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Bücher von Saumya Varghese

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  • von Saumya Varghese
    42,00 €

    La silice mésoporeuse désigne une classe unique de matériaux caractérisés par leur réseau bien ordonné et interconnecté de pores nanométriques. Ces matériaux sont principalement composés de dioxyde de silicium (SiO2), communément appelé silice, et présentent une structure très poreuse avec des pores dont la taille varie généralement de 2 à 50 nanomètres. Globalement, la silice mésoporeuse combine une surface élevée, une structure poreuse contrôlée et des propriétés de surface réglables, ce qui en fait un matériau polyvalent doté d'un potentiel important dans divers domaines scientifiques et technologiques. Dans cette étude, les méthodes de synthèse, les diverses utilisations et applications des nanoparticules de silice mésoporeuse, leurs limites et le champ d'application futur des études sont discutés.

  • von Saumya Varghese
    42,00 €

    A sílica mesoporosa refere-se a uma classe única de materiais caracterizada pela sua rede bem ordenada e interligada de poros à escala nanométrica. Estes materiais são compostos principalmente por dióxido de silício (SiO2), vulgarmente conhecido como sílica, e apresentam uma estrutura altamente porosa com tamanhos de poros que variam normalmente entre 2 e 50 nanómetros. Em geral, a sílica mesoporosa combina uma elevada área de superfície, uma estrutura de poros controlada e propriedades de superfície ajustáveis, o que a torna um material versátil com um potencial significativo em diversos domínios científicos e tecnológicos. Nesta revisão, são discutidos os métodos de síntese, as várias utilizações e aplicações das nanopartículas de sílica mesoporosa, as suas limitações e o âmbito futuro dos estudos.

  • von Saumya Varghese
    42,00 €

    La silice mesoporosa si riferisce a una classe unica di materiali caratterizzati da una rete ben ordinata e interconnessa di pori su scala nanometrica. Questi materiali sono composti principalmente da biossido di silicio (SiO2), comunemente noto come silice, e presentano una struttura altamente porosa con dimensioni dei pori tipicamente comprese tra 2 e 50 nanometri. Nel complesso, la silice mesoporosa combina un'elevata area superficiale, una struttura controllata dei pori e proprietà superficiali regolabili, rendendola un materiale versatile con un potenziale significativo in diverse aree scientifiche e tecnologiche. In questa rassegna vengono discussi i metodi di sintesi, i vari usi e le applicazioni delle nanoparticelle di silice mesoporosa, le limitazioni che le riguardano e la portata futura degli studi.

  • von Saumya Varghese
    37,00 €

    Los marcos orgánico-metálicos (MOF), también conocidos como polímeros de coordinación porosos, son una fascinante clase de polímeros de coordinación cristalinos altamente ordenados formados por la coordinación de iones/clusters metálicos y enlaces/ligandos puente orgánicos. Debido a sus estructuras y propiedades únicas, es decir, alta área superficial, tamaño de poro adaptable, alta densidad de sitios activos y alta actividad catalítica, se han descrito varias plataformas de detección basadas en MOF. En esta revisión se analizan los métodos de síntesis, los diversos usos y aplicaciones de los MOF, sus limitaciones y el alcance futuro de los estudios.

  • von Saumya Varghese
    42,00 €

    La sílice mesoporosa es una clase única de materiales caracterizados por su red bien ordenada e interconectada de poros a nanoescala. Estos materiales están compuestos principalmente de dióxido de silicio (SiO2), conocido comúnmente como sílice, y presentan una estructura muy porosa con poros de un tamaño que suele oscilar entre 2 y 50 nanómetros. En general, la sílice mesoporosa combina una elevada área superficial, una estructura de poros controlada y propiedades superficiales sintonizables, lo que la convierte en un material versátil con un importante potencial en diversas áreas científicas y tecnológicas. En esta revisión se analizan los métodos de síntesis, los diversos usos y aplicaciones de las nanopartículas de sílice mesoporosa, sus limitaciones y el alcance futuro de los estudios.

  • von Saumya Varghese
    34,00 €

    La síntesis ecológica de nanopartículas metálicas y de óxidos metálicos ha sido un área de investigación muy atractiva durante la última década. Numerosos tipos de extractos naturales, es decir, biocomponentes como plantas, bacterias, hongos, levaduras y extractos vegetales, se han empleado como recursos eficientes para la síntesis y/o fabricación de materiales. Entre ellos, se ha demostrado que el extracto de plantas posee una gran eficacia como agentes estabilizadores y reductores para la síntesis de materiales controlados (es decir, formas, tamaños, estructuras y otras características específicas controladas). Los estudios han ampliado el autoensamblaje de nanomateriales, sobre todo en el campo en rápido desarrollo de la construcción de estructuras ordenadas a gran escala y de largo alcance a partir de nanomateriales multicomponentes y multidimensionales. Aquí sintetizamos nanopartículas metálicas y de óxidos metálicos a partir de extractos vegetales y las caracterizamos mediante espectroscopia de visibilidad ultravioleta y microscopia electrónica de barrido.

