the moon cities. And help them achieve a perfect society under her rule. Martial law, automated mining equipment to replace human workers, constant surveillance of everyone else. Meaning that due to her improvements, they could lift off for their next target much sooner than expected. Because they didn't have to take anyone except Royals and a few assistants with them.Whatever happened to all those unnecessary people after they lifted was not their problem.The only problem she still had was to get rid of those nuisances who keep helping people escape to Earth. But now they knew who was doing it. And the trap to catch her was already baited.Get Your Copy Now.

  • von C C Brower & S H Marpel
    16,00 €

    When someone sends boulder-sized rocks down to planet Earth from the moon, they approach like meteors.On the right trajectory, they don't burn up in the atmosphere, but can come down with the force of a nuclear blast.Our tiny outpost of sentient shape-shifting wolves and escapees from the slave-labor moon colonies had caused a stir up there. They probably still didn't figure out how we managed to help all those people disappear, cross 250,000 miles of space, and wind up on Earth - healthy and smiling in the videos we sent back.But they did figure out where our headquarters was - and targeted it with a string of flaming rock-meteors, all falling in a straight line toward our little valley.If we evacuate in time, we can still avoid that impact.But all it really means is: Earth and the Moon are at war - and they have the better weapons. Or so they think...Get Your Copy Now.

  • von C C Brower & S H Marpel
    15,00 €

    When the unknown "X" lost her job and any way to make a living, she only wanted her life back.But she settled for revenge.In a way she wouldn't expect - cleaning up the elitist government messes.Because having dead bodies around did no one any good. And someone was on a purge in those self-named "royal" houses that ran the moon colony cities.Her particular mindset and training as a medical clinician allowed her to view death with a singular frame of mind. While all the people she'd helped in that medical clinic gave her loyal, fast friends among the "down-belows" who did the mining and kept everything running.The opportunity to now work for an ambitious executive who had a nasty habit of eliminating her bosses was just too good to pass up - and maybe find out who had wrecked her life.Get Your Copy Now.

  • von C C Brower & S H Marpel
    20,00 €

    When another escape pod crash-lands to Earth, a call for searchers goes out to several sentient species to rescue its passenger.The passenger is human - the search parties are not.The previous escape pod brought to Earth one of the most powerful sentients ever known before - and she was human as well. Together with her adoptive wolf pack, they brougth peace to a wide area around them and brought those species into balance once again.In this escape pod, a message was brought for the first escapee from that moon colony. Her sister is now in as much danger as that she escaped from.The idea of somehow launching a rescue across those 248,000 miles of space becomes more vital with every passing day here on Earth. Even with no remaining rockets or ships to lift them out of Earth's heavy gravity.Get Your Copy Now.

  • von S H Marpel
    20,00 €

    Four witches have something in common - and must find each other before an ancient enemy harvests their magic for her own use.They themselves cannot remember how they got their talents or when, and often don't know why they showed up where they did. A single male wood nymph finds himself at the crossroads of helping these witches regain control over the powers they have. He doesn't know that by doing this, he puts himself right in the cross-hairs of that single ancient enemy.She wants to harvest their power for herself, to regain the power and total control of Earth. So she is protecting these four witches and their nymph. For now. When she has what she wants, are all bets are off?This Anthology Contains: - Witch Mystery: Beth - Wish Me Luck, Witch Me Love - Witch Mystery: Ruby - Witch Mystery: Raven - Witch Mystery: Dixie - Last Witch DanceGet Your Copy Now.

  • von S H Marpel
    20,00 €

    Four women, with unique super-abilities - who each could save or destroy humankind.Each came to this planet for their own reasons, deeply flawed. Victims of time and circumstance.Any one of these, just by themselves, could end all life on this planet in a heartbeat.Why would anyone want to assemble a team of feminine time bombs?Maybe to get them to save their own lives...(Contains the complete 4-part anthology.)Get Your Copy Now.

  • von S H Marpel
    17,00 €

    A evil sorceress escaped after being imprisoned for 12,000 years.To accomplish that, she tricked the oldest goddess still remaining on earth, and crippled another one shortly after.Now the Ghost Hunters have to solve a problem they helped create. One who was more powerful than any they had faced to date.Individually, she could probably destroy any one of them. Only working together as a team could she be stopped.Her secret was - she was building her own team.One that could enslave the Western world in a single afternoon of app updates...This anthology contains:- The Case of the Sunken Spirit- Harpy Redux- The Harpy Saga: Sister MineGet Your Copy Now.

  • - Short Stories From New Voices
    von R L Saunders, J R Kruze & S H Marpel
    21,00 €

    Have you ever thought some very dangeous thoughts? Ones that could destroy all life as you knew it?In these six stories by three authors, they do just that. Of course, fiction is safer than real life, so it's much easier to test things here. ...Or so we've been told.In these stories are ideas that will captivate, and excite you to new thoughts and ideas of your own. Because the universe we live in is just a hair's-breadth away from the fictional ones we create.If history is any judge, these authors may be writing are things that will be in our own present any time now.Of course, that's only if you think their thoughts through...Get Your Copy Now.

  • - Short Stories From New Voices
    von C C Brower, J R Kruze & S H Marpel
    21,00 €

    Being able to escape into the wonderful world of romance is always a pleasure.This set of six short stories are an amusing way to find yourself into new worlds, with new lovers working out their difficulties and eventually end up with their happily-ever-after result.Some are ghosts, some introspective writers, some CIA-government types, a couple of futurists, some socially disadvantaged, and a young couple with hidden abilities.All in contemporary settings (for the most part) and perhaps something you can relate to (well, we can always want the superpowers, anyway.)Lose yourself in these worlds and become young at heart again with these short reads to fit into any schedule...Get Your Copy Now.

  • - Escape
    von J R Kruze & S H Marpel
    16,00 €

    Hunted by evil, her only escape was to find the light, but her broken wings couldn't carry her to safety.Why this tiny, suffering pixie was hunted by a monster troll seemed to be a simple urge - he needed to feed off her energy to keep living.Only a few hours to daylight, when the troll had to sleep to avoid the burning rays of sunlight, or being found by Truth-Seekers and forever imprisoned in stone. After the sun rose, she could heal herself by bathing in sunlight and escape forever.But why was this troll out of his territory and why was he hunting her? Not just his hunger, that much was certain. The troll needed food, but she had a secret message to deliver.And that one message could prevent humans as well as fairies from being enslaved to troll masters after losing the coming war...Get Your Copy Now.

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