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Bücher von Sandeep Dahiya

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  • von Sandeep Dahiya
    23,00 €

    In today's fast-paced world, many of us find ourselves overwhelmed by the demands of modern life. I know this feeling well, as I've faced it too. The incessant pressures, the constant digital buzz, the never-ending to-do lists-they all seem to pull us in every direction, leaving us feeling disconnected, lost, stressed, stuck, and unsatisfied. This book is about my journey and how I found a way out of the chaos. Through ten simple practices, I discovered the path to lifelong transformation. These practices unlocked a treasure trove of fulfillment and success for me, and now I'm excited to share them with you. You can also transform your life, one day at a time in just 30 minutes per day by following step-by-step process given for each practice! From rewiring your mindset to embracing gratitude, taming instant gratification, and connecting with mindful living, you'll explore these practical keys to a more meaningful life. Dive into meditation, the art of slowing down, self-improvement through small steps, and the power of a good night's sleep. Discover how to break free from negative patterns and embrace a life of responsibility. These practices are the tools to shift your life towards a more extraordinary, fulfilling future.

  • von Sandeep Dahiya
    27,00 €

    It's a beautiful world. If you are happy and joyful, this entire existence feels the same through you. If you exist on a plane of harmony and peace, you invite the entire cosmos to the same plane. When you smile, everything around you does the same. So be a joy-maker and see the beauty underlying everyone and everything around you. Look out for beautiful souls around you. They are great in their simple ways. They are exceptional and unique even while they are part of the rutted routine. But they run this world and touch our lives in constructive ways that we hardly realise. As Charles Dickens says, 'It's not possible to know how far the influence of an amiable honest-hearted duty-going man flies out into the world; but it's very possible to know how it has touched one's self in going by...' Through my stories, I try to positively touch the lives of my dear readers. These stories deal with common people who try to stand proud in front of their own conscience. The rest of the life's tale naturally follows from this point. As Thoreau sums it up so beautifully: 'Public opinion is a weak tyrant compared with our own private opinion. What a man thinks of himself, that it is which determines, or rather indicates, his fate.'

  • von Sandeep Dahiya
    21,00 €

    It's the notebook of a small-time writer. No big efforts at super-heroism, no ironies of heart-breaks, no bombastic romance, no gooseflesh rippling drama, no thunder-stricken rigmarole of saving the planet from the aliens. It's not about chafing thoughts, it's all about the frolicking gaiety of common emotions in the life of common people.Beyond the grinding millstone of bigger caprices, it's about sublimated emotions. It creeps genteelly like a flowery vine. It's just a fragile moment capturing the kernel of eternal truth in it like you see in a painting of beautiful hills, smatterings of snow on the slopes, chatty streams, green pastures and a sense of virginal peace to tow all these along. There are no chivalric, lionized doctrinaires delving into deep mysteries of human existence. It's a gently flowing painting on a self-absorbed canvas. The human characters simply add to the soft shades of the softly evolving painting.In this small world, I believe everyone is taking chiming steps to be a nice human being. Come, let's all walk together for a greater collective good.

  • von Sandeep Dahiya
    31,00 €

    It is a slowly moving story, meandering like a river in its journey through the plains. It is just an effort to highlight some sober facts like the true meaning of nationalism, religion, politics and humanism. Some people may think that the work has very sharp political connotations. This but is an espousal of the cause of clean politics and clean conscience in leading our individual and collective lives. It may sound dreamy but the basic contours of humanism are almost utopian in nature. How will the things change if we don't dream of a perfect state of affairs? A utopian dream is the womb in which even the worst gets transformed into a tolerable reality.

  • von Sandeep Dahiya
    18,00 €

  • von Sandeep Dahiya
    32,00 €

  • von Sandeep Dahiya
    23,00 €

  • von Sandeep Dahiya
    27,00 €

    Millennium after millennium we have fought against real animals in the forests and later against our imagined enemies larger than any animal on earth to make bigger and bigger weapons, wasting our precious resources in its wake. The chink in the armor is glaring now: Our unpreparedness to fight against the 'small'. Corona teaches us a bitter lesson.Is there any solution? Of course there is: Instead of pushing the stage of creation into a corner, from where it decides to launch a fusillade through nano-arrows, learn to balance things in all walks of life. Don't push nature too far into a corner. It always has the option to hit back. It may not be able to hit tangibly in the form of a dinosaur, it can but surely do the same through invisible Corona and many more.There is a reason why we have pushed mother earth too far into the corner. It's our intra-Homo sapiens rivalry. Earlier we fought as the weak Homo sapiens who had to band together against physically far superior species. Now those threats are gone. So drop your weapons my dear ever-scared jungle man. We are almost biologically molded to keep fighting now after millions of years of fear and insecurity. Saving other remaining species from extinction is important, but far more important is to stop the virtual fear driven animosity among nations build upon false assumptions of ideologies, faiths and beliefs.

  • von Sandeep Dahiya
    15,00 €

    Without the seed of poetry there won't be any prose. Just like without the tiny seed there won't be a tree. The canopy, the full foliage of the tree, is just an extension of the dream lying with its realistic potential inside the small seed. The elaborate network of trunks, branches, twigs, flowers, fruits and leaves is nothing but a commentary on the small poetic seed. So all ye wannabe writers of a good life story, nurture the poet in you, who understands the value of pause in life, who moves slowly to watch everything, sight and smell everything. Whose senses are open to the inclusive interplay of wonderful harmonies of the supreme song, the universe, the one song.

