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Bücher von S. T. Naidu

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  • 19% sparen
    von S. T. Naidu
    65,00 €

    Au niveau mondial, les idées et l'éthique de Gandhi relatives à la non-violence sont plus pertinentes que jamais. Dans un monde souvent marqué par les conflits et la violence, ses enseignements offrent une alternative puissante qui peut aider les gens à résoudre leurs différends de manière pacifique. Gandhi pensait que la non-violence n'était pas seulement une tactique pour atteindre des objectifs politiques, mais un mode de vie qui pouvait transformer la société de l'intérieur. En promouvant l'amour, la compassion et la compréhension, il pensait que les gens pouvaient surmonter leurs différences et travailler ensemble pour le bien commun. Aujourd'hui, son message de non-violence est plus important que jamais, car nous sommes confrontés à des défis complexes qui nous obligent à travailler ensemble au-delà des frontières et des cultures. Que nous soyons confrontés au changement climatique, à la pauvreté, aux inégalités ou à d'autres problèmes mondiaux, les idées de Gandhi peuvent nous aider à trouver un terrain d'entente et à construire un monde plus pacifique et plus durable.

  • 19% sparen
    von S. T. Naidu
    65,00 €

    A escala mundial, las ideas y la ética de Gandhi relacionadas con la no violencia son más pertinentes que nunca. En un mundo marcado a menudo por el conflicto y la violencia, sus enseñanzas ofrecen una poderosa alternativa que puede ayudar a las personas a resolver sus diferencias de forma pacífica. Gandhi creía que la no violencia no era sólo una táctica para alcanzar objetivos políticos, sino un modo de vida que podía transformar la sociedad desde dentro. Promoviendo el amor, la compasión y la comprensión, creía que las personas podían superar sus diferencias y trabajar juntas por el bien común. Hoy en día, su mensaje de no violencia es más importante que nunca, ya que nos enfrentamos a retos complejos que requieren que trabajemos juntos más allá de fronteras y culturas. Tanto si nos enfrentamos al cambio climático, la pobreza, la desigualdad u otros problemas globales, las ideas de Gandhi pueden ayudarnos a encontrar un terreno común y construir un mundo más pacífico y sostenible.

  • 19% sparen
    von S. T. Naidu
    65,00 €

    A nível global, as ideias e a ética de Gandhi relacionadas com a não-violência são mais relevantes do que nunca. Num mundo frequentemente marcado por conflitos e violência, os seus ensinamentos oferecem uma alternativa poderosa que pode ajudar as pessoas a resolverem as suas diferenças de forma pacífica. Gandhi acreditava que a não-violência não era apenas uma tática para atingir objectivos políticos, mas um modo de vida que podia transformar a sociedade de dentro para fora. Ao promover o amor, a compaixão e a compreensão, acreditava que as pessoas podiam ultrapassar as suas diferenças e trabalhar em conjunto para o bem comum. Atualmente, a sua mensagem de não-violência é mais importante do que nunca, uma vez que enfrentamos desafios complexos que nos obrigam a trabalhar em conjunto para além das fronteiras e das culturas. Quer estejamos a lidar com as alterações climáticas, a pobreza, a desigualdade ou outras questões globais, as ideias de Gandhi podem ajudar-nos a encontrar um terreno comum e a construir um mundo mais pacífico e sustentável.

  • 19% sparen
    von S. T. Naidu
    65,00 €

    A livello globale, le idee e l'etica di Gandhi sulla non violenza sono più che mai attuali. In un mondo spesso segnato da conflitti e violenza, i suoi insegnamenti offrono una potente alternativa che può aiutare le persone a risolvere le loro differenze in modo pacifico. Gandhi credeva che la non violenza non fosse solo una tattica per raggiungere obiettivi politici, ma uno stile di vita in grado di trasformare la società dall'interno. Promuovendo l'amore, la compassione e la comprensione, credeva che le persone potessero superare le loro differenze e lavorare insieme per il bene comune. Oggi, il suo messaggio di non violenza è più importante che mai, poiché ci troviamo di fronte a sfide complesse che ci impongono di lavorare insieme al di là dei confini e delle culture. Che si tratti di cambiamenti climatici, povertà, disuguaglianza o altre questioni globali, le idee di Gandhi possono aiutarci a trovare un terreno comune e a costruire un mondo più pacifico e sostenibile.

