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Bücher von Sandeep Kumar

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  • 18% sparen
    von Sandeep Kumar
    50,00 €

    O livro é um esforço para fornecer informações básicas sobre vários algoritmos destinados à inteligência artificial. Os livros serão muito úteis para aqueles que são muito novos na "IA". O livro aborda a filosofia subjacente aos algoritmos de uma forma fácil e simples. Este livro é o primeiro volume da série "IA para principiantes". Neste livro, começamos com a história da "IA", a definição de "IA" e avançamos passo a passo para vários algoritmos até ao "problema de satisfação de restrições". Discutimos a inteligência e o pensamento racional com a atuação racional de uma máquina.

  • 18% sparen
    von Sandeep Kumar
    50,00 €

    Ce livre s'efforce de fournir des informations de base sur divers algorithmes destinés à l'intelligence artificielle. Il sera très utile à ceux qui sont très novices en matière d'intelligence artificielle. Le livre traite de la philosophie derrière les algorithmes de manière simple et facile. Ce livre est le premier volume de la série "AI for beginners". Dans ce livre, nous commençons par l'histoire de l'"IA", la définition de l'"IA" et nous nous dirigeons pas à pas vers divers algorithmes jusqu'au "problème de la satisfaction des contraintes". Nous discutons de l'intelligence et de la pensée rationnelle avec l'action rationnelle d'une machine.

  • 18% sparen
    von Sandeep Kumar
    50,00 €

    Il libro è un tentativo di fornire informazioni di base su vari algoritmi destinati all'intelligenza artificiale. Il libro sarà molto utile a coloro che sono alle prime armi con l'intelligenza artificiale. Il libro tratta la filosofia alla base degli algoritmi in modo facile e semplice. Questo libro è il primo volume della serie "AI per principianti". In questo libro si inizia con la storia dell'IA, la definizione di IA e si procede passo dopo passo con i vari algoritmi fino al problema della soddisfazione dei vincoli. Si parla di intelligenza e di pensiero razionale con l'agire razionale di una macchina.

  • 18% sparen
    von Sandeep Kumar
    50,00 €

    El libro es un esfuerzo por dar información básica sobre diversos algoritmos destinados a la inteligencia artificial. Los libros serán muy útiles para aquellos que son muy nuevos en 'AI'. El libro trata la filosofía detrás de los algoritmos de una manera fácil y sencilla. Este libro es el primer volumen de la serie 'AI para principiantes'. En este libro comenzamos con la historia de la IA, su definición y avanzamos paso a paso en varios algoritmos hasta llegar al problema de satisfacción de restricciones. Hablamos de la inteligencia y el pensamiento racional con la actuación racional de una máquina.

  • von Sandeep Kumar
    60,90 €

    Das Buch ist ein Versuch, grundlegende Informationen über verschiedene Algorithmen für die künstliche Intelligenz zu vermitteln. Das Buch ist sehr hilfreich für diejenigen, die noch keine Erfahrung mit "AI" haben. Das Buch behandelt die Philosophie hinter den Algorithmen auf einfache Art und Weise. Dieses Buch ist der erste Band der Reihe "KI für Anfänger". In diesem Buch beginnen wir mit der Geschichte der KI, der Definition von KI und gehen Schritt für Schritt zu verschiedenen Algorithmen bis hin zum "Constraint Satisfaction Problem". Wir diskutieren über Intelligenz und rationales Denken mit rationalem Handeln einer Maschine.

  • 11% sparen
    von Sandeep Kumar
    22,00 €

    Kniga predstawlqet soboj popytku dat' bazowuü informaciü o razlichnyh algoritmah, prednaznachennyh dlq iskusstwennogo intellekta. Kniga budet polezna tem, kto tol'ko nachinaet izuchat' iskusstwennyj intellekt. V knige w prostoj i dostupnoj forme rassmatriwaetsq filosofiq, lezhaschaq w osnowe algoritmow. Jeta kniga - perwyj tom serii "II dlq nachinaüschih". V ätoj knige my nachali s istorii "II", opredeleniq "II" i shag za shagom pereshli k razlichnym algoritmam do "problemy udowletworeniq ogranichenij". My obsuzhdaem intellekt i racional'noe myshlenie s racional'nymi dejstwiqmi mashiny.

