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Bücher von Stephen

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  • - A Man's Journey to a Successful Relationship with Himself and His Woman
    von Stephen & II Taus Lmft
    18,00 - 34,00 €

  • von Stephen & Rodrigues
    57,00 €

  • von Stephen & E. FLOWERS
    23,00 €

  • - And the Plot to Kill George Washington
    von Stephen & Sr Sparacio
    27,00 €

    Nathaniel Townsend, a colonial Army scout and undercover spy during the American Revolution, falls in love first with an Indian Princess and then a white settler. After the death of his parents by hostile Indians, he spends ten years living with an Algonquin subtribe on Long Island. Arandel, a pretty Indian Princess, also eight years old when introduced to him by her father, the famous Chief Tackapousha, teaches him the ways of the Indians. In a treacherous attack by the Narragansetts of Connecticut, Arandel is killed trying to save Nathaniel's life. To try to reconcile her death he becomes a whaler and learns to build whaling canoes and then to harpoon whales off the coast of Long Island. Eventually he is able to adjust to Arandel's death and then reunites with Jessie, the daughter of the owner of a successful ferry and fishing business. Because of his reputation as the "Golden Warrior," a white man with blond hair who heroically defended Chief Tackapousha's settlement against the attacking Narragansetts, he came to the attention of General George Washington, leader of the colonial Continental Army. Washington recruits him as a spy and undercover Army scout. In a plot to kill Washington, planned by the British in collaboration with a renegade subtribe, the life of the future first President of the United States will be in the hands of Nathaniel Townsend.

  • von Stephen & H Lipson
    100,00 - 154,00 €

  • - Issue 28
    von Stephen & Reichert
    17,00 €

  • von Stephen & G Timme
    30,00 €

  • von Stephen & TRYON
    17,00 €

  • - Musical Marsupials and Monotremes
    von Stephen & David Isaacs
    18,00 €

    This book is about animals only found in Australia. Baby marsupials like kangaroo joeys grow up in their mother's pouch where they breastfeed. Echidnas and platypus are monotremes. Their babies hatch from eggs, but they are mammals and they drink their mother's milk like other mammals do. This book is full of poems about mammals playing musical instruments. It also has some strange facts: I bet you didn't know that wombats make cubic poo. Well now you do.

  • von Stephen & Phillip
    31,00 - 39,00 €

  • - How Do You Handle The Baggage?
    von Stephen & Sr Butterfield
    21,00 €

  • von Stephen & (Ru Kane
    29,00 - 48,00 €

  • - The Fight to Build the Temple of Solomon in the California Desert
    von Stephen & Ma Dds Ficd Facd (Clinical Professor (Adjunct) Department of Endodontics the Arthur a Dugoni School of Dentistry) Cohen
    21,00 €

    A secular Jew spends his life as a prosecutor in Los Angeles. He goes to the California desert town of Borrego Springs and comes to believe he is a direct descendant of Aaron, Mosess older brother. He leaves his job, his family, and departs on a mystical and magical journey that brings him to a revelation. He decides he is compelled to build the Temple of Solomon in the desert town. But to get this done, he encounters drug dealers, neo-Nazis, Arab sheiks, and a few billionaires. He picks up some desert characters that will take bullets for him, and they do. The journey mixes real events, true archeology, and historical figures with the creations of the novel. The challenge for the reader is to identify fact from fiction. It is one wild, raucous ride that has most unexpected turns and stops along the way. There is nothing like thispart history, part religion, and part mysticism. And you will wonder: is this fantasy, prophesy, or reality?

  • - Life Lessons from Minor Hockey
    von Stephen & PhD (Theological School Drew University) Moore
    13,00 €

    Minor sports and organized activities are an important part of growing up and learning life lessons-and it was no different for Stephen Moore as a youngster in Prince Edward Island. Although his early exploits in minor hockey were not the success he dreamed of he got a second chance to truly enjoy the adventure-as a parent living vicariously through his children. From the beginning of his youngest son's training to skating evaluations and multiple minor hockey seasons, Moore shares hilarious observations translated into life lessons that can be applied to many different situations. Although set in the context of minor hockey, this story explores how to help your child build life skills by being engaged in any organized sport or activity. Relive your own memories or prepare yourself to give children the tools to learn, fail, and succeed-and laugh out loud at the outrageous adventures of players, team staff, and parents progressing through years of minor hockey with Go Rockets!

