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Bücher von Seneca

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    - Epistulae Morales Ad Lucilium
    von Seneca
    17,00 €

    A philosophy that saw self-possession as the key to an existence lived "in accordance with nature", Stoicism called for restraint of animal instincts and severing of emotional ties. Seneca's contribution to a seemingly unsympathetic creed was to transform it into an inspiring declaration of the dignity of the individual mind.

  • von Seneca
    10,00 €

    Timeless advice on the art of living well, from the celebrated Penguin Great Ideas seriesThe writings of the ancient Roman philosopher Seneca offer powerful insights into stoicism, morality and the importance of reason, and continue to provide profound guidance to many through their eloquence, lucidity and wisdom.Throughout history, some books have changed the world. They have transformed the way we see ourselves - and each other. They have inspired debate, dissent, war and revolution. They have enlightened, outraged, provoked and comforted. They have enriched lives - and destroyed them. The Penguin Great Ideas series brings you the works of the great thinkers, pioneers, radicals and visionaries whose ideas shook civilization, and helped make us who we are.

  • - The Ancient Classic
    von Seneca
    17,00 €

    Throughout the centuries, Seneca has been admired as one of the greatest writers of antiquity. He has a way of expressing Stoic philosophy that makes it seem just as relevant to life today as it was two thousand years ago. Seneca taught that we should remain grounded in the present moment by being fully aware of the impermanence of life.In being clear-sighted and dealing with adversity head-on, it's possible to live a life of meaning and contentment in the here and now, truly enjoying nature, art, friends and loved ones. The rise and rise in popularity of Stoic philosophy has made Seneca's letters bedside reading for many.This collectible, hard-back edition of Letters from a Stoic includes an insightful and original Introduction by psychotherapist and Stoicism expert Donald Robertson, author of How to Think Like a Roman Emperor: The Stoic Philosophy of Marcus Aurelius (2019).

  • - An Ancient Guide to the End of Life
    von Seneca
    21,00 €

  • von Seneca
    18,00 €

    "Anger," Seneca notes, "is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured." In "On Anger," Seneca delves into this powerful emotion, taking the reader on a journey that is both thoughtful and instructive. Rather than dismissing anger as an unchangeable part of the human condition, Seneca dissects it, laying bare its roots and exposing its many faces. From understanding its cause to learning how to master it, the reader is guided through a series of reflections that are as relevant today as they were in ancient Rome. With wisdom and eloquence, "On Anger" provides a practical guide to this complex emotion.

  • von Seneca
    16,00 €

    A sabedoria estoica presente nos diálogos de Sêneca possuem tanta relevância atualmente quanto tiveram há séculos. Em Sobre a Tranquilidade da Alma, o filósofo traz a necessidade do aperfeiçoamento moral por meio de um estado ideal de serenidade. Já em Sobre a Vida Feliz, dedicado ao seu irmão mais velho, Gálio, oferece uma perspectiva profunda sobre o que é felicidade e como buscá-la.

  • von Seneca
    16,00 €

    Sêneca usou toda a liberdade do diálogo para explorar seus princípios estoicos. Este volume reúne três de seus escritos de valor imensurável: Da Providência é um pequeno ensaio escrito durante os últimos anos da vida do filósofo, no qual Sêneca coloca um ponto de vista singular a respeito das adversidades e da capacidade do homem (o sábio) em exercer suas virtudes. Sobre a Clemência trata da sabedoria do governante em exercer o seu poder com moderação, enquanto Sobre o Ócio aborda o uso racional do tempo.

  • von Seneca
    27,76 €

    "Escrito para seu amigo Paulino, esta brilhante e contundente obra de Sêneca ainda tem um impacto poderoso e é tão relevante como sempre. Com a sua rejeição impetuosa do materialismo e dos estilos de vida convencionais,Sêneca antecipa o mundo moderno. É uma exposição única de como as pessoas são apanhadas numa corridadesenfreada e como, para aqueles que estão presos nessa mentalidade, nada é suficiente. Os indivíduos ¿ocupados¿ de Roma aos quais Sêneca faz referência, aquelas pessoas que estão preocupadas demais com suas carreiras e relações sociais para examinar com rigor a qualidade de suas vidas, parecem muito conosco.Esses escritos estoicos oferecem insights poderosos sobre a arte de viver e a importância da razão e da moralidade, e continuam a fornecer orientação profunda a muitos por meio de sua eloquência, lucidez e sabedoria atemporal."

