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Bücher von Simon (Professor of Philosophy Blackburn

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  • von Simon (Professor of Philosophy Blackburn
    15,00 €

    This dictionary is written by one of the leading philosophers of our time, and it is recognized as the best dictionary of its kind. Comprehensive and authoritative, it includes over 3,300 alphabetical entries, it is the ideal introduction to philosophy for anyone with an interest in the subject, as well as students and teachers.

  • - A Compelling Introduction to Philosophy
    von Simon (Professor of Philosophy Blackburn
    12,28 €

    This is a book about the big questions in life: knowledge, consciousness, fate, God, truth, goodness, justice. It is for anyone who thinks there are big questions lurking out there, but does not know how to approach them. Written by the author of the bestselling Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy, Think sets out to explain what they are and why they are important.

  • - A Theory of Practical Reasoning
    von Simon Blackburn
    51,00 €

    The author posits a philosophy of human motivation and morality in which he maintains that we cannot get clear about ethics until we get clear about human nature. He seeks the answers in an exploration of guilt, shame and other moral emotions, and draws on game theory and cognitive science

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