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Bücher von Sixbert Sangwa

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    von Sixbert Sangwa
    34,00 €

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    von Sixbert Sangwa
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    von Sixbert Sangwa
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  • von Sixbert Sangwa
    39,90 €

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    von Sixbert Sangwa
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  • von Sixbert Sangwa
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  • von Sixbert Sangwa
    17,95 €

    Seminar paper from the year 2019 in the subject Classic Philology - Other, grade: 95, , language: English, abstract: Business research can influence any part of the business, including marketing, operations, finance, and so on. It is therefore of great interest to corporations, public sector agencies, consulting firms, research institutes, independent researchers, non-profit organizations and non-governmental organizations.This document is a comprehensive guide for young researchers wishing to pursue different forms of research. It presents the research, its different forms and its main stages of process. While the second chapter presents a step-by-step procedure for formulating a research problem, the third chapter concerns the review of the literature and its current practices. The document also presents research methodologies and research design, as well as measurement tools. While the seventh chapter is devoted to data management, the last part of this work details the practice of data analysis. In its most basic form, research involves collecting, analyzing and interpreting information to answer questions and creating a report summarizing some readily available data.

  • von Sixbert Sangwa
    15,95 €

    Academic Paper from the year 2020 in the subject Theology - Biblical Theology, grade: 95, Nations University, course: Critical Introduction to the New Testament, language: English, abstract: This paper discusses the application of the New Testament in contemporary life, with particular attention to how to distinguish the universal and limited or specific application of the texts, as well as to provide a solution that reiterates the meaning and the means of salvation. Christians often read the Bible a few verses or a single chapter at a time. As a result, they may overlook the context and draw unwarranted conclusions. The critic, on the other hand, looks for the inconsistencies that inevitably throws him on the track. In this paper, the problem of proving the continuity of the New Testament is approached in a way that ties it together by means of a theme or connectivity. Moreover, since the material is now two thousand years old, modern New Testament students are faced with the problem of application, especially how to understand the original intention behind the New Testament for current human history. However, Jews and Muslims, for their part, are challenged by the question of biblical authority, a problem that confuses many people but presents them with difficulties. In other words, the two overriding questions are what Christians mean by New and Old Testaments and the relationship between them. This problem is compounded by the fact that Jews do not accept the New Testament while Muslims accept both, in theory. However, the common Messianic theme of the two covenants ties them together, so that the evidence points to the meaning of New Testament continuity and integration.

  • von Sixbert Sangwa
    17,95 €

    Academic Paper from the year 2021 in the subject Theology - Biblical Theology, grade: 90, Nations University, course: The New Testament Environment, language: English, abstract: The purpose of this paper is to present a comparative analysis of Jesus teachings and the Judaism practices at the time. It also seeks to understand the contribution of Greco-Roman society to the application of the Gospel in modern contexts and to draw lessons from Ephesus to find the limits and contributions of the science of archaeology.Since the Bible was written to people familiar with the world order, its writers had only occasional reason to include "background" notations. However, for those of us who live centuries later, the need for in-depth study is obvious. It is believed that in-depth studies can lead to a better understanding of the biblical text, but studying the environment of the New Testament is not an end in itself. They can broaden one's perspective, allow for more rigorous study of the biblical text, and excite one who is driven by curiosity.All societies have their predecessors and all build on the foundations of earlier laws, customs, and inventions. This is also relevant for the world of the New Testament, which emerged from an integrated, firm, and complex world. The Gospel witnessed in the New Testament was presented to a monotheistic and polytheistic, rich, and poor, Hellenistic, and traditional Jewish world. However, the Gospel was so universal in scope that it offered a message of redemption for all and yet enabled the redeemed to function as responsible citizens in a pagan society.

  • von Sixbert Sangwa
    17,95 €

    Seminar paper from the year 2018 in the subject Business economics - Business Management, Corporate Governance, grade: 74, University of South Wales (Business School), course: Management Project, language: English, abstract: This paper is concerned with the development of a bid proposal for a company, which was looking for a consultant to conduct a scoping study that determines the necessary requirements for development and implementation of a B2B mobile application. This reflective portfolio focuses on how the process of completing my dissertation that included the above brief main steps will assist me to apply this knowledge to my business¿ future operations as well identify how this learning process expanded my thinking and developed my skills as a future business leader. The portfolio consists of five major chapters: an introductory chapter presents the project, discusses the learning goals and expectations as well as the learning methodologies applied throughout the course. While the second chapter discusses the potential of identifying clear business requirements, the third chapter indicates how I was able to apply my ethical principles and values in identifying the client specific aim and objectives as well as how these objectives reflect corporate social responsibility. In the fourth chapter, you will read the importance of a Gantt chart and lastly, my learning from experience will be reflected in the fifth chapter. The management project module builds on the research methodology skills and requirements of critical debate, explored in the previous modules, to enable students to better understand project management and consulting skills and to demonstrate howcritical these skills are in a business context to ensure rigorous decision-making. The course also aims to enable an evidence-based approach to problem-solving within an organization, focusing on the ability of participants to manage complex projects in various dynamic business environments in entrepreneurial contexts, leadership and management of change.