  • von Seneca
    29,00 €

    """Sometimes even to live is an act of courage." Lucius Annaeus Seneca was a dramatist, statesman and a Stoic philosopher and his writings are believed to be the foremost works on the philosophy of Stoicism. Exiled and later forced to take his life over an alleged conspiracy of assassinating a Roman Emperor, Seneca drew strength from his belief in Stoicism that led him to see his sufferings in a positive light. Seneca wrote a series of letters, where he propagates this philosophy of 'livingwell' or Eudaimonia while detailing aspects of life including friendship, pleasure, aspirations, selfcontrol, suicide, fears and oldage. Though centuries old, the philosophy is still relevant today as the followers appreciate virtues, meaning and the purpose of life Stoicism offers.""

  • von Seneca
    29,90 €

    Otto Apelts erstmals 1923/24 vorgelegte, vollständige Übersetzung aller philosophischen Schriften Senecas gilt bis heute als unübertroffen. Einleitungen und zusammenfassende Inhaltsübersichten erleichtern den Zugang zu den Dialogen und 124 Briefen.Band I: Der Dialoge erster Teil (Buch I¿VI):Von der göttlichen Vorsehung | Von der Unerschütterlichkeit des Weisen | Drei Bücher vom Zorn | ­Trostschrift an MarciaBand II: Der Dialoge zweiter Teil (Buch VII¿XII):Vom glücklichen Leben | Von der Muße | Von der ­Gemütsruhe | Von der Kürze des Lebens | TrostschriftenBand III: Briefe an Lucilius. Erster Teil. Briefe 1¿81Band IV: Briefe an Lucilius. Zweiter Teil. Briefe 82¿124

  • von Seneca
    24,90 €

    Otto Apelts erstmals 1923/24 vorgelegte, vollständige Übersetzung aller philosophischen Schriften Senecas gilt bis heute als unübertroffen. Einleitungen und zusammenfassende Inhaltsübersichten erleichtern den Zugang zu den Dialogen und 124 Briefen.Band I: Der Dialoge erster Teil (Buch I¿VI):Von der göttlichen Vorsehung | Von der Unerschütterlichkeit des Weisen | Drei Bücher vom Zorn | ­Trostschrift an MarciaBand II: Der Dialoge zweiter Teil (Buch VII¿XII):Vom glücklichen Leben | Von der Muße | Von der ­Gemütsruhe | Von der Kürze des Lebens | TrostschriftenBand III: Briefe an Lucilius. Erster Teil. Briefe 1¿81Band IV: Briefe an Lucilius. Zweiter Teil. Briefe 82¿124

  • von Seneca
    54,00 €

    Delve into the profound philosophical insights of one of ancient Rome's most celebrated Stoic thinkers with "The Dialogues of Seneca." This compilation presents twelve enlightening essays that explore human virtues, emotions, and life's profound questions.On Anger: A rational examination of the destructive emotion.On Benefits: A reflective inquiry into the nature of kindness and gratitude.On Clemency: A compelling argument for mercy and compassion, written to Emperor Nero.On Consolation (To Helvia, Marcia, Polybius): Three moving texts that provide solace to different individuals during times of distress.On Leisure: The exploration of the value and purpose of free time.On Peace of Mind: A meditation on the tranquility and harmony of the soul.On Providence: A deep reflection on fate and the governance of the world.On a Happy Life: A discourse on what constitutes a truly joyful and fulfilling existence.On the Firmness of the Wise Person: A study on the resilience and steadfastness of wisdom.On the Shortness of Life: A poignant reminder of life's fleeting nature and a call to live fully.Seneca's writings, composed as dialogues and essays, continue to inspire readers around the world. His thought-provoking discussions on ethics, morality, and the human condition are as relevant today as they were nearly two millennia ago.This edition brings together these timeless texts in one volume, providing both scholars and general readers with access to Seneca's wisdom. Whether you're a student of philosophy or someone looking for guidance in everyday life, "The Dialogues of Seneca" offers an indispensable window into ancient wisdom.

