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Bücher von Silvia Hill

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  • von Silvia Hill
    31,00 €

    Unlock the mysteries of life with a comprehensive look at how to become a tarot reader!Have you often wondered what mysteries of life you can unlock using tarot cards?Have you ever wondered if you could read them accurately and make predictions about life to help you along your journey?Then this is definitely the book for you!In this book, you will:Discover the origins of the mysterious tarot cardsLearn about the major and minor arcanaFind out about the power of combining the cards with the starsUnlock the hidden mysteries of astrology for better tarot readingsMaster the keywords and imagery of the major and minor arcanaLearn about the different spreads and how to interpret them easilyUnlock the power of grounding before tarot readings for more accuracyUnleash the power of the cards by setting clear intentions the right wayPrepare yourself psychically to dive into the symbology of tarot cardsSelect from a myriad of ways to interpret various card combinationsDiscover the fascinating world of birth cards and learn how to use them yourselfMaster the Wands, Cups, Pentacles, and Swords like a proFind the connection between the four classical elements and each tarot suitConnect the zodiac signs to their appropriate cards in a deckUse the power of numbers, stars, planets, signs, and tarot for explosive divinatory resultsAnd much more!With this book as a starting point, you'll find yourself able to work the cards with ease. You'll be able to find meaning and purpose in life, avoid unnecessary drama and problems, and overcome troubling situations thanks to the divine wisdom that flows from the powerful tool that is the tarot.So click the "add to cart" button now and begin your magical, mystical journey today!

  • - Unblocking the 7 Chakras for Beginners, from the Root to the Crown Chakra, along with a Guide to Third Eye Awakening for Psychic Development
    von Silvia Hill
    29,00 €

    Discover the world of chakras and how they can change your life!Have you ever been enchanted by the word "chakra"?What does it mean, and why is it so popular in the modern world?What kind of positive effects can chakras have on your life?Do these questions baffle you?Are you intrigued by the mysteries and secrets of the world of chakras?If your answer to even one of the above questions is yes, then you have come to the right place. This book is an exhaustive collection of all relevant information regarding individual chakras and the chakra system as a whole.With this book, you will:Learn what chakras are and how each one functionsDiscover what roles chakras play in our physical, emotional, and spiritual realmsUnderstand the subtle body system and aurasMaster awareness of the seven chakrasLearn what, why, and how energy blockages are formedDiscover what happens when chakras are blockedLearn how to cleanse and clear the blockagesMaster how to look after your chakras every day without a lot of time and effortThere are seven chapters dedicated to each of the seven chakras where detailed descriptions of their meanings, symbols, seed mantras, and other aspects are discussed. In addition, there are chapters dedicated to a complete chakra activation 6-day challenge that you can start immediately.And finally, as a bonus, this book has a chapter on how to activate and use your third eye chakra to build your psychic powers.So, what are you waiting for? Click the "add to cart" button and become a master at understanding your chakra needs!

  • von Silvia Hill
    29,00 €

    Two manuscripts in one book:Jewish Magic: Unlocking Everything You Need to Know about Jewish Spirituality, Mysticism, and AngelsKabbalah: Unlocking Hermetic Qabalah to Understand Jewish Mysticism and Kabbalistic Rituals, Ideas, and HistoryWith Jewish Magic as your starting point, you will discover the important things you need to know as one who follows the Jewish path. You'll discover a life that's far more meaningful and richer than anything you could have ever imagined by choosing to express Ein Sof's divine will here on earth.In the first part of this book, you will:Discover many truths about Jewish mysticismLearn about the sacred symbols in Judaism and why they matterDiscover the magic and wonder of the Tree of Life and the SefirotFind out about the essence of Ein SofDiscover the power that lies in the Hebrew languageLearn all you need to know about the angels and their hierarchySee what angels can do for you and learn how to work with themUnpack the rich teachings of the angel Raziel to change your life for the betterEnter the wonderful world of Kame'ot and see how they can improve your lifeFind out about the life cycle events in Judaism and why they matterLearn about the Jewish holy days and what they are meant to commemorateMaster the art of keeping josher, and learn all you need about KashrutDiscover the power of meditating on Jewish lettersLearn how you can craft prayers for each SefirahPracticed for centuries by Jewish mystics, Kabbalah is a belief system of mystical teachings offering insight into the nature of God, the universe, and the human soul. In this comprehensive guide, you'll learn everything you need to know about Kabbalah - from its origins and key concepts - to its major practitioners and their impact on the world today.In the second part of this book, you will:Explore the history of Kabbalah, from its roots in ancient Judaism to its modern-day popularityUnderstand the basic concepts of Kabbalah, including the Tree of Life, the Sephirot, and the four worldsDiscover the key texts of Kabbalah, such as the Zohar and the Sefer YetzirahLearn about the prominent figures in Kabbalah, from Rabbi Isaac Luria to MadonnaFind out how Kabbalah can be used in your own life for spiritual growth and insightAnd much, much more!

