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Bücher von Swati Sharma

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  • von Swati Sharma
    65,00 €

    Micro and nano devices are an integral part of modern technology. To address the requirements of the state-of-the-art technology, topics are selected from both chip-based and flexible electronics. A wide range of carbon materials including graphene, carbon nanotube, glass-like carbon, porous carbon, carbon black, graphite, carbon nanofiber, laser-patterned carbon and heteroatom containing carbon are covered. This goal is to elucidate fundamental carbon material science along with compatible micro- and nanofabrication techniques. Real-life example of sensors, energy storage and generation devices, MEMS, NEMS and implantable bioelectronics enable visualization of the outcome of described processes. Students will also benefit from the attractive aspects of carbon science explained in simple terms. Hybridization, allotrope classification and microstructural models are presented with a whole new outlook. Discussions on less-studied, hypothetical and undiscovered carbon forms render the contents futuristic and highly appealing.

  • 16% sparen
    von Swati Sharma
    37,00 €

    El objetivo último de cualquier terapia periodontal es la regeneración del periodonto perdido. El libro ofrece una visión general de los diversos biomateriales y procedimientos utilizados en la terapia periodontal regenerativa. Comienza con la perspectiva histórica y posteriormente los capítulos incluyen diversos biomateriales y técnicas quirúrgicas utilizadas para regenerar el periodonto perdido. También se analizan sus ventajas e inconvenientes.

  • 16% sparen
    von Swati Sharma
    37,00 €

    O objetivo final de qualquer terapia periodontal é a regeneração do periodonto perdido. O livro apresenta uma visão geral dos vários biomateriais e procedimentos utilizados na terapia periodontal regenerativa. Começa com uma perspetiva histórica e, posteriormente, os capítulos incluem vários biomateriais e técnicas cirúrgicas utilizadas para regenerar o periodonto perdido. Também discute as várias vantagens e desvantagens dos mesmos.

  • von Swati Sharma
    43,90 €

    Das ultimative Ziel jeder Parodontaltherapie ist die Regeneration des verlorenen Zahnhalteapparats. Das Buch gibt einen Überblick über verschiedene Biomaterialien und Verfahren, die in der regenerativen Parodontaltherapie eingesetzt werden. Es beginnt mit einem geschichtlichen Überblick und behandelt später verschiedene Biomaterialien und chirurgische Techniken, die zur Regeneration des verlorenen Zahnhalteapparats eingesetzt werden. Außerdem werden die verschiedenen Vor- und Nachteile dieser Materialien erörtert.

  • von Swati Sharma
    19,00 €

    Konechnoj cel'ü lüboj parodontologicheskoj terapii qwlqetsq regeneraciq utrachennogo parodonta. V knige predstawlen obzor razlichnyh biomaterialow i procedur, ispol'zuemyh w regeneratiwnoj parodontologicheskoj terapii. Ona nachinaetsq s istoricheskoj perspektiwy, a zatem w glawah rassmatriwaütsq razlichnye biomaterialy i hirurgicheskie metodiki, ispol'zuemye dlq regeneracii utrachennogo parodonta. Takzhe obsuzhdaütsq ih preimuschestwa i nedostatki.

  • 16% sparen
    von Swati Sharma
    37,00 €

    L'obiettivo finale di qualsiasi terapia parodontale è la rigenerazione del parodonto perduto. Il libro offre una panoramica dei vari biomateriali e delle procedure utilizzate nella terapia parodontale rigenerativa. Inizia con una prospettiva storica e successivamente i capitoli includono i vari materiali biologici e le tecniche chirurgiche utilizzate per rigenerare il parodonto perduto. Vengono inoltre illustrati i vari vantaggi e svantaggi.

  • 16% sparen
    von Swati Sharma
    37,00 €

    Le but ultime de toute thérapie parodontale est la régénération du parodonte perdu. Ce livre donne un aperçu des divers biomatériaux et procédures utilisés dans la thérapie parodontale régénérative. Il commence par une perspective historique, puis les chapitres incluent divers biomatériaux et techniques chirurgicales utilisés pour régénérer le parodonte perdu. Il aborde également les différents avantages et inconvénients de ces techniques.

  • 16% sparen
    von Swati Sharma
    37,00 €

    The ultimate goal of any Periodontal therapy is regeneration of the lost periodontium. The book gives an overview of various Bio-materials and procedures used in regenerative Periodontal therapy. It begins with the historical perspective and later the chapters include various bio materials and surgical techniques used to regenerate the lost Periodontium. It also discusses the various advantages and disadvantages of them.

