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Bücher von Sorush Niknamian

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  • von Sorush Niknamian
    20,00 €

    1. Focus on commitment, not motivation. Just how committed are you to your goal? How important is it for you, and what are you willing to sacrifice in order to achieve it? If you find yourself fully committed, motivation will follow. Here¿s how to focus on commitment. 2. Seek knowledge, not results. If you focus on the excitement of discovery, improving, exploring and experimenting, your motivation will always be fueled. If you focus only on results, your motivation will be like weather¿it will die the minute you hit a storm. So the key is to focus on the journey, not the destination. Keep thinking about what you are learning along the way and what you can improve. Here¿s how to seek knowledge. 3. Make the journey fun. It¿s an awesome game! The minute you make it serious, there¿s a big chance it will start carrying a heavy emotional weight and you will lose perspective and become stuck again. Here¿s how to make the journey fun. 4. Get rid of stagnating thoughts. Thoughts influence feelings and feelings determine how you view your work. You have a lot of thoughts in your head, and you always have a choice of which ones to focus on: the ones that will make you emotionally stuck.

  • 16% sparen
    von Sorush Niknamian
    42,00 €

    Brain Computer Interface (BCI) is a communication system between human brain and a computer or a peripheral device which by recording brain signals directly would send messages and commands from the human brain to computer. According to brain activity patterns of EEG, BCIs are divided into different types. The most important of these patterns called ERP (Event Related Potentials) which appears after particular events in the EEG signal. A significant ERP pattern is P300 potential. It occurs when patient recognizes oddball stimuli. SSVEP (Steady-State Visual Evoked Potential) is another type of patterns and is response of the brain to optical stimulations with certain frequencies and a strong spectral component with the same frequency can be observed in the spectrum of brain signals. Combining various types of BCI systems is called hybrid BCI and increases the efficiency of BCI system. In this project, our concentration is on a hybrid P300-SSVEP Speller BCI system in order to enhance the accuracy. The aim of this project is to design a BCI system based on P300 and SSVEP patterns, which sequentially can be able to rectify the weakness points of the conventional BCIs. Our hybrid BCI sy

  • 19% sparen
    von Sorush Niknamian
    56,00 €

    Coronaviruses are a group of related viruses that cause diseases in mammals and birds. In humans, coronaviruses cause respiratory tract infections that can range from mild to lethal. Mild illnesses include some cases of the common cold, while more lethal varieties can cause SARS, MERS, and COVID-19. The outbreak was identified in Wuhan, China, in December 2019, declared to be a Public Health Emergency of International Concern on 30 January 2020, and recognized as a pandemic on 11 March 2020. Coronaviruses are the subfamily Orthocoronavirinae, within the family of Coronaviridae, order Nidovirales, and realm Riboviria. They are enveloped viruses with a positive-sense single-stranded RNA genome and a nucleocapsid of helical symmetry. The genome size of coronaviruses is approximately from 26 to 32 kilobases. Coronaviruses were first discovered in the 1930s and Human coronaviruses were discovered in the 1960s. The earliest ones studied were from human patients with the common cold, which were later named human coronavirus 229E and human coronavirus OC43. Other human coronaviruses have since been identified, including SARS-CoV in 2003, HCoV NL63 in 2004, HKU1 in 2005 and MERS-CoV in 2012.