  • 16% sparen
    von Sandeep Kumar
    46,00 €

    As florestas e as árvores contribuem de forma multifacetada para os meios de subsistência das famílias rurais. A interface entre a floresta e as comunidades que vivem na floresta tem sido objeto de uma atenção crescente por parte dos cientistas sociais e dos responsáveis políticos devido à sua importância do ponto de vista do bem-estar da comunidade e da gestão sustentável da floresta. Os produtos florestais menores (PFM) não são apenas uma fonte de rendimento de subsistência, mas também uma fonte de emprego, cuidados de saúde e consumo doméstico para as famílias pobres do interior. Assim, considerando o papel vital dos produtos florestais nos meios de subsistência das famílias rurais, foi feita uma tentativa de analisar a economia dos produtos florestais menores. Este livro aborda principalmente o rendimento e o emprego das famílias tribais, a comercialização dos produtos florestais, os factores que influenciam o rendimento das famílias e os problemas que estas enfrentam. O assunto foi apresentado numa linguagem simples. Esperamos que este livro atraente esteja amplamente disponível para estudantes, cientistas, investigadores, decisores políticos, pessoal de economia agrícola em todo o país, de modo a enriquecer os seus conhecimentos sobre produtos florestais.

  • 16% sparen
    von Sandeep Kumar
    46,00 €

    Les forêts et les arbres contribuent de multiples façons aux moyens de subsistance des familles rurales. L'interface entre la forêt et les communautés vivant dans la forêt a fait l'objet d'une attention croissante de la part des chercheurs en sciences sociales et des décideurs politiques en raison de son importance du point de vue du bien-être de la communauté et de la gestion durable de la forêt. Les produits forestiers mineurs ne sont pas seulement une source de revenus de subsistance, mais aussi une source d'emploi, de soins de santé et de consommation domestique pour les ménages pauvres de l'arrière-pays. Ainsi, compte tenu du rôle vital des produits forestiers dans les moyens de subsistance des familles rurales, une tentative a été faite pour analyser l'économie des produits forestiers mineurs. Ce livre couvre principalement les revenus et l'emploi des ménages tribaux, la commercialisation des produits forestiers, les facteurs influençant les revenus des ménages et les problèmes rencontrés par ces derniers. Le sujet a été présenté dans un langage simple. Nous espérons que ce livre passionnant sera largement mis à la disposition des étudiants, des scientifiques, des chercheurs, des décideurs politiques et du personnel de l'économie agricole à travers le pays afin d'enrichir leurs connaissances sur les produits forestiers.

  • 16% sparen
    von Sandeep Kumar
    46,00 €

    Los bosques y los árboles contribuyen de múltiples maneras al sustento de las familias rurales. La interfaz entre el bosque y las comunidades que lo habitan recibe cada vez más atención por parte de los científicos sociales y los responsables políticos debido a su importancia desde el punto de vista del bienestar de la comunidad y de la gestión forestal sostenible. Los productos forestales menores (PFM) no son sólo una fuente de ingresos de subsistencia, sino también una fuente de empleo, atención sanitaria y consumo doméstico para los hogares pobres del interior. Teniendo en cuenta el papel vital de los productos forestales en los medios de subsistencia de las familias rurales, se ha intentado analizar la economía de los productos forestales menores. Este libro cubre principalmente los ingresos y el empleo de los hogares tribales, la comercialización de los productos forestales, los factores que influyen en los ingresos de los hogares y los problemas a los que se enfrentan los hogares. El tema se presenta en un lenguaje sencillo. Esperamos que este atractivo libro esté ampliamente disponible para estudiantes, científicos, investigadores, responsables políticos y personal de economía agrícola de todo el país, con el fin de enriquecer sus conocimientos sobre los productos forestales.