  • 16% sparen
    von S. T. Naidu
    37,00 €

    Na global'nom urowne idei i ätika Gandi, swqzannye s nenasiliem, aktual'ny kak nikogda. V mire, gde chasto proishodqt konflikty i nasilie, ego uchenie predlagaet moschnuü al'ternatiwu, kotoraq mozhet pomoch' lüdqm razreshit' swoi raznoglasiq mirnym putem. Gandi schital, chto nenasilie - äto ne prosto taktika dlq dostizheniq politicheskih celej, a obraz zhizni, sposobnyj izmenit' obschestwo iznutri. Propagandiruq lübow', sostradanie i ponimanie, on weril, chto lüdi smogut preodolet' swoi raznoglasiq i rabotat' wmeste radi obschego blaga. Segodnq ego ideq nenasiliq wazhna kak nikogda, poskol'ku my stalkiwaemsq so slozhnymi problemami, kotorye trebuüt ot nas sowmestnoj raboty, preodolewaq granicy i kul'tury. Nezawisimo ot togo, idet li rech' ob izmenenii klimata, bednosti, nerawenstwe ili drugih global'nyh problemah, idei Gandi mogut pomoch' nam najti obschij qzyk i postroit' bolee mirnyj i ustojchiwyj mir.

  • von S. T. Naidu
    79,90 €

    Auf globaler Ebene sind Gandhis Ideen und seine Ethik der Gewaltlosigkeit aktueller denn je. In einer Welt, die oft von Konflikten und Gewalt geprägt ist, bieten seine Lehren eine kraftvolle Alternative, die den Menschen helfen kann, ihre Differenzen friedlich beizulegen. Gandhi glaubte, dass Gewaltlosigkeit nicht nur eine Taktik zur Erreichung politischer Ziele ist, sondern eine Lebensweise, die die Gesellschaft von innen heraus verändern kann. Indem er Liebe, Mitgefühl und Verständnis förderte, glaubte er, dass die Menschen ihre Differenzen überwinden und sich gemeinsam für das Gemeinwohl einsetzen könnten. Heute ist seine Botschaft der Gewaltlosigkeit wichtiger denn je, denn wir stehen vor komplexen Herausforderungen, die eine Zusammenarbeit über Grenzen und Kulturen hinweg erfordern. Ob wir uns nun mit dem Klimawandel, der Armut, der Ungleichheit oder anderen globalen Problemen befassen, Gandhis Ideen können uns helfen, eine gemeinsame Basis zu finden und eine friedlichere und nachhaltigere Welt aufzubauen.

  • 19% sparen
    von S. T. Naidu
    69,00 €

    When outsourcing employees, it is important to ensure legal compliance. This can include verifying that the outsourced employees are authorized to work in your country, complying with labor laws and regulations, and protecting sensitive information. It is crucial to review contracts and agreements thoroughly to ensure that all parties involved are aware of their responsibilities and obligations. It is also important to maintain open communication with the outsourced employees and address any concerns or issues promptly. By taking these steps, you can ensure that your outsourcing arrangement is compliant with the law and meets the needs of your business. Employee legal security is the fulfillment of a fundamental right inherent in and protected by the constitution, which states that "every citizen shall have the right to work and to earn a humane livelihood." According to the above statement, working and earning a reasonable remuneration, as well as fair dealing in employment relations, is a basic right of every citizen, and the state is obligated to seek the availability of employment for its citizens, as well as to establish a just employment system.

  • 18% sparen
    von S. T. Naidu
    70,00 €

    The review of literature reveals that several studies were conducted all over the globe on Business Processes Management from different perspectives. Research on strategic Business Process Management literature is scant in India and abroad. As it is an important area of research, My book has been taken up to throw some light on the strategic Business Process Management in companies. The review of literature reveals that several studies were conducted all over the globe on Business Processes Management from different perspectives. BPM companies is growing fast and operating globally. It is true that the companies are ¿thinking globally¿. The role of companies has been increasing from time to time in creating employment and generating income. As the BPM literature is need to manage people for competitive advantages over several companies.

  • 18% sparen
    von S. T. Naidu
    46,00 €

    The review of Literature reveals that several studies were conducted all over the globe on ¿Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage: International and National Legal Perspectives¿ literature is scant in India and abroad as it is a important area of research. My book enlighten on concepts of nuclear liability and importance of present scenario. The review of literature reveals that several studies were conducted on the all over the globe my book gives some solution in present context.

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