  • 18% sparen
    von Sorush Niknamian
    59,00 €

  • von Sorush Niknamian
    71,90 €

  • 18% sparen
    von Sorush Niknamian
    59,00 €

  • 18% sparen
    von Sorush Niknamian
    59,00 €

  • 18% sparen
  • 19% sparen
    von Sorush Niknamian
    56,00 €

    I coronavirus sono un gruppo di virus correlati che causano malattie nei mammiferi e negli uccelli. Negli esseri umani, i coronavirus causano infezioni del tratto respiratorio che possono variare da lievi a letali. Le malattie lievi includono alcuni casi di raffreddore comune, mentre le varietà più letali possono causare SARS, MERS e COVID-19. L'epidemia è stata identificata a Wuhan, in Cina, nel dicembre 2019, dichiarata emergenza sanitaria pubblica di interesse internazionale il 30 gennaio 2020 e riconosciuta come pandemia l'11 marzo 2020. I Coronavirus sono la sottofamiglia Orthocoronavirinae, all'interno della famiglia dei Coronaviridae, ordine Nidovirales, e regno Riboviria. Sono virus avvolti con un genoma di RNA a filamento singolo positivo e un nucleocapside di simmetria elicoidale. La dimensione del genoma dei coronavirus è approssimativamente da 26 a 32 kilobasi. I coronavirus sono stati scoperti per la prima volta negli anni '30 e i coronavirus umani negli anni '60. I primi studiati provenivano da pazienti umani con il comune raffreddore, che furono poi chiamati coronavirus umano 229E e coronavirus umano OC43. Da allora sono stati identificati altri coronavirus umani, tra cui SARS-CoV nel 2003, HCoV NL63 nel 2004, HKU1 nel 2005 e MERS-CoV nel 2012

  • 19% sparen
    von Sorush Niknamian
    56,00 €

    Os coronavírus são um grupo de vírus relacionados que causam doenças em mamíferos e aves. Nos seres humanos, os coronavírus causam infecções das vias respiratórias que podem variar de leves a letais. As doenças ligeiras incluem alguns casos de constipação comum, enquanto variedades mais letais podem causar SARS, MERS, e COVID-19. O surto foi identificado em Wuhan, China, em Dezembro de 2019, declarado como uma Emergência de Saúde Pública de Preocupação Internacional a 30 de Janeiro de 2020, e reconhecido como uma pandemia a 11 de Março de 2020. Os coronavírus são a subfamília Orthocoronavirinae, dentro da família dos Coronaviridae, ordenam Nidovirales, e o reino Riboviria. São vírus envoltos com um genoma de RNA de sentido positivo e uma nucleocapacidade de simetria helicoidal. O tamanho do genoma dos coronavírus é aproximadamente de 26 a 32 kilobases. Os coronavírus foram descobertos pela primeira vez na década de 1930 e os coronavírus humanos foram descobertos na década de 1960. Os primeiros estudados foram de pacientes humanos com a constipação comum, que mais tarde foram denominados coronavírus humano 229E e coronavírus humano OC43. Outros vírus corona humanos foram desde então identificados, incluindo o SRA-CoV em 2003, HCoV NL63 em 2004, HKU1 em 2005 e MERS-CoV em 2012.

  • 19% sparen
    von Sorush Niknamian
    56,00 €

    Los coronavirus son un grupo de virus relacionados que causan enfermedades en mamíferos y aves. En los seres humanos, los coronavirus causan infecciones del tracto respiratorio que pueden ir de leves a letales. Las enfermedades leves incluyen algunos casos de resfriado común, mientras que las variedades más letales pueden causar SARS, MERS y COVID-19. El brote se identificó en Wuhan (China) en diciembre de 2019, se declaró como Emergencia de Salud Pública de Interés Internacional el 30 de enero de 2020 y se reconoció como pandemia el 11 de marzo de 2020. Los coronavirus son la subfamilia Orthocoronavirinae, dentro de la familia de los Coronaviridae, orden Nidovirales, y reino Riboviria. Son virus envueltos con un genoma de ARN monocatenario de sentido positivo y una nucleocápside de simetría helicoidal. El tamaño del genoma de los coronavirus es aproximadamente de 26 a 32 kilobases. Los coronavirus se descubrieron por primera vez en la década de 1930 y los coronavirus humanos se descubrieron en la década de 1960. Los primeros que se estudiaron procedían de pacientes humanos con resfriado común, y posteriormente se denominaron coronavirus humanos 229E y coronavirus humanos OC43. Desde entonces se han identificado otros coronavirus humanos, como el SARS-CoV en 2003, el HCoV NL63 en 2004, el HKU1 en 2005 y el MERS-CoV en 2012