  • von Swati Sharma
    17,00 €

  • 16% sparen
  • 16% sparen
    von Swati Sharma
    46,00 €

  • 16% sparen
  • von Swati Sharma
    54,90 €

  • von Swati Sharma
    19,00 €

  • 16% sparen
    von Swati Sharma
    46,00 €

  • 18% sparen
    von Swati Sharma
    49,00 €

    The purpose of this study was to evaluate clinical efficacy of CIA and CNA intrusion arches. Methods: Tracings recorded from pre and post-treatment lateral cephalograms of 25 patients treated by CIA (Group I) and another 25 patients treated by CNA (Group II) intrusion arches in deep bite cases after four months of treatment were analyzed and findings were recorded. Paired t-test was used to compare pre and post-treatment changes within Groups I and II and unpaired t-test was used to compare treatment changes between Group I and Group II. A ¿P¿ value of < 0.05 was set for statistical significance. Results: Findings of this study demonstrate that an average of 1mm of intrusion takes place with CIA intrusion arch and 1.3mm with CNA intrusion arch in a period of 4 months. Both intrusion arches do not affect the position of molar in vertical or anteroposterior plane. Although there is some amount of retraction of lower incisors seen with both the arches. Interpretation & Conclusion: Both CIA and CNA intrusion arches are effective in bringing about intrusion of lower incisors.

  • 18% sparen
    von Swati Sharma
    63,00 €

  • 16% sparen
    von Swati Sharma
    46,00 €

    Since availing dental care is considered a very expensive affair, this book tries to explore the various methods of mechanism of payments to dentists. This will help both the dentist and the patient to choose the best method available which is viable for both. Along with it, all the advantages and pitfalls of each mechanism of payment has also been included. Hope this will be of help both to the dentist as well as their patients.

  • 16% sparen
    von Swati Sharma
    46,00 €

    This work deals with neural networks (NN), specifically with multi-layered NN from the algorithm learning point of view. We will describe feed forward neural network (FFNN), recurrent neural network (RCNN) and introduce basic facts about NN, which will be used later in dissertation. A neural network is a mathematical model that is inspired by biological neural networks and tries to simulate them. It consists of interconnected units - neurons, which are the computation units of a neural network. NNs are part of Artificial Intelligence. The knowledge is stored in connections between neurons which are called synaptic weights (weights), simplification of biological dendrites and axons. NN is a universal aproximator of relations stored inside of data - a nonlinear statistical data modeling aproximator, is able to learn and adapt its structure based on internal/external information that is propagated through NN during learning phase. It is relatively easy to use in wide area of technical and nontechnical areas without further theoretical knowledge for most of NNs. There is a number of NNs that require knowledge to implement them and use correct set of initialization parameter.

  • 16% sparen
    von Swati Sharma
    46,00 €

    Dato che usufruire delle cure dentarie è considerato un affare molto costoso, questo libro cerca di esplorare i vari metodi di meccanismi di pagamento per i dentisti. Questo aiuterà sia il dentista che il paziente a scegliere il miglior metodo disponibile che è fattibile per entrambi. Insieme ad esso, sono stati inclusi anche tutti i vantaggi e le insidie di ogni meccanismo di pagamento. Spero che questo sarà di aiuto sia al dentista che ai loro pazienti.

  • 16% sparen
    von Swati Sharma
    46,00 €

    Les soins dentaires étant considérés comme une affaire très coûteuse, ce livre tente d'explorer les différentes méthodes de paiement des dentistes. Cela aidera à la fois le dentiste et le patient à choisir la meilleure méthode disponible qui soit viable pour les deux. En outre, tous les avantages et les pièges de chaque mécanisme de paiement ont également été inclus. J'espère que cela sera utile tant aux dentistes qu'à leurs patients.

  • 16% sparen
    von Swati Sharma
    46,00 €

    Dado que la atención odontológica se considera un asunto muy costoso, este libro trata de explorar los distintos métodos del mecanismo de pagos a los dentistas. Esto ayudará tanto al dentista como al paciente a elegir el mejor método disponible que sea viable para ambos. Además, se han incluido las ventajas y los inconvenientes de cada mecanismo de pago. Espero que esto sea de ayuda tanto para el dentista como para sus pacientes.

  • 11% sparen
    von Swati Sharma
    22,00 €

    Poskol'ku poluchenie stomatologicheskoj pomoschi schitaetsq ochen' dorogim delom, w ätoj knige predprinqta popytka izuchit' razlichnye metody mehanizma oplaty uslug stomatologow. Jeto pomozhet kak stomatologu, tak i pacientu wybrat' nailuchshij metod, priemlemyj dlq oboih. Narqdu s ätim, w knigu wklücheny wse preimuschestwa i podwodnye kamni kazhdogo mehanizma oplaty. Nadeüs', äto budet polezno kak stomatologam, tak i ih pacientam.

  • von Swati Sharma
    54,90 €

    Da die Inanspruchnahme einer zahnärztlichen Behandlung eine sehr kostspielige Angelegenheit ist, wird in diesem Buch versucht, die verschiedenen Methoden der Bezahlung von Zahnärzten zu untersuchen. Dies wird sowohl dem Zahnarzt als auch dem Patienten helfen, die beste verfügbare Methode zu wählen, die für beide praktikabel ist. Darüber hinaus werden alle Vorteile und Fallstricke der einzelnen Zahlungsmöglichkeiten aufgezeigt. Ich hoffe, dass dies sowohl für den Zahnarzt als auch für die Patienten eine Hilfe ist.

  • 13% sparen
    von Ashok Kumar & Swati Sharma
    140,00 €

  • 18% sparen
    von Swati Sharma, Tuba Siddiqui & Shifali Dadu
    51,00 €

  • 16% sparen
    von Swati Sharma & Alok Sharma
    41,00 €

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