  • - A Principle-Based Approach to Reforming the Canadian Healthcare System
    von Stephen & MD Pinney
    25,00 €

    Canadians are passionate about their healthcare system-and their hockey. While the Canadian medical system is a source of pride-based on ideals of universal coverage, public funding, and high-quality medical care-this treasured healthcare system is failing due to soaring costs, the challenge of an aging population, and poor care delivery. It needs a reality check. Dr. Stephen Pinney pulls the curtain back on the existing Canadian healthcare system and exposes its fundamental flaws. Basing his analysis on his own experience at the heart of the system, Dr. Pinney uses real-life stories, revealing facts, and insightful hockey analogies to highlight the profound issues confronting the current healthcare system.

  • - A Handbook
    von Stephen & C SS R Rehrauer
    15,00 €

    All Christians are called to be theologians. We recognize within ourselves an innate hunger coming from God's call to holiness that beckons us constantly to become something more, something greater than what we are at any given moment.This newest addition to Liguori's ever-popular Handbook for Today's Catholic series helps the ordinary contemporary Catholic understand this shared experience of the faith by examining the nature and reality of salvation prayer, Christian fellowship, witness. Readers will be given tools that aid in intentionally living the Christian mystery each day while contributing to the kingdom of God on earth.Paperback

  • - ...My Journey from There to Here.
    von Stephen & Jr Wolfe
    18,00 €

  • von Stephen Kellison Jr
    22,00 - 37,00 €

  • - Required To Or Redeemed From
    von Stephen
    14,00 €

    Tithing, this is the term for the religious ritual of giving ten percent of things God has blessed one with back to God. Tithing: Required To Or Redeemed From examines tithing from Abraham to Jacob to the Law to modern times.The first biblical recording of tithing occurs with Abraham giving tithes to Melchizedek king of Salem. We all know that Abraham was blessed but do we understand why he was blessed. Was it because he gave tithes to Melchizedek or for other reasons? Did Abraham give tithes of all that he had?The next recorded instance of tithing occurs when Jacob promises to give a tenth of what God gives him back to God. Why did Jacob make this promise and was it necessary? Was Jacob blessed because of this promise or because of something else?Based on the scriptures, tithing is officially made a requirement by God when He gives the Law to Moses. Why did God require the Israelites to tithe? Did God have a purpose for tithing? Who was to collect the tithes?In modern times, churches that practice the ritual of tithing tend to, more often than not, use Malachi 3:8, 10 as the basis for tithing. Tithing: Required To or Redeemed From helps one answer and understand the following. What was the purpose of the Book of Malachi? Is tithing the key to God blessings? Is tithing God%u2019s financial plan for Christians? Is tithing how we give to God?Tithing: Required To Or Redeemed From guides you in answering and understanding the answers to these questions and more.

  • - Social Cause Games: Molding Futures One Move at a Time
    von Stephen & Sr Simms
    16,00 €

  • - A Guide for Your Financial Journey in Good or Bad Times
    von Martin, Solomita Beck Beck Foster Foster Marcone Marcone Marcone Marcone Marcone Marcone Adrian Albert Albert Albert Covello Martin Stephen & Michelle Roman
    19,00 - 32,00 €

  • - Practical Advice for Surviving Unemployment and Finding a Job
    von Stephen Phd Laser
    27,00 - 37,00 €

  • von Stephen & Kevin Stripe
    18,00 €

  • - Finding Safety in God's Harbor
    von Stephen & Tony Fortosis
    26,00 €

  • von Stephen & Randall
    16,00 €

  • - Towards a New Mythology of Manhood
    von Stephen & Duke
    22,00 €

  • von Stephen & HEWITT
    17,00 €

  • - Wie Es Menschen Gelingt, Aus Schicksalsschlagen Und Traumatischen Erfahrungen Gestarkt Hervorzugehen
    von Stephen, Ed, UK University of Warwick, usw.
    37,99 €