  • von Saumya Varghese
    37,00 €

    Le strutture metallo-organiche (MOF), note anche come polimeri di coordinazione porosi, sono un'affascinante classe di polimeri di coordinazione cristallini altamente ordinati, formati dalla coordinazione di ioni/ammassi metallici e leganti/ponti organici. Grazie alle loro strutture e proprietà uniche, come l'elevata area superficiale, la dimensione dei pori personalizzabile, l'alta densità di siti attivi e l'elevata attività catalitica, sono state riportate diverse piattaforme di rilevamento basate sui MOF. In questa rassegna vengono discussi i metodi di sintesi, i vari usi e applicazioni dei MOF, le loro limitazioni e l'ambito di studio futuro.

  • von Saumya Varghese
    34,00 €

    La sintesi verde di nanoparticelle di metalli e ossidi metallici è stata un'area di ricerca molto interessante nell'ultimo decennio. Numerosi tipi di estratti naturali, cioè biocomponenti come piante, batteri, funghi, lieviti ed estratti vegetali, sono stati impiegati come risorse efficienti per la sintesi e/o la fabbricazione di materiali. Tra questi, gli estratti vegetali hanno dimostrato di possedere un'elevata efficienza come agenti stabilizzanti e riducenti per la sintesi di materiali controllati (cioè con forme, dimensioni, strutture e altre caratteristiche specifiche controllate). Gli studi hanno ampliato l'autoassemblaggio dei nanomateriali, in particolare nel campo in rapido sviluppo della costruzione di strutture ordinate su larga scala e a lungo raggio da nanomateriali multicomponente e multidimensionali. Qui abbiamo sintetizzato nanoparticelle di metalli e ossidi metallici da estratti di piante e le abbiamo caratterizzate utilizzando la spettroscopia UV e la microscopia elettronica a scansione.

  • von Saumya Varghese
    39,90 €

    Die umweltfreundliche Synthese von Metall- und Metalloxid-Nanopartikeln war in den letzten zehn Jahren ein äußerst attraktives Forschungsgebiet. Zahlreiche Arten natürlicher Extrakte, d. h. Biokomponenten wie Pflanzen, Bakterien, Pilze, Hefen und Pflanzenextrakte, wurden als effiziente Ressourcen für die Synthese und/oder Herstellung von Materialien eingesetzt. Es hat sich gezeigt, dass Pflanzenextrakte eine hohe Effizienz als Stabilisierungs- und Reduktionsmittel für die Synthese kontrollierter Materialien (d. h. kontrollierte Formen, Größen, Strukturen und andere spezifische Merkmale) besitzen. Studien haben die Selbstorganisation von Nanomaterialien erweitert, insbesondere auf dem sich schnell entwickelnden Gebiet des Aufbaus großflächiger und weitreichender geordneter Strukturen aus mehrkomponentigen und mehrdimensionalen Nanomaterialien. Hier haben wir Metall- und Metalloxid-Nanopartikel aus Pflanzenextrakten synthetisiert und mittels UV-Spektroskopie und Rasterelektronenmikroskopie charakterisiert.

  • von Saumya Varghese
    43,90 €

    Metallorganische Gerüste (MOFs), auch bekannt als poröse Koordinationspolymere, sind eine faszinierende Klasse von hoch geordneten kristallinen Koordinationspolymeren, die durch die Koordination von Metallionen/Clustern und organischen Brückenbindern/Liganden gebildet werden. Aufgrund ihrer einzigartigen Strukturen und Eigenschaften, d. h. große Oberfläche, maßgeschneiderte Porengröße, hohe Dichte aktiver Stellen und hohe katalytische Aktivität, wurden verschiedene MOF-basierte Sensorplattformen beschrieben. In dieser Übersicht werden Synthesemethoden, verschiedene Verwendungszwecke und Anwendungen von MOFs, ihre Grenzen und der künftige Umfang von Studien diskutiert.

  • von Saumya Varghese
    50,90 €

    Mesoporöses Siliziumdioxid bezeichnet eine einzigartige Klasse von Materialien, die sich durch ein gut geordnetes und miteinander verbundenes Netz von Poren im Nanobereich auszeichnen. Diese Materialien bestehen in erster Linie aus Siliziumdioxid (SiO2), allgemein bekannt als Kieselsäure, und weisen eine hochporöse Struktur mit Porengrößen von typischerweise 2 bis 50 Nanometern auf. Insgesamt kombiniert mesoporöses Siliziumdioxid eine große Oberfläche, eine kontrollierte Porenstruktur und abstimmbare Oberflächeneigenschaften, was es zu einem vielseitigen Material mit erheblichem Potenzial in verschiedenen wissenschaftlichen und technologischen Bereichen macht. In dieser Übersicht werden Synthesemethoden, verschiedene Verwendungszwecke und Anwendungen von mesoporösen Siliziumdioxid-Nanopartikeln, ihre Grenzen und der künftige Umfang von Studien diskutiert.