  • 16% sparen
    von Sandeep Kumar
    46,00 €

    Le foreste e gli alberi contribuiscono in vario modo al sostentamento delle famiglie rurali. L'interfaccia tra le foreste e le comunità che vi abitano ha ricevuto un'attenzione crescente da parte degli scienziati sociali e dei responsabili politici, data la sua importanza dal punto di vista del benessere della comunità e della gestione sostenibile delle foreste. I prodotti forestali minori (MFP) non sono solo una fonte di reddito di sussistenza, ma anche di occupazione, assistenza sanitaria e consumo domestico per le famiglie povere dell'entroterra. Considerando il ruolo vitale dei prodotti forestali nel sostentamento delle famiglie rurali, si è cercato di analizzare l'economia dei prodotti forestali minori. Questo libro tratta principalmente del reddito e dell'occupazione delle famiglie tribali, della commercializzazione dei prodotti forestali, dei fattori che influenzano il reddito delle famiglie e dei problemi affrontati dalle famiglie. L'argomento è stato presentato con un linguaggio semplice. Ci auguriamo che questo libro avvincente sia ampiamente disponibile per studenti, scienziati, ricercatori, responsabili politici e personale di economia agricola in tutto il Paese, in modo da arricchire le loro conoscenze sui prodotti forestali.

  • von Sandeep Kumar
    54,90 €

    Wälder und Bäume tragen in vielfältiger Weise zum Lebensunterhalt der ländlichen Familien bei. Die Schnittstelle zwischen Wald und Waldbewohnern wird von Sozialwissenschaftlern und politischen Entscheidungsträgern aufgrund ihrer Bedeutung für das Wohlergehen der Gemeinschaft und eine nachhaltige Waldbewirtschaftung zunehmend beachtet. Kleinere Waldprodukte (MFP) sind nicht nur eine Einkommensquelle für den Lebensunterhalt, sondern auch eine Quelle für Beschäftigung, Gesundheitsfürsorge und Haushaltskonsum für arme Haushalte im Hinterland. In Anbetracht der lebenswichtigen Rolle, die Waldprodukte für den Lebensunterhalt ländlicher Familien spielen, wurde ein Versuch unternommen, die Ökonomie der kleinen Waldprodukte zu analysieren. Dieses Buch befasst sich hauptsächlich mit dem Einkommen und der Beschäftigung von Stammeshaushalten, der Vermarktung von Waldprodukten, den Faktoren, die das Einkommen der Haushalte beeinflussen, und den Problemen, mit denen die Haushalte konfrontiert sind. Das Thema wurde in einfacher Sprache dargestellt. Wir hoffen, dass dieses fesselnde Buch Studenten, Wissenschaftlern, Forschern, politischen Entscheidungsträgern und Mitarbeitern der Agrarwirtschaft im ganzen Land zur Verfügung stehen wird, um ihr Wissen über Waldprodukte zu erweitern.

  • von Sandeep Kumar
    29,00 €


  • 18% sparen
    von Sandeep Kumar
    50,00 €

    The book is an effort to give basic information about various algorithm intended for artificial intelligence. The books will be very helpful to those who are very new to ¿AI¿. The book deals philosophy behind the algorithms in easy and simple way. This book is first volume of the series of ¿AI for beginners.¿ In this book we started with history of ¿AI¿, definition of ¿AI¿ and moves a head step by step for various algorithms till ¿constraint satisfaction problem. We discuss about intelligence and rational thinking with rational acting of a machine.

  • 10% sparen
    von Harish Sharma, Sandeep Kumar, K. Balachandran, usw.
    213,00 - 231,00 €

    This book is a collection of selected papers presented at the Third Congress on Intelligent Systems (CIS 2022), organized by CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Bangalore, India, under the technical sponsorship of the Soft Computing Research Society, India, during September 5-6, 2022. It includes novel and innovative work from experts, practitioners, scientists, and decision-makers from academia and industry. It covers topics such as the Internet of Things, information security, embedded systems, real-time systems, cloud computing, big data analysis, quantum computing, automation systems, bio-inspired intelligence, cognitive systems, cyber-physical systems, data analytics, data/web mining, data science, intelligence for security, intelligent decision-making systems, intelligent information processing, intelligent transportation, artificial intelligence for machine vision, imaging sensors technology, image segmentation, convolutional neural network, image/video classification, soft computing for machine vision, pattern recognition, human-computer interaction, robotic devices and systems, autonomous vehicles, intelligent control systems, human motor control, game playing, evolutionary algorithms, swarm optimization, neural network, deep learning, supervised learning, unsupervised learning, fuzzy logic, rough sets, computational optimization, and neuro-fuzzy systems.

