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Bücher von Shubham Saxena

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  • 18% sparen
    von Shubham Saxena
    50,00 €

    El río Yamuna, afluente del Ganges, es uno de los más contaminados de la India. La longitud total del Yamuna, desde su nacimiento en Saptrishi Kund hasta su confluencia con el Ganges en Allahabad, es de 1.376 km y atraviesa cinco estados. El rápido crecimiento y la alta densidad de población de India hacen que la situación empeore muy rápidamente. Según la Junta Central de Control de la Contaminación (CPCB), la calidad del agua del río Yamuna es de una categoría que sólo la hace apta para el riego, la refrigeración industrial y la eliminación controlada de residuos. La corriente principal del río nace en el glaciar Yamunotri (Saptrishi Kund), cerca de los picos Bander punch. Desde su nacimiento, el río atraviesa una serie de curvas y rápidos durante unos 120 km hasta desembocar en las llanuras indogangéticas de DakPattharin, en Uttaranchal.En este estudio trataremos de averiguar el nivel de contaminación del río Yamuna realizando varias pruebas con muestras de agua recogidas en distintos lugares. Algunas de las pruebas que se llevarán a cabo son las siguientes. También encontraremos las causas de su contaminación.

  • 18% sparen
    von Shubham Saxena
    50,00 €

    La rivière Yamuna, un affluent de la rivière Ganga, est l'une des rivières les plus polluées de l'Inde. La longueur totale de la rivière Yamuna, depuis son origine à Saptrishi Kund jusqu'à son confluent avec le Gange à Allahabad, est de 1376 km, traversant cinq États. La croissance rapide et la forte densité de population en Inde font que la situation empire très rapidement. Selon le Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), la qualité de l'eau de la rivière Yamuna est telle qu'elle ne convient qu'à l'irrigation, au refroidissement industriel et à l'élimination contrôlée des déchets. Le cours principal de la rivière prend sa source dans le glacier de Yamunotri (Saptrishi Kund), près des pics de Bander punch. Depuis sa source, la rivière traverse une série de courbes et de rapides sur environ 120 km pour déboucher dans les plaines indo-gangétiques à DakPattharin, dans l'Uttaranchal.Dans cette étude, nous tenterons de déterminer le niveau de pollution de la rivière Yamuna en effectuant plusieurs tests sur les échantillons d'eau prélevés à différents endroits. Les tests qui seront effectués sont les suivants. Nous chercherons également à déterminer les causes de sa pollution.

  • 18% sparen
    von Shubham Saxena
    50,00 €

    Il fiume Yamuna, affluente del Ganga, è uno dei fiumi più inquinati dell'India. La lunghezza totale del fiume Yamuna, dall'origine a Saptrishi Kund alla confluenza con il Ganga ad Allahabad, è di 1376 km e attraversa cinque Stati. La rapida crescita e l'alta densità di popolazione in India fanno sì che la situazione peggiori rapidamente. Secondo il Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), la qualità dell'acqua del fiume Yamuna è di una categoria che la rende adatta solo all'irrigazione, al raffreddamento industriale e allo smaltimento controllato dei rifiuti. La corrente principale del fiume ha origine dal ghiacciaio Yamunotri (Saptrishi Kund), vicino ai picchi di Bander. Dalla sorgente, il fiume scorre attraverso una serie di curve e rapide per circa 120 km fino a sfociare nelle pianure indo-gangetiche a DakPattharin, nell'Uttaranchal.In questo studio cercheremo di scoprire il livello di inquinamento del fiume Yamuna conducendo diversi test sui campioni d'acqua raccolti in varie località. Alcuni dei test che verranno condotti sono i seguenti. Verranno inoltre individuate le cause dell'inquinamento.

