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Bücher von Simone Davies

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  • 12% sparen
    - A Parent's Guide to Raising a Curious and Responsible Human Being
    von Simone Davies
    18,00 €

    The Montessori Toddler, by Simone Davies, is an insightful book that promises to be a valuable resource for parents and educators alike. Published in 2019 by Workman Publishing, this book falls under the genre of Parenting and Education. The Montessori Toddler is a comprehensive guide that introduces the Montessori education approach for toddlers. The author, Simone Davies, an experienced Montessori teacher, beautifully articulates the unique methods and practices of this approach. The book is filled with practical strategies, enlightening insights, and valuable advice on nurturing your toddler's curiosity, independence, and respect for the world around them. With this book, Davies has created a tool that will help parents and educators create an environment where toddlers feel loved, secure, and stimulated. Experience a new perspective on toddlerhood with The Montessori Toddler, a masterpiece from Workman Publishing.

  • 16% sparen
    von Simone Davies
    18,00 €

    "From the bestselling authors of The Montessori Toddler and The Montessori Baby, The Montessori Child guides parents in using the principals of Montessori to raise their school-aged children in ways that assist their development and foster a respectful relationship between parent and child and world. When children are given independence, the tools to succeed, and the encouragement to build on their abilities, it's amazing what they can achieve. The newest book in the bestselling Montessori series is an everything-you-need-to-know guide to raising your school-aged child (from 3-12 years old, with a bonus chapter for the teen years) in the Montessori way. Educators Simone Davies and Junnifa Uzodike provide an in-depth, practical guide to incorporating Montessori principles into readers' everyday lives, with advice on everything from setting up your home in ways that encourage curiosity and independence to supporting your child's social and moral development with a balance of limit-setting and age-appropriate freedoms. The book includes dozens of hands-on activities to help foster your child's love of numbers and literacy, art and science, and ones that encourage community-building, social awareness, and connection with the natural world. The Montessori Child offers a powerful alternative for parents who feel that family life has gotten too complicated by showing parents how to make more intentional choices for your family, how to better understand the needs of your children, and support them as they develop their unique potential"--

  • 29% sparen
    von Simone Davies
    48,00 €

    Give the gift of Montessori with the complete collection of the bestselling seriesthat shows parents how to use the principles of Montessori to raise independent, curious, and compassionate kids. The perfect gift for new families, no matter what the occasion, brings together three bestselling books that show parents how to bring the principles of Montessori home. These are rare, as parenting guides, not only helping you to become more effective in your role as a parent, but actually change how you see your child—because the Montessori way emphasizes each child’s abilities as a natural learner, while helping adults understand and implement their job to let the child lead while providing a helpful environment in which they can blossom as curious, independent, and responsible humans.             It starts with The Montessori Baby, the guide for new parents in how to interact with babies in ways that assist their development and foster a respectful relationship between parent and child. Covering the months from birth through a baby's first year, these tips encourage new parents to trust and accept their babies, parent them with respect, set up kind and clear boundaries, encourage concentration. In The Montessori Toddler, we learn how to turn life with a “terrible two” into a mutually rich and rewarding time of curiosity, learning, respect, and discovery. Covering ages 1-3, the book has hundreds of practical ideas and step-by-step ways to cultivate daily routines with ease, set up your home and get rid of the chaos, and raise an inquisitive learner who loves exploring the world around them. Capping the series is The Montessori Child, an everything-you-need-to-know guide to raising your school-aged child (from 3–12 years old, with a bonus chapter for the teen years) in the Montessori way. There’s advice on everything from setting up your home in ways that encourage curiosity and independence to supporting your child’s social and moral development with a balance of limit-setting and age-appropriate freedoms. Each book offers a powerful alternative for parents who feel that family life has gotten too complicated by showing parents how to make more intentional choices for their family and how to better understand the needs of their children. And each is also that rare parenting book that’s beautiful to look at, with a bright airy design and simple color illustrations and photographs that complement the books’ calm, direct, jargon-free and value-rich tone and approach.

  • von Simone Davies
    25,00 €

    Vom ersten Tag an das Baby in seinem natürlichen Entwicklungsprozess achtsam begleiten, es mit Liebe, Schönheit und Geborgenheit umgeben, um all seine Sinne zu öffnen - darin unterstützt das erste ganzheitliche Montessori-Buch für die Babyzeit frischgebackene Eltern. Seine Autorinnen sind international bekannte Montessori-Expertinnen. Sie übertragen die Montessori-Prinzipien Selbstwirksamkeit, Teilhabe und Neugierde auf die Geburt und die ersten zwölf Lebensmonate. Dauergeschrei, Stillprobleme, schlaflose Nächte und andere Herausforderungen - dieses wunderbar illustrierte und bebilderte Buch eröffnet eine positive Sicht auf das Baby und weist Eltern neue Wege, um entspannt in ihre neue Rolle und den neuen Lebensstil hineinzuwachsen.

  • von Simone Davies
    24,95 €

    Simone Davies' großes Montessori-Buch unterstützt Familien, Ruhe, Schönheit und Achtsamkeit in den Alltag zu bringen. Vom Babyalter an schaffen Eltern eine Umgebung für Kinder, in der sie frei und doch geborgen aufwachsen können. Selbstständigkeit entwickelt sich aus der intrinsischen Motivation des Kindes, wenn es naturnah und nach dem Minimalismus-Prinzip Montessoris aufwachsen kann. Anhand vieler Beispiele, Fotos und Illustrationen zeigt die Autorin Wege, Kinder spielerisch in das tägliche Leben der Familie einzubeziehen. Ohne ständige Bespaßung und umgeben von ausgewählten Materialien wird das Kind sein eigenes Tempo und den eigenen Rhythmus finden. Trotz- und Stress-Situationen gemeinsam bewältigen, Bindung und Nachhaltigkeit in der Familie leben - das Buch hilft, diesen Anspruch auch mit dem Leben berufstätiger Eltern zu verbinden.

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