  • von Sandeep Kumar
    39,90 €

  • 15% sparen
    von Sandeep Kumar
    34,00 €

  • 15% sparen
    von Sandeep Kumar
    34,00 €

  • 15% sparen
    von Sandeep Kumar
    34,00 €

  • 15% sparen
    von Sandeep Kumar
    34,00 €

  • von Sandeep Kumar
    81,00 €

    The self-contained properties of discotic liquid crystals (DLCs) render them powerful functional materials for many semiconducting device applications and models for energy and charge migration in self-organized dynamic functional soft materials. The past three decades have seen tremendous interest in this area, fueled primarily by the possibility of creating a new generation of organic semiconductors and wide viewing displays using DLCs. While a number of books on classical calamitic liquid crystals are available, there are, as yet, no books that are dedicated exclusively to the basic design principles, synthesis, and physical properties of DLCs.The first reference book to cover DLCs, Chemistry of Discotic Liquid Crystals: From Monomers to Polymers highlights the chemistry and thermal behavior of DLCs. Divided into six chapters, each with a general description, background, and context for the concepts involved, the book begins with a basic introduction to liquid crystals, describing molecular self-assembly and various types of liquid crystals. It outlines their classification, covers their history and general applications, and focuses on DLCs and their discovery, structure, characterization, and alignment.The book goes on to examine the chemistry and physical properties of various monomeric DLCs, including 25 sections describing the synthesis and mesomorphic properties of monomeric DLCs formed by different cores. The bulk of the book covers the chemistry and mesomorphism of discotic dimers, oligomers, and polymers and concludes with a look at some applicable properties of DLCs.A comprehensive and up-to-date resource, this book is designed to be accessible and of value not just for students and researchers but also to the directors and principal investigators working in this field, providing the foundation and fuel to advance this fast-growing technological field.

  • 13% sparen
    von Sandeep Kumar, Sunil Dutt Purohit, Mukesh Prasad & usw.
    186,00 - 304,00 €

  • 18% sparen
    von Sandeep Kumar
    56,00 €

  • 16% sparen
  • 18% sparen
    von Sandeep Kumar
    46,00 €

  • 16% sparen
    von Sandeep Kumar
    46,00 €

    Forests and trees contribute in multifaceted ways to the livelihoods of rural families. The interface between forest and forest dwelling communities received increasing attention from social scientists and policy makers due to its importance from the view point of community welfare and sustainable forest management. Minor forest produces (MFPs) are not only a source of subsistence income but also source for employment, health care, domestic consumption to poor households in the hinterlands. Thus considering the vital role of forest produces in the livelihoods of rural families, an attempt has been made to analyse the economics of minor forest produces. This book mainly covers income & employment of tribal households, marketing of forest produces, factors influencing income of households and problems faced by households. The subject matter has been presented in simple language. We hope that this compelling book be widely available to students, scientists, researchers, policy makers, staff of agricultural economics across the country so as to enrich their knowledge about forest produces.

  • 18% sparen
    von Sandeep Kumar
    51,00 €

    Phosphorus is a key nutrient for increasing productivity and also most important single factor responsible for poor productivity of pulses particularly soyabean in India. Its deficiency in soils is widespread and its use efficiency is very low. Next most important emerging nutrient that is showing widespread deficiency in pulse crops is sulphur. It plays an important role in synthesis of sulphur containing amino acids, vitamins, metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins etc. In recent past, sulphur is also becoming a key nutrient in pulse production. Hence, combined application of phosphorus and sulphur must be one of the most important strategies to increase productivity of pulse crops in India.

  • 15% sparen
    von Sandeep Kumar
    34,00 €

    The traditional treatment for brain cancer includes surgery, Radiotherapy and chemotherapy. The neurosurgeon usually plans the surgery by utilizing two Dimensional MRI images. It is difficult to determine the size and exact location of tumor for safest surgical approach to minimizing permanent damage to normal tissue. In this study such problems are minimized by creating the 3D printed models of brain tumors from medical imaging processing software by utilizing MRI data sets. The data from MRI has been saved as DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine). The 3D model of patient¿s specific brain tumor will be produced by interfacing DICOM data with 3D slicer. 3D printer can produce solid 3D model using STL file generated from 3D slicer. 3D printed model of Brain Tumor could serve as a tool for preoperative surgical planning.

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