  • von Silvia Hill
    29,00 €

    Two manuscripts in one book:Druidism for Beginners: An Essential Guide to Druidry and Everything You Need to Know about Druid Magic, Solitary Druids, and Celtic SpiritualityNorse Spirituality: Unlocking Norse Paganism, Shamanism, Magic, Asatru, Elder Futhark Runes, Divination, Spells, and HeathenryDruidry is a fascinating path that will change how you perceive your life and the world around you. To become a modern druid, you should first travel back in time to learn everything about ancient Druidism and uncover all the knowledge that can help you on your path to practicing modern Druidry. This book will give you all the information you need to get started.In the first part of this book, you will:Learn about how modern Druidry came to beUnderstand Neo-Druidic ordersDiscover more about the sacred celebrations of DruidismLearn about the Awen and how to work with itUnderstand the importance of nature and trees in DruidryMaster connecting and working with treesThe second part will guide you through different practices of Norse magic. The information gathered in this book will help you see which tradition you feel aligned with the most. It will be the perfect stepping stone for the start of your own individual Norse magic practice, whichever it may be.In the second part of this book, you will:Learn all about the colorful background of the Old Norse religion and the true meaning of Norse PaganismLearn how the Norse pantheon and cosmology helped shape the spiritual practices of the Norse peopleDiscover how the Norse view death and the afterlifeUnderstand the concepts of Asatru and Heathenry and the main differences between these two practicesDiscover what Shamanism in Norse spirituality looks like and how Seiðr is performedMaster the art of working with the goddess FreyaDive into journeying and make your first journey through YggdrasillLearn the history and practical side of Runic divinationDiscover the secret behind the powerful Galdr magic and its connection to SeiðrAnd much, much more!

  • von Silvia Hill
    25,00 €

    ¡Aprenda a conectar con los arcángeles y adquiera sus inmensos conocimientos!¿La idea de los arcángeles le ha dejado perplejo desde hace tiempo?¿Se ha preguntado alguna vez quiénes son estos seres maravillosos, amorosos y compasivos?¿Siente curiosidad por saber qué conocimientos pueden tener que compartir con usted sobre su vida y el mundo?¿Sospecha que tiene que haber una forma de acceder a ellos, pero no sabe cómo?Entonces, ¡este libro es para usted! En las páginas del libro, usted podrá:Descubrir las diferentes formas en que los ángeles pueden intentar comunicarse con ustedAprender a reconocer una presencia angélicaDominar las formas de pedir ayuda o guía y cómo recibirlaDescubrir la verdadera naturaleza de los ángeles y lo que han hecho por nosotros en el pasado y siguen haciendo en la actualidadAprender a atraer un espíritu angélico a su vidaComprender cómo los ángeles pueden ayudarle a alcanzar sus metas e iluminar su caminoDescubrir numerosas historias de intervención angélica a lo largo de la historia de la humanidadDominar formas fiables de contactar con los arcángelesDescubrir todo sobre los diferentes seres angélicos, incluidos los arcángeles y los guías espiritualesAprender a comunicarse con su ángel de la guardaDescubrir qué hay al otro lado y cómo podemos estar más cerca de los ángeles y arcángelesCon este libro como punto de partida, podrá reconocer y comunicarse con estos misteriosos seres de amor. Aprenderá cómo pueden ayudarle en su vida cotidiana y guiarle hacia la consecución de su verdadero propósito vital. Este libro será un compañero útil dondequiera que se encuentre en su viaje espiritual.

  • von Silvia Hill
    26,00 €

    ¡Aprenda todo sobre el paganismo nórdico y cómo incorporarlo a su vida!¿Siempre ha sentido curiosidad por la magia y el mundo de los antiguos dioses nórdicos?¿Se ha preguntado alguna vez qué secretos ancestrales esperan ser revelados en las runas?¿Desea saber más sobre los dioses nórdicos antiguos, que han sido objeto de interés por parte de eruditos, artistas, historiadores y el público en general?Si su respuesta es afirmativa, ¡este libro es para usted!Aprenda más sobre los dos panteones principales de dioses, los Æsir y los Vanir, y los Jötnar. Descubra cómo se creó el mundo nórdico y la fascinante historia de cada dios a través de fuentes arqueológicas y etimológicas.Este libro está dedicado a mostrarle cómo puede incorporar a su vida la belleza, el poder y los misterios del universo nórdico. Aprenderá las funciones de los dioses, el alfabeto rúnico que el universo reveló a Odín tras el sacrificio de su ojo, las oraciones a los dioses y cómo crear altares.En este libro, podrá:Introducirse en la mitología nórdica.Aprender todo sobre los Æsir y los Vanir.Comprender el papel que los Jötnar, los feroces gigantes, tenían en la sociedad nórdica.Aprender la historia del futhark, el alfabeto rúnico y cómo tirar las runas.Descubra las oraciones a los dioses que puede utilizar.Aprender sobre los festivales y fiestas que se celebraban en el mundo pagano nórdico.Aprender a hacer un altar a los dioses y a los ancestros.Encontrar prácticas diarias para incorporar a su vida.¡Y mucho más!

  • von Silvia Hill
    26,00 €

    Aprenda a leer las runas para practicar la adivinación y la magia rúnica.¿Le interesa la mitología nórdica?¿Quiere aprender a desentrañar los secretos de una lengua antigua en la que las palabras tienen el verdadero poder?¿Busca un sentido y un propósito para su vida?¿Le gustaría alcanzar el equilibrio interior y tener un fuerte sentido de comunidad?Esta guía le enseñará todo lo que necesita saber sobre la religión del Ásatrú, la mitología nórdica y el lenguaje rúnico esotérico utilizado por los antiguos paganos nórdicos.En este libro, usted podrá:Conocer la historia de ÁsatrúConocer a fondo los cuentos y deidades de la mitología nórdicaEstudiar un antiguo lenguaje rúnico que existe desde hace miles de añosDescubrir cómo encajan estas runas en la sociedad antigua y modernaAprender a crear hechizos utilizando las runasDominar la adivinaciónAprenderá a fabricar sus propias piedras rúnicasY mucho más.Después de leer este libro, tendrá una comprensión completa de la mitología nórdica, la adivinación y las runas. Tanto si acaba de iniciar su viaje por la magia rúnica como si es un practicante experimentado, encontrará algo informativo que le ayudará a crecer y a mejorar sus conocimientos.

