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Bücher von Sharon Zaffarese-Dippold

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  • von Sharon Zaffarese-Dippold
    20,00 - 27,00 €

  • von Sharon Zaffarese-Dippold
    18,00 - 25,00 €

  • von Sharon Zaffarese-Dippold
    14,00 - 21,00 €

    Every foster child deserves a voice. This is mine. In Just Another Slice, nine-year-old Sarah Bailey tries to survive in a family full of emotional, physical, and sexual abuse while at the same time trying to protect her younger brother Curtis. Sarah learns that asking for Just Another Slice of toast is not the only thing in her life she will be denied. Yet, in a world full of cruelty, she finds kindness and happiness in the most unsuspecting people, places, and things.Sarah and Curtis's foster care story is based on actual events about Dr. Sharon Zaffarese-Dippold and her brother, Carl. In this book, Sarah and Curtis learn they are foster children. Join their journey of laughter, pain, hope, and resiliency. You will see, hear and feel what Sarah and Curtis does throughout this sad and inspiring story of not just surviving but thriving.

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