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Bücher von Sam Harris

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  • - Searching for Spirituality Without Religion
    von Sam Harris
    12,00 €

    Written by a neuroscientist, and a "new atheist", this book is suitable for the increasingly large numbers of people who follow no religion, but who suspect that Jesus, Buddha, Lao Tzu, Rumi, and the other saints and sages of history could not have all been epileptics, schizophrenics, or frauds.

  • von Sam Harris
    12,58 €

    Sam Harris, bestselling author of THE END OF FAITH takes on one of today's liveliest issues: whether or not we actually have free will.

  • von Sam Harris
    12,00 €

    Indeed, our failure to address questions of meaning and morality through science has now become the primary justification for religious faith. In this highly controversial book, Sam Harris seeks to link morality to the rest of human knowledge.

  • von Sam Harris
    15,58 €

    Bestselling author Sam Harris dismantles the most common justification for religious faith--that a moral system cannot be based on science.

  • von Sam Harris
    12,00 €

    From the bestselling author of Waking Up and The End of Faith, comes the best of conversations from the internationally popular podcast Making Sense.

  • - Conversations on Consciousness, Morality, and the Future of Humanity
    von Sam Harris
    23,00 €

    A New York Times New and Noteworthy BookFrom the bestselling author ofWaking UpandThe End of Faith, an adaptation of his wildly popular, often controversial podcastCivilization rests on a series of successful conversations. Sam Harris Sam Harrisneuroscientist, philosopher, and bestselling authorhas been exploring some of the most important questions about the human mind, society, and current events on his podcast,Making Sense. With over one million downloads per episode, these discussions have clearly hit a nerve, frequently walking a tightrope where either host or guestand sometimes bothlose their footing, but always in search of a greater understanding of the world in which we live. For Harris, honest conversation, no matter how difficult or controversial, represents the only path to moral and intellectual progress. This book includes a dozen of the best conversations from Making Sense, including talks with Daniel Kahneman, Timothy Snyder, Nick Bostrom, and Glenn Loury, on topics that range from the nature of consciousness and free will, to politics and extremism, to living ethically. Together they shine a light on what it means to make sense in the modern world.

  • von Sam Harris
    13,98 €

    From the new afterword by the author:Humanity has had a long fascination with blood sacrifice. In fact, it has been by no means uncommon for a child to be born into this world only to be patiently and lovingly reared by religious maniacs, who believe that the best way to keep the sun on its course or to ensure a rich harvest is to lead him by tender hand into a field or to a mountaintop and bury, butcher, or burn him alive as offering to an invisible God. The notion that Jesus Christ died for our sins and that his death constitutes a successful propitiation of a ';loving' God is a direct and undisguised inheritance of the superstitious bloodletting that has plagued bewildered people throughout history. . .

  • von Sam Harris
    17,00 €

    Where would we all be without teachers? Show your appreciation to your favorite teacher with this amazing gift item! Practically every one of us gets our start in life helped along a little by our favorite teacher. As Benjamin Franklin famously said, teaching is the only profession that makes other professions! But for the teachers themselves, all that hard work comes at a cost-with its fair share of long days and long hours and all too little time to unwind. But happily, that is precisely where this brand new puzzle and activity book comes in! The Ultimate Activity ¿Book for ¿Awesome ¿Teachers is a collection of games, puzzles, and trivia quizzes, all specially compiled with teachers in mind. If you're a student, this book will make the perfect gift for the favorite teacher in your life-or, if you're a teacher yourself, this will be the perfect book with which to relax and pass the time outside of the classroom! In total, it contains 100 challenging new games and puzzles, from familiar favorites like sudokus, crosswords, and word searches to unique cryptogram and logic games designed to challenge your wits and word power to their limits. · More than 100 pages of games, puzzles, and quizzes· A unique mix of crosswords, word searches, sudoku number games, acrostic games, trivia puzzles, picture puzzles, and much, much more!· Attractively arranged and illustrated throughout · The perfect end-of-term gift for teachers everywhere So whenever there's a break in the timetable-or when the school day finally ends, and you've at last a little time to put your feet up!- The Ultimate Activity ¿Book for ¿Awesome ¿Teachers will prove to be the perfect book for any teacher to unwind!