  • von Silvia Hill
    28,00 €

    Two manuscripts in one book:Shamanism for Beginners: Explore Shamanic Rituals, Beliefs, and Practices of Native American, Norse, Celtic, and Siberian ShamansNorse Shamanism: Secrets of Nordic Shamanic Rituals, Beliefs, Magic, Herbalism, and PracticesShamanism's ancient spirituality is as relevant today as it was 100,000 years ago. We focus here on the traditions of a spirituality that has existed for as long as 100,000 years.In the first part of this book, you will:Learn why the Shaman is also referred to as "the Wounded Healer"Discover how the suffering of the Wounded Healer acts as a conduit for the healing of othersLearn all about the traditional beliefs and cosmologies of Apache and Haida First Nations, Norse, Celtic, and Siberian ShamanismsDiscover how Siberia is often characterized as the "prototype" of global Shamanism, with the region portrayed as an ethereal ShamanUnderstand the tools and instruments of the ShamanDiscover the Medicine Wheel and what it consists ofLearn how balance in the human organism is the goal of shamanic healingLearn how to approach the Medicine Wheel in order to dialogue with it spirituallyUnderstand shamanic plant allies and plant spirit ShamanismDiscover how to reconnect with your intuition and trust it implicitlyMaster how to clear ceremonial space by sensing and clearing negative energiesLearn all about the Four Directions and how they figure in the Shamanic Container (the circle)Understand Shamanic Journeying to effect healing by working with ancestors, nature spirits, and spirit animalsMaster preparing for Shamanic JourneyingUnderstand the importance of intentions that are clear and forthrightLearn how your ancestors are hungry to connect with you to help the livingDiscover how Shamanism can change the world with love, humility, healing, and a reawakening of humanity's sacred role as a thread in Creation's integrative fabricThe ancient Norse people had many beliefs and practices that scholars and historians have not fully explored. In this book, you'll get to explore these unique views on the spirit world and learn how the Vikings applied them in their everyday lives. It is a great read for anyone interested in Norse mythology, Shamanism, and its practice in the physical world.In the second part of this book, you will:Learn what Norse shamanism is all aboutDiscover how the Viking people practiced their religionDiscover what gods and goddesses were instructive in their practiceUnderstand how they viewed the universe and its inhabitantsLearn how they viewed death, the afterlife, and reincarnationDiscover the nine worlds and their significance in ShamanismMaster how to travel through realms beyond the physicalMaster how to use shamanic tools as a way of healing yourself and othersLearn how to protect yourself when practicing this craftAnd much, much more!

  • von Silvia Hill
    43,00 €

    Five manuscripts in one book:Psychic Abilities: Unlocking Your Inner Medium and Ability for Divination, Telepathy, Astral Projection, Connecting with Spirit Guides, and ClairvoyanceTelepathy for Beginners: The Psychic Development Guide to Telepathic AbilitiesNumerology for Beginners: An Essential Guide to Numbers and Their Meanings, Divination, and AstrologyAstral Projection for Beginners: The Astral Travel Guide to an Intentional Out-of-Body ExperienceHighly Sensitive People: What You Need to Know about HSPs and Their GiftsMost people have heard about psychic abilities being used for divination and clairvoyance. However, only a few know that mediumship can also serve in other forms of spiritual work. This will help you unlock your abilities, hone them and use them to achieve your goals.Telepathy is a unique and special gift. It is more than just a method to help you communicate your thoughts; it can also be used to help others and protect yourself from negativity. This book will guide you on your first steps to unlock your telepathic abilities.Discover the wonderful world of numbers that needs a lot more attention than it's getting. You will become one of the lucky few to have this privileged information and be able to use it to your own advantage - somewhat like having cheat codes for a video game!With this fourth part as your foundation, you can explore the astral world, peel back the veil shrouding alternate realms and states of consciousness, and discover the truth about your rich, multidimensional life.Hypersensitivity is a common problem that can manifest itself in various ways. It can have a physical impact on some people (extreme sensitivity to physical stimuli), while it can be more of a cognitive challenge for others. Luckily, there are several coping mechanisms to help make things easier, and that's where this book comes in.

  • von Silvia Hill
    26,00 €

    ¿Sabía que los antiguos egipcios creían en la vida después de la muerte? ¡Se sorprenderá de lo mucho que se preparaban para la otra vida!Este libro está repleto de historias sobre la vida de los antiguos egipcios, sus dioses y algunos de los mayores mitos de la antigüedad. Los dioses desempeñaban un papel importante en la vida de la gente; ¡le sorprenderá ver hasta qué punto influían en la vida cotidiana!En cada página de este libro, se encontrará en un emocionante viaje a uno de los reinos más influyentes de la historia. En su camino, aprenderá más sobre algunos de los siguientes aspectos:El origen y los fundamentos del mundo desde la perspectiva egipcia.Los mitos egipcios sobre la época en que los dioses gobernaban la tierra.Los relatos con múltiples versiones sobre la vida de los dioses y diosas del antiguo Egipto.Las increíbles leyendas de la mitología egipcia.La elaborada cultura funeraria del antiguo Egipto.El viaje al más allá desde la perspectiva egipcia.Los atributos de los dioses y diosas más famosos del panteón egipcio.¡Y mucho, mucho más!

