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Bücher von Saloni Gupta

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  • von Saloni Gupta
    54,00 €

    La carie dentaire est une maladie microbiologique infectieuse des dents qui entraîne la dissolution et la destruction localisées des tissus calcifiés. Les caries dentaires sont une maladie importante qui touche les enfants du monde entier. Les fluorures topiques peuvent être une mesure précieuse pour arrêter les lésions carieuses, car les fluorures utilisés sous diverses formes se sont révélés efficaces dans la prévention des caries dentaires. Les thérapies au fluor sont l'une des stratégies efficaces les plus couramment utilisées et fondées sur des preuves pour la prévention et la gestion des caries dentaires. Plusieurs préparations à base d'argent, notamment le nitrate d'argent, le fluorure d'argent diaminé et le fluorure stanneux, ont été utilisées pour prévenir ou arrêter les lésions carieuses ouvertes, en particulier dans la dentition primaire. Les sels d'argent peuvent avoir une action antimicrobienne prononcée et sont utilisés depuis longtemps en médecine et en dentisterie. On a donc émis l'hypothèse que les effets combinés de l'argent et des fluorures avaient la capacité d'arrêter la progression des caries et de prévenir simultanément le développement de nouvelles caries.

  • von Saloni Gupta
    65,90 €

    Zahnkaries ist eine mikrobiologische Infektionskrankheit der Zähne, die zu einer lokalen Auflösung und Zerstörung des kalzifizierten Gewebes führt. Zahnkaries ist eine bedeutende Krankheit, von der Kinder weltweit betroffen sind. Topische Fluoride können eine wertvolle Maßnahme sein, um Kariesläsionen zu stoppen, denn Fluoride in verschiedenen Formen haben sich bei der Kariesprävention als wirksam erwiesen. Fluoridtherapien sind eine der am häufigsten eingesetzten, evidenzbasierten und wirksamen Strategien zur Prävention und Behandlung von Zahnkaries. Verschiedene Silberpräparate, darunter Silbernitrat, Diaminsilberfluorid und Zinnfluorid, wurden zur Vorbeugung oder Unterbindung offener kariöser Läsionen, insbesondere im Milchgebiss, eingesetzt. Silbersalze können eine ausgeprägte antimikrobielle Wirkung entfalten und werden schon seit langem in der Medizin und Zahnmedizin eingesetzt. Daher wurde die Hypothese aufgestellt, dass die kombinierte Wirkung von Silber und Fluoriden das Fortschreiten von Karies aufhalten und gleichzeitig die Entstehung neuer Karies verhindern kann.

  • von Saloni Gupta
    54,00 €

    A cárie dentária é como uma doença microbiológica infecciosa dos dentes que resulta na dissolução e destruição localizada dos tecidos calcificados. A cárie dentária é uma doença significativa que afecta crianças em todo o mundo. Os fluoretos tópicos podem ser uma medida valiosa para travar lesões de cárie porque os fluoretos utilizados em várias formas provaram ser eficazes na prevenção da cárie dentária. As terapias com flúor são uma das estratégias eficazes mais frequentemente utilizadas, baseadas em provas, para a prevenção e gestão da cárie dentária. Várias preparações de prata, incluindo nitrato de prata, fluoreto de prata diamina, e fluoreto estanoso, têm sido utilizadas para prevenir ou deter lesões carióticas abertas, particularmente na dentição primária. Os sais de prata podem proporcionar uma acção antimicrobiana pronunciada e têm um longo historial de utilização em medicina e odontologia. Assim, os efeitos combinados da prata e dos fluoretos têm sido levantadas a hipótese de terem a capacidade de travar a progressão da cárie e impedir o desenvolvimento simultâneo de novas cáries.

  • von Saloni Gupta
    54,00 €

    La caries dental es una enfermedad microbiológica infecciosa de los dientes que provoca la disolución localizada y la destrucción de los tejidos calcificados. La caries dental es una enfermedad importante que afecta a niños de todo el mundo. Los fluoruros tópicos pueden ser una medida valiosa para detener las lesiones de caries, ya que los fluoruros utilizados en diversas formas han demostrado su eficacia en la prevención de la caries dental. Las terapias con flúor son una de las estrategias eficaces más utilizadas y basadas en la evidencia para la prevención y el tratamiento de la caries dental. Se han utilizado varios preparados de plata, como el nitrato de plata, el fluoruro de plata diamino y el fluoruro estanoso, para prevenir o detener las lesiones cariosas abiertas, sobre todo en la dentición primaria. Las sales de plata pueden proporcionar una acción antimicrobiana pronunciada y tienen una larga historia de uso en medicina y odontología. De ahí que se haya formulado la hipótesis de que los efectos combinados de la plata y los fluoruros tienen la capacidad de detener la progresión de la caries y prevenir el desarrollo de nuevas caries simultáneamente.