  • 13% sparen
    von Sorush Niknamian
    25,00 €

    Koronawirusy - äto gruppa rodstwennyh wirusow, wyzywaüschih zabolewaniq u mlekopitaüschih i ptic. U lüdej koronawirusy wyzywaüt infekcii dyhatel'nyh putej, kotorye mogut war'irowat'sq ot legkih do smertel'nyh. K legkim zabolewaniqm otnosqtsq nekotorye sluchai obychnoj prostudy, w to wremq kak bolee smertonosnye raznowidnosti mogut wyzywat' atipichnuü pnewmoniü, MERS i COVID-19. Vspyshka byla wyqwlena w Uhane, Kitaj, w dekabre 2019 goda, ob#qwlena chrezwychajnoj situaciej w oblasti obschestwennogo zdrawoohraneniq mezhdunarodnogo znacheniq 30 qnwarq 2020 goda i priznana pandemiej 11 marta 2020 goda. Koronawirusy qwlqütsq podsemejstwom Orthocoronavirinae, whodqschim w semejstwo Coronaviridae, porqdok Nidovirales i carstwo Riboviria. Jeto obolochechnye wirusy s genomom iz odnocepochechnoj RNK s polozhitel'nym smyslom i nukleokapsidom spiral'noj simmetrii. Razmer genoma koronawirusow sostawlqet priblizitel'no ot 26 do 32 kilobaz. Vperwye koronawirusy byli obnaruzheny w 1930-h godah, a koronawirusy cheloweka - w 1960-h godah. Samye rannie iz nih byli izucheny ot pacientow s prostudoj, kotorye pozzhe byli nazwany koronawirusom cheloweka 229E i koronawirusom cheloweka OC43. S teh por byli identificirowany drugie koronawirusy cheloweka, wklüchaq SARS-CoV w 2003 godu, HCoV NL63 w 2004 godu, HKU1 w 2005 godu i MERS-CoV w 2012 godu.

  • 19% sparen
    von Sorush Niknamian
    56,00 €

    Les coronavirus sont un groupe de virus apparentés qui provoquent des maladies chez les mammifères et les oiseaux. Chez l'homme, les coronavirus provoquent des infections des voies respiratoires qui peuvent aller de légères à mortelles. Les maladies bénignes comprennent certains cas de rhume, tandis que des variétés plus mortelles peuvent causer le SRAS, le MERS et le COVID-19. L'épidémie a été identifiée à Wuhan, en Chine, en décembre 2019, déclarée comme une urgence de santé publique de portée internationale le 30 janvier 2020, et reconnue comme une pandémie le 11 mars 2020. Les coronavirus constituent la sous-famille des Orthocoronavirinae, au sein de la famille des Coronaviridae, de l'ordre des Nidovirales, et du royaume des Riboviria. Ce sont des virus enveloppés dont le génome est constitué d'un ARN simple brin de sens positif et d'une nucléocapside à symétrie hélicoïdale. La taille du génome des coronavirus est d'environ 26 à 32 kilobases. Les coronavirus ont été découverts dans les années 1930 et les coronavirus humains dans les années 1960. Les premiers à avoir été étudiés provenaient de patients humains atteints de rhume, et ont été nommés par la suite coronavirus humain 229E et coronavirus humain OC43. D'autres coronavirus humains ont été identifiés depuis, notamment le SARS-CoV en 2003, le HCoV NL63 en 2004, le HKU1 en 2005 et le MERS-CoV en 2012.