  • von Silvia Hill
    34,00 €

    Explore the numerous vibrant African spiritual practices and their traditions and beliefs.Are you curious to learn more about the many spiritual practices of the African continent?Have you been looking for an accurate guide to African spiritual practices which doesn't look at them through a Western eye?Africa is home to numerous spiritual practices, from Santeria and Haitian Voodoo to Kemetism and Isese (the Yoruba religion). Despite the variety of these traditions, finding a cohesive guide that looks at them from a neutral perspective is challenging. This book is the ideal guide and a great way to further your exploration of African spiritual practices.In this book, you will:Learn about the many African spiritual practicesExplore the creator gods these traditions believe inUnderstand the gods and deities of these traditions in greater detailExplore the tradition of African ancestral venerationLearn more about the sacred herbs and plants of the African continentDiscover how to build altars and shrines in these African spiritual traditionsThis insightful book provides spiritual wisdom and historical facts that will help you further explore the world of African spiritual practices and develop a greater appreciation.

  • von Silvia Hill
    30,00 €

    Two manuscripts in one book:Paganism for Beginners: Unlocking Norse Magic, Druidry, Celtic Shamanism, Runes, Signs, and SymbolsCeltic Shamanism: The Ultimate Guide to Celtic Druidry, Spirituality, Earth Magic, Spells, Symbols, and Tree AstrologyFrom Norse paganism to Druidry to Celtic shamanism, the ancient pagan religions offer many ways for spiritual growth and the evolution of one's magical practices.In the first part of this book, you'll:Discover the fascinating history of Paganism and how it shaped the history and religious beliefs since ancient timesLearn the basics of pagan spirituality and what beliefs it's based on, including the deities and the reverence toward natureUnderstand how Paganism evolved into modern practices like Neopaganism, Wicca, and moreExplore the practical methods of Wicca by learning how to use the different Wiccan tools, exercises, and techniquesUncover the history of the old Norse religion and how its depicted through Nordic mythology and AsatruLearn about the Sidr path, and the concepts of their practices, including the different levels of journeying and trancesDiscover the history of Norse runes and how it helps you incorporate them into your practiceReveal the unique relationship between Celtic shamanism and Druidry and how it evolved throughout historyMaster the art of walking the Druid path by learning how Paganism can be incorporated into modern Druidic practicesThe Celtic people spent thousands of years cultivating their culture and religion, and modern neopagans have done extensive work to revive it in an authentic form while finding ways to apply it to contemporary society.In the second part of this book, you will:Gain an understanding of Celtic paganismLearn the differences between shamanism and DruidryDelve into the world of Celtic mythologyDiscover the hidden Celtic alphabet of OghamLearn about Celtic symbolsUncover the secrets of Celtic animal and earth magicLearn about Celtic Tree AstrologyAnd much much more!

  • von Silvia Hill
    29,00 €

    Two manuscripts in one book:Pendulum for Beginners: Unlocking the Secrets of Pendulums, Dowsing, Spiritual Healing, Magic, and DivinationDivination for Beginners: Unlocking Future Prediction Methods of Astrology, Tarot, Numerology, Palm Reading, Crystals, Runes, and Crystal Ball ReadingPendulum magic is sacred knowledge. It teaches you to trust your intuition and the energies around you. It helps you discover the magic present inside you and teaches you how to use it. Complete with updated knowledge and step-by-step instructions, this accessible book will prove to be a fantastic resource for anyone interested in using the pendulum for dowsing, magic, spiritual healing, and divination.In the first part of this book, you will:Familiarize yourself with the pendulum's history and originsLearn how to use the pendulumBe able to choose the right pendulumUnderstand the power of crystals and pendulumsDiscover creative ways to use the pendulumLearn how to create and use a pendulum chartExplore your past lifeLearn how to program your pendulumFind out how to heal and protect yourself spirituallyDivination for Beginners will teach you everything you need to know about figuring out your future. It will explain each method of divination in detail and show you how to use the different techniques used for each method.In the second part of this book, you'll:Understand the concept of divination and its origins and history.Learn astrology's role in divinatory practices and how the stars can reveal the future.Decode your birth chart using the positions of celestial objects.Reveal the secret behind using numerology in divination and find your life's path in the numbers.Master the divining art of tarot for everyday use or to answer more pressing questions about your life.Understand how palm reading is done and how to apply palmistry accurately.Learn about the origins of runic divination and how to incorporate it into your practices.Gain insight into crystal divination and the use of crystal balls to predict the future.And much, much more!

