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Bücher von Susan Sontag

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  • von Susan Sontag
    11,00 €

    Susan Sontag's On Photography is a seminal and groundbreaking work on the subject.Susan Sontag's groundbreaking critique of photography asks forceful questions about the moral and aesthetic issues surrounding this art form. Photographs are everywhere, and the 'insatiability of the photographing eye' has profoundly altered our relationship with the world. Photographs have the power to shock, idealize or seduce, they create a sense of nostalgia and act as a memorial, and they can be used as evidence against us or to identify us. In these six incisive essays, Sontag examines the ways in which we use these omnipresent images to manufacture a sense of reality and authority in our lives.'Sontag offers enough food for thought to satisfy the most intellectual of appetites'The Times'A brilliant analysis of the profound changes photographic images have made in our way of looking at the world, and at ourselves'Washington Post'The most original and illuminating study of the subject'New YorkerOne of America's best-known and most admired writers, Susan Sontag was also a leading commentator on contemporary culture until her death in December 2004. Her books include four novels and numerous works of non-fiction, among them Regarding the Pain of Others, On Photography, Illness as Metaphor, At the Same Time, Against Interpretation and Other Essays and Reborn: Early Diaries 1947-1963, all of which are published by Penguin. A further eight books, including the collections of essays Under the Sign of Saturn and Where the Stress Falls, and the novels The Volcano Lover and The Benefactor, are available from Penguin Modern Classics.

  • von Susan Sontag
    16,98 €

    On Women brings together Susan Sontag's most fearless and incisive writing on women, a crucial aspect of her work that has not until now received the attention it deserves.For the most part written in the 1970s during the height of second-wave feminism, Sontag's essays are strikingly relevant to our contemporary conversations. At times powerfully in sync and at others powerfully at odds with them, they are always characteristically original in their examinations of the 'biological division of labour', the double-standard for ageing and the dynamics of women's powerlessness and women's power.As Merve Emre writes in her introduction, 'They offer us the spectacle of a ferocious intellect setting itself to the task at hand: to articulate the politics and aesthetics of being a woman in the United States, the Americas and the world.''One of America's greatest public intellectuals' Observer'Susan Sontag offers enough food for thought to satisfy the most intellectual of appetites' The Times'At the time she died, she was America's best-known public intellectual. To my mind, she was also the most exemplary' John Gray, New StatesmanWITH A PREFACE BY MERVE EMRE

  • - Early Diaries 1947-1963
    von Susan Sontag
    12,00 €

    Reborn is the compelling and frank early diary of Susan Sontag.'Vivid, exhilarating, often moving . . . charts the development of a good writer and an important critic'Sunday Telegraph'I intend to do everything . . . I shall anticipate pleasure everywhere and find it too, for it is everywhere! I shall involve myself wholly . . .everything matters!'This first selection from Susan Sontag's diaries (from 1947-1963) takes us from early adolescence though to when Sontag was in her early thirties. It is an astonishingly affecting, honest self-portrait which is also a fascinating, revealing account of an artist and critic being born. We see Sontag honing her skills and fashioning herself, by a supreme act of will, into an intellectual force.'Fascinating. One can feel Sontag's mind beginning to ripen and bloom, and the full force of the intellectual originality that would be her hallmark emerging' Guardian'Inspirational. Sontag shows us not just the importance, but the exhilaration of being earnest' New Statesman'A fascinating document of her apprenticeship, charting her earnest quest for education, identity, and voice. Reborn is overwhelmingly a record of an inner landscape' New York Review of Books'One of the finest American writers, thinkers, and political activists of the past four decades . . . an intimate portrait of her early life' Independent on SundayOne of America's best-known and most admired writers, Susan Sontag was also a leading commentator on contemporary culture until her death in December 2004. Her books include four novels and numerous works of non-fiction, among them Regarding the Pain of Others, On Photography, Illness as Metaphor, At the Same Time, Against Interpretation and Other Essays and Reborn: Early Diaries 1947-1963, all of which are published by Penguin. A further eight books, including the collections of essays Under the Sign of Saturn and Where the Stress Falls, and the novels The Volcano Lover and The Benefactor, are available from Penguin Modern Classics.

  • von Susan Sontag
    17,00 €

  • von Susan Sontag
    23,00 €

    Die intellektuelle Ikone Susan Sontag über Gleichheit, weibliches Altern, Schönheit und Sexualität - "Eine brillante, schillernde Intelligenz" (The Times)Was bedeutet es, eine Frau zu sein? Der neue Essayband von Susan Sontag stellt genau diese Frage. Erstmals versammelt ein Buch ihre wichtigsten Texte zu ästhetischen, politischen und ökonomischen Aspekten des Frauseins. Und "beim heutigen Lesen kann man nur staunen über deren ihrer Zeit vorauseilendes Genie" (The New Yorker). Sontag schreibt über Gleichheit, weibliches Altern, Schönheit, Sexualität und Macht und zeigt sich als Vordenkerin und Visionärin im Kampf um echte Gleichberechtigung. "Solange sich nicht ändert, wer Macht hat und was Macht ist, gibt es keine Befreiung, sondern nur Beschwichtigung", konstatiert sie. "Über Frauen" wehrt sich gegen jede Form von Beschwichtigung und ist in seinen Beobachtungen und Forderungen aktueller denn je für jeden feministischen Diskurs.