  • von Saumya Varghese
    42,00 €

    Gold nanoparticles are nanoscale particles made of gold atoms. They typically range in size from 1 to 100 nanometers and exhibit unique optical, electronic, and catalytic properties. These properties make them highly valuable and useful in various fields, including medicine, electronics, catalysis, and sensing. Gold nanoparticles have gained significant attention due to their unique properties and potential applications in various fields, including medicine, electronics, catalysis, and sensing. Green synthesis methods offer a sustainable and eco-friendly alternative to traditional chemical synthesis routes, minimizing the use of hazardous chemicals and reducing the environmental impact. In recent years they had been a tremendous transition to green synthesis of the same among which the synthesis using plant extract is mainly adopted. In this study we explore the action of Camellia Sinensis (tea leaves) as a green method to synthesize gold nanoparticles.

  • von Saumya Varghese
    42,00 €

    Plasticizers are commonly used in sensor fabrication to improve the mechanical properties and flexibility of the sensing materials. However, the choice of plasticizer can influence the performance and sensing characteristics of the biomimetic potentiometric sensor for atrazine. Different plasticizers can affect the sensitivity, selectivity, and response time of the sensor.The potential response of the sensor was studied using different plasticisers Dioctyl phthalate, DOP and Bis(2-ethyl hexyl)sebacate, BEHS. The sensor with BEHS shows a better Nernstian response in the range of 10-4 M - 10-8 M with a limit of detection 1×10-8 M and a slope of 56.2 mV. The newly created sensor has a dynamic response time of one minute and fifty seconds, and conditioning the sensor in a buffer containing 0.1 M acetic acid is necessary to obtain more accurate, repeatable findings.This study describes how plasticizers affected the design of a biomimetic potentiometric atrazine sensor.

  • von Saumya Varghese
    42,00 €

    Mesoporous silica refers to a unique class of materials characterized by their well-ordered and interconnected network of nanoscale pores. These materials are primarily composed of silicon dioxide (SiO2), commonly known as silica, and exhibit a highly porous structure with pore sizes typically ranging from 2 to 50 nanometers. Overall, mesoporous silica combines a high surface area, controlled pore structure, and tunable surface properties, making it a versatile material with significant potential in diverse scientific and technological areas. In this review methods of synthesis, various uses and applications of mesoporous silica nanoparticles, limitations regarding them and future scope of studies are discussed.

  • von Saumya Varghese
    34,00 €

    Iodine is an important component for thyroid hormone that are essential for growth, nervous system and metabolism. Iodine shortage can cause slow functioning of thyroid gland resulting in Struma, a condition of swelling of thyroid gland. Excess iodine results in abnormal heart beats, loss of weight etc. So the iodide selective electrodes play a major role in the field of analytical chemistry. This report aims at developing a solid contact ISE for iodide ion using carbon cloth material as the backbone.

  • von Saumya Varghese
    34,00 €

    Green synthesis of metal and metal oxide nanoparticles has been a highly attractive research area over the last decade. Numerous kinds of natural extracts i.e., biocomponents like plant, bacteria, fungi, yeast, and plant extract have been employed as efficient resources for the synthesis and/or fabrication of materials. Among them, plant extract has been proven to possess high efficiency as stabilizing and reducing agents for the synthesis of controlled materials (i.e., controlled shapes, sizes, structures, and other specific features). Studies have expanded the self-assembly of nanomaterials, particularly in the fast developing field of building large-scale and long-range ordered structures from multi-component and multidimensional nanomaterials. Here we synthesized metal and metal oxide nanoparticles from plant extracts and characterized using uv visble spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy.

  • von Saumya Varghese
    37,00 €

    Metal¿ organic frameworks (MOFs), also known as porous coordination polymers, are a fascinating class of highly ordered crystalline coordination polymers formed by the coordination of metal ions/clusters and organic bridging linkers/ ligands. Owing to their unique structures and properties, i.e., high surface area, tailorable pore size, high density of active sites, and high catalytic activity, various MOF-based sensing platforms have been reported. In this review methods of synthesis,various uses and applications of MOF¿s, limitations regarding them and future scope of studies are discussed.

  • von Saumya Varghese
    42,00 €

    "Design and Development of Biomimetic Potentiometric Sensor for Atrazin" is a book that explores the creation and implementation of a specialized sensor inspired by nature, specifically biomimetic principles. Focusing on detecting the pesticide atrazine, this book delves into the design and development processes involved in constructing a potentiometric sensor that mimics natural systems. By drawing inspiration from biological mechanisms, the book aims to provide insights and practical applications for designing innovative and efficient sensors in environmental monitoring and agricultural industries.

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