  • von Silvia Hill
    27,00 €

    Embrace the true essence of Norse spirituality through its magical practices.Are you interested in uncovering the basics of the different Norse Pagan practices?Do you want to explore your Pagan roots through Norse magic?Do you want to expand your knowledge of a specific Norse spiritual practice?If your answer to any of these questions is yes, you're in luck. This book is an excellent guide for novices interested in Norse spiritual practices and experienced pagans alike.In this book, you will:Learn all about the colorful background of the Old Norse religion and the true meaning of Norse PaganismLearn how the Norse pantheon and cosmology helped shape the spiritual practices of the Norse peopleDiscover how the Norse view death and the afterlifeUnderstand the concepts of Asatru and Heathenry and the main differences between these two practicesDiscover what Shamanism in Norse spirituality looks like and how Seiðr is performedMaster the art of working with the goddess FreyaDive into journeying and make your first journey through YggdrasillLearn the history and practical side of Runic divinationDiscover the secret behind the powerful Galdr magic and its connection to SeiðrThrough its comprehensive insights and practical information, this book will guide you through different practices of Norse magic. The information gathered in this book will help you see which tradition you feel aligned with the most. It will be the perfect stepping stone for the start of your own individual Norse magic practice, whichever it may be.

  • von Silvia Hill
    27,00 €

    Delve into the world of Jewish magic and mysticism!Are you curious about Jewish mysticism?Would you like to learn more about angels?Are you fascinated by Jewish spirituality? Or are you looking to deepen your knowledge and faith?If you've answered yes to any of these questions, this is just the right book for you!In this book, you will:Discover many truths about Jewish mysticismLearn about the sacred symbols in Judaism and why they matterDiscover the magic and wonder of the Tree of Life and the SefirotFind out about the essence of Ein SofDiscover the power that lies in the Hebrew languageLearn all you need to know about the angels and their hierarchySee what angels can do for you and learn how to work with themUnpack the rich teachings of the angel Raziel to change your life for the betterEnter the wonderful world of Kame'ot and see how they can improve your lifeFind out about the life cycle events in Judaism and why they matterLearn about the Jewish holy days and what they are meant to commemorateMaster the art of keeping josher, and learn all you need about KashrutDiscover the power of meditating on Jewish lettersLearn how you can craft prayers for each SefirahWith this book as your starting point, you will discover the important things you need to know as one who follows the Jewish path. You'll discover a life that's far more meaningful and richer than anything you could have ever imagined by choosing to express Ein Sof's divine will here on earth.

  • von Silvia Hill
    27,00 €

    Learn everything you need to know about Norse ShamanismHave you ever wondered about Norse Shamanism?Do you have questions about the beliefs of the Vikings, well-known for their long voyages, pillaging, and plundering?Are you craving more information than you get from the very few books written on Norse culture?Want to learn more details about these people's ancient practices and beliefs?Then this book is for you. It is a lofty attempt to fill that gap by exploring their mythology regarding Shamanism and their cosmological view compared with today's modern practices. If you are interested in learning about the spirit world through the eyes of the Norse and other cultures, then this book is for you.In this book, you'll:Learn what Norse shamanism is all aboutDiscover how the Viking people practiced their religionDiscover what gods and goddesses were instructive in their practiceUnderstand how they viewed the universe and its inhabitantsLearn how they viewed death, the afterlife, and reincarnationDiscover the nine worlds and their significance in ShamanismMaster how to travel through realms beyond the physicalMaster how to use shamanic tools as a way of healing yourself and othersLearn how to protect yourself when practicing this craftThe ancient Norse people had many beliefs and practices that scholars and historians have not fully explored. In this book, you'll get to explore these unique views on the spirit world and learn how the Vikings applied them in their everyday lives. It is a great read for anyone interested in Norse mythology, Shamanism, and its practice in the physical world.

  • von Silvia Hill
    26,00 €

    Delve into the world of Hoodoo and learn all about this amazing African spiritual practice!Are you curious about folk magic?Have you been dying to learn about the history and practices of Hoodoo?Do you want to discover how it can be integrated into your life?Hoodoo is a spiritual practice that embraces the goodness of nature and the power of the universe. It gives practitioners the skills to improve their lives and bring them happiness, success, wealth, love, and magic. And not one single dead chicken's head in sight!This book is written in an easy-to-follow style and written so that beginners and intermediate practitioners can learn how Hoodoo works and why. It has simple spells and rituals you can follow and incorporate into your everyday life. This is an introduction to Hoodoo and the perfect stepping stone to becoming a skilled magician/conjuror and root worker.In this book, you will:Learn the magical properties attached to herbs, plants, and other common objectsLearn how the different deities and spirits can be called upon for help and adviceUnderstand how to connect to your ancestors and discover the tribulations they faced to make you the person you are todayUnderstand more about what a shrine isDiscover how many shrines you can haveLearn how to make a mojo bag and carry your magic with youUnderstand what relevance the colors of bags and candles bring to your magicFind several cleansing routines to protect you from adverse energiesLearn how to live a Hoodoo lifestyleLearn how to start casting spells without it costing lots of moneyNever be without the power to control your life and the future. Hoodoo will help you be naturally lucky and attract good energies to your aura. Be the envy of your friends with your newfound skills. What are you waiting for?

  • von Silvia Hill
    27,00 €

    Learn everything you need to know about telepathy and how to develop your telepathic abilities.Have you ever been interested in telepathy and the science behind it?Do you want to find out how you can raise your vibration?Are you excited about developing telepathic bonds with others?Are you curious about telepathic healing and how to apply it to your life?Then you don't need to look any further. This book will introduce you to everything there is to know about telepathy, including its history and the scientific research behind it. It will give you all the information you need to develop and nurture this ability and much more.In this book, you will:Understand how meditation can help prepare your mind for telepathyLearn about the clairs and their role in helping you develop telepathic abilitiesFind exercises and techniques for your telepathic musclesMaster developing telepathic bondsDiscover how to heal and how to send healing energies to another personMaster techniques to develop your telepathic musclesLearn how to protect yourself against negative energy and energy vampiresTelepathy is a unique and special gift. It is more than just a method to help you communicate your thoughts; it can also be used to help others and protect yourself from negativity. This book will guide you on your first steps to unlock your telepathic abilities.