  • von Sixbert Sangwa
    17,95 €

    Academic Paper from the year 2017 in the subject Leadership and Human Resources - Leadership, grade: 80, University of South Wales (Business School), course: Leadership and Management Theories, language: English, abstract: This paper attempts to evaluate the application of leadership and management theories to a contemporary organisation.The study criticizes different research data that focus on the transformational leadership theories, characteristics and strategies as they are adopted by different organizations, including the contemporary firms. According to researches, both the transformative management and transitional leadership are evidenced in different organizations as innovative approaches for an efficient management system. Although the contemporary organizations seem to be in a more democratic world, the classical management theories are still paramount and seen as the basis for the today¿s innovative contemporary approach. The complexity and dynamic nature of today¿s business environments bring necessity on the consideration of strategic management that allows managers to position their firms accordingly. This study focused on the application of different management and leadership theories and their outcomes in today¿s organizations, especially Home Business Network Ltd, which is a giant and national leading educational and business consulting company in Rwanda.

  • von Sixbert Sangwa
    15,95 €

    Academic Paper from the year 2018 in the subject Pedagogy - Media Pedagogy, grade: 76, The Open University (School of Educational Technology), course: Technology-Enhanced Learning: Practices and Debates, language: English, abstract: This paper presents the critical reflection on technology-assisted learning. It is based on the choices practitioners make about how to apply technologies to their learners and the choices learners make about their own learning, in terms of what technologies they use, why and how. Based on three main learning activities: blog and blogging, Reading Price (2007) and, the learner experience; reflection uses concrete example to explain what allows the author to understand the choices, experiences and methods of practitioners and learners in the application of technologies to education. A brief takeaway from the discussions is that learners and practitioners have different choices in specialized technologies. Learner¿s experience is grounded on four major things: familiarity with technology, students¿ perceptions, Students expectations and efficacy and effectiveness ensures teachers realize their intentions of their course design, relative to the use of technology (approach). Based on these, recommendations were made on how courses and learning activities could be better developed.

  • von Sixbert Sangwa
    15,95 €

    Academic Paper from the year 2018 in the subject Pedagogy - Media Pedagogy, grade: 74, The Open University (School of Educational Technology), course: Technology-Enhanced Learning: Practices and Debates, language: English, abstract: This module paper attempts to evaluate how learners own technology enhanced learning. It begins with a critical review of McCarthy¿s ¿Learning in the Café: pilot testing the collaborative application for education in Facebook¿ and Thorpe¿s ¿Effective online interaction: mapping course design to bridge from research to practice¿. The fact that Facebook has different features that promote student interactions, it was no surprise that 92 % agreed that Café encourages their interaction with their peers. The importance of this interaction was confirmed by Thorpe (2008) who recommends a range of activities that promote both group and individual participation as well as compulsory student participation for effective interaction.

  • von Sixbert Sangwa
    17,95 €

    Academic Paper from the year 2019 in the subject Pedagogy - Media Pedagogy, grade: 76, The Open University (School of Educational Technology), course: Openness and Innovation in e-Learning, language: English, abstract: This report introduces this innovation in eLearning and set out its main contributions, highlighting why MOOC are considerable innovation in today¿s teaching and learning and the developments of innovations that are important in our today¿s life. It will provide a history of the MOOCs, describe the research and the works on which this innovation is built, by specifying the first MOOCs, what they were and when, and then tell how they have developed so far. The report also examines the different MOOCs produced and their impact on higher education and human life; Highlight the main issues or problems remaining around MOOC projects and try propose valid and appropriate their next steps. Finally, resources will be considered to recommend three important elements in the strategic MOOC project dissemination, namely the use of social media engagement, conference presentations and webinars.

