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Bücher von Sesan Abiodun Aransiola

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  • 13% sparen
    von Sesan Abiodun Aransiola
    167,00 €

    Soil is a complex system of inorganic and organic materials, living organisms, water, and air. It is home to more than one trillion species of microorganisms. Soil also plays an important role in the global carbon cycle. Because plants absorb carbon from the atmosphere, convert it to plant tissue, and return it to the soil as plant residue, soils globally act as the world's largest sink of active carbon. Soil has role to play in food production and safety. Soil contamination undermined by modern agricultural practices that deplete soil carbon stocks. Anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions have been raising recorded temperatures since the Industrial Revolution. Greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture, forestry, and fisheries have almost doubled in the last 50 years and will increase by 30% by 2050 given the current trend. The primacy of arresting climate change is nowhere more evident than the adoption of 195 countries of the first legally binding global climate deal at the Paris Climate Conference in 2015. With atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) reaching 400 parts per million in 2016, soils can be an ally in bringing the CO2 level down to a sustainable level if protected for regeneration. Soil protection and regeneration is a technique that involves the conservative rehabilitation of soil ecosystem and farmland. This technique focuses on top soil regeneration, improving the water cycle, supporting biosequestration, enhancing ecosystem services, increasing biodiversity, strengthening the vitality and health of farm soil, and increasing resilience to climate change and landscape. Environmental protection not only improves soil health, productivity, and resilience to weather extremes, raising farm yields and income while strengthening regional food security in the face of a changing climate, but can also form part of a region's broader climate strategy. This book is timely as more studies and reviews need to be reported about regenerating global polluted soil and the impacts on the environment, the benefit of both biotic and abiotic structure, thereby creating more awareness of environmental protection and sustainability. Thus, this book presents a vista to research on regeneration of lost resources in the soil and its impacts on the environment.

  • 16% sparen
    von Sesan Abiodun Aransiola
    46,00 €

    Anthropogenic exercises as well as industrial enterprises and agricultural practices contribute considerably to the degradation and contamination of environment that considerably affects the soil. The normal physical and chemical know-hows soil washing used for soil remediation render the land useless as a medium for plant growth, as they take away all biological activities. Others are labour-intensive and have high maintenance value. Phytoremediation, a cheaper and sustainable in situ remediation techniques was so thought of. This book proposes enhanced solutions to issues of contamination and eventually convalescent sites and soils. However, plants don't have the aptitude to degrade several soil waste matters, particularly the inorganic pollutant. It's so imperative to require advantage of the degrading ability of soil microorganisms to assist various hyperacccumulator plants to remediate polluted soil. This book focuses on phytoremediation techniques improved by microbial colonies.

  • 16% sparen
    von Sesan Abiodun Aransiola
    46,00 €

    Os exercícios antropogénicos, bem como as empresas industriais e as práticas agrícolas contribuem consideravelmente para a degradação e contaminação do ambiente que afecta consideravelmente o solo. O saber-físico e químico normal da lavagem do solo utilizado para a sua recuperação torna a terra inútil como meio de crescimento das plantas, uma vez que retira todas as actividades biológicas. Outras são de mão-de-obra intensiva e têm um elevado valor de manutenção. A fitorremediação, uma técnica de remediação in situ mais barata e sustentável, foi assim pensada. Este livro propõe soluções melhoradas para questões de contaminação e eventualmente de convalescença de sítios e solos. Contudo, as plantas não têm a aptidão para degradar vários resíduos do solo, particularmente o poluente inorgânico. É tão imperativo exigir a vantagem da capacidade degradante dos microrganismos do solo para ajudar várias plantas hiperacumuladoras a remediar o solo poluído. Este livro centra-se em técnicas de fitorremediação melhoradas por colónias microbianas.

  • 16% sparen
    von Sesan Abiodun Aransiola
    46,00 €

    Los ejercicios antropogénicos, así como las empresas industriales y las prácticas agrícolas, contribuyen considerablemente a la degradación y la contaminación del medio ambiente, lo que afecta considerablemente al suelo. Los conocimientos físicos y químicos normales que se utilizan para el lavado del suelo lo inutilizan como medio para el crecimiento de las plantas, ya que eliminan todas las actividades biológicas. Otros requieren mucha mano de obra y tienen un alto valor de mantenimiento. Se pensó entonces en la fitorremediación, una técnica de remediación in situ más barata y sostenible. Este libro propone soluciones mejoradas a los problemas de contaminación y eventualmente a la convalidación de sitios y suelos. Sin embargo, las plantas no tienen la aptitud de degradar varias materias residuales del suelo, en particular el contaminante inorgánico. Por ello, es imprescindible aprovechar la capacidad de degradación de los microorganismos del suelo para ayudar a diversas plantas hiperacumuladoras a remediar los suelos contaminados. Este libro se centra en las técnicas de fitorremediación mejoradas por las colonias microbianas.

