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Bücher von Taner Akcam

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  • von Taner Akcam
    17,00 €

    Yüzyillik Apartheid, Türkiye tarihinin hatirlanmak istenmeyen, halinin altina süpürülen karanlik yanlarini temel alan bir muhasebe metni. Eserlerinde ortak tarihimizi elestirel bir bakis acisiyla ele alan Taner Akcam, bu calismasinda Cumhuriyetin genellikle kurtulus, kurulus ve bagimsizlik temalari etrafinda ele alinan ilk dönemini, etnik, dinsel, dilsel ayrimciliklarin kurumsallastigi, pek cok uygulamasi günümüzde de devam eden bir Apartheid rejimi olarak tartisiyor ve esitlik, adalet ve özgürlük ilkeleri üzerinde yükselecek bir gelecek icin bu döneme farkli merceklerle bakmamizi öneriyor. Rejimin toplumu kast sistemini andirir kategorilere ayirdigina ve bunu yasal ve örtük düzenlemelerle sürdürdügüne dikkat ceken Akcam, Cumhuriyetin ilk ceyreginde, Apartheidle dislanan kesimlerin Seyh Sait Ayaklanmasi gibi olaylarda esitlik ve özgürlük ekseninde nasil bir araya geldigini göstererek genelgecer yargilari kiriyor. Yüzyillik Apartheid, tam da Cumhuriyetin 100. yilinda, tipki bir sis cani gibi, bizi bekleyen muhtemel tehlikeleri haber veren, toplum olarak gelecekte dogru bir rota izleyebilmemiz icin gereken kerteriz noktalarini imleyen bir cagri.

  • - The Armenian Genocide and the Question of Turkish Responsibility
    von Taner Akcam
    33,00 €

    "The definitive account of the organized destruction of the Ottoman Armenians . . . No future discussion of the history will be able to ignore this brilliant book."-Orhan PamukBeginning in 1915, under the cover of a world war, some one million Armenians were killed through starvation, forced marches, and mass acts of slaughter. Although Armenians and the judgment of history have long held the Ottoman powers responsible for genocide, modern Turkey has rejected any such claim.Now, in a pioneering work of excavation, Turkish historian Taner Akçam has made unprecedented use of Ottoman and other sources-military and court records, parliamentary minutes, letters, and eyewitness reports-to produce a scrupulous account of Ottoman culpability. Tracing the causes of the mass destruction, Akçam reconstructs its planning and implementation by the departments of state, the military, and the ruling political parties, and he probes the multiple failures to bring the perpetrators to justice.As the topic of the Armenian genocide provokes ever-greater passion and controversy around the world, Akçam's work has only become more important and relevant. Beyond its timeliness, however, A Shameful Act is sure to take its lasting place as a classic and necessary work on the subject.

  • - Talat Pasha's Telegrams and the Armenian Genocide
    von Taner Akcam
    55,00 €

    The book represents an earthquake in genocide studies, particularly in the field of Armenian Genocide research.

  • - The Plunder of Wealth in the Armenian Genocide
    von Taner Akcam & Ümit Kurt
    48,00 - 173,00 €

    Pertinent to contemporary demands for reparations from Turkey is the relationship between law and property in connection with the Armenian Genocide. This book examines the confiscation of Armenian properties during the genocide and subsequent attempts to retain seized Armenian wealth. Through the close analysis of laws and treaties, it reveals that decrees issued during the genocide constitute central pillars of the Turkish system of property rights, retaining their legal validity, and although Turkey has acceded through international agreements to return Armenian properties, it continues to refuse to do so. The book demonstrates that genocides do not depend on the abolition of the legal system and elimination of rights, but that, on the contrary, the perpetrators of genocide manipulate the legal system to facilitate their plans.

  • - The Armenian Genocide Trials
    von Taner Akcam & Vahakn N. Dadrian
    174,00 €

    Turkey's bid to join the European Union has lent new urgency to the issue of the Armenian Genocide as differing interpretations of the genocide are proving to be a major reason for the delay of the its accession. This book provides vital background information and is a prime source of legal evidence and authentic Turkish eyewitness testimony of the intent and the crime of genocide against the Armenians. After a long and painstaking effort, the authors, one an Armenian, the other a Turk, generally recognized as the foremost experts on the Armenian Genocide, have prepared a new, authoritative translation and detailed analysis of the Takvim-i Vekyi, the official Ottoman Government record of the Turkish Military Tribunals concerning the crimes committed against the Armenians during World War I. The authors have compiled the documentation of the trial proceedings for the first time in English and situated them within their historical and legal context. These documents show that Wartime Cabinet ministers, Young Turk party leaders, and a number of others inculpated in these crimes were court-martialed by the Turkish Military Tribunals in the years immediately following World War I. Most were found guilty and received sentences ranging from prison with hard labor to death. In remarkable contrast to Nuremberg, the Turkish Military Tribunals were conducted solely on the basis of existing Ottoman domestic penal codes. This substitution of a national for an international criminal court stands in history as a unique initiative of national self-condemnation. This compilation is significantly enhanced by an extensive analysis of the historical background, political nature and legal implications of the criminal prosecution of the twentieth century's first state-sponsored crime of genocide.

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