    Ein Buch, das Mut macht: Die neue Psychologie des posttraumatischen Wachstums   Schicksalsschläge müssen uns nicht aus der Bahn werfen. Sie können vielmehr neue Stärken und Lebensperspektiven eröffnen und einen Reifungsprozess anstoßen. Dieses hoffnungsvolle Fazit zieht Stephen Joseph, einer der Wegbereiter der Psychotraumatologie, aus seiner jahrzehntelangen Arbeit mit traumatisierten Menschen. Sein Buch schlägt einen weiten Bogen: Es schildert Fallgeschichten, macht psychologische Studien nachvollziehbar, zeigt, welche Spuren erschütternde Erlebnisse im Gehirn hinterlassen, und beleuchtet, wie es Menschen gelingt ¿ und wie man sie therapeutisch dabei unterstützen kann ¿, gestärkt aus emotionalen Katastrophen hervorzugehen.   Tsunamis, Gewaltverbrechen, tragische Verkehrsunfälle ¿ solche Erfahrungen, so heißt es, zeichnen die Betroffenen fürs Leben und bürden ihnen posttraumatische Belastungsstörungen auf. Doch der Psychologe Stephen Joseph kommt nach 20 Jahren Forschung zu einem anderen Schluss: Derartige Traumata können zu ¿Motoren der inneren Veränderung¿ werden. Auf Fallstudien gestützt schildert er den emotionalen Tribut traumatischer Erlebnisse, die zugrunde liegende Biologie, die Erscheinungsformen der Resilienz und die große Bandbreite der verfügbaren Therapien ¿ Dies ist ein weitgefasster und plausibler Blick auf die Psychologie des Überlebens. Nature   _____Warum im Leid auch eine Chance liegen kann   Was geschieht, wenn wir mit dem Schlimmsten konfrontiert sind? Gemeinhin herrscht die Vorstellung, ein Trauma zeichne uns für das restliche Leben ¿ mit oft verheerenden Folgen für fast alle Aspekte unseres Alltags, von unserem Schlafzyklus über unsere sozialen Beziehungen bis hin zu unserem Lebenswillen. Doch wie der international renommierte Psychologe und Psychotherapeut Stephen Joseph in diesem Buch zeigt, setzen traumatische Erfahrungen oft auch positive Entwicklungen in Gang und liefern Anstöße zu einer Verbesserung des Lebens: Die Betroffenen erleben gefestigte persönliche Beziehungen, lernen das Leben stärker wertzuschätzen und gelangen zu neuer innerer Stärke. Sie machen eine Erfahrung, die die Psychologen als posttraumatisches Wachstum bezeichnen. Josephs breit angelegtes Buch führt die Weisheit antiker Philosophen, die Einsichten von Evolutionsbiologen, den Optimismus der positiven Psychologen und seine eigenen bahnbrechenden Studien zusammen, um Wege aufzuzeigen, wie Menschen angesichts dramatischer Veränderungen und Widrigkeiten neuen Lebenssinn und neue Lebensziele finden können.   Durch das Buch ziehen sich bewegende Geschichten von Menschen, die trotz großen Leids und schmerzlicher Verluste nicht aufgaben ¿ Joseph verleiht den Berühmten und den Unbekannten gleichermaßen eine Stimme, wenn er Geschichten vom Überleben und Aufblühen in persönlichen wie globalen Krisen erzählt. Dabei vermittelt das Buch tiefe Kenntnisse über die Dynamik des posttraumatischen Wachstums und verwandter Theorien. Es stellt eine seltene Meisterleistung dar, ein Buch zu schreiben, das sowohl für die allgemeine Leserschaft als auch für Fachleute und Praktiker reizvoll und nützlich ist. Joseph ist es gelungen. John Harvey, Professor emeritus für Psychologie, University of Iowa

  • von Stephen & Merritt
    22,00 €

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