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Bücher von Schwarz Foundation

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  • von Katerina Gregos, Ioli Tzanetaki, Chiona Xanthopoulou-Schwarz & usw.
    38,00 €

    For 12 years, the Schwarz Foundation has been organizing regular exhibitions on the island of Samos at Art Space Pythagorion as well as the Samos Young Artists Festival. Due to its location on the Greek-Turkish border, Samos symbolizes one of the most pressing humanitarian issues of our time: Migrants crossing the Mediterranean Sea, geopolitical conflicts at the borders of Europe, and the human impact on the oceans around he world. A Decade of Cultural Production presents the work of the Munich-based Schwarz Foundation, whose declared aim is to promote dialogue through music and art. The book highlights how its projects deal with issues of migration, social responsibility and intercultural coexistence.

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