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Bücher von Tekaribwa Boota

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  • von Tekaribwa Boota
    19,00 €

    Without plants, humans and animals wouldn't be able to live! ¿Your purchase of this book supports Library For All in its mission to make knowledge available to all, equally.

  • von Tekaribwa Boota
    19,00 €

    There are things that good for the heart and some other bad things. We could be in trouble if we don't take good care of our heart. Iai bwaai aika e taatangirii te buroo ao iai naba baika e riiribai. E kona n reke te kaangaanga nakoira ngkana ti aki tararuaa raoi buroora. Your purchase of this book supports Library For All in its mission to make knowledge available to all, equally.

  • von Tekaribwa Boota
    19,00 €

    The old man lives on Bikemaan and has a turtle. The place is also visited by many people but they often left their rubbish on the islet. The turtle saw the plastic in the sea and swallow it. What will happen? Iai ana on te unimwaane ae e maeka i Bikemaan. E kaakawaraki naba ana tabo irouia aomata aika a mwaiti, ma a aki toki ni kamaangeangea ngkana a roko. E noora te buratitiki te on ao e kanna. Teraa ae nang riki?Your purchase of this book supports Library For All in its mission to make knowledge available to all, equally.

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