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Bücher von Tamara V Gozzi

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  • von Tamara V Gozzi
    30,00 €

    Las trágicas cifras dicen que 1 de cada 2 matrimonios acabará en divorcio en Estados Unidos. Las mismas estadísticas se aplican a países como Bélgica, Italia, Canadá, Países Bajos y Australia. Mientras que países como España y Portugal alcanzan el 90% cuando se trata de matrimonios que acaban en divorcio. Esto significa que las posibilidades de seguir casado para la mayoría de las personas en esa sociedad son casi nulas.La horrible verdad revela que el círculo cristiano se ve afectado por esta epidemia tanto como el secular. Entonces, ¿qué estamos haciendo? O mejor aún, ¿qué no estamos haciendo? ¿Por qué ha cambiado tanto nuestra sociedad en las últimas dos o tres décadas? ¿Por qué el "divorcio" apenas se practicaba en los años 50 o 60, mientras que hoy en día ocurre todo lo contrario?¿Por qué nos preparamos para la escuela, para una competición deportiva, para una profesión, para el carné de conducir, etc.? Sin embargo, nadie parece prepararse para el matrimonio... ¿No es cierto? La gente tiende a pensar que "el amor" es más que suficiente. Pero, ¿realmente es así? ¿Estamos escuchando a las fuentes correctas? ¿De dónde sacamos nuestra información? ¿No deberíamos prepararnos para una tarea como el matrimonio, que es el pilar de la sociedad? El Camino del Maestro expone la intención de Dios cuando creó el matrimonio; Su propósito para la humanidad como Él declaró: 'el matrimonio es entre un hombre y una mujer que se convierten en una sola carne para toda una vida'.Estas páginas están llenas de información esencial si tienes pensado casarte y tener éxito en tu proyecto, querido lector. Quien creó el "matrimonio" sabe cómo hacerlo funcionar. ¿Amén? ¡Y esa es la vía del Maestro!

  • von Tamara V Gozzi
    30,00 €

    "The Kingdom of God" is a recurrent wording among the Christian circle, whether we sit in a church service or whether we read our Bible, we often come across that expression which Jesus repeated over and over during His Ministry. However, the sad truth is that most 'Christians' do not know much about The Kingdom of God. This book displays in a simple manner what The Kingdom is and what Jesus really meant to convey to the multitude every time He preached that message. In fact, the world and religions induce the masses to believe that Jesus brought to this earth another religion or cult. But His message sounds more like Politics rather than Religion; wouldn't you think? Why is it that He never spoke a word as He was brought to the high priest for trial, yet when facing Pilate, He wiped off the blood from His face and confronted the governor? Could it be that He was first brought to the wrong Court? You will find in this book some remarkable revelation, dear reader, if you make it until the end. I pray you will be blessed by it.

  • von Tamara V Gozzi
    30,00 €

    The tragic numbers say that 1 out of 2 marriages will end up in divorce in the United States. The same stats go for countries like Belgium, Italy, Canada, Netherlands, Australia. While countries like Spain and Portugal reach 90% when it comes to marriages ending in divorce. It means that the chances of remaining married for most of those people in that society is almost none.The horrific truth reveals that the Christian circle is affected by this epidemic just as much as the secular one. So, what are we doing? Or better even, what are we not doing? Why has our society changed so much in the last 2 or 3 decades? Why was "divorce" of rare usage in the 50's or 60's while nowadays the opposite is true?Why is it that we prepare for school, for sport competitions, for a profession, for a driver's license, etc. Yet, nobody seems to prepare for marriage... Am I correct? People tend to think that 'love' is all we need. But is it so? Are we listening to the accurate sources? Where do we get our information from? Shouldn't we prepare for a task such as marriage, which is the pillar of society? The Way of the Master exposes God's intention as He created marriage; His purpose for humanity as He stated: 'marriage is between one man and one woman becoming one flesh for one lifetime'.These pages are full of essential information if you intend to get married and succeed in your endeavor, dear reader. He who created 'marriage' knows how to make it work. Amen? And this is the way of the Master!

  • von Tamara V Gozzi
    25,00 €

    "Trop Longtemps pour se Planter" est un encouragement aux nations d'Europe mais aussi au monde entier, alors que les ténèbres semblent s'intensifier, il y a de l'espoir dans le Dieu vivant, en celui qui a donné sa vie pour sauver toute la race humaine ; Jésus, Emmanuel, Le Merveilleux qui est juste à un souffle de distance, désire être entendu par son peuple. Alors qu'il nous prépare pour le plus grand réveil que la planète ait jamais connu, ce livre vous révélera de nombreuses vérités qui vous libéreront et vous prépareront pour la récolte. Dieu a la tâche de réveiller des villes et des nations entières, car l'éternité c'est vraiment Trop Longtemps pour se Planter.

  • von Tamara V Gozzi
    25,00 €

    "Troppo Tempo per Sbagliare" è un incoraggiamento alle nazioni europee ma anche all'intero globo, mentre le tenebre sembrano intensificarsi, c'è speranza nel Dio vivente, in colui che ha dato la sua vita per salvare l'intera razza umana; Gesù, Emmanuele, Il Meraviglioso che è a un solo respiro di distanza, desidera ascoltare il suo popolo. Mentre ci sta preparando per il più grande risveglio che il pianeta abbia mai visto, questo libro rivelerà molte verità che vi renderanno liberi e vi prepareranno per la raccolta. Dio ha il compito di risvegliare intere città e nazioni, perché l'eternità è davvero Troppo Tempo per Sbagliare.

  • von Tamara V Gozzi
    28,00 €

    "e;Demasiado tiempo para equivocarse"e; es una exhortacion a las naciones europeas, pero tambien a todo el mundo, mientras la oscuridad parece intensificarse, hay esperanza en el Dios vivo, en Aquel que dio su vida para rescatar a toda la raza humana; Jesus, Emmanuel, el asombroso que esta tan solo a un respiro de distancia, anhela escuchar a su pueblo. Mientras nos prepara para el avivamiento mas grande que el planeta jamas haya conocido, este libro revelara muchas verdades que los liberara y los preparara para la cosecha. Dios ya esta obrando para despertar ciudades y naciones enteras, porque la eternidad realmente es demasiado tiempo para equivocarse.

  • von Tamara V Gozzi
    28,00 €

    "e;Too Long to be Wrong"e; is an encouragement to the European nations but also to the entire globe, as darkness seems to intensify, there is hope in the living God, in the One who gave His life to rescue the entire human race; Jesus, Immanuel, the awesome One who is just one breath away, longs to hear from His people. As He is preparing us for the biggest revival the planet has ever seen, this book will reveal many truths that will set you free and prepare you for the harvest. God is in the business to awaken entire cities and nations, because eternity really is Too Long to be Wrong.

  • - From Atheism to Walking in the Supernatural
    von Tamara V Gozzi
    19,00 €

  • - Del Ateismo a Caminar en lo Sobrenatural
    von Tamara V Gozzi
    19,00 €

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