  • von Saloni Gupta
    22,00 €

    Karies zubow - äto infekcionnoe mikrobiologicheskoe zabolewanie zubow, kotoroe priwodit k lokal'nomu rastworeniü i razrusheniü kal'cificirowannyh tkanej. Karies zubow qwlqetsq ser'eznym zabolewaniem, kotoroe porazhaet detej wo wsem mire. Mestnoe primenenie ftoridow mozhet byt' cennoj meroj dlq ostanowki karioznyh porazhenij, poskol'ku ftoridy, ispol'zuemye w razlichnyh formah, dokazali swoü äffektiwnost' w profilaktike kariesa. Ftoridnaq terapiq qwlqetsq odnoj iz naibolee chasto ispol'zuemyh, dokazatel'no äffektiwnyh strategij profilaktiki i lecheniq kariesa zubow. Neskol'ko preparatow serebra, wklüchaq nitrat serebra, ftorid diaminnogo serebra i ftorid stannoza, ispol'zowalis' dlq profilaktiki ili ostanowki otkrytyh karioznyh porazhenij, osobenno w nachal'nyh zubah. Soli serebra mogut okazywat' wyrazhennoe antimikrobnoe dejstwie i imeüt dolguü istoriü primeneniq w medicine i stomatologii. Poätomu byla wydwinuta gipoteza o tom, chto kombinirowannoe wozdejstwie serebra i ftoridow sposobno ostanowit' progressirowanie kariesa i odnowremenno predotwratit' razwitie nowogo kariesa.

  • von Saloni Gupta
    54,00 €

    La carie dentale è una malattia microbiologica infettiva dei denti che provoca la dissoluzione e la distruzione localizzata dei tessuti calcificati. La carie dentale è una malattia importante che colpisce i bambini di tutto il mondo. I fluoruri topici possono essere una valida misura per arrestare le lesioni da carie, poiché i fluoruri utilizzati in varie forme si sono dimostrati efficaci nella prevenzione della carie dentale. Le terapie a base di fluoruro sono una delle strategie più comunemente utilizzate, efficaci e basate sull'evidenza, per la prevenzione e la gestione della carie dentale. Diversi preparati a base di argento, tra cui il nitrato d'argento, il fluoruro d'argento diammino e il fluoruro stannoso, sono stati utilizzati per prevenire o arrestare le lesioni cariose aperte, in particolare nella dentizione primaria. I sali d'argento possono fornire una marcata azione antimicrobica e hanno una lunga storia di utilizzo in medicina e in odontoiatria. Pertanto, si è ipotizzato che gli effetti combinati dell'argento e dei fluoruri abbiano la capacità di arrestare la progressione della carie e di prevenire contemporaneamente lo sviluppo di nuove carie.

  • von Saloni Gupta
    54,00 €

    Dental caries is as an infectious microbiologic disease of the teeth that results in localized dissolution and destruction of the calcified tissues. Dental caries is a significant disease that affects children worldwide. Topical fluorides may be a valuable measure to arrest caries lesions because fluorides used in various forms have proven to be effective in dental caries prevention. Fluoride therapies are one of the most commonly used, evidence-based effective strategies for the prevention and management of dental caries. Several silver preparations, including silver nitrate, diamine silver fluoride, and stannous fluoride, have been used to prevent or arrest open carious lesions, particularly in the primary dentition. Silver salts can provide a pronounced antimicrobial action and have a long history of use in medicine and dentistry. Hence, the combined effects of silver and fluorides have been hypothesized to have the ability to halt caries progression and prevent the development of new caries simultaneously.

  • von Saloni Gupta
    34,00 €

    The term nanotechnology was coined for the first time by Taniguchi in 1974.2 The concept of nanotechnology was introduced to the world during the legendary lecture ¿There is plenty of room at the bottom¿ by Richard Feynman on December 29th 1959 at the annual meeting of the American Physical Society at the California Institute of Technology.Nanotechnology can be defined as ¿Research and technology development at the atomic, molecular, or macromolecular levels; in the scale of approximately 1 to 100 nanometer range; to provide a fundamental understanding of phenomena and materials at the nanoscale; and to create and use structures, devices, and systems, which have novel properties and functions because of their small and/or intermediate size.

  • von Saloni Gupta, Sameer Makkar & Shalu Krishan
    57,00 €

  • - Shahtoosh Trade and Forest Management in Jammu and Kashmir, India
    von Saloni Gupta
    79,00 - 93,00 €

  • von Saloni Gupta & Maheshwar Ohri
    41,00 €

    The prosthetic management of edentulous patient has long been major challenge for dentistry .For well over a century complete maxillary and mandibular dentures have been a traditional standard of care. However, most patient reports significantly more problems adapting to their mandibular denture due to lack of comfort (they suffer from an increase in pain and soreness), retention, stability and to the inability to chew and eat.There are several alternatives for edentulous mandibular arches other than extraction of teeth and placement of conventional denture. Dental implantology is currently a valuable treatment modality in the prosthetic treatment of edentulous patients.

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