  • von Susan Sontag
    13,00 €

    Baska bir ülkede meydana gelen felaketlerin seyircisi olmak, gazeteciler diye bilinen profesyonel, uzman turistlerin bir bucuk asri askin sürelik maceralarinda gittikce katlanan birikimleriyle dogrudan ilintili olan, esasli bir modern deneyimdir. Öyle ki, artik savaslar hepimizin oturma odalarinda süknet icinde seyredilip dinlenen görüntü ve seslere dönüsmüs durumdadir.Modern hayatin temel özelliklerinden biri, dünyanin dört bir kösesinde yasanan dehseti uzaktan, fotograf araciligiyla izleyebilmek icin sayisiz imkan sunmasidir. Peki, dünyayi görme bicimimizin temel parcalarindan birini olusturan fotograf, bakanin gerceklik algisini asindirir mi Bizden uzaktaki insanlarin acilariyla hakiki bir bag kurabilir miyizGünümüzde bir klasik haline gelen Fotograf Üzerine kitabindan yirmi yildan fazla bir süre sonra yayimlanan Baskalarinin Acisina Bakmak, görüntülerin kullanim bicimlerinin yani sira, siddetin görsel temsilinin, savas görüntülerinin ekran araciligiyla siradanlasmasini, bunun cagdas toplum üzerindeki etkilerini ve tehlikelerini sorusturuyor.Baskalarinin Acisina Bakmak, insani dünyayi oldugu gibi görmeye, onun temsil edilme bicimleri üzerine kafa yormaya, hatta onu degistirmeye yönelik bir seyler yapmaya tesvik ediyor. The New York Times Magazine

  • von Susan Sontag
    18,00 €

    Gercek sanat bizi rahatsiz etme kapasitesine sahiptir. Sanat eserini onun icerigine indirip, sonra bu halini yorumlamak, o sanat eserini ehlilestirir. Yorum, sanati idare edilebilir, uyumlu hale getirir.Yoruma Karsi, hayati boyunca aktif bir insan haklari savunucusu ve savas karsiti olarak calisan, cagin vicdani olarak nitelendirilen Sontagin ilk makale koleksiyonu. Kültürel elestiri alaninda büyük bir etki yaratan bu kitapta ünlü Camp Üzerine Notlar ve Yoruma Karsi denemelerinin yani sira yazarin Sartre, Camus, Simone Weil, Godard, Beckett, Lévi-Strauss, bilimkurgu filmleri, psikanaliz ve cagdas din anlayisi hakkindaki yazilari yer aliyor. Baglanti kurma, iliskilendirme yetenegine sahip, bu kadar acik bilincli baska bir entelektüel tanimadim. Carlos Fuentes O, krala, SKral ciplak, diyen cocuktur. Margaret Atwood

  • von Susan Sontag
    16,00 €

  • von Susan Sontag
    12,00 €

    Hayat, bir an yakalanip ebediyen sabitlenen önemli ayrintilardan ibaret degildir. Ama fotograflar öyledir. Fotograf toplum, politika ve tarih hakkinda cok sey anlatir. Sontag ilk olarak 1973te yayimlanan bu kitapta fotografi ne yüceltir ne de kücümser. Tarihsel ve toplumsal bakis acisiyla onun avantajlariyla dezavantajlarini karsilastirirken, görüntü ile gerceklik arasindaki iliskiyi irdeler. Görüntülerin medyadaki kullaniminin belirli siyasi, kültürel veya din amaclara ve cikarlara hizmet edip etmedigini sorgular, resim ile fotograf arasindaki ayrim üzerinde durur ve fotografin bir sanat dali olarak mesruiyetini tartismaya acar. Alaninin kült kitaplarindan biri kabul edilen ve yazarina dünya capinda büyük bir ün kazandiran Fotograf Üzerinedeki denemeler eski zamanlardan günümüze ünlü ve önemli fotografcilarin calismalarini ele alirken bir dizi estetik ve ahlaki soru da ortaya koyuyor. Bu konuda simdiye dek yazilmis en mühim ve en özgün kitap Müreffeh kitle iletisim toplumlarinda fotografin rolüne iliskin gelecekteki tüm tartismalar yahut analizler bundan böyle muhakkak onun kitabi üzerinden ilerleyecek.