  • von Sixbert Sangwa
    15,95 €

    Academic Paper from the year 2019 in the subject Pedagogy - Media Pedagogy, grade: 76, The Open University (School of Educational Technology), course: Openness and Innovation in e-Learning, language: English, abstract: This short report is intended for the management team of a traditional Rwandan university, which has recently heard about open education and wants to develop a strategy on it. As the management team has little experience in open education, a briefing documentation about open education was given for their consideration. Although this is not a fully costed business proposal, it makes recommendations for open pathways, suggests a strategy for OER production, suggests engagement with other initiatives, and proposes a cautious approach or any mixture deemed appropriate. The report provides an overview of the domain, listing referenced searches in the academic domain as well as current researches and developments in the domain. It presents various proposals on the production, use and publication of Open Educational Resources (OER) and provides guidelines for the practice of learning and teaching in order to improve the quality of the student experience, to improve the provision of learning opportunities for all and to improve pedagogical practices. It also recognizes that the use, creation and publication of OER should be consistent with the university's mission and overall goals. Finally, the report highlights the main benefits for the University of adopting an open education policy, suggests a strategy for the production of OER, engagement with other initiatives, propose a cautious approach or constitute a mixture deemed appropriate. It outlines the main associated risks, proposes strategies to overcome them, and exposes the required technologies, including new roles and responsibilities to apply this new policy in academic institutions. It just provides hands-on experience, guidance and recommendations for the university to consider while developing an open education policy strategy.

  • von Sixbert Sangwa
    15,95 €

    Academic Paper from the year 2019 in the subject Pedagogy - Media Pedagogy, grade: 80, The Open University (School of Educational Technology), course: Openness and Innovation in e-Learning, language: English, abstract: This report presents, analyzes and critically discusses learning analytics on the extent to which it supports learning. It will introduce the learning analytics and provide its background to the current research and development in e-learning, explaining how they relate to, and differ from, other uses of data in education. The report shall also describe in details the implications associated with the use of learning analytics in the context of international training organizations and the recommendable success load map. In the same context, a justification on how the most important features of learning analytics support learning will be provided, setting out the key benefits and risks. Finally, two examples illustrating the use of learning analytics will be evaluated against how they enhances learning in relevant contexts. As far as resourcing will be given account, the continuous use and innovation in learning analytics is recommended.

  • von Sixbert Sangwa
    18,95 €

    Case Study from the year 2017 in the subject Business economics - Offline Marketing and Online Marketing, grade: 78, University of South Wales (Business School), course: Strategic Marketing, language: English, abstract: This work uses Amazon as a case study organisation to criticize the statement: "The best marketing strategies aren¿t top down, they¿re outside in, starting with the customers¿ needs and wants." It makes use of different academic literatures to evaluate how the customer voice drives strategic marketing decisions in this organisation. In its history, the company¿s success has been grounded on its effective strategic planning which is purely customer-oriented. The analysis of the company marketing strategy has shown that Amazon enjoys the advantages of the web technology, which the company is hyper dependent on. However, due to putting customer first, the company has also opened some physical outlets in different locations where Amazon applies a 4Ps Marketing strategy besides segmentation and positioning. Although the company has developed its strengths and positioned itself as a global giant, it was advised to focus on four core elements of marketing mix, since all other companies are striving to become customer-oriented and different offline companies are coming online, which gradually increases the competition.

  • von Sixbert Sangwa
    27,95 €

    Seminar paper from the year 2018 in the subject Business economics - Business Management, Corporate Governance, grade: 80, University of South Wales (Business School), course: Strategic Operational Management and Operational Research, language: English, abstract: This paper consists of an end module assessment for the strategic operations management and operational research. It comprises of two important parts which respectively consist of reflective learning and critical analysis for a position of operations manager. In the first part the learner attempts to critically reflect on his learning, focusing on how the course enabled him to improve his knowledge of operations management and coordination skill. Although coordination involves other more skills such as communication, by applying different learning approaches, it is clear that the learner's skills have improved considerably through this course, which allowed him to critically evaluate and improve the process performance both in the field of operations and in a larger organizational environment.On the other hand, the second part of this paper attempts to use knowledge gained from the course to critically analyze a learner¿s chosen job description for an operations manager which is attached on this work. We focused on analyzing the challenges that the incumbent is likely to face in the course of his work. Although forecasting, quality management, sustainability, market systems and resource utilization are important operational issues for the Operations manager, a number of challenges has been analyzed and solutions proposed in order to mitigate these challenges.

  • 15% sparen
    von Sixbert Sangwa
    34,00 €

    The globalization of the current market places many new demands on the marketing specialist. Not only do important decisions need to be made about which markets and segments of countries to participate in and which entry modes to use, but a marketing professional must also contribute to the formulation of marketing strategies for these countries and to coordinating their implementation. The first chapter of this report presents the strategic concepts of marketing, the goals and principles of global marketing and the relevant strategies. In the second chapter, we analyze the global marketing environment by focusing on the economic, social, political and technological factors to consider before the business becomes globalized. While the third chapter shows how to improve business innovation in the global market, the forth chapter deals with different techniques for conducting an international market research, improving marketing communication and determining the attractive country. The second part uses Amazon as a case study organization to criticize the statement: ¿The best marketing strategies aren¿t top down, they¿re outside in, starting with the customers¿ needs and wants"

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