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Bücher von Sanjeev Singh

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  • von Sanjeev Singh
    27,00 €

    What is thought?Thought is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon whose nature and origin are not fully understood. However, thought is generally considered to be a mental activity that involves the construction, processing, and experience of thoughts, emotions, images, and sensations.Thought is an integral part of our lives. We experience a constant stream of thoughts every day, both when we are awake and when we are asleep. Thoughts help us to understand the world, make decisions, solve problems, and be creative. They also influence our behavior, relationships, and overall quality of life.Thoughts can be divided into two categories: conscious and unconscious.· Conscious thoughts: These are thoughts that we are aware of and that we have some control over. For example, when we are trying to solve a problem or make a decision, we are consciously controlling our thoughts.· Unconscious thoughts: These are thoughts that we are not aware of and that we have no control over. For example, when we dream or when we do something without thinking, we are experiencing our unconscious thoughts.The nature and origin of thoughtThere are many theories about the nature and origin of thought. Some theories believe that thoughts originate as electrical impulses in the brain. Other theories believe that thoughts are influenced by our experiences, emotions, and beliefs.The role of thoughtThoughts play many important roles in our lives. They help us to understand the world, make decisions, solve problems, and be creative. They also influence our behavior, relationships, and overall quality of life.How to control thoughtsWe can control our thoughts to some extent. We can learn how to focus our thoughts, choose them selectively, and direct them in a positive direction.Tips for improving thoughtsThe following tips can be helpful for improving thoughts:· Meditate regularly. Meditation can help us to become more aware of our thoughts and to gain some control over them.· Pay attention to your thoughts. We often let our thoughts run on autopilot. By paying attention to our thoughts, we can choose them more consciously.· Choose your thoughts selectively. We are not always obligated to believe all the thoughts that come into our minds. We can choose our thoughts selectively and focus on those that are beneficial to us.Direct your thoughts in a positive direction. We can direct our thoughts in a positive direction. When we think positively, we are more likely to behave in positive ways and to achieve better results

  • von Sanjeev Singh
    61,00 €

    This is a reference book which describes the importance, dietary aspects, key features of aromatic rice by using mutation breeding. Traditional aromatic rice varieties have acquired a number of characteristics that do not confer the kind of ideotype which is required under conditions of improved agronomy. For these reasons mutation breeding appears to offer a great scope and promise for generating useful variability in this crop. Methodology of mutation breeding was also written and there outcomes were given in this book. Induction of useful mutants lines for earliness, large panicle, more number of grains per panicle and higher grain yield per plant derived from both the varieties could be of immense significance for the aromatic rice improvement programme. The research findings of mutation breeding for the improvement of aromatic rice had been incorporated in this book which contains the reliable and readily useable techniques/information of aromatic rice.

  • von Sanjeev Singh
    61,00 €

    Este é um livro de referência que descreve a importância, os aspectos dietéticos e as principais características do arroz aromático através do melhoramento por mutação. As variedades tradicionais de arroz aromático adquiriram uma série de características que não conferem o tipo de ideótipo que é necessário em condições de agronomia melhorada. Por estas razões, o melhoramento por mutação parece oferecer uma grande possibilidade e promessa de gerar variabilidade útil nesta cultura. A metodologia do melhoramento por mutação também foi escrita e os seus resultados foram apresentados neste livro. A indução de linhas mutantes úteis para a precocidade, panícula grande, maior número de grãos por panícula e maior rendimento de grãos por planta, derivadas de ambas as variedades, pode ser de grande importância para o programa de melhoramento do arroz aromático. Os resultados da investigação sobre a criação de mutações para o melhoramento do arroz aromático foram incorporados neste livro, que contém técnicas/informações fiáveis e facilmente utilizáveis sobre o arroz aromático.

  • von Sanjeev Singh
    61,00 €

    Si tratta di un libro di riferimento che descrive l'importanza, gli aspetti dietetici e le caratteristiche chiave del riso aromatico utilizzando la selezione per mutazione. Le varietà tradizionali di riso aromatico hanno acquisito una serie di caratteristiche che non conferiscono il tipo di ideotipo richiesto in condizioni di miglioramento agronomico. Per queste ragioni, la selezione per mutazione sembra offrire una grande possibilità e promessa per generare una variabilità utile in questa coltura. La metodologia di selezione per mutazione è stata anche scritta e i risultati sono stati riportati in questo libro. L'induzione di linee mutanti utili per la precocità, la pannocchia grande, il maggior numero di grani per pannocchia e la maggiore resa in grani per pianta, derivate da entrambe le varietà, potrebbe essere di grande importanza per il programma di miglioramento del riso aromatico. I risultati della ricerca sulla selezione delle mutazioni per il miglioramento del riso aromatico sono stati incorporati in questo libro che contiene tecniche/informazioni affidabili e facilmente utilizzabili sul riso aromatico.