  • von Seneca
    69,90 - 89,90 €

  • von Seneca
    18,00 €

    "Death is a release from and an end of all pains: beyond it our sufferings cannot extend: it restores us to the peaceful rest in which we lay before we were born."Dealing mainly with the themes of death and suffering, Seneca makes philosophy appear here as a form of therapy, Stoic introspection allowing to find meaning in the most painful situations. Therefore it is essential to cultivate self-control and focus on the positive. Death, moreover, should not be feared, it is an integral part of the human condition and should be accepted in a serene manner.This premium edition comes with a beautiful Easy-to-Read layout which makes reading comfortable.

  • von Seneca
    18,00 €

    "Life is long if you know how to use it." -SenecaOn the Shortness of Life is a moral essay written by Lucius Annaeus Seneca, a Roman Stoic philosopher, sometime around the year 49 AD, to his father-in-law Paulinus. The philosopher brings up many Stoic principles on the nature of time, namely that people waste much of it in meaningless pursuits. According to the essay, nature gives people enough time to do what is really important and the individual must allot it properly. In general, time is best used by living in the present moment in pursuit of the intentional, purposeful life.With its brash rejection of materialism, conventional lifestyles and group-think, On the Shortness of Life is as relevant as ever. Seneca anticipates the modern world. The Stoic writings of the philosopher Seneca offer powerful insights into the art of living, the importance of reason and morality, and continue to provide profound guidance to many through their eloquence, lucidity and timeless wisdom.

  • von Seneca
    22,00 - 27,00 €

  • von Seneca
    14,00 €

    SOBRE O AUTORLúcio Aneu Sêneca (em latim: Lucius Annaeus Seneca) nasceu em Córdoba (Espanha) por volta do ano 4 a. C. Conhecido pelo caráter moral de suas obras, o filósofo, escritor e político foi um dos principais representantes do Estoicismo no Império Romano, e cuja obra exerceu grande influência na história do pensamento filosófico, sobretudo em questões que tratam da liberdade interior e do autodomínio. Foi enviado a Roma ainda durante a infância, onde assimilou ensinamentos do pitagorismo e do estoicismo. Teve participação ativa na vida política, sendo que ocupou lugar de destaque no Senado, tornando-se o principal conselheiro do infame imperador Nero. No entanto, não demorou para que o imperador acusasse o filósofo de traí-lo em uma conspiração de Pisão, que teria planejado o assassinato de Nero, quem ordenou o suicídio do filósofo em 65 d. C.

  • von Seneca
    22,00 €

    PREFACEA book in the writer's possession, entitled "Camp Cookery," contains the following recipe:"Boiled Green Corn.-Boil twenty-five minutes, if very young and tender. As it grows older it requires a longer time. Send to the table in a napkin."The writer of the above is a good housewife. She cannot conceive that anybody will attempt to boil green corn who does not know such rudiments of the culinary art as the proper quantity of water to put into the pot and the necessity of its being slightly salted and at a boil when the corn is put in, instead of fresh and cold; and, like the careful cook that she is, she tells the camper to send the ears to the camp "table" in a "napkin."The faults of the above recipe are the faults of all recipes furnished by the majority of books on out-door life. They do not instruct in those rudimentary principles of cooking so important to the outer who has eaten all his life no food except that furnished him ready for instant despatch; and they commend to the camper dishes that require materials and utensils for their preparation which are seldom at hand in the field and forest.The object of this little volume is to give to the Corinthian cruiser and the camper some practical recipes for simple but substantial dishes, in such a manner that the veriest novice in the art of the kitchen may prepare palatable food with no more materials and paraphernalia than are consistent with light cruising and comfortable camping. The first part, "Canoe Cookery," instructs in such dishes as the limited outfit of the canoeist or camper who "packs" his dunnage afoot will admit of, while the second part, "Camp Cookery," deals with the more elaborate menu that can be prepared when ease of transportation will allow the carriage of a more extensive supply.Few of the recipes given are original with the compiler. Some have been obtained from trappers and hunters, others from army and navy cooks, and a few from cook books; but all have been practically tested in camp or on a cruise by the writer, whose pleasure in out-door cooking is only equalled by his delight in out-door life.