  • von Susan Sontag
    13,00 €

    »Ihre Prosa gibt ein schmerzhaftes Gefühl von Ungewissheit preis.« The New Yorker Susan Sontags wichtigste Erzählungen erstmals auf Deutsch - darunter die Beschreibung ihres Besuchs bei Thomas Mann Es sind Lebensthemen, die Susan Sontag in ihren Erzählungen bewegen: Mit 14 besucht sie Thomas Mann in seinem kalifornischen Exil - mit hinreißender Ironie beschreibt sie die Verletzlichkeit ihres jugendlichen Ichs. Jahre später erfährt Sontag von der AIDS-Diagnose eines engen Freundes - ihre Ängste und Hoffnungen werden zum Stimmenchor des intellektuellen New York. Und lange nach ihren berühmten Essays über Fotografie beschäftigt sie sich wieder mit dem Verhältnis von Bildern und Realität - in der Geschichte von einem Vogel und einem Nachkommen Noahs. Dieser Band versammelt wichtige Erzählungen der großen amerikanischen Autorin endlich auf Deutsch. Sie zeigen sie von ihrer persönlichsten Seite. Mit einem Nachwort von Verena Lueken.

  • von Susan Sontag
    24,00 €

    Lesen und Sehen: ob Fotografie oder Literatur, Kino oder Malerei, Susan Sontags rastlose Neugier und wacher Blick waren überall zu Hause. Sie maß die Moral der Welt an der Kunst und die Kunst an der Welt: entdeckte Autoren wie W. G. Sebald, führte im besetzten Sarajewo >Warten auf Godot< auf und lehrte uns, den Fotos der Presse zu misstrauen. »Worauf es ankommt« war ihre letzte Essaysammlung, Testament einer Kosmopolitin des Lebens und der Kunst: »ein Kaleidoskop, funkelnd wie die Welt«. Stuttgarter Zeitung

  • von Susan Sontag
    12,00 €

  • von Susan Sontag
    15,00 €

  • von Susan Sontag
    12,00 €

  • von Susan Sontag
    14,00 €

    Sanatci Örnek Bir Cilekes, karsi durulmasi güc ve özgürlestirici elestirileriyle cagdas kültürü sorgulayan Susan Sontagin, elestiri kurami ve uygulamasi türünde dokuz yazisini bir araya getiriyor. Sanatin icerike verilen önemle evcillestirilmesine karsi cikan Sontag, tek tek ele aldigi Pavese, Camus, Lukcs, Benjamin, Canetti ve Barthes gibi yazarlara büyük bir sevgiyle yaklasmakla birlikte, elestirel mesafesini koruyor.Bu seckinin ülkemizdeki elestiri yaklasimina ve diline yeni boyutlar kazandiracagina inaniyoruz.

  • von Susan Sontag
    23,00 €

  • von Susan Sontag
    20,00 €

  • von Susan Sontag
    22,00 €

    Sontag's incisive intelligence, expressive brilliance, and deep curiosity about art, politics, and the writer's responsibility to bear witness have secured her place as one of the most important thinkers and writers of the twentieth century.At the Same Time gathers sixteen essays and speeches written in the last years of Sontag's life, when her work was being honored on the international stage. She writes of the freedom of literature, about courage and resistance, and fearlessly addresses the dilemmas of post-9/11 America, from the degradation of our political rhetoric to the appalling torture of prisoners in Abu Ghraib. David Rieff describes his mother's passion in his foreword: "She wanted to experience everything, taste everything, go everywhere, do everything. Indeed, if I had only one word with which to evoke her, it would be avidity. . . . I think that, for her, the joy of living and the joy of knowing really were one and the same."

  • von Susan Sontag
    15,00 €

    25 Jahre nach ihrem berühmten Essay »Über Fotografie« beschäftigt sich die Trägerin des Friedenspreises des Deutschen Buchhandels mit dem entsetzlich aktuellen Thema der Kriegsfotografie. Sie rekapituliert deren historische Entwicklung vom Spanischen Bürgerkrieg bis Afghanistan, beschreibt die unvergesslichen Bilder bedeutender Fotografen und stellt die zentrale Frage: Was löst der Anblick eines leidenden Menschen im Betrachter aus?

  • von Susan Sontag
    26,00 €

    Thirty-five years after her first collection, the now classic Against Interpretation, America's most important essayist has chosen more than forty longer and shorter pieces from the last twenty years. Divided into three sections, the first "Reading" includes ardent pieces on writers from her own private canon - Machado de Assis, Barthes, W. G. Sebald, Borges, Tsvetaeva, and Elizabeth Hardwick. In the second, "Seeing" she shares her passions for film, dance, photography, painting, opera, and theater. And in the final section, "There and Here" Sontag explores her own commitments to the work (and activism) of conscience and to the vocation of the writer.