  • von Sesan Abiodun Aransiola
    54,90 €

    Anthropogene Eingriffe sowie Industrieunternehmen und landwirtschaftliche Praktiken tragen in erheblichem Maße zur Verschlechterung und Verschmutzung der Umwelt bei, was sich auch auf den Boden auswirkt. Die üblichen physikalischen und chemischen Verfahren, die zur Bodensanierung eingesetzt werden, machen den Boden als Medium für das Pflanzenwachstum unbrauchbar, da sie ihm alle biologischen Aktivitäten entziehen. Andere Verfahren sind arbeitsintensiv und haben einen hohen Wartungswert. Die Phytosanierung, eine billigere und nachhaltige In-situ-Sanierungstechnik, wurde daher in Betracht gezogen. In diesem Buch werden verbesserte Lösungen für Kontaminationsprobleme vorgeschlagen, um Standorte und Böden zu rehabilitieren. Pflanzen sind jedoch nicht in der Lage, verschiedene Abfallstoffe im Boden abzubauen, insbesondere anorganische Schadstoffe. Es ist daher zwingend erforderlich, die abbauende Fähigkeit von Bodenmikroorganismen zu nutzen, um verschiedene Hyperakkumulatorpflanzen bei der Sanierung verschmutzter Böden zu unterstützen. Dieses Buch befasst sich mit Techniken der Phytosanierung, die durch mikrobielle Kolonien verbessert werden.

  • 16% sparen
    von Sesan Abiodun Aransiola
    46,00 €

    Le attività antropiche, così come le imprese industriali e le pratiche agricole, contribuiscono in modo considerevole al degrado e alla contaminazione dell'ambiente, che si ripercuote notevolmente sul suolo. I normali metodi fisici e chimici di lavaggio del suolo utilizzati per la bonifica rendono il terreno inutilizzabile per la crescita delle piante, in quanto eliminano tutte le attività biologiche. Altri sono ad alta intensità di manodopera e hanno un alto valore di manutenzione. Si è così pensato al fitorisanamento, una tecnica di bonifica in situ più economica e sostenibile. Questo libro propone soluzioni migliorate per i problemi di contaminazione e per la convalescenza dei siti e dei suoli. Tuttavia, le piante non sono in grado di degradare diversi rifiuti del suolo, in particolare gli inquinanti inorganici. È quindi indispensabile sfruttare la capacità di degradazione dei microrganismi del suolo per aiutare varie piante iperaccumulatrici a bonificare i terreni inquinati. Questo libro si concentra sulle tecniche di fitorisanamento migliorate dalle colonie microbiche.

  • von Sesan Abiodun Aransiola
    19,00 €

    Antropogennaq deqtel'nost', a takzhe promyshlennye predpriqtiq i sel'skohozqjstwennaq praktika wnosqt znachitel'nyj wklad w degradaciü i zagrqznenie okruzhaüschej sredy, chto suschestwenno wliqet na pochwu. Obychnye fizicheskie i himicheskie nou-hau promywki pochwy, ispol'zuemye dlq wosstanowleniq pochwy, delaüt zemlü bespoleznoj w kachestwe sredy dlq rosta rastenij, poskol'ku lishaüt ee wsqkoj biologicheskoj aktiwnosti. Drugie qwlqütsq trudoemkimi i imeüt wysokuü äxpluatacionnuü stoimost'. Tak woznikla mysl' o fitoremediacii - bolee deshewom i ustojchiwom metode wosstanowleniq pochwy in situ. V ätoj knige predlagaütsq usowershenstwowannye resheniq problem zagrqzneniq i w konechnom itoge ozdorowleniq uchastkow i pochw. Odnako rasteniq ne obladaüt sposobnost'ü razlagat' nekotorye pochwennye othody, osobenno neorganicheskie zagrqzniteli. Poätomu krajne wazhno ispol'zowat' degradiruüschuü sposobnost' pochwennyh mikroorganizmow, chtoby pomoch' razlichnym rasteniqm-giperakkumulqtoram wosstanowit' zagrqznennuü pochwu. Jeta kniga poswqschena metodam fitoremediacii, uluchshennym s pomosch'ü kolonij mikroorganizmow.

  • 16% sparen
    von Sesan Abiodun Aransiola
    46,00 €

    Les exercices anthropiques ainsi que les entreprises industrielles et les pratiques agricoles contribuent considérablement à la dégradation et à la contamination de l'environnement, ce qui affecte considérablement le sol. Les savoir-faire physiques et chimiques normaux utilisés pour l'assainissement des sols rendent la terre inutile en tant que milieu de croissance des plantes, car ils suppriment toute activité biologique. D'autres sont exigeants en main-d'¿uvre et ont une valeur d'entretien élevée. On a donc pensé à la phytoremédiation, une technique d'assainissement in situ moins coûteuse et durable. Cet ouvrage propose des solutions améliorées aux problèmes de contamination et, à terme, de convalescence des sites et des sols. Cependant, les plantes n'ont pas la capacité de dégrader plusieurs déchets du sol, en particulier les polluants inorganiques. Il est donc impératif de tirer parti de la capacité de dégradation des microorganismes du sol pour aider diverses plantes hyperacccumulatrices à assainir les sols pollués. Ce livre se concentre sur les techniques de phytoremédiation améliorées par les colonies microbiennes.

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