  • von Silvia Hill
    34,00 €

    Three manuscripts in one book:Moon Signs: Secrets to Tapping into Your Psychic Abilities and More According to Your Moon SignSun Signs: Secrets of Star Sign Astrology, Sun-Moon Astrology Combinations, Your Personality Type, and MoreRising Signs: What Your Ascendant Sign Reveals about Your Personality Type and MoreThe first part book takes a closer look at moon signs and how they can impact your psychic abilities. In this easy-to-understand guide, you'll learn about the different moon signs and their relationship with your psychic powers.In the first part of this book, you will:Explore the four main psychic powers and how to develop them.Familiarize yourself with the four "Clair" concepts.Discover how your moon sign enables you to tap into your hidden abilities.Learn how to use your psychic powers for good.Understand the difference between bold, thoughtful, grounded, and emotional moons.Understand the importance of turning your powers on and off.Sun sign astrology is a vast field, and it is amazing how much you can learn about yourself by perusing your birth chart. Thanks to insightful information about how various planetary energies influence your life from the moment you are born, this book will help you understand yourself better and tap into your innermost potential.In the second part of this book, your will:Learn how astrology has shaped human lives since the dawn of timeDiscover the unique energy of each astrological planetFamiliarize yourself with the secret power of each zodiac signLearn how energy manifests in each zodiac houseDiscover how your Sun sign determines your core identityIdentify your Moon sign and its effects on your soulUncover the personalities determined by unique Sun-Moon combinations for each elementThe ascendant is one of the most significant placements in astrology. It's not just associated with simple traits but also changes the complete interpretation of your birth chart. To correctly read and interpret a natal chart, it is essential to understand the workings of the rising sign associated with particular zodiac signs.In the third part of this book, you will:Learn what the rising sign means and how it is associated with your social personalityLearn how to identify your rising sign with the help of your time of birthLearn how to read the natal chart and interpret your rising signUnderstand the characteristics associated with each rising sign and the ruling planetDiscover how you can embrace your rising sign and astrological personalityAnd much more!

  • von Silvia Hill
    35,00 €

    Two manuscripts in one bookAstrology: Unlocking the Secrets of the Zodiac, Tarot, and Numerology along with Moon, Sun, and Rising SignsThe Zodiac Signs: Amazing Facts about Each Sign and Everything You Need to Know about Lunar Houses, Birth Charts, and Sun, Moon, and Rising SignsThe universe is constantly working to align its energy with your soul's vibrations to make positive changes in your life. However, if you can't manifest these changes, you can't gain a favorable outcome. This is where astrology and the study of horoscopes come in.In the first part of this book, you will:Learn the true meaning of astrology and how it worksUnravel some of the "universal" secrets that govern a person's life and wellbeingLearn how to decipher cosmic waves and align them with your spiritual energyLearn the right way to use Tarot cardsPractice various Tarot spreadsMaster the art of intricate Tarot card reading and improve its accuracyDiscover how certain numbers can change the course of one's life and guide them on the right pathUnveil your inner calling and life's true purposeIdentify sun and moon signs to gain a better understanding of your horoscopeStudy the twelve zodiac signs and what sets them apartMaster the art of numerology using the Major and Minor Arcana cardsLearn how a set of numbers is related to your personality and heartFor the longest time, people have believed that astrology is all about your birth sign. The truth is astrology is infinitely more complex. Natal charts can tell you everything from your relationship with a parent to how you react under pressure. Knowing about the signs and their characteristics can help you understand why you've been a bit anxious lately or perhaps a tad more spontaneous.In the second part of this book, you will:Understand what a natal chart is and learn how to read charts for yourself and others.Understand the twelve astrological signs, their influences, and how they affect youLearn about your astrological houses and how each sign affects themExplore the ancient knowledge behind the lunar housesReceive powerful insight about your destination and life purposeand much more!

  • von Silvia Hill
    27,00 €

    Dive in and discover everything you need to know about the extensive world of Celtic shamanism!Do you have an interest in the Celtic religion?Are you looking for a guide to shamanism and Druidry?Would you like to know more about Celtic magic and spirituality?Do you want to know more about Celtic Tree Astrology?If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then this guide is perfect for you. The Celtic people spent thousands of years cultivating their culture and religion, and modern neopagans have done extensive work to revive it in an authentic form while finding ways to apply it to contemporary society.In this book, you will:¿ Gain an understanding of Celtic paganism¿ Learn the differences between shamanism and Druidry¿ Delve into the world of Celtic mythology¿ Discover the hidden Celtic alphabet of Ogham¿ Learn about Celtic symbols¿ Uncover the secrets of Celtic animal and earth magic¿ Learn about Celtic Tree AstrologyBy the time you've finished this guide, you will have received a comprehensive education on Celtic shamanism and Druidry, Celtic magic, Celtic symbolism, and the Celtic Tree alphabet known as Ogham. Even if you know a little about the Celtic people, you can gain a deeper understanding of the subject, and you are sure to find something new and fascinating from reading this book!

