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Bücher von Sam Smith

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  • von Sam Smith
    8,00 €

    Children can create their own busy airport scenes showing people and planes arriving at the airport, getting ready to fly, taking off and up in the air. With over 100 stickers depicting holidaymakers with their luggage, pilots and cabin crew, the runway staff who bring planes in safely to land, and of course a selection of different aeroplanes.

  • von Sam Smith
    18,00 €

    ' ... This powerful book is well worth the money not only for its unassuming psychological insights but for the exquisite sensual images that pervade, all of which are startlingly English. Don't be deterred by the subject matter, this is not a squeamish book; it is a book that explores our values of life and it is a book about endurance and beauty. About 60 pages long, its unshrinking, forthright style make it quite quick to read (I didn't want to put it down) but the images therein linger long after the turning of each page. Pieces should not be left sitting on any publisher's shelf; it should be dog-eared and passed on.' - Carol Thistlethwaite: Tregolwyn Book Reviews Rip Bulkeley said - of some of those already published, in this case in the River King Poetry Supplement (USA) - ' ... suddenly I ran into something not just good but great, a poem which I hope has already gone round the world but if not should do so as soon as possible. It is Sam Smith's PIECES, an exhibition of 21st-century war via the small-town concentration camp ... ' - NHI Online Review ' ... a captivating exploration of love, grief, and especially hope in a prisoner of war camp ... But Pieces is also about violence, and therein lies something fascinating and even beautiful ... The lines are musical, lulling ... creates an enchanted, awful place where people are dying, where we don't want them to stop dying, so we can keep reading ... ' - Donna Biffar: Orbis #121 ' ... one of the best books to have appeared in [the] UK so far this century ... ' - Jeremy Hilton: Fire #19 ' ... The descriptive density and personal revelation of the experience give these 'pieces' poetic weight ... Smith has a winning style ... ' - The Black Mountain Review #6 ' ... Smith's language has an abstract and untethered feel, but his descriptions of the natural cycle of life continuing beyond and without reference to the prisoners are compellingly precise ... ' - L. Kiew: NHI Online Review ' ... prose-poetry items which stand alone, or as a landscape of observations ... This is a new approach; you need to read it yourself.' - Geoff Stevens: Purple Patch #101

  • von Sam Smith
    13,00 €

    This beautifully illustrated book is the perfect first spotter's guide for young nature lovers. From birds, bugs and other animals to trees and flowers, there are over 250 things for children to spot in one handy book. Each entry has fascinating facts and spotting tips, as well as an enchanting illustration.

  • von Sam Smith
    17,00 €

    This book by Sam Smith is an in-depth and pointed insight into living through every step of the Covid pandemic. From the beginning of the outbreak to lockdown, living in a virtual world , the mandates, the emergence of the vaccine, the world reopening and closing, this story is a perspective of the time the world turned upside down.

  • von Sam Smith
    8,95 €

    Rette sich, wer kann! Wage dich in über 40 gruselige Labyrinthe! Führe den Geisterpiraten-Kapitän zum Steuerrad, schleiche an lauernden Werwölfen vorbei und finde einen sicheren Weg zum Haus des Zauberers. Auf jeder Seite wartet eine neue Herausforderung und der Schwierigkeitsgrad steigt! Mit Lösungen. . Über 40 bunte Labyrinthe mit steigendem Schwierigkeitsgrad - nicht nur für Halloween . Auf einem Geisterschiff entkommen, eine "Süßes-oder-Saures"-Route planen oder aus einem gruseligen Themenpark herausfinden . Fördert spielerisch die Problemlösungs- und die visuellen Fähigkeiten . Mit Auflösungen am Ende des Buches

  • von Sam Smith
    8,95 €

    Für die Geheimagenten und -agentinnen von morgen Angehende Geheimagentinnen und -agenten aufgepasst! Findet den Weg durch 40 spannende Labyrinthe. Folgt dabei verdächtigen Spuren, knackt kniffelige Codes und lasst euch auf eurer Mission nicht erwischen. Auf jeder Seite wartet eine neue Herausforderung und der Schwierigkeitsgrad steigt! Mit Lösungsteil am Ende des Buches. . Streng geheime Stützpunkte infiltrieren, durch Lasernetzwerke navigieren oder die Spionageausrüstung finden . Über 40 Labyrinthe trainieren erste Problemlösungsfähigkeiten und visuelle Erkennung . Mit aufsteigendem Schwierigkeitsgrad und Lösungen

  • von Sam Smith
    15,00 €

    Dieses Set enthält ein witzig illustriertes Sachbuch mit faszinierenden Fakten über die verschiedensten Tiere dieser Erde und eine Puzzleweltkarte mit 200 Teilen.