  • von Sam Harris
    23,00 €

    In a collection of personal essays that are "both rip-roaringly funny and sentimental, drawing natural (and justified) comparisons to David Sedaris and David Rakoff" ("Esquire"), longtime recording artist and actor Sam Harris recounts stories of friendship, love, celebrity, and growing up and getting sober. In sixteen brilliantly observed true stories, Sam Harris emerges as a natural humorist in league with David Sedaris, Chelsea Handler, Carrie Fisher, and Steve Martin, but with a voice uniquely his own. Praised by the "Chicago Sun-Times" for his "manic, witty commentary," and with a storytelling talent "The New York Times" calls ""New Yorker"- worthy," he puts a comedic spin on full-disclosure episodes from his own colorful life. In "I Feel, You Feel" he opens for Aretha Franklin during a blizzard. "Promises" is a front-row account of Liza Minnelli's infamous wedding to "the man whose name shall go unmentioned." In "The Zoo Story" Harris desperately searches for a common bond with his rough-and-tumble four-year-old son. What better place to find painfully funny material than in growing up gay, gifted, and ambitious in the heart of the Bible belt? And that's just the first cut: From partying to parenting, from Sunday school to getting sober, these slices of "Ham" will have you laughing and wiping away salty tears in equal measure with their universal and down-to-earth appeal. After all, there's a little ham in all of us.

  • von Sam Harris
    24,00 €

    Mitten in unserer Gesellschaft, aber kaum bemerkt, vollzieht sich ein grundlegender Wandel: Immer mehr Menschen wenden sich ab von den Religionen und streben anderswo nach geistigen Erfahrungen. Frei von Mythen und überkommenen Vorstellungen, die sich dazu in den Köpfen festgesetzt haben, diskutiert Sam Harris jenen Bereich, den wir heute mangels eines besseren Begriffs als «Spiritualität» bezeichnen. In einer Kombination aus persönlichem Erfahrungsbericht und wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen schält der amerikanische Neurowissenschaftler heraus, was uns allen offensteht: Erwachen jenseits von religiösem Glaube und Hoffnung.«Der Rückblick eines spirituellen Suchers, eine wissenschaftliche und philosophische Untersuchung des Selbst und eine Gebrauchsanleitung zur Transzendenz - Erwachen erforscht die Natur des Bewusstseins. Das Buch erklärt, wie man meditiert, führt zu den besten psychoaktiven Substanzen und warnt vor machtgeilen Gurus. Dieses Buch wird Ihre grundlegenden Annahmen über die alltägliche Wahrnehmung durcheinanderwirbeln - und womöglich verändert es Ihr Leben».Paul Bloom, Professor der Psychologie und Kognitionswissenschaften an der Universität Yale«Erwachen ist ein präzises, freundliches, klares und geistreiches Buch. Es weist Sie hin auf die Selbstlosigkeit, die unsere wahre Natur ist.»Stephen Mitchell, Co-Autor mit Byron Katie von Lieben, was ist Als Neurowissenschaftler zeigt Sam Harris auf, dass unser Ego eine Illusion ist, ein ungreifbares Konstrukt unserer Hirnaktivität. Und als Meditierender mit jahrelanger Erfahrung zeigt er uns, wie wir erwachen können zu einem erfüllteren Leben in einer besseren Verbindung mit allem um uns, wenn wir diese Ilusion hinter uns lassen.»Jerry Coyne, Professor für Biologie an der Universität von ChicagoSam Harris ist ein amerikanischer Neurowissenschaftler und der Autor von Bestsellern wie Das Ende des Glaubens, Lügen und Brief an ein christliches Land. Er lebt mit seiner Familie in Los Angeles und betreibt den Waking up Podcast, in dem er sich regelmäßig mit anderen Forschern austauscht.

  • von Sam Harris
    15,00 €

    Lügen, das geht gar nicht. Darüber sind sich im Grundsatz alle einig. Dennoch wird jederzeit und überall beschönigt, vertuscht und gelogen, dass sich die Balken biegen. Warum tun wir uns das an? Sam Harris stellt sich die Frage - und macht es sich mit den Antworten nicht leicht. Anhand vieler praktischer Beispiele aus dem Alltagsleben beleuchtet er das verzwickte Geschehen und dessen weitreichenden Folgen. Scheinbar harmlose Lügenmärchen, die Eltern ihren Kindern erzählen, erscheinen in diesem kurzen Essay neben fetten Lügen, die in Forschung und Politik verbreitet werden. Dazwischen blitzt immer wieder die eine Möglichkeit auf: Ja, es geht. Man kann leben ohne zu lügen, und zwar gut.Sam Harris ist Neurowissenschaftler und Autor von Bestsellern wie Das Ende des Glaubens, Brief an ein christliches Land und Erwachen - Spiritualität jenseits von Glaube und Religion. Er lebt mit seiner Familie in Los Angeles und veröffentlicht den Waking-up-Podcast:

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