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Bücher von Sarah Kades

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  • von Sarah Kades
    26,00 €

    Sometimes healing from the past is possible when we find someone we want a future with. Maggie Monroe never imagined she would be breaking into her dead twin brother's apartment the first time she saw Paris. Desperate to feel safe after their tumultuous childhood, Maggie has built a quiet, staid life as a librarian, completely avoiding adventure or romantic entanglements. Keeping their family's dark past a secret wasn't hard when you didn't let anyone in. Sebastian had been all she had left. Finding the truth of his murder was the only thing that mattered to her.Tanner Stone is his family's dark secret. Though his diabolical biological father, Bruce Tanner, never claimed him, most of Stone's Canadian half-siblings have welcomed the family bastard with open arms. After more than a decade with Australia's Security Intelligence Service, Stone isn't quite sure jumping into the Tanner clan's orbit is such a good idea. He spent the first half of his life ignoring the fact the man he called dad wasn't his biological one, and the second half unraveling just how dangerous and deep Bruce Tanner's global crimes went.As Maggie and Stone's paths intertwine, they dance around their budding attraction as each must decide who to trust. When a dangerous force threatens the global power scale and their loved ones, Maggie and Stone cautiously team up. Will they be able to put their distrust aside long enough to avert a global disaster, or will old family feuds destroy all hope, and their chance at love?

  • von Sarah Kades
    27,00 €

    What if the one person you are trying to forget was your heart's deepest desire? Becca Tanner is determined to make her dude ranch inn nestled in the foothills of the Canadian Rocky Mountains open on time and be a success. Nowhere in her business plan did she pencil in time for arms dealers and drug runners, manipulating fathers, or sparring matches with her one-sided, decade-long crush, Officer Jason Chasseur. She invested everything she had and more that she didn't into her dream and she'll go down swinging before giv-ing up on herself or those counting on her. RCMP Officer Jason Chasseur doesn't believe for a sec-ond Becca Tanner didn't know her father pushed him out of the chance to buy back his family's ancestral land. That sparks fly whenever she's near is irrelevant. When the land in question turns out to be an active criminal base-camp and Becca is forcefully recruited, he knows she is in way over her head. As the time ticks down to opening weekend, Becca is running out of time. As danger mounts, she digs in deep-er, determined to keep her livelihood and wits about her. Small consolation if she's dead, a fact Jason is quick to remind her as he hustles with everything he has to keep her safe. Family secrets keep pace with them as they run headlong into each new threat. Can they trust each other long enough to help a broken criminal family heal and finally accept the love that has always been between them?

  • von Sarah Kades
    24,00 €

  • von Sarah Kades
    24,00 €

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