  • von Sandeep Dahiya
    25,00 €

    Dreams of a Common Man is a pickled, various flavoured, cross-genre pill of immediate taste. There are unforgivingly apolitical outpours of the helpless common man; there are magical realist traces of a pseudo-reality trying to portray a better, more convenient world; there are poetic outpours in prose through heart-touching little anecdotes; there are off-beat, unconventional attempts to lay bare a-bit-possible aspect of history; there are abstract thoughts that may capture any context as per the reader's suitability; there are not-so-fictitious versions of the happenings that matter to the common man; there is flailing, browbeating tug of war among the religion, faith, belief and non-belief; there are large cynical pools, ordinary collectives of the common man's helpless grudges against the larger forces...It is like T20 cricket, fast paced, expected, unexpected, unorthodox literary hits to the fence. It basks in convenient improvisations of style and substance. The creativity set free of the conventional genres and bound ideas. It captures the realities lying in dust at the mundane level, polishes the titbits of socio-historical facts with the crude, judgmental brush of a common man who is not bothered about the burden of his own name and identity.

  • von Sandeep Dahiya
    25,00 €

    The Bread of Stones tries to convey the message that ordinary beings possess extraordinary potential to win against odds, to jump over hurdles, to smile over tears, and, most importantly, to be happy when there aren't enough reasons to be. They are the faceless constituents of a massive commonality. They are surrounded by a swiping generality. They are coloured in the monochromes of mundane reality. Still they are special. We have to acknowledge and celebrate the extraordinary in the ordinary people. I see heroes and heroines in my simple characters. They fight, and oftentimes fail, but write a little passage in the infinite book of life: an ordinary life that was lived substantially. On the small stage of life, they live very intensely. Somehow, the world would not be the world that is still beautiful without their contribution. They heave humanity onwards in its march to some better destination.

  • von Sandeep Dahiya
    18,00 €

    is a rippling bouquet of emotions and heart-felt songs which have been the poet's companions during the toughest phase in his life. Most of these have been written in the charming countryside of the poet's native place at a small village in northern India. The poems try to capture the softest nuances of perceptible and imperceptible naturalities against the background of human trials and tribulations. The verses chime with an enamouring softness of the heart which sound Godsent against the present times viciously self-obsessed noise. The poems are exceptionally laced with silent spiritual reflections over the comforting quietude and teasing tranquility of the countryside. These simple swathes of aesthetics take the reader to a slow-paced world...far, far away from the 'maddening crowd'!

  • von Sandeep Dahiya
    22,00 €

    ...and finally the sun has to smile to drive away the particles of darkness clinging to the twilight mist, for life, for love, for happiness... These are the stories of hope, resilience, courage and conviction. (Sufi) Sandeep Dahiya is the author of about a dozen books. His works carry murmurs of gentility and tender aroma of small things in life. He is charming, poetic and generous in his views about life and living. Sandeep elegantly portrays little things that have a big role in making our lives joyful. His writings are an eclectic blend of witty charm, experienced softness and scented receptivity. Not to forget that he writes with intelligence and insight. His characters are wry, insightful, whimsical, lively as well as funny.

  • von Sandeep Dahiya
    21,00 €

    Charles Dickens says the trifles make the sum of life. So don't be too serious about anything in life.These are little tales of humour and humanity. Elegant, tender and meandering through common occurrences in the life of ordinary people, these tales convey the timeless principles of humanity. The stories carry delicately poignant messages. The characters possess winning humour and show the colours of friendship, love, affection and care. There are lessons on practical philosophy also. All in all, the work is meant to give the readers a pleasant escape from the harder side of life.

  • von Sandeep Dahiya
    21,00 €

    A man might take rounds of earth to seek his destiny; a woman realizes hers just by being there with her love and care. Bhamti becomes the soul of Vachaspati's efforts to write the biggest commentary on Vedas. He has gone into a trance. Bhamti stays around like a pair of protective hands around a tiny flicker of lamp to save it from the storms. Her love shines brighter than the masterwork of theology.

  • von Sandeep Dahiya
    15,00 €

    Plato: "Every heart sings a song, incomplete, until another heart whispers back. Those who wish to sing always find a song. At the touch of a lover, everyone becomes a poet." And as love caresses you, you are supposed to turn a poet. And your life a poem. A life lived poetically nourishes your soul. The prose approach to life is simply to earn the conveniences to support you materially.The brushstrokes of poetry softly touch the soul without disrupting its restful muse and bring out the nuggets of love, compassion, harmony and peace. If you are poetic in nature, you have the potential to be anything because all these elaborate extensions of your life, your dreams, your professional and personal goals, your milestones, the world around you, all these and more are nothing but a reflection of that poetic pure seed.

  • von Sandeep Dahiya
    19,00 €

  • von Sandeep Dahiya
    37,00 €

  • von Sandeep Dahiya
    21,00 €

  • von Sandeep Dahiya
    37,00 €

  • von Sandeep Dahiya
    21,00 €

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