  • von Sorush Niknamian
    68,90 €

    Coronaviren sind eine Gruppe verwandter Viren, die Krankheiten bei Säugetieren und Vögeln verursachen. Beim Menschen verursachen Coronaviren Infektionen der Atemwege, die von leicht bis tödlich reichen können. Zu den leichten Erkrankungen gehören einige Fälle von Erkältung, während die tödlicheren Varianten SARS, MERS und COVID-19 verursachen können. Der Ausbruch wurde im Dezember 2019 in Wuhan, China, festgestellt, am 30. Januar 2020 zu einem internationalen Gesundheitsnotfall erklärt und am 11. März 2020 als Pandemie anerkannt. Coronaviren sind die Unterfamilie Orthocoronavirinae innerhalb der Familie der Coronaviridae, der Ordnung Nidovirales und des Reiches Riboviria. Es handelt sich um umhüllte Viren mit einem einzelsträngigen RNA-Genom mit positivem Sinn und einem Nukleokapsid mit spiralförmiger Symmetrie. Die Genomgröße von Coronaviren beträgt etwa 26 bis 32 Kilobasen. Coronaviren wurden erstmals in den 1930er Jahren entdeckt, und menschliche Coronaviren wurden in den 1960er Jahren entdeckt. Die ersten Coronaviren, die untersucht wurden, stammten von menschlichen Erkältungspatienten und wurden später als humanes Coronavirus 229E und humanes Coronavirus OC43 bezeichnet. Seither wurden weitere humane Coronaviren identifiziert, darunter SARS-CoV im Jahr 2003, HCoV NL63 im Jahr 2004, HKU1 im Jahr 2005 und MERS-CoV im Jahr 2012

  • 18% sparen
    von Somayeh Zaminpira & Sorush Niknamian
    46,00 €

    Our latest study is put forth the correctness of the cancer as an Evolutionary Plus Metabolic disease. Understanding the significance of this landmark hypothesis offers oncologists and cancer biologists insight into evolutionary aspects of this disease and new directions for research and treatment strategies based on cancer cell vulnerabilities. We have done a three months¿ study based on the Special Keto-Diet plus Ozone therapy for each patients with 6 different cancer metastatic tumors at the Violet Cancer Institute (VCI) in Iran/Tehran. The results were the total significant reduction in cancer tumors and we conclude that the special Keto-Diet plus Ozone therapy would be one of the best treatment method for reducing the cancer tumor size and the possibility of the metastasis of malignant cancer tumors.Our latest study is put forth the correctness of the cancer as an Evolutionary Plus Metabolic disease. Understanding the significance of this landmark hypothesis offers oncologists and cancer biologists insight into evolutionary aspects of this disease and new directions for research and treatment strategies based on cancer cell vulnerabilities. We have done a three months¿ study based on the Special Keto-Diet plus Ozone therapy for each patients with 6 different cancer metastatic tumors at the Violet Cancer Institute (VCI) in Iran/Tehran. The results were the total significant reduction in cancer tumors and we conclude that the special Keto-Diet plus Ozone therapy would be one of the best treatment method for reducing the cancer tumor size and the possibility of the metastasis of malignant cancer tumors.

  • 18% sparen
    von Somayeh Zaminpira & Sorush Niknamian
    59,00 €

    The present study was intended to compare the effect of using dictogloss and processing instruction on EFL learners¿ writing accuracy. To achieve the goal of this study, 56 Iranian teenage participants in elementary level were homogenized and selected out of 90 learners at Parsayan language school, Tehran, based on the result of piloted sample Key English Test (KET). These participants were randomly divided into two experimental groups with 28 participants in each: dictogloss and processing instruction groups. In one group dictogloss tasks and in the other processing instruction tasks were practiced through 8 sessions. A picture sequence writing was administered as a posttest at the end of the treatments to both groups. The mean scores of both groups on the posttest were compared through an independent samples t-test. The result rejected the null hypothesis demonstrating that the participants in dictogloss group significantly outperformed the processing instruction group regarding their writing accuracy.

  • 19% sparen
    von Sorush Niknamian & Somayeh Zaminpira
    65,00 €

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