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Bücher von Sankar Ganesan

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  • 14% sparen
    von Sankar Ganesan
    31,00 €

    Mahesh Dattani, célebre dramaturgo nacido el 7 de agosto de 1958 en Banglore, es una personalidad multidimensional. Es actor, director, escritor, bailarín y profesor. Ha protagonizado varias obras muy conocidas y ha recibido elogios por su excelente interpretación. Es el director por excelencia. Muchas de sus obras han sido representadas con éxito universal. Es un dramaturgo aclamado internacionalmente. En 1998, recibió el Premio Sahitya Akademi a las Soluciones Finales, la única vez desde su creación en 1955 que ha recaído en un dramaturgo que escribe en inglés. Where There's a Will (1988), Dance Like a Man (1989), Tara (1990), Bravely Fought the Queen (1991), Final Solutions (1993), Night Queen (1996), Do The Needful (1997), On a muggy Night in Mumbai (1998), Seven Steps Around the Fire (1998), The Swami and Winston (2000), Tale of the Mother Feeding Her Child (2001) y Thirty Days in September (2001) son obras de su pluma.

  • 14% sparen
    von Sankar Ganesan
    31,00 €

    Mahesh Dattani, célèbre dramaturge né le 7 août 1958 à Banglore, est une personnalité multidimensionnelle. Il est à la fois acteur, metteur en scène, écrivain, danseur et professeur. Il a joué dans plusieurs pièces de théâtre célèbres et a été récompensé pour ses excellentes performances. C'est un metteur en scène par excellence. Nombre de ses pièces ont été jouées avec un succès universel. C'est un dramaturge de renommée internationale. En 1998, il a reçu le prix Sahitya Akademi pour Final Solutions. C'est la seule fois depuis la création de ce prix en 1955 qu'il a été décerné à un dramaturge écrivant en anglais. Where There's a Will (1988), Dance Like a Man (1989), Tara (1990), Bravely Fought the Queen (1991), Final Solutions (1993), Night Queen (1996), Do The Needful (1997), On a muggy Night in Mumbai (1998), Seven Steps Around the Fire (1998), The Swami and Winston (2000), Tale of the Mother Feeding Her Child (2001) et Thirty Days in September (2001) sont les ¿uvres de sa plume.

  • 14% sparen
    von Sankar Ganesan
    31,00 €

    Mahesh Dattani, celebre drammaturgo nato il 7 agosto 1958 a Banglore, è una personalità multidimensionale. È attore, regista, scrittore, ballerino e insegnante. Ha recitato in diverse opere famose e ha ottenuto riconoscimenti per le sue eccellenti performance. È un regista per eccellenza. Molte delle sue opere sono state messe in scena con grande successo. È un drammaturgo di fama internazionale. Nel 1998 ha ricevuto il Sahitya Akademi Award for Final Solutions, l'unica volta dalla sua istituzione nel 1955 che è stato assegnato a un drammaturgo che scrive in inglese. Where There's a Will (1988), Dance Like a Man (1989), Tara (1990), Bravely Fought the Queen (1991), Final Solutions (1993), Night Queen (1996), Do The Needful (1997), On a muggy Night in Mumbai (1998), Seven Steps Around the Fire (1998), The Swami and Winston (2000), Tale of the Mother Feeding Her Child (2001) e Thirty Days in September (2001) sono opere della sua penna.

  • von Sankar Ganesan
    35,90 €

    Mahesh Dattani, ein viel gefeierter Dramatiker, der am 7. August 1958 in Banglore geboren wurde, ist eine vielschichtige Persönlichkeit. Er ist Schauspieler, Regisseur, Schriftsteller, Tänzer und Lehrer in einer Person. Er hat in mehreren bekannten Stücken mitgespielt und wurde für seine hervorragenden Leistungen ausgezeichnet. Er ist ein Regisseur par excellence. Viele seiner Stücke wurden mit großem Erfolg inszeniert. Er ist ein international anerkannter Dramatiker. Im Jahr 1998 erhielt er den Sahitya Akademi Award for Final Solutions - das einzige Mal seit seiner Einführung im Jahr 1955, dass dieser Preis an einen englischsprachigen Dramatiker verliehen wurde. Aus seiner Feder stammen die Stücke Where There's a Will (1988), Dance Like a Man (1989), Tara (1990), Bravely Fought the Queen (1991), Final Solutions (1993), Night Queen (1996), Do The Needful (1997), On a muggy Night in Mumbai (1998), Seven Steps Around the Fire (1998), The Swami and Winston (2000), Tale of the Mother Feeding Her Child (2001) und Thirty Days in September (2001).