  • von Sam Smith
    12,00 €

    This book takes a thought-provoking look at the environment we live in and the everyday issues we face. Through the use of fictional characters, it encourages readers to take a closer look at their surroundings and sheds light on hidden problems that affect us all. This short story is a unique blend of reality and imagination, addressing societal issues that are often ignored. The author does not take a specific group or living style over another but instead provides a comprehensive view of existing problems that is relatable to readers from all social levels and positions. With its universal appeal, this book promises to be an enjoyable and enlightening read for anyone seeking to gain a deeper understanding of the world around them.

  • von Sam Smith
    8,95 €

    Reise mit über 40 Labyrinthen durch die Zeit. Zeige dem Urmenschen den Weg nach Hause, sei bei einem Gladiatorenkampf dabei oder hilf dem Sheriff im Wilden Westen. Auf jeder Seite warten eine neue Herausforderung sowie Wissenswertes aus der Menschheitsgeschichte. Mit Lösungsteil am Ende des Buches.

  • von Sam Smith
    8,95 €

    Komm mit und erkunde die Welt der Dinosaurier in über 40 Labyrinthen. Führe den durstigen Hadrosaurus zum See, rette den Struthiomimus vor den scharfen Zähnen des Tyrannosaurus rex und hilf den Paläontologen, sich an der Ausgrabungsstelle zurechtzufinden. Auf jeder Seite wartet eine neue Herausforderung und der Schwierigkeitsgrad steigt! Mit Lösungsteil am Ende des Buches.

  • von Sam Smith
    20,00 €

  • von Sam Smith
    8,95 €

    Reise von Kontinent zu Kontinent, laufe durch die Straßen weltberühmter Städte und erkunde verschollene Inseln. Kannst du den Weg durch die Labyrinthe auf den 42 Karten finden?

  • von Sam Smith
    8,95 €

    Setze die Segel und auf geht`s durch die mehr als 45 Labyrinthe! Weiche dabei den Seeungeheuern aus, rette den schiffbrüchigen Piraten von der einsamen Insel und steuere, so schnell du kannst, die Schatzinsel an. Gib dein Bestes, denn der Schwierigkeitsgrad steigt!

  • von Sam Smith
    14,00 €

    Take to the skies with pterosaurs, evade erupting volcanoes and vicious Velociraptors, and encounter the king of lizards, T-Rex, as you delve into the prehistoric world of the dinosaurs with this superb selection of mazes. Each maze is more challenging than the last, from savage sea monsters to Spinosaurus swamps, and all the answers are at the back of the book.

  • von Sam Smith
    20,00 €

  • - a guide to making Self-Directed Support work for everyone
    von Sam Smith & Frances Brown
    25,00 €

    Extract from the Foreword: The use of an Individual Service Fund as a way that people can have more control, choice and flexibility in their support is not a new idea. In Scotland, Individual Service Funds have been used by a small number of organisations for more than 20 years as a way to enable people to take more control over their life and their support, even if they were not deemed to have the capacity to take a Direct Payment. The authors of this paper have a long standing commitment to this approach and can describe clearly how an Individual Service Fund works and why it makes Self-Directed Support available for everyone.This paper was commissioned by In Control Scotland with the aim of promoting inclusion and social justice through greater understanding of the benefits of the creative use of Individual Service Funds It is intended to be an enabling document which will be of value to individuals, families, care providers and funders It is intended to inspire greater consideration of the untapped transformational potential of Individual Service Funds by providing lived examples It also takes the form of a provocation, intended to stimulate questions and conversations about where power, choice and control lie in any situation involving an individual budget.

  • von Sam Smith
    23,00 €

    How to rebuild our country so its politics aren't broken and its politicians aren't fixed.

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