  • von Silvia Hill
    27,00 €

    Delve into the extraordinary world of spiritual practices to unveil your hidden psychic abilities.Do you feel you have an inner medium waiting to communicate with you?Do you wish to uncover and sharpen your psychic gifts?Do you want to discover how extrasensory skills can bring you closer to your spiritual goals?Most people have heard about psychic abilities being used for divination and clairvoyance. However, only a few know that mediumship can also serve in other forms of spiritual work. This book will help you unlock your abilities, hone them and use them to achieve your goals.In this book, you will:Discover if you have latent psychic abilities and whether you're ready to use themUnderstand the concepts of clairvoyance and clairaudience and what it takes to unlock these skillsReveal the secrets behind opening the abilities of claircognizance and clairsentienceLearn how to provide psychic protection and cleansing for yourself, your space, and other peopleMaster the art of divination through your psychic abilitiesIdentify the different types of spirits you may encounter on your journeys and learn who can become your allyDelve into the depths of spiritual communicationPrepare for journeying into the astral world and practicing astral projectionDevelop skills for making telepathic connections and communicating with the living without wordsImplement a self-care routine to keep your health in check and heal yourself through your physical abilitiesWhile these concepts may sound rather mysterious, most people have their roots in their intuition. All it takes is to hone your intuition, and you'll find the psychic ability hidden within you. This accessible and well-documented book will help you with that. It'll also provide advice on practicing your skills through effective techniques and tips to make the most of your abilities.

  • von Silvia Hill
    30,00 €

    Conozca sobre uno de los sistemas espirituales más antiguos e inmemoriales conocidos por el hombre¿La palabra "chamanismo" evoca visiones de complejos rituales sin sentido en los que participan hombres y mujeres reunidos en torno a un fuego?¿Quiere romper con ese mito y conocer más profundamente uno de los sistemas espirituales más antiguos del mundo?¿Quiere comprender cómo el mundo del chamanismo puede transformar su vida en pura magia?¿Quiere comprender el verdadero poder de un chamán y cómo ha tenido y sigue teniendo un impacto positivo en el mundo?Si quiere conocer las respuestas a las preguntas anteriores y más, ha llegado al lugar adecuado. Este libro es una recopilación exhaustiva de todo lo relacionado con el chamanismo, incluidas las creencias subyacentes, los conceptos, los rituales, las ceremonias y los resultados esperados.En este libro, podrá:Aprender quiénes son los chamanes y de dónde proceden.Descubrir la historia del chamanismo.Aprender cuál es la filosofía subyacente de los chamanes.Descubrir cuáles son los tres mundos chamánicos y cómo los chamanes viajan a estos lugares.Comprender cómo nos ayudan los ancestros.Descubrir cuáles son las herramientas utilizadas por los chamanes y cómo puede hacerlas en casa.Aprender qué son los animales espirituales y los animales tótem.Descubrir qué son las plantas aliadas y cómo ayudan a los chamanes.

  • von Silvia Hill
    27,00 €

    Delve into the world of Jewish mysticism and learn all about Kabbalah.Do you want to learn about the fascinating history of Kabbalah?Are you curious about the beliefs and practices of this ancient wisdom?Has Jewish mysticism always intrigued you?If so, then this book is for you.Practiced for centuries by Jewish mystics, Kabbalah is a belief system of mystical teachings offering insight into the nature of God, the universe, and the human soul. In this comprehensive guide, you'll learn everything you need to know about Kabbalah - from its origins and key concepts - to its major practitioners and their impact on the world today.In this book, you will:Explore the history of Kabbalah, from its roots in ancient Judaism to its modern-day popularityUnderstand the basic concepts of Kabbalah, including the Tree of Life, the Sephirot, and the four worldsDiscover the key texts of Kabbalah, such as the Zohar and the Sefer YetzirahLearn about the prominent figures in Kabbalah, from Rabbi Isaac Luria to MadonnaFind out how Kabbalah can be used in your own life for spiritual growth and insightThis book provides everything you need to begin your journey into this ancient wisdom tradition, regardless of your level of interest or expertise.

  • von Silvia Hill
    27,00 €

    Everything you need to know about African spirituality, its many practices, gods, and Orishas.Have you ever wanted to know more about the basics of African spirituality?Do you want to discover what Orishas are and their significance in African spirituality?Are you curious about different African magical practices?Do you want to learn about various rituals that include baths, spells, and African magical practices?This book will take you on a journey to African spirituality's magical and fascinating world. It will lay out all the information you need about the different types of Orishas, so you can unlock their powers and use them in magical practices.In this book, you'll:Learn about the history and origins of YorubaUnderstand the myth of creation in African spiritualityLearn how to build altars to honor your ancestors and the OrishasLearn about the three different magical talismansDiscover the structure of the Yoruba calendar and how it's linked to the OrishasMaster many significant rituals and daily practicesStepping into the world of African spirituality will change your life and how you view the world around you. This book will guide you as you take the first steps to discover your African heritage.