  • von Seneca
    10,00 €

    Ein langes glückliches Leben - das ist der größte Wunsch vieler Menschen. Der Schlüssel dazu, zeigt der Philosoph Seneca, liegt in einem selbst. Jenseits aller schnelllebigen Umgebungen ist einzig die innere Haltung entscheidend. Wer seine Zeit richtig nutzt, für den ist das Leben nie zu kurz. Beeinflusst vom stoischen Gedankengut, rät der römische Philosoph, dem Leben und Tod mit Genügsamkeit, Weisheit und Gleichmut zu begegnen. Nur so kann ein erfülltes, glückliches Leben gelingen. - Mit einer kompakten Biographie des Autors.

  • von Seneca
    19,00 - 32,00 €

  • von Seneca
    18,00 €

  • von Seneca
    17,00 - 30,00 €

  • von Seneca
    21,00 €

    "It doesn't take long after learning to speak for children to utter the cry, "That's not fair!" That familiar exclamation seems to emerge from a primal human sense: you know how you deserve to be treated, and you know that you have not been treated that way-you've been given a raw deal, you've not been done right by. In this volume for our Ancient Wisdom for Modern Readers series, Robert Kaster explores how we treat others at the everyday, person-to-person level, taking as his source the ethical writings of the Stoic philosopher Seneca. Though Seneca does not quite address the demands of "fairness" as the central topic in any of his ethical writings, relevant principles and words of advice appear throughout them. Kaster has selected passages from "On Benefits" and "On Mercy," the twelve short essays on disparate themes collected in his "Dialogues," and the most influential of his works, the "Moral Epistles." He takes as his organizing principle one of the key premises of Stoic thought: you cannot do right by others unless you sort yourself out first, and sorting yourself out begins and ends with your mind. Doing right by others requires cultivating a great mind (magnus animus) and achieving magnanimity (magnanimitas), the quality that ensures (among other things) that one always give others what they deserve-in every way, from material goods to personal respect, and even punishment. He has organized the selections into five chapters, each giving a different view of doing the right thing when it comes to our relations with others: "Striving for Magnanimity"; "Being Calm, Thinking Clearly"; "Judging Yourself Fairly"; "Doing Right by Others"; and "Being Merciful.""--

  • von Seneca
    20,00 €

    "It is not that we have a short space of time, but that we waste much of it. Life is long enough"De Brevitate Vitae is a moral essay written by Seneca the Younger, in which the philosopher brings up many Stoic principles on the nature of time, namely that people waste much of it in meaningless pursuits.

  • von Seneca
    27,05 €

  • von Seneca
    20,00 €

  • von Seneca
    28,00 - 38,00 €

  • von Seneca
    26,00 €

    Alle 124 Briefe in einer zweisprachigen Gesamtausgabe - zum äußerst moderaten Preis! In seinem Hauptwerk vermittelt Seneca die Regeln für ein rechtes Leben gemäß der Stoa. Anschaulich, lebensnah und geradezu aktuell wirken die Beispiele, die er wählt: Müssen denn alle Seeufer mit Luxusvillen zugebaut werden? Muss man Delikatessen vom anderen Ende der Welt auf dem Tisch haben? Nein! Wenn wir der Natur folgen, brauchen wir weniger und leben zufriedener und gesünder. Auch wer etwas über die römische Gesellschaft erfahren möchte, kommt bei der Lektüre der Briefe auf seine Kosten. Denn Seneca wusste die Marotten seiner Zeitgenossen aufs Korn zu nehmen und ein lebendiges Bild vom Alltagsleben zu zeichnen.

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