  • von Shubham Saxena
    60,90 €

    Der Yamuna-Fluss, ein Nebenfluss der Ganga, ist einer der am stärksten verschmutzten Flüsse Indiens. Die Gesamtlänge des Yamuna-Flusses vom Ursprung in Saptrishi Kund bis zu seinem Zusammenfluss mit dem Ganga in Allahabad beträgt 1376 km und durchquert fünf Bundesstaaten. Durch das schnelle Wachstum und die hohe Bevölkerungsdichte in Indien verschlimmert sich die Situation sehr schnell. Laut Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) gehört die Wasserqualität des Yamuna zu der Kategorie, die ihn nur für Bewässerung, industrielle Kühlung und kontrollierte Abfallentsorgung geeignet macht. Der Hauptstrom des Flusses entspringt dem Yamunotri-Gletscher (Saptrishi Kund) in der Nähe der Bander-Punch-Gipfel. Von der Quelle aus fließt der Fluss durch eine Reihe von Kurven und Stromschnellen über eine Strecke von etwa 120 km, um bei DakPattharin Uttaranchal in die indogangesische Ebene zu münden.In dieser Studie werden wir versuchen, den Verschmutzungsgrad des Flusses Yamuna zu ermitteln, indem wir verschiedene Tests an den Wasserproben durchführen, die an den verschiedenen Orten gesammelt wurden. Einige der Tests, die wir durchführen werden, sind die folgenden. Wir werden auch die Ursachen für die Verschmutzung des Flusses herausfinden.

  • 18% sparen
    von Shubham Saxena
    50,00 €

    O rio Yamuna, um afluente do rio Ganges, é um dos rios mais poluídos da Índia. O comprimento total do rio Yamuna, desde a sua origem em Saptrishi Kund até à sua confluência com o Ganges em Allahabad, é de 1376 km, atravessando cinco Estados. O rápido crescimento e a elevada densidade populacional na Índia fazem com que a situação se esteja a agravar muito rapidamente. De acordo com o Conselho Central de Controlo da Poluição (CPCB), a qualidade da água do rio Yamuna é de uma categoria que a torna adequada apenas para irrigação, arrefecimento industrial e eliminação controlada de resíduos. A principal corrente do rio nasce no glaciar de Yamunotri (Saptrishi Kund), perto dos picos de Bander punch. A partir da nascente, o rio flui através de uma série de curvas e rápidos durante cerca de 120 km para emergir nas planícies indo-gangéticas em DakPattharin Uttaranchal.Neste estudo, vamos tentar descobrir o nível de poluição do rio Yamuna através da realização de vários testes na amostra de água recolhida em vários locais. Alguns dos testes que serão efectuados são os seguintes. Iremos também descobrir as causas da sua poluição.

  • 18% sparen
    von Shubham Saxena
    50,00 €

    The Yamuna River, a tributary of the Ganga River, is one of the most polluted rivers in India. The total length of Yamuna River from origin at Saptrishi Kund to its confluence with Ganga at Allahabad is 1376 km traversing through five states. The rapid growth and the high population density in India make the situation getting worse very fast. As per Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) the water quality of River Yamuna is of the category which makes it fit only for irrigation, industrial cooling and controlled waste disposal. The main stream of river originates from the Yamunotri glacier (Saptrishi Kund) near Bander punch peaks. Arising from the source, the river flows through series of curves and rapids for about120km to emerge into Indo­Gangetic plains at DakPattharin Uttaranchal.In this study we will try to find out the level of pollution of river Yamuna by conducting several tests on the water sample collected from the various locations. Some tests that will be conducted are as follows. We will also be finding the causes of its pollution.

  • von Shubham Saxena
    35,00 €

    "A Study on the Social Media Marketing Strategies of Political Parties" by Shubham Saxena is a comprehensive guide that delves into the impact of social media marketing on the political landscape. The book explores how political parties leverage social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to promote their campaigns and engage with their followers. It discusses the various strategies that political parties employ to craft their social media campaigns, including targeting specific demographics, using hashtags and memes, and creating shareable content.The book also examines the ethical considerations of social media marketing in politics, such as the spread of fake news and misinformation. It highlights the challenges that political parties face in managing their online reputation, and provides insights into how they can leverage social media to build trust and credibility with their audiences.This book is a valuable resource for politicians, campaign managers, social media marketers, and anyone interested in understanding the intersection of politics and social media. It offers practical advice and best practices for developing effective social media campaigns, and provides a nuanced understanding of the role that social media plays in shaping political discourse.

  • 16% sparen
    von Shubham Saxena
    46,00 €

    Welcome to a new era which can let us think beyond the imagination. A whole new technology which will gonna revolutionize the way we think and understand manufacturing. We are talking about Additive Manufacturing which can let us to make parts/components involving any amount of complexity with huge freedom for the designers. Additive Manufacturing follow "Layer by Layer (LbL)" principle in which components are fabricated by adding material Layer by Layer.

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