  • von Silvia Hill
    26,00 €

    Master the most well-known divination methods and harness your life's potential.Are you interested in learning how popular divination methods work?Do you want to learn the secrets of how to be accurate at reading using any divination method?Are you an experienced practitioner wanting to expand your divinity skill set?Several methods can accurately help you reveal the potential possibilities for your life - from astrology and tarot to numerology and palmistry to runic and crystal divination - and this book has it all.In this book, you'll:Understand the concept of divination and its origins and history.Learn astrology's role in divinatory practices and how the stars can reveal the future.Decode your birth chart using the positions of celestial objects.Reveal the secret behind using numerology in divination and find your life's path in the numbers.Master the divining art of tarot for everyday use or to answer more pressing questions about your life.Understand how palm reading is done and how to apply palmistry accurately.Learn about the origins of runic divination and how to incorporate it into your practices.Gain insight into crystal divination and the use of crystal balls to predict the future.This book will teach you everything you need to know about figuring out your future. It will explain each method of divination in detail and show you how to use the different techniques used for each method.Click on the "add to cart" button now, and unlock the secrets of your future path.

  • von Silvia Hill
    29,00 €

    Two manuscripts in one book:Spirit Guides: The Ultimate Guide to Contacting and Communicating with Your Guardian Angels, Spirit Animals, Archangels, and MoreArchangels: Unlocking Secrets of Working with an Archangel, Spirit Guides, and Guardian AngelsThrough the first part you will find yourself enraptured in the wondrous world of the spirits. You will learn how to incorporate the support and strength of spiritual forces in your daily life to go from constant exertion and frustration to a life of sweetness and blessing.The second part of the book will help you to recognize and communicate with these mysterious beings of love. You will learn how they can assist you in your everyday life and guide you toward achieving your true life purpose. This book will be a helpful companion wherever you are on your spiritual journey.In this book, you will:Discover what a spirit guide isLearn how you can connect with your own spiritual team of guidesFind out all the information you need to know about ascended mastersUncover the secrets of elementals and how to work with themLearn the power of choosing to make friends with nature spiritsDiscover what your true spirit animal isLearn the truth about how large your spiritual support system really isDiscover the proper way to connect with a deity to have their support and blessingDiscover different ways angels may try to communicate with youLearn how to recognize an angelic presenceMaster ways to ask for help or guidance and how to receive itDiscover the true nature of angels and what they have done for us in the past and continue to do todayLearn how to bring an angelic spirit into your lifeUnderstand how angels can help you achieve your goals and illuminate your pathDiscover many stories of angelic intervention throughout the history of mankindMaster trusted ways to contact archangelsAnd much more!Scroll up and click the "add to cart" button to learn about spirit guides and archangels!

  • von Silvia Hill
    32,00 €

    Two manuscripts in one book:Crystals and Healing Stones: Everything from Must-Have Crystals, Minerals, and Gemstones for Different Zodiac Signs, to How to Use a Crystal Grid for HealingCrystal Grids: Unlocking the Secret Power of Crystals and Sacred GeometryIf you have been looking for a book on crystals that covers all the bases, look no further. You will walk away with a crystal bible and a thorough guide on all the fundamentals of crystal healing. You can read the book from start to finish, one chapter at a time, or you can search for a particular topic that interests you. It's all here. The potential of crystal healing is enormous, and this book will show you how.In the first part of the book, you will:Understand how to use the power of crystals for healingLearn how to become a "crystal whisperer"Learn how to properly protect yourself with crystalLearn about true crystal healing, including heart chakra clearing and spirit work.Understand how to use crystals directly on your physical, emotional, and spiritual problemsFind out more about the best crystal for your zodiac signLearn how to create your crystal grids, making them as simple or as elaborate as you wishLearn all about chakras and their associated crystalsDiscover how to shield yourself from the Evil Eye and negativityLearn how to use crystals for protection from radiation and electromagnetic smogThe second part of this book contains instructions for beginner-friendly patterns and more complex grids suitable for advanced healers, complete with thorough explanations of the different properties of crystals.In the second part of this book, you will:Uncover the magic behind crystal healingUnderstand what crystal grids are and what they represent in healing magicLearn how to use crystals and other healing tools in gridworkMaster the practice of creating grids in just a few simple stepsDiscover how grids can help you with love and relationships mattersUncover the methods of attracting money and better career opportunities thanks to gridworkLearn how to use crystal grids for various types of healing practicesDiscover the ways of developing your psychic abilities by relying on crystalsFind out how crystals can be used for spiritual communication, protection, and much more!So click the "add to cart" button now to learn more about Crystals and Crystal Grids!

  • von Silvia Hill
    26,00 €

    Understand how an ascendant affects your zodiac sign and can change your natal chart interpretation for the better! Have you found yourself interested in learning more about astrology than simply understanding your zodiac sign? Are you confused or misguided about how rising signs work and how you can identify yours? Do you want to know how ruling planets are associated with the rising signs and what their impact might be? The ascendant is one of the most significant placements in astrology. It's not just associated with simple traits but also changes the complete interpretation of your birth chart. To correctly read and interpret a natal chart, it is essential to understand the workings of the rising sign associated with particular zodiac signs. In this book, you will: Learn what the rising sign means and how it is associated with your social personalityLearn how to identify your rising sign with the help of your time of birthLearn how to read the natal chart and interpret your rising sign Understand the characteristics associated with each rising sign and ruling planetDiscover how you can embrace your rising sign and astrological personality Having a complete guide to understanding the ascendant, its traits, and themes associated with each rising sign will be quite helpful when you try to interpret your own or someone else's birth chart. So, click on the "add to cart" button now and learn how understanding rising signs can change your world forever!

  • von Silvia Hill
    25,00 €

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