  • von Susan Sontag
    20,98 €

    This third essay collection by America's leading essayist brings together her most important critical writing from 1972 to 1980, in which she explores some of the most influential artists and thinkers of our time.

  • von Susan Sontag
    23,98 €

    First published in 1967, Death Kit--Susan Sontag's second novel--is a classic of modern fiction. Blending realism and dream, it offers a passionate exploration of the recesses of the American conscience.

  • von Susan Sontag
    23,00 €

    The Benefactor, Susan Sontag's first book and first novel, originally published in 1963, introduced a unique writer to the world. In the form of a memoir by a latter-day Candide named Hippolyte, The Benefactor leads us on a kind of psychic Grand Tour, in which Hippolyte's violently imaginative dream life becomes indistinguishable from his surprising experiences in the 'real world.' Sontag's novel supplies a fascinating, knowing, acerbic portrait of a certain bohemian demimonde that flourished in France until quite recently. More important, The Benefactor is a novel about ideas-especially religious ideas-unlike any other: funny, acrobatic, disturbing, profound.

  • von Susan Sontag
    22,00 €

    In eight stories, this singular collection of short fiction written over the course of ten years explores the terrain of modern urban life. In reflective, telegraphic prose, Susan Sontag confronts the reader with exposed workings of an impassioned intellect in narratives seamed with many of the themes of her essays-the nature of knowing, our relationship with the past, and the future in an alienated present.

  • von Susan Sontag
    18,00 €

    Alice in Bed is a free dramatic fantasy based on the life of Alice James (1848-92), the brilliant sister of William and Henry James. The waters of depression closed over Alice James when she was nineteen; she tried to summon the courage to commit suicide, she suffered from a variety of vague and debilitating ailments, she went abroad, she stayed in bed, she kept a diary, and she died... at age forty-three. In Susan Sontag's play, Alice James merges imaginatively with the other great Alice of her period, the heroine of Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. A tea party is convened where Alice is counseled by Emily Dickinson and Margaret Fuller and by two exemplary angry women from the nineteenth-century stage: Myrtha, the Queen of the Wilis (from Giselle), and Kundry (from Wagner's Parsifal), the guilt-ridden woman who wants to sleep. Alice in Bed is a play about the anguish and grief and rage of women, about mental traveling, about the triumphs and limitations of the imagination. It is a powerful and memorable addition to Susan Sontag's achievement as a writer.

  • von Susan Sontag
    25,00 €

  • von Susan Sontag
    24,00 €

  • von Susan Sontag
    15,00 €

    Amerikas brillanteste Literatur- und Kulturkritikerin beschreibt in vier großen Essays die Fotografie Susan Sontag erötert die Beziehung der Fotografie zur Kunst, zum allgemeinen Bewusstsein, zur Realität und diskutiert die Arbeiten der berühmten und entscheidenden Fotografen des 20. Jahrhunderts - und die Enstehung einer Ästhetik, die es vor der Fotografie nicht gab. Ausgangspunkt für die Auseinandersetzung mit dem Medium Fotografie ist eine persönliche Erfahrung: Als Zwölfjährige sah Susan Sontag Aufnahmen aus den Konzentrationslagern von Bergen-Belsen und Dachau: »Mein Leben war verändert worden, in diesem einen Augenblick ... Als ich diese Fotos betrachtete, zerbrach etwas in mir.«Die außerordentliche Sensibilität von Susan Sontag, mit der sie Zeitströmungen und Veränderungen in unserem Bewusstsein wahrnahm, die Intelligenz, mit der sie Phänomene in einen neuen Kontext zu stellen und zu deuten wusste, der moralische Impuls, von dem ihr Denken ausging, und schließlich die Lebendigkeit und der Assoziationsreichtum begründeten den Ruhm ihrer Essays.

  • von Susan Sontag
    20,00 €

    »Ihre Prosa gibt ein schmerzhaftes Gefühl von Ungewissheit preis.« (New Yorker) - Susan Sontags wichtigste Erzählungen endlich auf Deutsch Es sind Lebensthemen, die Susan Sontag in ihren Erzählungen bewegen: Mit 14 besucht sie Thomas Mann in seinem kalifornischen Exil - mit hinreißender Ironie beschreibt sie die Verletzlichkeit ihres jugendlichen Ichs. Jahre später erfährt Sontag von der AIDS-Diagnose eines engen Freundes - ihre Ängste und Hoffnungen werden zum Stimmenchor des intellektuellen New York. Und lange nach ihren berühmten Essays über Fotografie beschäftigt sie sich wieder mit dem Verhältnis von Bildern und Realität - in der Geschichte von einem Vogel und einem Nachkommen Noahs. Dieser Band versammelt wichtige Erzählungen der großen amerikanischen Autorin endlich auf Deutsch - sie zeigen sie von ihrer persönlichsten Seite.

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