  • 14% sparen
    von Sankar Ganesan
    31,00 €

    Mahesh Dattani, um dramaturgo muito célebre, que nasceu a 7 de agosto de 1958 em Banglore, é uma personalidade multidimensional. É ator, realizador, escritor, bailarino e professor num só. Participou em várias peças de teatro bem conhecidas e recebeu elogios pelo seu excelente desempenho. É um encenador por excelência. Muitas das suas peças foram encenadas com aclamação universal. É um dramaturgo aclamado internacionalmente. Em 1998, recebeu o Prémio Sahitya Akademi para Soluções Finais, a única vez desde a sua criação em 1955 que o prémio foi atribuído a um dramaturgo que escreve em inglês. Where There's a Will (1988), Dance Like a Man (1989), Tara (1990), Bravely Fought the Queen (1991), Final Solutions (1993), Night Queen (1996), Do The Needful (1997), On a muggy Night in Mumbai (1998), Seven Steps Around the Fire (1998), The Swami and Winston (2000), Tale of the Mother Feeding Her Child (2001) e Thirty Days in September (2001) são obras da sua autoria.

  • von Sankar Ganesan
    19,00 €

    Mahesh Dattani, znamenityj dramaturg, rodiwshijsq 7 awgusta 1958 g. w Banglore, - mnogogrannaq lichnost'. On - akter, rezhisser, pisatel', tancor i pedagog. On sygral glawnye roli w neskol'kih izwestnyh p'esah i poluchil priznanie za swoü blestqschuü igru. On - rezhisser wysochajshego klassa. Mnogie ego spektakli poluchili wseobschee priznanie. On qwlqetsq wsemirno priznannym dramaturgom. V 1998 g. on poluchil premiü Sahitya Akademi za okonchatel'nye resheniq - edinstwennyj raz s momenta ee uchrezhdeniq w 1955 g., kogda ona byla prisuzhdena dramaturgu, pishuschemu na anglijskom qzyke. Ego peru prinadlezhat p'esy "Tam, gde est' wolq" (1988), "Tancuj kak muzhchina" (1989), "Tara" (1990), "Otwazhnaq bor'ba s korolewoj" (1991), "Okonchatel'nye resheniq" (1993), "Korolewa nochi" (1996), "Sdelaj neobhodimoe" (1997), "V tumannuü noch' w Mumbai" (1998), "Sem' shagow wokrug ognq" (1998), "Swami i Uinston" (2000), "Skazka o materi, kormqschej rebenka" (2001) i "Tridcat' dnej w sentqbre" (2001).

  • 15% sparen
  • 14% sparen
    von Sankar Ganesan
    31,00 €

    Mahesh Dattani, a much celebrated playwright, who was born on August 7, 1958 in Banglore, is a multidimensional personality. He is an actor, director, writer, dancer and teacher rolled into one. He has starred in several well-known plays and has won accolades for his sterling performance. He is a director par excellence. Many of his plays have been staged to universal acclaim. He is an internationally acclaimed playwright. In 1998, he received the Sahitya Akademi Award for Final Solutions the only time since its inception in 1955 that it has gone to playwright who writes in English. Where There¿s a Will (1988), Dance Like a Man (1989), Tara (1990), Bravely Fought the Queen (1991), Final Solutions (1993), Night Queen (1996), Do The Needful (1997), On a muggy Night in Mumbai (1998), Seven Steps Around the Fire (1998), The Swami and Winston (2000), Tale of the Mother Feeding Her Child (2001) and Thirty Days in September (2001) are the works of his pen.

  • 14% sparen
    von Sankar Ganesan
    31,00 €

    Mark Twain is an American Literary character persona made up by Samuel Langhorne Clemens to represent his own shrewd ethical and democratic vision. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn consistently named as one of the Great American Novels, Mark Twain¿s most popular work takes satirical aim at institutionalized racism, religion and society in generals. The young adventures Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn vigorously resists all attempts by well-meaning adults to ¿¿civilize¿¿ him and pursues his dreams of ¿¿lighting out¿¿ to the untamed territories of the American West. Narrative literary techniques are also known as literary devices. Narrative techniques provide deeper meaning for the reader and help the reader to use imagination to visualize situations. First, it is important to understand that literary elements in narratives include setting, plot, theme, characters, style, perspective, etc.

  • 15% sparen

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