  • von Sanjeev Singh
    61,00 €

    Cet ouvrage de référence décrit l'importance, les aspects diététiques et les principales caractéristiques du riz aromatique grâce à la sélection par mutation. Les variétés traditionnelles de riz aromatique ont acquis un certain nombre de caractéristiques qui ne leur confèrent pas le type d'idéotype requis dans des conditions d'agronomie améliorée. Pour ces raisons, la sélection par mutation semble offrir une grande marge de man¿uvre et de promesses pour générer une variabilité utile dans cette culture. La méthodologie de la sélection par mutation a également été rédigée et ses résultats sont présentés dans ce livre. L'induction de lignées mutantes utiles pour la précocité, la grande panicule, le plus grand nombre de grains par panicule et le plus grand rendement en grains par plante dérivé des deux variétés pourrait être d'une grande importance pour le programme d'amélioration du riz aromatique. Les résultats des recherches sur la sélection par mutation pour l'amélioration du riz aromatique ont été incorporés dans ce livre qui contient des techniques/informations fiables et facilement utilisables sur le riz aromatique.

  • von Sanjeev Singh
    61,00 €

    Se trata de un libro de referencia que describe la importancia, los aspectos dietéticos y las características clave del arroz aromático mediante el uso de la mejora por mutación. Las variedades tradicionales de arroz aromático han adquirido una serie de características que no confieren el tipo de ideotipo que se requiere en condiciones de mejora agronómica. Por estas razones, la mejora por mutaciones parece ofrecer grandes posibilidades y promesas para generar una variabilidad útil en este cultivo. También se ha escrito la metodología de la mejora por mutaciones, cuyos resultados se recogen en este libro. La inducción de líneas mutantes útiles para la precocidad, la panícula grande, un mayor número de granos por panícula y un mayor rendimiento de grano por planta derivado de ambas variedades podría ser de inmensa importancia para el programa de mejora del arroz aromático. Los resultados de la investigación sobre la obtención de mutaciones para la mejora del arroz aromático se han incorporado a este libro, que contiene técnicas e información fiables y fácilmente utilizables sobre el arroz aromático.

  • von Sanjeev Singh
    79,90 €

    Dieses Nachschlagewerk beschreibt die Bedeutung, die ernährungsphysiologischen Aspekte und die wichtigsten Merkmale von aromatischem Reis durch Mutationszüchtung. Traditionelle aromatische Reissorten haben eine Reihe von Merkmalen erworben, die nicht die Art von Ideotyp vermitteln, die unter den Bedingungen einer verbesserten Agronomie erforderlich ist. Aus diesen Gründen scheint die Mutationszüchtung eine große Chance zu bieten, eine nützliche Variabilität in dieser Kulturpflanze zu erzeugen. Die Methodik der Mutationszüchtung wurde ebenfalls beschrieben und die Ergebnisse in diesem Buch dargelegt. Die Induktion nützlicher Mutantenlinien für Frühzeitigkeit, große Rispen, eine höhere Anzahl von Körnern pro Rispe und einen höheren Kornertrag pro Pflanze aus beiden Sorten könnte für das Programm zur Verbesserung von aromatischem Reis von großer Bedeutung sein. Die Forschungsergebnisse der Mutationszüchtung zur Verbesserung von aromatischem Reis wurden in dieses Buch aufgenommen, das die zuverlässigen und leicht anwendbaren Techniken/Informationen über aromatischen Reis enthält.

  • von Manish Tiwari, Sanjeev Singh & Sanjeet Dwivedi
    237,00 €

  • von Sanjeev Singh
    32,00 €

    This book provides an insight to the autopolymerizing resins. When these are kept at high temperatures and a constant pressure sufficient strength and long term durability can be provided to the resin. It is found that placement of resin in hot water at controlled pressure will definitely enhance the strength of the resin and hence it should be followed routinely in practice to provide more acceptable prosthesis.

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