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Bücher von Sinan Çaya

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  • von Sinan Çaya
    51,00 €

  • von Sinan Çaya
    57,00 €

  • von Sinan Çaya
    51,00 €

  • von Sinan Çaya
    79,00 €

  • von Sinan Çaya
    74,00 €

    - Man is a social being, living with fellow human beings within a grouping of some sort. Therefore, Sociology, i.e. the social science necessary to understand the society, is of utmost importance for any intellectual. - The study of sociology is pleasure-giving, as well!- A scholar of society is always pre-occupied with social phenomena, using every opportunity to observe people & listen to their talk & to get to understand their conduct.

  • von Sinan Çaya
    61,00 €

    This book is a down-to-earth approach to Behavioral Sciences, with many real-life examples pertaining to the topics involved. A few superb movies are also mentioned when the occasion arises. The language is plain and fluent. A cross-section of the chapters comprised goes as follows: Essentials of Education; Basic Psychological Themes (Mind-Body connection, Sensation and Perception, Memory, Intelligence, Learning processes, Motivation, Coping Mechanisms); A bit of Social Psychology: The Role of Groups; A ¿Soft¿ Version of Psychopathology {Neurosis versus Psychosis; Types of Paraphrenia like Megalomania; Micromania; Persecution, Negation and Defense Delusions; Hypochondria; Morbid Jealousy; Mood Disorders (Depression, Bipolar Disorder, Phobias); Paraphilias), Impulse Control Disorders}; A Touch of Anthropology: Rites of Passage.

  • von Sinan Çaya
    68,00 €

    Dr. Çayäs work experience spans teaching at high-schools & junior colleges in the past; as well as giving undergraduate and & graduate courses, in the present; namely at Marmara, Bo¿aziçi & Istinye universities. Çaya also taught at military educative establishments during his service-times. His ongoing concern has been improvement of education from a sociological onlook. The topics included in this work are accordingly filtered through self-lived professional experiences & deeply-contemplated reflections on miscellaneous aspects of the institution of education.

  • von Sinan Çaya
    68,00 €

    Marcel Mauss, Durkheim¿s nephew, was the first scholar to refer to the sociological aspect of the body, affirming that it is the very first and the most natural "tool" of mankind. This work, which is written in the format of a typical textbook; deals with the sociological aspects of the human body and issues of health. Some of the specific topics elaborated here may be listed as follows: The ¿relative¿ nature of beauty; interfering with the natural growth of body-parts merely due to cultural and historical grounds; social and psychological consequences of epidemics along the course of history; attitudes towards death which change with modern times; substance addiction as a social disaster of the modern times; the evolution of industrial work & the related employee-health aspects; some ¿softened¿ knowledge about poisons and toxicology in general; kinds of occupations and related health issues as well as the professions¿ effects on the lives of all family members.

  • von Sinan Çaya
    68,00 €

    Taking economy in the sociological sense comprises Economic Sociology. This work contains topics like the following: Capitalism as an Economic System; Mixed Economic Systems; Employee Rights; Work & its Changing Nature; Occupational Structure; The Industrial Revolution; The Protestant Ethic as expressed by Max Weber; ¿Abstract¿ Forms of Capital; Inequality; Globalization; Multinational Corporations and Their Might; Work, Gender, Family; Inheritance; Informal Economy; The Problematic Issue of Patronage; Markets (including Labor Markets and Former Slave Markets); Patents; A Glance at the ¿Cousin¿ Disciplires & A Concise Glossary of Economic Sociology.

  • von Sinan Çaya
    46,00 €

    Taking economy in the sociological sense comprises Economic Sociology. This work contains topics like the following: Capitalism as an Economic System; Mixed Economic Systems; Employee Rights; Work & its Changing Nature; Occupational Structure; The Industrial Revolution; The Protestant Ethic as expressed by Max Weber; ¿Abstract¿ Forms of Capital; Inequality; Globalization; Multinational Corporations and Their Might; Work, Gender, Family; Inheritance; Informal Economy; The Problematic Issue of Patronage; Markets (including Labor Markets and Former Slave Markets); Patents; A Glance at the ¿Cousin¿ Disciplires & A Concise Glossary of Economic Sociology.

  • von Sinan Çaya
    72,00 €

    Application of sociological mind and methods into ecological issues is Environmental Sociology. In this textbook, related topics go as follows: The way scientists regarded the nature in the past; examples of preventable disasters in contemporary times and the lessons taken; ; neo-Malthusianism; societal-environmental dialectic; environmentalism as a growing and ¿spreading¿ philosophy; the far history of environmentalism; origins of the modern environmental movement; environmental equity; reactions to pollution; ¿mainstream¿ versus other types of environmental groups (like grassroots currents); social consciousness & the role of media regarding the protection of nature; adverse effects of poaching (illegal hunting); animal-friendly scenes from Turkish Republic¿s social life; inappropriate ways of fishing in seas and oceans; a true friend of green: Tarzan of Manisa in Turkey in former years; social aspect of water; water and religion.

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