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Bücher von Saskia Lane

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  • von Saskia Lane
    13,00 €

    PERTURBED THAT BEING GANGBANGED BY SAVAGE CULTISTS MAY HAVE ENHANCED RATHER THAN DIMINISHED HER HELPLESS ALLURE FOR ALPHA MALES, EMILY SEEKS THE SOLACE OF RELIGION IN THE FORM OF A YOUNG AND GENTLE CURATE. BUT THE REFINED AD DELICATE CLERIC BREAKS TABOOS AS DANGEROUS AS EMILY'S OWN SCANDALOUS LIAISON WITH THE BESTIAL LORD PENROSE, HER FORMER CLIENT IN THE HOUSE OF ILL FAME AND LEADER OF THE HOT-BLOODED STUDS OF THE HENSHAWE HUNT.Still passionately independent and with her sexual horizons broadened beyond all expectation Lady Emily returns from the Southern Ocean to the peace and quiet of rural Hampshire, but her tranquility is soon shattered when Lord Penrose discovers that it is she, the mistress of Henshawe Hall, who serviced his vicious lust in Madame's house of ill fame and blackmails Emily into even viler indecencies with his gang of roistering fox hunters. Emily seeks solace in religion. She turns for refuge from her unbridled desires to the newly-arrived curate, George Hetherington, but the young cleric's slim and graceful charm has an attraction for Emily that she's never encountered in a man before, and she rides out for the opening of the Henshawe Hunt with both her heart and body in turmoil.

  • von Saskia Lane
    13,00 €

    CAUGHT BETWEEN TWO ALPHA MALES, BETWEEN HER HUSBAND'S STEAMY SESSIONS WITH THE WHIP AND HER STALLION LOVER'S HORNY SEDUCTIONS, LADY EMILY'S LIFE IS BALANCED COMFORTABLY BETWEEN TABOOS TILL A VOYAGE WITH MISTER DARWIN AND HER LOVER, JONATHON, IN SEARCH OF A FOSSIL LEAVES THEIR SCANDALOUS LIAISON EXPOSED AND EMILY IN THE HANDS OF A SAVAGE GANGBANG CULT.Still passionately independent but no longer intellectually stifled, Lady Emily is tempted to leave the placid life of a Hampshire gentlewoman, flogged nightly by her husband with such passionate tenderness his sadism has grown boringly delicious-to sail to the Southern Ocean with her lover, Jonathon, the young naturalist who f****s her with a scientific detachment that Emily finds irresistible. Jonathon wants to whisk her off on an expedition to Tierra del Fuego to examine a fossil that might conclusively prove Darwin's Theory of Evolution. Lady Emily is now an expert on Natural Selection and Survival of the Fittest herself. But is it science or love that decides her on joining the expedition? If the latter, then Emily gets her just deserts when, searching the jungle for the fossil, she falls into the hands of a savage gangbang cult. Hot, with a plot. A 20,000 word standalone novella.

  • von Saskia Lane
    14,00 €

    Jamie wants to be the next David Attenborough. He films nocturnal animals in their natural habitat and posts them on the internet. Then Claire walks into his editing suite, well, bedroom. Stunningly beautiful and with a body to die for, she says she's a model and she's looking for a video maker to do her fashion shoots, except... they're not the sort of fashion shoots Jamie was expecting. Out in the hot night with Claire's demands getting ever more daring and dangerous Jamie starts to wish he'd never given up his foxes and hedgehogs and deer mice and great horned owls, except by now he's in love.15,000 words with an unexpected but hilarious happy ending.

  • von Saskia Lane
    28,00 €

    Is ecstasy too much to ask? Is a sizzling night with an alpha male too much to expect when you're me? Drop dead gorgeous. A smoking hot body. Prepared to go to any lengths to get what I want, and WHO I want… my domineering boss... a bronzed god lifeguard... Mom's spunky boyfriend… a pumped lieutenant… the hunky dude next door… a hard-as-nails steel rigger… my stunning hen night waiter… a muscled-up fire-fighter… the roughest gangster in town... and plenty of others- nothing's out of reach when my insatiable desires are awakened. 20 FULL-LENGTH STORIES. 145,000 RED-HOT WORDS

  • von Saskia Lane
    18,00 €

    Hailey's a one-man woman loved by two guys, both of them good men. Milt, the hunky, straight-up-and-down steel rigger, what you see is what you get, and deputy sheriff Justin McGuire, equally attractive but tormented by a crime that's turned him against women. Hailey doesn't mean to sleep with either of them, let alone get pregnant, but when she's caught up in a bungled robbery and the death of the elderly man she's befriended things go quickly out of control. Milt and the deputy both try to intervene in their different ways but the danger Hailey's in is moral as well as physical and it's only her own resolve and charisma that can save her. A 33,000 word standalone novel.

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